
Whispering Memories



8 Years
04-17-2014, 05:26 AM
The femmes crimson optics looked into the cave as her slate fur began to whip around in the wind. The smell of dampness continued to fill her nostrils as she walked inside the stone structure. Stalactites and stalagmites filled the cave, dripping water from their surfaces. She began to think about Kar and his bear friend, since she couldn't say the bear's name, she just would call her Kar's friend. Whispering could be heard throughout the cave, but, she did not know what words came from the structure's whispering, since it could possibly be the wind; which was her real guess.

"This is unique, i wonder if anyone will show up here," she thought, a storm began to brew as she was inside. Thunder crashed throughout the sky, causing the ground that she was walking on to shake, but she was used to the violent ways of nature, so she wasn't disturbed by the force.

She soon lied down and placed her head upon her paws as the whispering could still be heard, echoing through her ears. Nalyda yawned and slowly began to close her eyes as her coat was slightly being dripped with moisture from inside the cave, and the water dripping from inside the cave. She thought she could smell another wolf coming inside, but, she thought that it was perhaps a trick by the different scents she was smelling from inside the structure.


04-17-2014, 09:33 PM

How time would pass. How it was changing. Zanire was doing better, thanks to Nalyda's treatment on her. If the she wolf hadn't been met... had the treatment not been received he shuddered to think what might have happened to his companion. Now that she was doing a bit better Kar went off on his search through the southern lands. He was searching for Nalyda again, though if he ran into Mako again too that would be a blessing. He missed them... the two wolves he had really ever gotten even a bit closer to than just a random meeting.

The sky above him was angry, dark gray clouds stretched above the lands. A crash of thunder, booming with enough strength that it even made the ground rumble a bit. He would pin his ears back as he looked up to the sky. "Don't you dare start pouring on me..." He growled, as if he was talking to the very sky itself. Hell, he probably was.

He would keep going, a cave soon coming to view. But he wouldn't reach it fast enough. Rain would begin pouring from the sky, moisture clinging to his coat. He started to run as it fell, running straight on until he reached the entrance. He would shake out his coat, panting a little. Stupid weather... He would think to himself. Then he would pick up something odd... it sounded like... whispering? Was someone here? But... the words didn't make sense.

Kar would walk on, ears perked up curiously. "...Hello? Is anyone -- oh!" The male would smile as the familiar dark form would be seen. He'd walk over to her. Nalyda. The healer he was searching for him. "Nalyda?" Her eyes were closed but Kar hoped she wasn't in a deep sleep. He was hoping she wasn't... he really wanted to speak with her again.

Speech, Thought



8 Years
04-17-2014, 09:52 PM
The smell of the rain continued to fill her nose with it's moisture. The whispering that was going on throughout the cave continued to fill her lobes with their twisted speech that no one could possibly understand. But, the sound of paws coming toward her continued to get louder, thunder crashed angrily as if in protest to the running the visitor had done to get inside the stone structure.

Soon, she caught a familiar scent. Along with the moisture, she could catch a scent that was known to her very easily. Her crimson orbs could not be seen, but a smile would stretch across her face as the brute known as Kar began to speak, asking if it was her.

"Yes Kar, I am awake, and I am still a friend of yours," she would speak in a friendly yet playful tone as she would open her eyes, the crimson shining from the lightning that flashed outside. "Is everything alright with your friend, for if there is something wrong I would be happy to lend a paw." She spoke to him and gave a small yawn from the nap that she had taken.

Thunder roared from outside the den, causing the ground to continue to shake like a drum, or hooves on the ground from a harem of elk when spooked. Lightning continued to flash as thunder roared even louder this time. She was used to storms, but this one appeared to be turning into something much worse. Rocks began to crumble from the cave and land barely inches away from the companions. "We, perhaps, need to move a little deeper into the cave. I know there is an exit here, just in case the storm caused the entrance to be sealed off."

