



7 Years
04-16-2014, 02:19 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

The day was like any other, but this one, as well as the previous ones, were slightly more significant in nature. They resembled a turning point in her life - in the lives of her family. No longer were they exiles cursed to live the life of the homeless, without a friend to turn to and left at the mercy of fate as well as the masses of wandering rogues. Now they were pack wolves again, carrying with them a new purpose, a new fire, to rekindle their spirits and their drive to make something of their lives. They had safety, friends, and stability. Seemingly overnight they had regained everything they had lost. Granted it was nothing like Seracia had been - as much as Tahlia detested the state of things there presently she could not argue that when she had joined it had been utterly perfect - but it was close and could, she hoped, one day become just as ideal.

With young children in tow, the happy mother walked with the pair of pups through the new land of their home, a prideful smile of satisfaction situated almost impishly upon her lips. There were no words to express just how happy she was with the surprising turn of events. She had not seen it coming, their untimely move as well as all of them being welcomed into a pack together. Seracia had been full; it was the reason she and her children were not still there. And she had not imagined there to be places welcoming of such a large group as theirs. Maybe it was all for the best, she wondered, skirting along the edge of the rock-filled space with her gaze fixed upon a lone standing tree, maybe it was all leading up to now. Not often did things feel so perfectly lined up - in fact, she could only recall one other time, that of when she had inherited her sister's place in her first marriage - but it felt right. This was their second chance, an unexpected opportunity to rebuild the dream that she had carried so closely to her heart all these years, and she intended not to waste it.

"Right over here should do," she informed her youngest two, halting beneath the shade offered by the tree. Overall it might not been impressive but any shade to be had during these last bits of summer were to be cherished, and considering keeping the children contained was becoming increasingly difficult any comfort she could find while supervising them was heaven sent. So she reclined upon her curved haunches and eased herself to her stomach, dark gold eyes watchful of Kailos and Lior as she considered her options. They were old enough now, she supposed, to no longer be cooped up inside of a den, as she was often reminded of when she did share those close quarters with them. Would they be ready yet to begin training of any kind? There were many within the pack already, plenty for her to seek instruction from for her children, and she knew sooner or later it would need to happen. Why not start now since it seemed they had the energy to spare?

Her thoughts were still rather preoccupied when she could almost sense something amiss, an innate warning of danger though nothing appeared to be immediately threatening. It was only a fraction of a second's warning that she had before the quake struck. The ground beneath her shook and shuddered, and had she been standing she was almost certain she would have been unbalanced by the commotion. There was no need to call out to the kids; on wobbling, terrified legs they had managed to crawl back to her, and lifting her front half from the ground Tahlia sheltered them beneath her, one paw raised to press them close to her. It all happened so fast and so noisily that she had not heard the tree begin to uproot, had not seen the shift in its shadow, as it began to fall her way. The weight of the bows that came down over her was startling, catching her entirely off guard and nearly bringing her down on top of those she was trying to protect. A strangled cry of pain escaped her wrinkled muzzle as a combination of stinging and burning enveloped the entirety of her right eye, that alone enough to bring her to her knees were it not for her children that were counting on her. Eyes clenched shut, the last remaining shudders of the earth stilled, and an eerie silence settled over the trio, interrupted only by their worried whimpers and frightened gasps. "Are you alright?" Her tone was frantic, shaken, demanding of an answer. She could not see them - her eyes were clenched shut against the stinging and pain - but she was sure she could feel them still. Were they okay? Had Kailos and Lior been spared?

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier



11 Years
04-21-2014, 11:57 AM
It had been a few days but Bane had slept long and hard with all the work he had been doing. He'd gotten his family a home again in Ebony and a pair of den's had been dug out on the hillside overlooking the lake. One for him and Tahlia with their two pups, and one for the eldest offspring. They'd settled into their new home... four days ago? Five? Bane was sleeping hard after that digging was all done. Two days, two dens. His elder children were off exploring and getting acquainted with the packs territory and Bane wouldn't have it any other way as to his offspring meeting new wolves. He just wanted his family comfortable. The pale wolf roused himself with a bowing stretch and a yawn. The sandy soil was darkening with exposure to the sun, and Bane kneaded the loose earth between his paws.

A rock caught between toes and his remaining eye looked down. The large set of tracks trailing off the excavated dirt were accompanied by much smaller prints, and the wolf couldn't help but smile. Kailos and Lior were making their way into the world. A certain tension seized his body and Bane glanced about at the trees. Birds were taking flight and a few minuscule blobs of fur were coming up from their holes in the ground. Ground that was now shaking, Bane widening his stance and looking wildly around at the tumultuous forest. A smattering of trees were being uprooted, their defined tops disappearing from the downslope view he overlooked. It was over as quick as it had began.

