
oh look I forgot my paddle




Master Fighter (245)

Master Healer (250)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years
Toy size

1KSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
01-27-2023, 03:04 AM

Fuji had finally found her trader, and while her expression could have been described as deadpan at best, she wasn’t going to turn down a sword just because it happened to be… pink and white… just like she was. Coupled with her new vest, the tiny rotund yearling was feeling just about invincible. So invincible in fact, she hadn’t even told Hage or Usagi where she was going. Kenta, her golden cat, strolled confidently along at her side, and her shiny bin chicken few lazy circles overhead… So of course it came as a complete surprise to the girl when the yips of a small gang of coyotes called across the prairie.

Golden eyes narrowed as she turned her head to try and get a count on them. She could see three, but the ground was rolling and the banks of snow were deep. Her ears were telling her there were a whole lot more than that, but she just couldn’t spot them?

As a young wolf that had always had her pack to back her up, hell, she’d even taken on a bear, she really wasn’t appreciating the danger this pack of canines that towered over her by at least 5” could pose… until the first solid hit caught her in the chest and an involuntary yelp left her chest. How embarrassing. The young wolf pulled her face out of the snow bank and didn’t even bother to shake the dust from her ears or eyes. If that was how they wanted to play it, well, it was time to put this new weapon to use anyway. She barely squared her shoulders and took the tsuka between her teeth before the second coyote was on her too. Dropping her horned skull and using her blade to cover off on her left side, she aimed for the gap between the forerunners, hopefully she could knock the wind out of one while opening the belly of the other.

As if she would be so lucky.


Just move those left feet, go ahead, get crazy

[Image: i0F1X8z.gif]



4 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverUnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1K
01-29-2023, 12:40 AM

Between his time spent with Riva and pack duties Incubus was finding it hard to find time to do much else. One of his passions was exploration, learning the geography of these strange lands while also keeping an eye out for any treasures that may lie in his path. Thus, on this especially cold day, Inc and Aki found themselves moving through the Prairie on his way to the Gully that was just east. He had already explored the majority of the Prairie with Cassiela when he was just returning. It was strange to think of how far he'd come since then...

Snowflakes dappled his inky pelt as he moved through the region. Pale eyes took in the white landscape with mild interest as a blistering gust of wind whipped his way. Incubus furrowed his brow showing his distaste for the weather. While he was not a fan of a heat he definitely did not prefer this. Inc put some pep in his step in hopes of the gully having a smidge more protection from the elements then these grasslands.

Eager strides ceased as a yelp fell into his ears. Ears perked and his brow furrow deepened as narrowed eyes scanned the region. There seemed to a small hill mound in the way of him and the source of the yelp. Incubus carefully stepped closer and as he did those horribly familiar yips were heard. Incubus moved quicker and rounded the hill to see a very small pink and white Wolf and her feline companion fending off a pack of Coyotes. The inky Wolf tossed a glance to Aki to ensure she was on the same page before they both silently moved towards the rear of the Coyote pack. The wind did well to mask the crunching of snow and he figured it'd hide his voice as well, "That one." Inc nodded in the direction of the Coyote the stranger was not running between.

Before the pack had the chance to call the duo out they launched the assault. Incubus sprinted at the Coyote and aimed to grip the small beast's neck as Aki went in for it's flank. They'd assume immediate control of the yipping creature. Inc began thrashing his head left to right to ensure he did enough damage to ensure it lost enough blood.



[Image: CjtKtHg.png]
[Image: Incubus-Puffball-smoller.png]



Master Fighter (245)

Master Healer (250)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years
Toy size

1KSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
02-03-2023, 06:35 PM

For all the practice she had done with her bamboo training sword, Fuji hadn't been completely prepared for the weight of a properly forged blade, or the way it would stick and shake as it passed though flesh and rattled over bone. The copper scent of blood filled the air and her blow had been far from fatal. Coupled with the way head had been jerked off course, she had completely missed her second target.

A searing heat bloomed over her hip where the second coyote had clamped its teeth, and the wounded, limping first, just seemed more intent on taking her out now his own blood had been spilled. Kenta retaliated against the one that had opened a wound on her hip and the two spun away, leaving Fuji facing her new nemesis. She was vaguely aware of a larger wolf dispatching of a third, but that wasn't where her focus needed to be right now.

She contemplated just dropping her sword making the most of her horns and sabres, but her fight with the bear had shown they were difficult to wield, and with her hip throbbing, and wetness trickling down her back end, she didn't trust herself to try and manage any of Usagi's fancy kicks. Her nose crinkled as her lips pulled up in a determined snarl. She just needed to focus on keeping her footing in this snow and not slipping on some unseen ice beneath the powdery surface. What was it mum had said? Spread your toes?

The pair had stared each other down for long enough, and blood had been spilled on both sides. With a small huff, the girl prepared herself for her next charge, hoping the length of the blade with the addition of speed would be enough to catch her main adversary across the throat, to end this battle once and for all so she could get to saving her cat companion.