She would stand upon her paws and walk a bit deeper into the cave. The gems that shone from the sides of the cave continued to cause her eyes to shine, and she managed to see her friend thanks to them. "This storm sure is terrible. It has been a while since I had been in one like this."


04-18-2014, 08:20 AM

Her eyes would not open but he would hear Nalyda speak and a smile would form upon his lips. She was awake, and confirming that she was still a friend of his. They were wonderful words and the male would wag his tail slightly against his back legs. "She is doing much better I believe, though I'm still keeping an eye on her. The paw already looks a bit better. Thank you again for helping us, Nalyda. It means a lot."

Kar would glance back in the direction of the cave entrance as thunder crashed outside, the ground continuing to shake. Was another type of terrible force upon the earth about to bring them to their knees? The ground wasn't shaking that badly but... he feared it happening again. When a couple rocks would fall from the ceiling Kar would gasp, taking a step away from them nervously. What... what if they got trapped in here?

He would frown as he looked to Nalyda again. Deeper into the cave...? "If there is another exit it might be best to get close to it, especially if the storm keeps up as it is. Sure it might be bad out there but if we get trapped in here..." He didn't want to think about that. The brute would shake his head, starting to follow Nalyda into the depths.

He would glance to her, mouth opening slightly in aww when he saw the beautiful shine of her eyes caused by the gems that reflected light upon them. He almost missed the fact he was meant to respond and would correct himself, clearing his throat slightly. "No kidding... I never knew rainstorms could be this bad. I've been in some bad snowstorms though." Especially when he lived in the mountains. "How have you been fairing?" He would ask, his voice a bit more gentle.

Speech, Thought



8 Years
04-18-2014, 10:07 AM (This post was last modified: 04-18-2014, 10:08 AM by Nalyda.)
"Though I have not been in this cave before, it kind of seems like I had in the past, though I'm not sure why I might have been here before if I couldn't even remember it." She spoke to him as she walked. Even when the wolves were deep into the depths of the cave, the thunder roared loudly like a mountain lion, causing the ground to shake and rocks to crumble from the thunderous force. The smell of food was something that she had been catching, but it wasn't the food that she was expecting, this food, however, was something that she had never smelled before.

Her crimson orbs would look around to see bats hanging from the top of the ceiling, eyes shining and looking at them as they walked. Nlayda was not afraid unless she had a reason to. It had been a long time since she had seen, or heard a bat in a long time. Her stomach would growl, but it wasn't loud enough for Kar or the bats to hear. There was one that was close to her, and it would be easy to pluck it from it's perch.

A smile would come across as she leaped to the sky and grabbed the bat's legs, shaking the life out of the creature. The bats being fearful about it, flew away from where the two wolves were and landed on a place far away from them.

The femme tore into the meat and ate, even though it wasn't much to eat, at least she had a little bit of food to keep her belly occupied. When there was still half of the bat, she pushed it over to Kar and gave a reassuring smile. It had a different taste unlike elk and fish, but at least it was food and she was able to keep the flesh down.


04-23-2014, 02:01 PM

Wait a minute... Nalyda had never been in here before? Kar would frown with uncertainty, a knot forming in his stomach. A sense that she had been her before... Wasn?t the same as knowing for sure she?d been within the cave. How did she even know for sure that there was another exit? By going in deeper they could be trapping themselves further... That being said that the entrance even fully sealed in the first place. Sure he hadn?t been keen on going back to check and slipping out into the storm if that was the case but... Being in this cave with rocks occasionally falling loose from the ceiling and crashing around them. A couple smaller ones had already hit parts of his body... What if a larger one cracked open his skull or something? Or Nalyda?s?

Yet the dark furred she wolf didn?t seem bothered by any of this. Considering his luck with fierce weather like this Kar was, honestly, truly afraid. Mother nature was a powerful beast. Would Nalyda be able to scent his fear? That made him feel nervous as well... As well as embarrassment. Here he was, an adult male, the one who should be comforting her in this situation, and he was the one ready to start panicking and thinking of possibly dying.