Waves of dust wafting up from the fallen pines, Bane sprinting down towards the lake as he desperately sniffed out for Tahlia and the young she had with her. There was a less intense aftershock, a cracking noise causing the elder to instinctively ducked and rolled, the tree at the edge of the forest having partially fallen over into a few weak branches during the initial quake. A splintering impact as it broke over the rock to his left. It was almost like the volcano eruption... the dust... the low visibility. Absolutely choking for days.

Bane stared at the edge of the rock fields, the rusty pelt of a wolf catching his eye amidst the boulders. Bane caught the scent of blood and his heart leapt up into his throat as he sprinted around the rock to get to the wolf. The elder almost lost his balance as he saw who it was. "Tahlia!"
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



5 Years
04-28-2014, 03:53 PM
All Lior could remember within her life was what was around her now. As little as she had been during the move it was no wonder the small girl could remember their initial home... Or the the fact that they had not been part of a pack like this. But what Lior knew now was that she had a happy life. She could play with her littermate and snuggle with her parents at night in the safety of their den. Life was, from her standpoint, as perfect as it could possibly be.

The little girl?s black ears would twitch happily. She wanted to run and romp around, but she would stick close to her mother until she came to a stop under the tree. Little gray body would press against Tahlia?s own for a moment before the girl took a few bounds away from their mother. Faded blue eyes would shift to Kailos, mouth opening to ask what game he wanted to play, when the earth began to move. A yelp of surprise would leave Lior, the girl losing her balance and falling to the earth.

Her eyes were widened with horror, whines leaving her as she half stumbled, half crawled to her mother, tears streaming from her eyes. She pressed her body tightly into Tahlia?s own, shivering heavily with ears pinned to her head. ?Mommy...!? Her wail would have be lost in the terrible amount of sound the earth was making. She was scared to death. She could feel something in her mother suddenly shift, body giving a heavy shudder as she heard the cry of pain leave her mother?s lips as she nearly fell on them.

The earth would slowly still, though her heart did not do such a thing. It raced in her chest, little form shaking almost non-stop. She wouldn?t move from her spot curled into her mother, whines and sobs muffled by her mother?s fur. Her mother would speak and Lior would nod, moving her head just enough so that her words might be heard clear enough. ?I... I think...? The words were shaken, cracking with fear, but other than being shaken up, literally, the girl was alright. Another voice, crying out her mother?s name was heard... And the puppy would lift her head then, letting out a loud wail for the male wolf. ?Daddy!?

[Image: lior_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd2n.png]



7 Years
04-28-2014, 10:32 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Her body shivered as she stayed as still as she could, feeling the tiny bodies pressed against her seeking safety and shelter from the branches of the tree that had tumbled their way. She felt them moving, shaking just as she was, and Lior's voice spoke up to let her know that she was fine. Good, that was one child accounted for. Bracing herself a little, she lifted a paw and curled it around both pups, just to ensure herself without a doubt that they were there and safe, that her family was still whole. She did not want to imagine needing to tell her mate otherwise; it was horrible enough for her to think about on her own let alone with bringing him into the thoughts.

As if her thoughts had drawn him there, she heard his voice, and her ears perked up as well as they could in her current position. "Bane!" she called back, relief evident underneath the pain that still inflicted her tone. Her eye hurt something terrible, the stinging growing worse now that the initial shock of everything was beginning to quickly dissipate, but she refused to unclench them, fearful of more tree matter hurting them. Something had to be wrong; she could feel it even if she could not see it. But what? First things first: she needed to get the children away from the tree and to safety before they were injured too.

"Can you get them?" she asked, hoping that her mate was nearer now than he had sounded a moment ago. She needed his help, more now than anything. "The children, can you reach them?" Once they were safe she could start to really worry about herself.

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier



11 Years
05-07-2014, 06:18 PM
Bane bounded over a rock and noted the tree, a tall thin looking thing with jutting branches, that had almost crushed his family. By almost he meant that the rock they lay next to had stopped the complete fall of the tree. By the skin of their teeth they were ok, the elder slowing himself down right before he brought himself to Tahlia's side. Their pups were assumed to be underneath her, in one piece or not he didn't know. Such fragile bodies younger wolves had, he nosed himself underneath the chest of his mate and grabbed Lior by the paw with a firm snap of his fangs. No time to be gentle, that crack along the tree trunk spotted earlier in the initial analysis of the situation might loosen with the possible aftershocks. He wrenched his daughter out from under Tahlia, and when he went to put Lior down that's when he saw the side of his mates face. It took him a second, and by the fact that there was very little blood, but Tahlia's eye was gone, unusable, a neat little slice right across the iris to take out the lens.

