
Let's fly away


04-16-2014, 04:29 AM

One, two, three, four... Isi would mentally count her steps as she manoeuvred through the tall grass, crouching to keep herself completely hidden. Five, six seven, eight, nine, ten... and suddenly she sprung up, front paws leaving the ground for a moment as she forced her head above the grass. "Boo!" She shouted, springing up again to see the results of her scare as a little bird suddenly took off from his perch, flying off a short distance and landing once more. Countless times she had chased the bird in this manner, rather bored and searching for something to kill time. Apparently the bird was too to put up with the daft wolf and her silly antics.

There were pups to play with back at Ebony rather than this silly bird, Isi was itching to start looking after them and playing all kinds of games with them. However, for now they were still quite the centre of attention with all members of the pack and the visitors that currently resided with them and this meant of course that it was difficult for her to spend hours of fun with them.

She was feeling better now at least. Someone had taken the time to explain to her that the way she'd felt was completely normal, she wasn't even ill in the first place but had gone into heat. Though it meant her body was ready to begin bearing pups of her own, Isi had recoiled at the idea certainly not thinking of herself as a mother. No, it was better to just look after other people's pups. She wouldn't have to deal with the glum way she'd felt for another year now either apparently which pleased her to no end. She was back to her usual whacky ways, much to the misfortune of the bird.



2 Years
04-16-2014, 03:50 PM

The doe was weary, but unknowing as it trailed that little bit further, intent on the juicy grass in front of her. She had somehow slipped past the security of her herd, she was young and naive and perhaps not yet in her second year. He imagined it was her first autumn and the bright colours and patches of cool grace too appealing to ignore. His head was lowered, but his shoulders seemed swelled and prominent as he stalked in shades of black, a shadow against the browns and fading green of the forest. He could barely breathe. His tail still behind him and his ears stretching forward, he was close he could almost taste the juice substance of her skin. He took in the breath in silence, filling himself with her aroma. His hunches taunt and coiled as waited a moment more, his nose twitching with the ease of the kill, he felt the readiness in his muscles, he moved, he leaped - - ?Boo!? came a cry and the deer was gone, he landed, jaws extended in the dirt and instead of the warmth of blood he tasted the cool of earth.

His breath hissed through his teeth in a growl as he spat the last of the substance from his fangs and swivelled his head in the direction of the cry. His stomach rumbled, reminding him of his hunger and that he had not eaten in days. He found himself prowling again through the underbrush, his paws so light that each step was as silent as his breath within the warmth of the midday air. It didn?t take long to bring the intruder into his view, and he watched her for a moment. She was a young wolf, she seemed to have been intent on play, utterly unaware of the result of her actions. He would sigh and slink into view, his dark hunches resting on the ground as he appraised her within full view of her orbs.

"My sounds""My Soul"


04-17-2014, 02:33 AM

After a few more rounds of her game, the grass would begin to grow much shorter, and soon rather impossible for Isi to hide at all. The bird remained perched on his latest rest eyes monetarily watching the wolf before flying off elsewhere and at such a speed that Isi had no hopes of following and catching it. "Hey come back!" The girl called. "I can't keep playing without you!" But the words were of no avail, the bird disappearing out of sight.

With a small huff she seated herself upon the ground, vivid eyes glancing around for something else to do. It wasn't long at all before another wolf came into sight, sitting down as well and simply watching her. She kept her gaze upon him, watching and waiting for him to do something or at least explain why he'd sat right in her view, for all he knew she could have been carefully watching something and now he was in her way.

No objection sounded from her mouth though as she took in his appearance, rising now to move around and take a better look at the part of the cross she had noticed upon his shoulder. Her own markings were rather basic, and to be honest not overly unique or extravagant. Whilst the stranger before her may have resembled his family, Isi had never seen anyone you looked like him before. "You look funny." She declared bluntly. "That's a cool marking." To have such a significant and clear marking was pretty cool she decided. He may have looked a little odd, but it wasn't a bad thing, she liked it.