Those thoughts would be disturbed as Nalyda suddenly lunged from beside him. Kar was actually startled, skittering to the side and looking at her with slightly widened green eyes. The cave was alive with sound and movement then as the other bats were disturbed from their perch. His ears would pin to his skull as he let out a low growl, eyeing the creatures as they flew above them in a panicked state for a moment before flying off back further into the cave -- away from them.

Kar would then look to Nalyda, his heartbeat pounding in his ears. What in the hell was all that about? In the chaos he hadn?t noticed she had grabbed one of the strange winged creatures. He had never seen a bat before... And he wrinkled his nose a little as he watched her tear into it and eat. It certainly didn?t look appetizing... Or like it would be much of a meal. He would flick one ear in uncertainty as she pushed the remains of the bat towards him and flashed a reassuring smile at him.

Honestly as Kar lowered his nose to the carcass it was like watching a pup experiencing meat for the first time. He would flick both ears back, nudging the still form a couple times. What the hell was it? It had wings like a bird but the wings were... Weird. More rough and not covered in fur. It?s body however seemed more like a mouse or something... Except it?s ears were bigger... Like a rabbit?s. Was this some kind of unholy hybrid?

Kar would look back to Nalyda again. She didn?t look like she was getting sick from eating it anyway. So the male decided to chance it... And a very small amount of flesh would be torn from the body of the bat. It didn?t really... Taste like anything he had eaten before. He couldn?t say he particularly enjoyed the taste but... It was edible at the very least. Besides... If they were down here a little while they?d still need strength and he doubted any other beast would venture in here. So, sucking it up, Kar would finish off what was left.

As he finished Kar would shake his head a bit, licking his lips free of blood. Definitely not his choice meal. He would look to Nalyda again, about to ask a question, when thunder boomed again and shook the cave violently. A yelp would leave him as a sizable chunk of rock fell from the ceiling behind him, sending him lunging forward in surprise as it crashed.He would land and look back with wide eyes, heart hammering in his chest. ?I... I think we need to keep moving.? He would look to Nalyda now. At this point he didn?t care if she saw how scared he was of this situation. He just wanted out of here.

Speech, Thought



8 Years
04-23-2014, 04:16 PM
Nalyda would look to the brute and nod her head. The bat wasn't really something that would completely stuff her belly, but at least it was enough for her to be able to have strength to venture further into the structure that they were sealed into. Her red eyes shone in the barely noticeable light, but it was there. She sniffed around to see if there was any kind of air that she could feel if she wished to get out of here with Kar.

"It will be alright Kar, we will get out of here soon enough," she spoke as she began to sniff around. The smell of air soon caught her nose as she looked around and soon saw the exit. The storm continued to come, but it was nothing serious anymore. A smile would come from her face as she lied down and placed her head on her paws. She watched as some birds continued to fly for cover. Many trees have been uprooted, and many animals were moving to find new homes. Sadness came over Nalyda for she wished she could do something to help them, but sense the storm already took place, and she was wolf and many animals would run away, there for was nothing she could do anymore.


04-26-2014, 01:29 PM

Snowy paws would lead him on, sticking close by Nalyda?s side. He was worried... Ears tilted back as he gave a little sigh. The strange flesh he had eaten didn?t seem to be settling within his stomach all that well either. That or he was just working himself up far too much. In the dim light his lime green shown with worry, desperately praying that they would find a way out soon.

The storm would slowly begin to calm as they ventured further, and Nalyda?s reassuring voice would reach his ears. After some time the two would find an exit, but though the rain would come the world around them no longer shook. Rocks no longer fell from the ceiling around them. As he saw the world outside Kar?s eyes would widen in shock.

Trees were uprooted, smaller animals scurrying across the ground to search for new, stable homes. Birds of all kinds were in the air, cawing and letting out little cries as they flew on through the rain. Kar would sink to his haunches, not aware that he was so close to Nalyda at the moment that their fur was touching.