"I gah Leorh." Bane panted through an occupied muzzle. He placed Lior right next to him and wriggled his head underneath for Kailos, finding the pup with a quick nosing and bringing him out. "I guh Kiylohs." Bane spoke and lay the pup on his side. Kailos struggled to his paws with a yip and shook himself off. "I don't like it when the ground moves." Bane nosed his talkative son and scrabbled up the boulder, and put his shoulder against the side of the tree to get it off of his mate. The tree fell over and split along the crack, Bane hopping down and attempting to lick clean the wound over Tahlia's eye. "Hold still so I don't have to pin you Tahlia, keep blinking and this won't become infected." He eased her down onto her side so that if she did struggle or bite at him through what must be a painful haze he could be in a good position to administer some helpful force.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



5 Years
05-14-2014, 01:36 PM
She was scared... So scared. Her body was quivering, not wanting to move from her mother?s side. She didn?t realize that they were still in danger. She just wanted her mother to protect them... To keep protecting them. Her body would quiver heavily, a startled yelp escaping the girl as her father?s jaws grabbed her paw. He was being rough with her, but considering the situation there was no time to be more gentle. He just had to get them out of here... Somewhere safe.

The female would whine more as she was set down, looking at the tree that looked as though it might crush her mother any second. She would move to Kailos? side, whining heavily as she watched her father move the tree off her mother. ?Daddy... Momma?s gonna be okay, right?? She would ask, voice shaky. She would settle down on the ground, still shivering some. She really hoped the earth never shook like that ever again.

[Image: lior_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd2n.png]



7 Years
05-15-2014, 01:17 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

She heard nothing in response to her question and for a second panicked, until she felt him reach beneath her. She sat up taller, curving her body as she lifted the paw along the side he was on to offer him more space from which to get their children out of harm's way. Her gold eyes were still shut tight but her ears heard all, the whimpers and whines of the pups as they were pulled one by one out from underneath her, Bane's muffled confirmations that he had each of them. It was only when she heard Kailos's little noises set away from where she stood somewhat crouched that she allowed herself to feel relief. They were safe. All was well.

A heavy breath left her and her weary body sunk slightly under the pressure of the fallen tree, and not a moment too soon she felt it shift, slide, and fall away from her. She breathed in deeply then, the physical burden gone, but her legs shook far too much to allow her to get away from the spot, as if rogue roots of the fallen tree had taken to holding her in place. And instantly Bane was there at her side, kissing her injured face, or so she thought. She was not altogether aware of just how serious the damage was yet.

His sweet kisses burned, stung her face, around her eye and across it, each touch of gentle pressure causing her to clench her jaws tightly and resist the instinct to snap and get him to stop. "Bane!" she practically screamed, the bite she wished to give audible in her words though it faded quickly into a loud whine. He was not listening. He was giving orders, telling her not to move, to let him clean her eye, to blink. He pushed against her and unbalanced as much as coaxed her into following his direction until she slid onto her side, legs curling and pushing against the air as he continued to hover over her cleaning her face. Her left eye cried tears; she was half convinced the right cried blood. "It hurts," she whimpered, forgetting in her pain that the children were there, "Please stop."

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier



11 Years
05-21-2014, 07:55 PM (This post was last modified: 05-22-2014, 12:40 AM by Bane.)
It caused him to pause for a moment when Tahlia screamed his name just as he rolled her onto her side. The cry startled him as he heard the fight instinct in her yell, the pale wolf letting out a snarl as he bared his fangs. All of his weight was put onto his mate as he rolled Tahlia onto her back. The last thing he wanted to was knock her out by suffocation but the more she wriggled underneath him the more he felt like that was the more viable option. Bane was brought out of the chaotic fog that had settled over his vision where he lay over Tahlia and looked back at Lior for a second, a nod being given at the pup.

His tongue returned to his mates eye, feeling with each lick what the anatomy of the wound was. A splintered branch lying just atop her head was pawed up, his jaws seizing the tree limb and putting it in Tahlia's maw. "I know it hurts, but I cannot, I must clean this out." Bane panted as he felt the eye again with his tongue. It was shocking, the damage. Overall the shape was fine, save for the splinter of wood that had punched in and acted as a fulcrum, the lens having partially burst through the flesh of the eye when the splinter broke off of the branch that had hit her.