Just move those left feet, go ahead, get crazy

[Image: i0F1X8z.gif]



4 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverUnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1K
02-05-2023, 01:14 AM

Life faded from the Coyote he and Aki targeted. Though, their small success was short lived as a fourth Coyote launched from the snow banks. He'd known other lingered but Incubus was thoroughly shocked that one would be daring enough to enter the battle after seeing what had come of it's comrade. With no time to react a pair of filthy jaws met his hind leg. A sharp growl ripped through the Klein as he whipped around with snapping jaws. He turned in hopes of grabbed at the Coyote's scruff but it was just out of reach. Thankfully, Aki reacted hastily and charged the Coyote. The Fox leapt onto the back of the Coyote, shoving it with two front paws, and causing it to plummet to the ground on it's side. Seeing red, Incubus whipped around to face the creature and lunged at it's throat. Satisfaction pooled within his core as his fangs sunk into the tight flesh of the Coyote's neck. His breathing was heavy and snot flew from his nose as Incubus thrashed his head left to right. Deepening the wound enough for the small canine to inevitably die from blood loss.

Blood slid from his lips and down his neck as the dark Wolf released the soon to be carcass. Out of the corner of his eye he saw another Coyote slowly approaching from the direction in which he and Aki had come. Without even a moment of hesitation Incubus let forth a ravenous snarl and charged the creature. At first it seemed to pause, as if it put up a fight. But, after a clear moment of true consideration the scavenger turned on it's heels and began to run away. Normally the Klein would merely give chase for a few moments until the point was made for it not to return. But, that bite on his hind leg was sending Incubus into quite the bloodlust.

Paws dug into the earth as Incubus gave everything into his strides. Pressing off the snowy earth with the air slicking back his inky pelt. Those long legs helped to carry him towards the Coyote as it ran away and soon he was at it's heels. After only a few missed snaps for the legs Incubus found purchase. Greedy jaws wrapped around the Coyote's hind left leg and both of their strides slowed in response. After a moment Incubus decided to dig his paws into earth to come to a stop, pulling the leg with him. This caused the Coyote to stumble to trip up and stumble to the ground. The creature was wiggling relentlessly to break loose from Inc's grasp, yipping and whining to be released. And as if right on queue Aki came barreling in and landed a fatal blow to their opponent's throat. After a few moments of struggle it seemed it was the end for the Coyote. Aki maintained her grip on it's throat for a bit longer as Incubus released it's leg. The male snorted in response to the whole interaction. "Well fuck." Aki released her grip before merely nodding her agreeance. The Silver Fox was not for words but damn was she a great partner. "Let's bring it to the others." Before he move Aki leaned down and gripped one of the Coyote's legs. She began to drag to towards the small pink Wolf's location and he followed with pink and blue eyes scanning the snow banks for anymore.

It seemed the stranger was dispatching the last of them as the duo approached. Releasing a long breath he let a grin slip across messy lips, "Good work." Incubus offered a firm nod to the small horned lass. "If you would have told me I'd be covered head to paw in Coyote this morning I don't think I would have believed you." A light hearted chuckled was heard before his eyes narrowed in on the wounds. "Are you okay?"


[Image: CjtKtHg.png]
[Image: Incubus-Puffball-smoller.png]



Master Fighter (245)

Master Healer (250)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years
Toy size

1KSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
02-10-2023, 09:46 PM

For once, luck was on her side and her sword found it's target. It was odd, really, the sinking feeling of dread in her stomach. She'd never killed anything in anger before, only to eat, and for a moment, she wondered if perhaps, fighting wasn't what she wanted to do after all...

Before she could wallow too long, a yowl from Kenta bought her back to the present. The cat might have been surly and scarred when she found him, but that didn't mean she should leave him to fight a coyote on his own. Dropping her blood stained blade for now, she barrelled towards the fighting pair, jumping to try and get a good hold on the scruff of her opponent. With the tiny, albeit hefty wolf on his back, and a cat attacking his front, there wasn't really much more of a fight to be had. Eventually, the last coyote stilled and Fuji raised herself up on wobbly limbs, lungs gasping for air.

A quick once over told her Kenta was ok and for all she wanted to just hug her cat to her and have a little cry for a moment, their company made it's presence known and the pink and white girl forced the urge away. She mustered a grateful expression, though her eyes still betrayed her lingering shock at being set upon so suddenly. Her laugh in response (more a drawn out Hah than a genuine laugh) sounded distant in her own ears. She blinked twice, her head hanging low before she allowed herself a full body shake to release some of the lingering tension, the movement reminding her of the tear across her hip with a wave of burning pain. Was she okay?

Breathless, she still was. “I b'lieve so, yes, jus'a scratch. Never killed nothin' like tha' b'fore.” Her Japanese accent was less than her brothers who had grown up where no other tongue was spoken, and her mother's common was it's own rough run-together bastardisation of the language, so it didn't make for the most discernible of speech to those not familiar with it. “D'yer need any 'ssistance? I've had some lessons from Ma' on healin'.”


Just move those left feet, go ahead, get crazy
[Image: i0F1X8z.gif]