?By the Goddess Siri... So much damage...? He said softly. He would sink down to a laying position, ears lowered as he let out a whine. ?These storms in Alacritia are certainly becoming fierce...? The shaking earth... The storm that caused Zanire the loss of her paw... And now this. Kar went to look to Nalyda and then, seeing how close they were, gasped and scooted back some, looking away in embarrassment.

?Sorry... are you okay, Nalyda?? He wasn?t really sure what to say or ask... So he asked the first question that came to mind... Even if it seemed the female was doing alright.

Speech, Thought



8 Years
04-26-2014, 07:46 PM
Nalyda would nod to Kar and smile. Her crimson eyes would look into his lime colored eyes and looked to the wirld around her. Sadness came over her as she looked to the destruction that the storm had caused. She hung her head low. The once beautiful land that she had known was now demolished, and there was nothing she could do to fix it.

"Yes, and are you alright?" She asked as she turned back to face Kar. The grey colored woman could hear the sounds of the birds and other animals as they seemed depressed from Having their home being destroyed. "I wish I could hlep them bring their homes back." She said as her fur accidentally touched Kar's.

OOC: sorry for the short post I was using my phone)


04-30-2014, 03:13 PM

Once more their fur accidentally touched, and Kar would avert his lime green orbs away from her form. ?I?ll be alright... Just a little shaken up. I... Don?t tend to respond well to storms you see.? The male let out a soft sigh, looking out to the animals that were on the move. His heart went out to them. He knew firsthand what natural disasters could do to a land... And this was just one storm. He was shifting just a little, aware that once more their fur was still touching. He wanted tor draw comfort from that fact... But he also worried about Nalyda maybe thinking he was a creep or something. He generally had no luck when it came to talking to wolves of the opposite sex... Especially once he realized he might start to be developing a crush on them.

...and did he have a crush on Nalyda? She was a sweet fae. Caring... Do her best to treat Zanire and even help him stay calm and reassured here in this cave. He was sure there were definitely feelings stirring for her. He wanted to see her more... And hopefully under much better circumstances then this. He would lower ears just a little bit, embarrassed, as he looked back to her.

?My heart goes out to them... The lands where I was born... It was as if the Hellgates opened up and mother nature decided to ravage the lands. Disaster after disaster... Storms... Endless ones ravaged our home. We had lived in the mountains... And the lands that fell to the far side of the mountains met much the same fate as our own home.? There was a deep sadness in his voice as he spoke of this.

?I lost my two best friends to these storms when we were trying to escape... I was searching for my sister... And they agreed to stay with me to try and find her. But they kept getting worse and... Next thing I know... The ground went out from under them and they both fell to their deaths.? He sighed.

?The Clan wolves who lived on the other side of the mountain seemed, for the most part, unaffected by these storms. It was very strange...? He could remember them, if only vaguely. The Kedieo and Ethne Clans... With the Sotakiu family building in numbers... Though they tended to remain in their own smaller family groups rather than in larger packs like the Kedieo and Ethne wolves. Families so large that several packs of their wolves were spread out across Lyenne.

Kar hadn?t even released that he began speaking about his past to the fae... Though the words came naturally for him to tell her. Perhaps it was simply time to get those memories off his chest.

Speech, Thought



8 Years
04-30-2014, 04:27 PM (This post was last modified: 04-30-2014, 04:28 PM by Nalyda.)
Nalyda looked to the brute with her crimson gaze shifting forward to look into his lime green orbs. He started talking about his past to her, and she was happy that he was beginning to trust her to say things that were on his chest. Though, when he talked, she was saddened by the loss of his friends, and when he was spouting words out to her, she could see a few bits of embarrassment creeping in his tone. The fae nudged his cheek with her snout lightly to show that she was there for him.