The lens felt as a smooth stone, almost a ball of glass. It was taken out with a flick of his tongue, the sound of the not-stone hitting the rocky ground, and the wood was pulled straight out. The runny blood that welled up from the wound was good in the sense that it helped the tears flush the wound of dirt and splinters. Bane scrabbled up from his mate and inspected the shadows of several boulders before returning with clean moss, the spongy vegetation was pressed and held as the old wolf hung his head and let out an exhausted sigh. Tahlia might be hurting right now, but he would see to that she and the pups were guided back to their den before checking on his elder offspring. If this was the only thing to befall them, then they all got away cheap.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



5 Years
06-01-2014, 08:47 AM
Lior would watch her parents, ears flicking back just a bit as she watched her father work at taking care of her mother?s injury. He had said she would be okay, but hearing how much it hurt her...and watching as it all went down, she couldn?t help but shift on uneasy paws. The gray girl would glance to her brother every few seconds before glancing back to her parents, finally seeing Bane gather some moss to press against Tahlia?s wound. It was a very scary ordeal... But as she glanced around at the damage around her it could have been much, much worse.

The child would come closer to her parents then, on the side where her father wasn?t, and whined, nosing her mother?s shoulder. ?I?m sorry...? The young girl wasn?t sure why she was apologizing, it wasn?t like she had caused the earth to shake so violently, or to have the tree fall upon her mother. But she still felt bad that it had all happened, that there wasn?t more that she could do for her mother?s sake. Another whine would leave her as she asked her question. ?The ground?s not gonna do it again is it...??

[Image: lior_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd2n.png]



7 Years
06-08-2014, 06:12 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

She could see nothing, feel nothing but the painful, burning sting of her eye. The sounds of her own whining and whimpering were almost enough to drown out the sounds of Bane as he tried to speak calmly to her, and in her inattention she missed the strain within his voice, just how much he had been rattled too despite his good sense to act rather than be overwhelmed. A piece of a tree limb was set within her jaws and though she was beyond comprehending its purpose she bit anyway, finding a slim sense of relief in the simple action of having something to set her teeth to though it did nothing to lessen the pain.

Tahlia breathed deeply, still tensed and wriggling slightly beneath Bane though between the two of them she managed to be still enough for him to do what was necessary. It hurt, so much it hurt, and she grit her teeth around the branch she had been given until at last he stopped and let her be for a brief moment. The severity of the injury was still unknown, as was all that Bane had had to do in order to salvage her eye, but no longer did it hurt so badly as when he had been tending to it. Instead it throbbed, a consistent ache that continued strongly and stubbornly. Would it ever go away?

As the moss was placed against her injured eye, the russet and black she-wolf flinched and then stilled, the new pressure welcome compared to the rough cleaning that had been given a moment ago. With a final whimper Tahlia fell quiet, still biting the branch and trembling slightly though at last accepting her fate and no longer fighting. Was it done then? Had her eye been cleansed as well as it could be? It took her a moment to calm enough to think clearly, to think beyond the pain and herself, and without a word she pried her jaws off of the branch and let it fall away, working to steady her breathing as she listened and heard her daughter worry about another quake following the first. Please, she prayed wordlessly to anyone who could hear her, let us be safe now.

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier



11 Years
06-16-2014, 11:05 AM
Bane's head hung low, breathing heavy as he continued to hold the moss against Tahlia's eye.the would need a healer, and it was only a question if they were busy or not in he aftermath of all this. He looked up at Lior and his pinned ears heard her question. He couldn't help but smile at that. Kailos wiggled his way against his side and placed his chin on Tahlia's neck.?"No little one, the ground?s not gonna do it again." Bane stepped over Tahlia awkwardly and gave Lior a lick on the nose, head turning at the sound of the wood Tahlia had clenched falling onto the ground.

His mate had been strong for what had happened. And so he would comfort her with a kiss, reaching over to the tip of her muzzle and planting one right on her maw. His tongue tip flicked against her teeth and he let a rumble surface from his chest. He knew she like that. Help take her mind of things. They needed to get back. The other wolves, their other offspring, Bane could only hope everyone was ok.

He removed the moss and tried to not think about collapsed den's. Kailos was picked up by his nape, the pup letting out a whimper. "Tahlia, we have to move. Your going to have to carry Lior. It's not safe around here of there is another." Bane looked at Tahlia with a certain degree of urgency. He knew what she had been through was hard, but they really needed to move. The chance of boulders shifting about in another tremor was high now. A fact that everything was loosened by the first quake caused Bane all the more reason to worry. He would wait for her, then lead on as they departed the rock garden.

-Exit Bane-
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•