
Parties always mean mouths to feed

Rudy, Kip


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
01-29-2023, 02:17 PM
Even though he and Rudyard were now in the High Council, that didn't mean that either of them ever really abandoned the hunting tasks that they had usually been assigned–not that he would want to. Hunting was one of the things that he actually enjoyed doing that just so happened to benefit the pack so it was really a win-win in his book. With the upcoming bonfire festival, he knew that there would be a feast involved or at the very least guests that would likely be staying at the castle and would need to be fed if not both. Because of that he had been putting more time and effort toward hunting and making sure that the pantry was throughly stocked and ready to go. Rudy had long been his hunting partner of choice so after he found a trail of a herd of deer he doubled back and went to go find the fellow antlered man. When he did find Rudy he was with his son and that quickly turned the hunting trip into a hunting lesson which really just felt like a two-for-one.

Ezra led Rudy and Kipling out to the God's Garden to where he had originally picked up the trail and then signaled for them to be quiet as he stalked forward, following a few of the over grown garden paths till they found themselves at the edge of a open clearing where the deer had decided to pause to graze on the grass that had been growing like crazy from the frequent rains they had been experiencing lately. He stopped at a line of shrubbery and glanced over to Rudy and Kipling. While he certainly wouldn't turn down any of the boy's thoughts or opinions, he mainly directed his words to Rudy so that Kip could see them at work and learn how the two seasoned hunters worked together. "I say we go for the buck toward the right side," he whispered. Usually for two hunters a larger buck like that would be a bit more difficult, but they needed a lot of meat and he was more than confident in their skills. Plus, they had the added bonus of the garden's thick plant life boxing in the herd a bit. "We can get on either side of it from the bushes and ambush it on both sides."

"Ezra Adravendi"


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-06-2023, 12:31 AM

Rudyard had always loved hunting and using the skills mom had started teaching him so many years ago.  One of the things Resin had left Rudy was a solid foundation in hunting skills.  Of course, it was also just a fun task regardless of who taught him.  When Ezra had suggested they go for a herd of deer he’d found Rudy was quick to agree.  

Kipling had been with him and since his son had dreams of being a hunter Rudy had agreed to let him come along to watch.  Rudyard had a solid memory in his mind of being a small pup with a herd of deer thinking to stomp the life out of him and while Kipling would get to come to watch he had no plans of letting Kip put himself in danger no matter what his child was thinking.   Glancing at his son Rudy thought of the boy and his other children and wondered just how much of a penchant they would have for finding trouble.  

As they got close to the deer Rudy focused on Ezra and their food, putting thoughts to the task at hand.  Rudy considered the back Ezra had pointed out, nodding in agreeance.  “I’d say you go for the neck, you have more size and strength on your end.  I’ll get a hind leg.  Even if we can’t get it down as fast as we would prefer, it won’t be able to get away from us if the leg is injured.  We can always tire it out if need be instead of a preferred fast kill.”  Ezra really didn’t need everything drawn out in such detail but just like Ezra he was speaking things out more elaborately for Kipling's benefit.   “Watch out for the antlers, I’ll watch out for the hooves.”  

“Well, Kip, what do you think of the plan?  Your job is going to be to watch the hunt and let us know if you think either one of us could have done something different to make things go smoother.” As the boy was about to speak, with a noted stubborn look on his face Rudy decided to add to his statement.  “When you are bigger you can help us kill it, not today.  You don’t have the strength needed to bring it down or the speed to avoid being kicked.  Today you learn so that when you are older you can be a great hunter.”

"Rudyard Carpathius"



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)

1 Year
02-06-2023, 12:52 AM

Kipling was elated to go on a hunt with Ezra and Kipling.  The three-legged pup seemed intent to follow them in bounding leaps and circle back when they started walking but it wasn’t long before he kept to just jogging along beside the larger wolves.  As they got close Kipling looked between the two hunters s they spoke, wide-eyed soaking in the plans.  With the two discussing the plans with each other, the boy hadn’t appeared to pick up on the fact some of this could have gone unsaid.

His eyes moved to where the buck ate the grass, watching how it would shift its weight at times.  The buck would raise its head once in a while, muscles rippling under its skin then lower its head back to graze again.  The prey animal seemed jumpy the way it seemed to pick up on every little sound but when its head was up it didn’t seem to be scared.  It was more like the deer was ready to challenge whatever came after it.

The plan they worked on included the two adults but what about him? He could help also!  Somehow! He could…  Well, what could he do?  Then dad asked about what he thought of the plan he and Ezra were working on.  Kip was opening his mouth to point out how he could distract it when dad cut in saying he didn’t get to help this time.  The boy scrunched up his face in frustration but quickly let it go.  It was pretty cool that he was going to at least be there for the hunt.  “Well, it sounds alright.” Kip hedged, wanting to find some way to prove he could help.  “I bet there are traps you could make that’d help make it easier to catch the deer and less dangerous.” So he didn’t know exactly what those traps were yet but, they did exist, right?  