"I'm sorry that that happened to you friends. But, they are never gone from you forever. They are inside of you, watching you from where the sky is. I'm sure that one day you will see them again. Her eyes stayed focused on him as she showed sadness yet reassurance in her voice. She looked to the sky and thought about her life.

"I had lost many friends that I cared about too Kar. I don't have many friends here in Alactitia, but, I have met a few. But, you were the most closest friends that I have ever had, Kar. Iused to have a sister too, but she was killed when I was a bit older. I lost my entire pack too. My mother died a month after giving birth to my brother, and he was so weak that he died a couple days after my mother gave birth to him. Even though he was weak and very young, I always tried to get close with him and work things out with him since he was so small. My father was killed by another wolf right in front of me."

Sadness came over the fae as she spoke her feelings to the brute. She liked Kar a lot, and hoped that Zanire would approve of them being together. The smoke smell that erupted from the earth came into her nostrils. Lightning had struck down in a few places, but nowhere near them which she was thankful for,

"Kar, when this storm goes away, there is a place that I remember that you might like to see. It is around here, even though I have not seen the cave before. It is welcoming, and is something that always brings me to tranquility and to be calm." She spoke as her crimson orbs looked back into his emerald ones, waiting for a reply from him to see if he was willing to come with her.


04-30-2014, 08:19 PM

The gentle nudge of her snout upon his cheek brought a burst of warmth to the area she touched. Kar looked to her, feeling that thudding in his chest. Ba-bump. Ba-bump. Louder and louder. Her words would bring comfort... and the brute would glance to the gray skies outside. A place in the sky... the pack of the stars. He would give a small nod, a smile spreading on his lips. "I know I will... Prince Kino and Grantaire are watching us now I bet. They always had a knack for getting me out of trouble when we were younger... and... even if I can't see them... I could almost swear I still feel their presences walking beside me at times." The wind would blow in from the small exit of the cave, brushing across his face.

Kar was certain they were waiting for him... and... if his parents had died as well... they were as well. His gaze looked back to Nalyda as she spoke. She knew loss as well as he, losing family and friends. She knew only a few in Alacritia, just as he did... but she considered him one of the closest friends. It warmed his heart, and Kar would, even though it made him all the more nervous to, scoot close to the fae. As she spoke, mentioning each loss, Kar would gently place his paw over her own, silent, ears perked forward as he listened respectfully.

He hadn't noticed the smell of smoke as she had, and if he had it would have alarmed him all the more. But that was for the better... the moment being shared between the two wolves was one that was special. Pasts being shared, and the closeness of being together would encourage a lasting relationship between the two. Whether that remained a friendship or if it fully blossomed from the
seed that was already planted had yet to be determined.

"I would be happy to see it, Nalyda. A place like that sounds like a special one indeed." More heat to his face... and the pounding of his heart in his chest would continue. The brute would offer a smile. "I haven't met many in Alacritia... but... I am glad to say that I met you, Nalyda." The words were spoken softly, sincerity in his voice as they left his maw.

Speech, Thought



8 Years
04-30-2014, 09:03 PM
Nalyda smiled and gave him a small lick to his cheek. As the storm had cleared, she walked out of the cave and began to lead the way. When the fae was sure that her companion was following her every movement, she went back toward the location that she had been in some time ago. Her crimson orbs shone as her paws pressed into the soft earth, leaving imprints in the brown mush. It squished from underneath her, sometimes being loud. She hated the feeling of it, but was used to it.

The autumn breeze began to fill the air. The leaves that were left on the tree were now completely beautiful and elegant color of both gold, red, yellow, and even brown. A smile would come across her maw as they soon reached their destination.

A large waterfall could be seen, crashing under rocks that poked slightly through the water. Her eyes shifted to the trees as the leaves were still on the tree, swaying with elegance as if they were all in sync. The grass was green and lush, the wind also causing it to sway as she could even see some flowers on trees that have yet to shrivel and die.

