
i forget the last time i felt brave



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
01-31-2023, 04:08 PM
On her way through to cross into Auster Deathbelle had noticed that the scent of Ashen had moved. Part of her felt it strange for Venom to move the Empire from its perch, but it also warmed her inside to know they had returned to the place the pack was founded. She didn’t think something like this would ever happen, but after everything she had been through in life she understood the yearning to return to once was.

She hadn’t really recovered from her jarring experience with Sirius. She perhaps had even less closure than the last time they had parted ways. He had allowed her to part ways, but wouldn’t have fought had he decided to drag her to the Armada. She also denied her own son the offer of returning with him to the pack she had founded. No matter how much she did want to go back, she truly deserved no place within.

So, the once proud matriarch wandered wherever her ivory painted paws carried her. Southward to Auster where the winter cold no longer bit into her bones. Maybe she would find a nice warm place to curl up and never wake up. She’d said her goodbyes for the most part, it would be easy to slip away into Auster’s dark jungles and be forgotten to history. Life had been so cruel, that surely a swift and quiet end would be her reward.

The somber thoughts lingered in her mind as her light and dark form waded through the shadows of the aspen foliage above her. The day was beautiful, the birds sang, the sun was warm, and the grasses were vibrant green. The life of the forest soothed her soul and coaxed her into laying in a ray of sunshine for the afternoon. She needed a good meal, and a fresh spring to drink from, but the sound of rest was too tempting. Her joints creaked and protested as she lowered herself to the soft grass beneath her toes.

"Deathbelle & Iolaire"

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
02-03-2023, 08:01 AM

Iolaire was... everywhere. There was little to tether her to one place, though if she had to choose, she would choose The Hallows. Ever having wandering paws, the small, tri-colored woman picked her way across Auster, stopping here and there to take in the sights and smells. Today, one particularly interesting smell drew her attention. An old smell. Familiar. The woman wasted no time in tracking the owner of this scent.

Padding quietly through the sun rich grasses between the tall aspens, Io took a moment to wet her tongue from the cool, running waters, eyeing the plethora of beavers that congregated on the other side, waiting for the 'predator' to leave. Little did they know, Iolaire's specialty was mice and so they were safe from her. Not that she couldn't catch them, she just chose not to. After watching the wary creatures a moment more, she continued on.

Soon the soot and snow fae came upon her quarry. There, laying in a patch of sunlight was Deathbelle. She hadn't imagined it. Ears slicked back momentarily as she took in the sight of her former lover. The once proud woman was thin, sickly looking. Her coat once gleamed, but no more. There was an aura of sadness and defeat around her. Well... that just wouldn't do.

Moving quietly forward, the smaller fae's green and gold gaze rested on Belle's face. "You should take better care of yourself, love." Io spoke softly, waiting for the fae's attention. "I've already died once. I don't recommend it. " She then gave a soft, sad smile at the former Empress before closing the distance between them and placing her forehead against Belle's.

"Deathbelle & Iolaire"
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
02-04-2023, 09:06 PM
She wasn’t quite sure if she ever wanted to move from this place. The sun warmed her back and the quiet stream sang its subtle lullaby. The air was clear and fresh, there was no cause of strife here beyond the emotional scars that hung heavily on her soul. Even now in this moment alone she couldn’t truly forget or let herself settle into true rest and relaxation. The once Empress was tired and worn out, life ran her through and kept her hanging on. She wished deeply she could go back to a time when she could truly appreciate a place like this.

A soft sigh settled on her dark lips as she sunk into the grass, and waited for the end of the day or maybe the end of the world. Just as her once bright eyes slid closed the sound of paws through the forest floor caught her attention. She opened her once lustrous lavender gaze to find a ghost peering into her eyes. Deathbelle could hardly believe that Iolaire stood before her now. The words she said cut deeply, but she wasn’t sure she believed them.

Before she could agree, disagree, or defend herself Io stepped forward, closing the distance between them. Deathbelle’s brows furrowed as she held back the tears as memories and emotions came flooding back. She had hid herself away, closed the door and embraced numbness because the hurt was too great, but she couldn’t withhold the deep sadness that welled up deep in her chest and overflowed into her limbs and toe tips.

Deathbelle leaned into Iolaire’s affection, recanting the could have, should have’s, and would haves had she known this was where she would someday be. She wished desperately that she hadn’t let Io go all those years ago. Her life would have turned out extraordinarily different. "Iolaire.” Belle eventually whispered through her hoarse throat. Fighting to keep her tears back and emotions at bay, fighting to remain numb, but failing as all of her love for this woman surged back into her heart.