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
02-19-2023, 01:30 AM
Ezra hadn't really expected Rudy to disagree with his plan simply because he had hunted with the Carpathius man enough times to know his style, but it was still good to go over the plan since they were also teaching little Kipling at the same time. As expected, Rudy agreed and added his own input of where each of them should focus their efforts, earning a nod of agreement from him in turn. His gaze turned toward the pup in question as Rudyard spoke to him, giving him the task of judging their hunt and giving them feedback at the end. Ezra had to keep himself from chuckling as Kipling went to protest and Rudy had to stop him with insistence that he wasn't yet big enough or strong enough for this particular hunt. It made him wonder if he'd have the will power to tell pups no if he ever had some of his own. Perhaps the motivation of keeping them safe was enough to warrant a 'no' from time to time.

Kipling did impress him at least a bit as he agreed to their plan and then brought up the idea of making a trap so it would be easier or less dangerous to catch the buck they had their sights on. "There definitely are and traps are very useful for some prey, but for deer they have to be pretty big traps to actually catch them. They're fast and jump pretty high so easier to set up traps that would just trip them up or knock them over don't usually work," he explained. "But if we had come out here ahead of time we probably could have set something like that up. For now though I think your old man and I can handle it." He gave Kipling a little grin and added, "But when you're a little older I'll bring you out and show you how to make some of those traps, alright?"

With Kipling settled, he nodded to Rudy and began to use the short, crumbling walls and over grown shrubbery of the garden as cover as he started to move around to the opposite side of the buck to take up his position in their ambush. He got to a good spot where he had an opening to rush out and cut off the deer when it began to dart off and he waited for Rudyard to appear before he made his move as well. He was prepared for the hunt to not be as smooth as some others due to the fact that it was just the two of them going after a larger target, but he was also very confident in their skills so he had no doubt they would be successful either way.

"Ezra Adravendi"


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-22-2023, 11:51 PM

Kipling seemed to accept he wasn’t getting to join in on the hunt.  Rudy gave him an assessing look for a second longer, letting the pup know that Rudy wouldn’t be easily fooled if he tried to change his mind once the hunt started.  With the less fun task of playing strict dad momentarily over with Rudy could move on to the fun of a challenging hunt.  The harder it got the more fun it was.  

Rudy turned in the opposite direction of Ezra and started his own quiet trek closer to the deer, carefully staying down low and using the brush to hide him from easy sight.  Rudy got in position, eyes flicking to Ezra to make sure he was also ready to go.  Once they were both set up Rudy gave himself a moment to collect himself and put his focus on every movement of the deer’s breath and its muscles movements.

The deer lowered its head and Rudy leaped out.  The deer’s head jerked upright, its first leap more straight up in surprise before the next that would be meant to go forward and escape.  Rudyard followed, teeth snapping into the leg, muscles bracing to attempt to keep the leg in his mouth for a precious second to up the odds of Ezra getting the best aim possible on the neck.  Injuring it would help assure eventually killing it but even better if they could make it fast.  




Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)

1 Year
02-23-2023, 12:03 AM

Did he really have to just watch?? Kipling had agreed to it and this was still fun but he really really wanted to help.  He could have been a distraction!  Maybe he could of chased it toward them!  The idea of helping kept tugging at him but he didn’t help, not this time.  He’d just have to kill something later and show off that he was already a good hunter.

The adults went off to get closer and Kip reasoned it was important he get a good view so after a count of three and dad growing farther away the boy started following along from a distance, head turning this way and that for a better spot to watch, at least in his own mind.

He stayed down low also in an attempt to imitate the larger adults in being hidden.  His movements were exaggeratedly slow and with frustration, he realized that he wasn’t going to get to his desired location before Ezra and Rudy were in position.  The two stopped and Kipling scowled and jogged to get on top of a large pile of rocks for a decent view.  Just in time!  Kipling watched as the hunt started.

"Kipling Carpathius"


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
03-01-2023, 03:10 PM
As soon as the deer's head lowered he knew that was their opportunity and Rudy didn't disappoint in timing his charge at the same time as him, the seasoned hunters working well in tandem together. He launched himself out of the brush at the same time as Rudyard and the two hunters easily boxed in the buck. The deer of course tried to run, but they had the element of surprise on their side and with Rudy grappling its leg and tripping it up it gave him a great opportunity to leap up and latch his own jaws around its throat. His serrated teeth immediately began to rip through flesh with the deer's struggling and flailing attempts to get away, only making the wound worse.

He managed to use the momentum of his jump to bring the deer down, narrowly missing its swinging antlers as the deer tried to throw his head to the side to hit him. The deer landed on its side with a heavy thump and Ezra was quick to get a paw on the side of its head and pin it down while he held his tight grip on its throat to keep those antlers at bay and he depended on Rudy to help pin down the rest of the large prey animal to keep it from trying to get away again. It didn't take long with that crushing bite on its throat to end their hunt though and even if it had managed to get away it wouldn't have gotten far with these injuries. The hunt could have ended up being more of a production than it was, but luckily their quick timing and well practiced skill won out this time.

Once the deer fell still, Ezra let go with a satisfied sigh, licking the blood from his lips as he glanced up at Rudy with a pleased grin. "Well done as always!" He looked around for Kipling then, spotting the gray-furred pup on a near by rock and tossed the boy a grin as well. "What'd you think?" he called over to him, waving him to come down and take a look at the buck now that it was downed.

"Ezra Adravendi"