"This place sure is beautiful and peaceful, isn't it?" She looked to the brute and then to the sky as the sun sent down small rays of light on them as if it were a spot light. She heaved a small sigh and lied down, feeling the wind on her pelt as if it was causing all the stress and sadness to be pushed away from her system. This sure was her favorite spot.


05-01-2014, 06:33 PM

The lick to his cheek was kindly, and Kar felt his heart flutter at it. He would follow slowly after Nalyda as she left the cave padding along just behind her. The mud that squished under his paws hardly felt pleasant... He would take snow over mud any day. It sucked upon their paws as the walked... There had certainly been a lot rain in the while that it came down. It was is the heavens opened up and just completely let loose.

The wind had died down as well, leaving a cool breeze that brushed over their pelts. It was a bit more cold due to the storm, and the fact that his fur had not completely dried, but Kar didn?t mind too much he supposed. Some time would pass and the brute would take the time to look at the trees that still stood. Leaves of various shades and colors were upon them... It was rather beautiful.

But not as beautiful as the place Nalyda brought him to. There was a waterfall there, lush graces under paw. He would take in a breath, giving a small nod. ?It?s stunning Nalyda...? The sun was beginning to set, bathing the world in a beautiful glow. He would lay beside Nalyda, heart beating faster once more as he looked to her. This place was perfect.

?Nalyda...? The question would get stuck, the brute lowering his ears a bit nervously. He would shift a little. ?I... Was wondering... Have you ever been in love before??

Speech, Thought



8 Years
05-01-2014, 06:42 PM
Nalyda would ponder on the brute's question, but she shook her head for a no. "I have not met many males on my journeys, and I really enjoy your company Kar. And, the only thing that I know, is that I'm in love with you," she spoke the truth as the water began to spray some of it's own water into the femme's face, but she didn't care about that. She smiled at the brute and nudged him gently, placing her head down upon her paws as the leaves began to swirl around, as if the wind was bringing the two wolves together.

"I have talked to Zanire, and so far our conversations are not going anywhere, and it is more likely to go downhill. I understand that she is your friend, and I am happy that she makes you happy. But, I really do like you more than you know, Kar. And, if Zanire doesn't like me, then I don't see that we could be together. I just wish for you to be happy." She spoke to him as she turned her head away and looked to the waterfall as it poured down gallons of water.


05-02-2014, 11:26 AM

In love with him? The answer made him happy... It had been what he was hoping to hear. Yet... Something in her voice gave the brute pause. Nalyda would gentle nudge him before setting her head upon her paws. The brute would lean in just a bit closer, lime green orbs never once leaving her. She had been talking to Zanire? The brute couldn?t help but wonder when the two had started talking... And worried about the fact that he hadn?t been there. Their conversations hadn?t been going anywhere... And the brute felt his heart sinking.

?Nalyda...? He would look down, lowering his ears as a sigh left his lips. ?Both of you make me happy. Zanire has become more than just a friend... She is my family now. But... I?m drawn to you... And I?m sure what I feel for you is love.? The male would look to her now, gently licking an ear. She wasn?t looking at him now... But Kar kept speaking anyway.

?I?m fairly certain Zanire just worries about me getting hurt... And us getting separated. Perhaps if I were to talk to her and explain things a little better things must smooth out between the two of you. Nalyda... I... I don?t want to give either of you up.? His words were soft as he laid down beside her, placing his head over the back of her neck in a comforting way. He had to find a way to fix this... Somehow.

Speech, Thought



8 Years
05-02-2014, 01:31 PM
Nalyda smiled to Kar and listened to the sound of water pouring down in the waterfall. Her crimson orbs scanned the brute as she licked his nose. She was happy that he was in love with her, for she was not sure if he felt the same way for her before. Her paws dug into the ground as she stood upon her haunches, ears erect as the sound of roaring came through, and she knew that it was a mountain lion. She had known this mountain lion before, but how did he come all the way down here when he usually stayed elsewhere?