"Deathbelle & Iolaire"

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
02-07-2023, 09:35 PM

Deathbelle looked rather shocked and Iolaire couldn't blame her. The last time they'd seen one another, she'd been dead. Well, not really dead, but definitely unhinged. Not reliable at all. Good for nothing, really. She had drifted on the wind, going wherever it and her paws took her. Only seeing Roan's ghost had convinced her that she wasn't dead. The aftermath of that was filled with anger, despair, sorrow. In time, the small woman's mental tantrum had ended and she regained her senses. There had been some loose ends to tend to, then she went looking for her former lover.

As Belle leaned into her, speaking Io's name with scratchy vocals, the smaller fae wrapped her forelegs around the other woman, holding her close. "It's okay, Belle." Io placed gentle kisses upon the fae's crown, one leg holding her close and the other paw slowly and rhythmically stroking the woman's shoulder and back. She tried to soothe the distraught woman as best as she could.

Io held the other woman for as long as was necessary, sitting on her haunches with her arms wrapped about her. She didn't say anything just yet, instead waiting for Deathbelle to speak first. There wasn't much for Iolaire to say, but she did have questions. They could wait until the emaciated fae was ready. Time was passing them by, but they still had enough left to wait until Belle regained her composure.

"Deathbelle & Iolaire"
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
02-08-2023, 08:57 AM
Deathbelle was preparing herself to reach the end of her life, she expected no redemption or a hero to come in and save her. Nor did she deserve to be swept up from her doom. She deserved to die alone here, forgotten so that the ones she loved and failed could move on with their lives without the guilt of her weight resting on their shoulders. It was the last kindness she could give to them. Then suddenly Iolaire was there in front of her. Deathbelle had been convinced that she wouldn’t ever shee the woman she had loved ever again. After their last encounter Belle had figured that she had found her own journey to the end. Maybe she was here to guide her to the afterlife?

That wasn’t right either though, the emotions and the pain that lingered in her body denied her that relief. All of the despair that filled her drained as Io put her arms around her, holding her tightly and reassuring her with her soft touch and gentle voice. Tears squeezed from her once vibrant eyes as she closed them and leaned into Iolaire’s affection as she cooed softly, soothing the broken woman. Deathbelle couldn’t help the little sobs that fell from her as Iolaire held her and she buried herself in the woman’s soft fur.

She took her moment, thankful that Io was here to see and accept the emotions that had been hidden and buried for so long. The numbness eased away to allow her to feel every ripping and difficult emotion that she had ignored for so long. After the uncontrollable emotions filtered through she could finally take a breath. She held Io for a long moment longer, still in disbelief that she was in her arms now.

"I’m sorry.” She whispered, owing Io an apology for being unable to help her all that time ago, but more than that her apology was to the world. To those she should have been there for and the missed opportunities that brought her to this moment. For all of the bad decisions that had been made during her life. "I’m so sorry.” She didn’t deserve forgiveness, but she would lament her guilt.

"Deathbelle & Iolaire"

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
02-08-2023, 09:51 AM

Deathbelle continued to hold onto her, finally letting loose and crying into the smaller woman's fur. It was obvious that she'd been holding all of this emotion inside for a long while. As sobs wracked the piebald woman, Io remained silent, holding her for as long as she needed. Eventually, Belle pulled back and the first words out of her mouth were an apology. Dark ears perked and the small lady's brow raised. "For what?" For as flighty as Iolaire's mind had been, the woman didn't have regrets. Regrets held you back and stopped you from living. They stopped you from moving on. That wasn't what she wanted for Belle and she would tell her as much.

A white toed paw rested on either side of the crying fae's face, thumbs giving a gentle and loving stroke as she brought Deathbelle's gaze to meet her own. "You walked the path that you were supposed to walk. Life is never without hardship and some of us are destined to experience more than others." There was strength and resolve in the fae's green and gold gaze. She believed every word that she was speaking. "Each and every step that you and I have taken in our lives has led us right here. Right to this very moment." The fae's hind foot stomped the ground twice, proof that they were here and they were real.

Io wasn't without sympathy and she wasn't all hard and brusque. Again she leaned in and placed a soft kiss on the woman's brow. "The path that you choose to walk next is just ahead." Soft pressure was applied to Belle's cheeks, tilting the emotional dame's face upwards. With their noses almost touching, Io continued that hard eye contact. "We're old," she informed her friend as though she wasn't aware. "Life has led us here. Our paths have crossed to bring us back together. We shouldn't squander such a gift." Paws released the woman's cheeks and all four were placed back on the ground. She didn't touch Belle, but she stayed very close. "If you're willing, let's walk the rest of our path together."