The lion approached them as he was seen, brown eyes looking into Nalyda's and then the brute as he snarled to her. Nalyda was not afraid of the big cat and stood tall and proud. "What do you want, Ashamoro." she snarled to the cat as he hissed to her,

"I have heard that you fell in love with someone, and after i took care of you as a pup when your family died," he voice mixed between a medium high-low tone. She gave a glare to him as she walked in front of Kar in case there was a fight brewing.

"You did, but when i turned older you hurt me, and now you wish to ruin my love life! Get the hell out of here!" She hollered as a snarl escaped her throat and the cat lunged forward, beginning to fight the fae as she tried her best to keep her lover safe from the large cat.


05-03-2014, 01:47 PM

The gentle lick upon his nose caused Kar to gasp, drawing back and twitching his ears lightly. The insides immediately went a bright pink, the brute not yet used to being shown such signs of affection. He would get to used to them in time though... And giving his own signs of affection as well. The sweet moment was gone all too quickly, however. A roar cut through the air... And... This time it didn?t belong to Zanire.

He would look up to see a mountain lion... A large beast who looked not all that pleased to see him. Kar would flick his ears back, getting to his paws as well and lowering his head to align it with his spine. ?Look sir... If I don?t get why Nalyda falling in love is such an issue...? He couldn?t be in love with her, could he? They were two different species after all. It was... Odd... Unnatural. He would frown deeply as Nalyda stepped in front of him.

Hearing that this male, Ashamoro, hurt her... That sparked something inside of Kar. Eyes would narrow, ears pinned, tail being held out directly behind him, aligned with his spine as well to aid in balance. Chin would tuck forward, knees would bend, stomach tensed... And the fight was on. The lion would lunge for Nalyda and the brute lept first to the side of the grappling creatures and then, landing hard. He would move again, spinning to lunge at Ashamoro. ?Get away from her!? His voice held a cold, sharp tone to it... And a fierce, unforgiving anger.

Speech, Thought



8 Years
05-03-2014, 03:47 PM
The large cat dodged Kar and would roar out in rage. Nalyda, whom had tried to attack first. leaped upon Ashamoro's back and snapped upon his ear and dug her claws into the large feline's spine. The cat would roar out in rage and would run toward a tree and turn, causing the fae to be smacked against the tree. She would howl out in pain as she could hear a crack coming from her ribs as she was also hit sideways. Ashamoro would leave Nalyda since she was down for the count, and would run over to the brute. Claws out, mouth open to reveal his fangs.

"Well, brute, there is no one to keep you from dying by my claws!" The cat would roar out and run toward Kar, swinging his paws at him. Nalyda, seeing this, would get up once she was able to regain her composure, and run in front of Kar once, and she could feel pain coming from her side. The cat's claws had left a huge gash running down her side and stopping to her chest. Blood poured down and she fell once more. Still breathing, but in a lot of pain.


05-03-2014, 07:45 PM

The lion dodged him, and Kar would fall upon the earth hard. A snarl would leave him, ears remaining pinned flat against his skull as he steadied himself. Orbs narrowed, head and chin lowered, hackles raised... damn this beast! Nalyda would leap upon him as Kar went to move again and the lion would hop away from him, carrying the fae with him. Lime green eyes would widen with horror as he saw the beast smash Nalyda into a tree. He heard the crack... and he was sure he saw red.

There was no response as tail raised to align with his spine, claws digging into the earth as he rushed forward to meet the lion head on. "You bastard!!!" Jaws wound unhinge as he lunged -- he was going to slice everything he could grab. Eyes. Nose. Any part of the face, while his right forepaw aimed to come down hard upon the male lion's left forepaw as hard as it could, aiming to break toes. His slit eyes looked entirely black now... the pupil having enlarged with his rage. Time would tell who would be dying by whose claws.

And for Nalyda's sake and honor... it sure as hell wasn't going to be him.

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