"Deathbelle & Iolaire"
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
02-08-2023, 10:51 AM
Unlike Iolaire Deathbelle clung desperately to her regrets and misdeed, and in turn they ate her up from the inside out. Her soul was broken and decayed, as well cared for as her physical appearance. Raggedy, far too skinny, listless.. As within as without. Iolaire questioned her softly, pulling away just enough that she could cup her tear stained cheeks and meet her eyes. Before she collect her words or her thoughts to defend her apology Iolaire was speaking softly again, drying her tears as she tried to explain the reality as she saw it herself.

Iolaire tried to tell her that all happened as it was meant to, but every word felt wrong. Deathbelle despised some of the things that she did, or did not do. She wanted so bad to interrupt to say that her own decisions had caused her the hardships, her own lack of courage and conviction. That was why she was here, broken and alone… But she wasn’t alone.

Deathbelle looked up into Io’s green gold gaze, finally allowing the words to make sense. There was no telling what might have been, only the here and now. Right now, in the present moment, Deathbelle had the one she loved before her. She had adored her so dearly and so deeply, how had she ever been able to let Io go to begin with? She remained quieted as Iolaire went on, stomping her foot to emphasize her point. The past was done and made, all there was before them was the future. Belle had been convinced all that remained ahead of her was darkness, but Iolaire’s soft tender kiss was a light that she didn’t even know still existed.

They were old, who knew how long they would have left, but since they were reunited here, somehow, wasn’t it better to have one another to see each other to twilight? Deathbelle still didn’t believe that she deserved such a happy ending, but there wasn’t anything else she wanted in the world. Her time with Iolaire had been some of the happiest moments of her life, benign offered a chance to experience that again felt too good to be true. She took in a deep breath as Io pulled away, and exhaled with a soft sigh as her errant emotions were returned to their cage.

"There’s nothing I’d want more,” She admitted finally with a whisper of her voice, tears still welling in her eyes but no longer overflowing. Deathbelle felt like she was being saved, but fear had also settled in her heart. How many times had she gotten her hopes up, only to be crushed again and again? "You.. Won’t leave me?” She asked hesitantly, mismatched ears falling to her skull as she questioned Iolaire bashfully. At one time, she wouldn’t have doubted a single word that Iolaire said, but she had been cut so deeply that she didn’t hold trust in anything anymore. Especially not herself.

"Deathbelle & Iolaire"

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
02-10-2023, 03:25 PM

It looked as though Belle might want to argue against Iolaire's words, a spark of life in the woman's dual-toned gaze. That was promising and the tri-colored fae cracked a grin. So there was some fire left in there somewhere. The dullness of the woman's coat, the lack of sparkle in her beautiful eyes... Io had been afraid that Belle had completely given up.

In time, Belle settled, though her eyes still sparkled with tears. The larger fae agreed to spend the rest of her days with Iolaire and the little woman smiled, using her thumbs to wipe the tears from her former lovers cheeks. Suddenly, Deathbelle's expression shifted to one of uncertainty and her next words broke Iolaire's heart. The sheer vulnerability of the question brought a soft sigh from Io as she moved in to wrap her forelegs around her friends neck, pulling her in close once more. "Never again," she promised softly.

Back when they'd first been lovers, Deathbelle had had responsibilities and expectations that Iolaire couldn't help her fulfill. Now that they were older and their positions in life had changed, there was nothing to keep them apart. They would need somewhere safe to stay while Belle recovered from her sorrow. Pulling back to sit before the woman once more, Io shared her idea. "My mother adopted a litter of pups and gave them our name. The Hallows is governed by one of those wolves. Artorias would allow us to stay in Hallowed land if I asked. I think it would be good for both of us." Iolaire would offer her services as teacher in recompense. Deathbelle could work on returning to her former glory. At the end of each day, they could fall asleep beside one another. Nothing in the world sounded better than that. Dark ears perked as she wondered what Belle might think of the idea.

"Deathbelle & Iolaire"
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
02-11-2023, 08:51 AM
She wasn’t completely gone yet, but some days she had truly felt like she had been drained completely dry. Here with Iolaire she could feel the life return to her, the spark she was certain that died out was reignited by the emotions between them that were stronger than the call of the void. For a moment she had given up, but before those consequences could be seen through, Iolaire was there to save her.

Once, Deathbelle didn’t believe that she would ever need saving, she was the strong pillar of the Klein family. Life had eagerly eroded that strength and confidence away, leaving her here like this as a result. Broken and used up, certain that the end was nigh. Yet here came the angel she thought that was gone for so long. The one she had loved by chance, but deeply, for a very long time. The woman she wasn’t able to hold on to. She felt hope for the first time in a very long time.

There was still a barrier though, as she whispered her fears to Iolaire, who sighed softly before she wrapped her thin arms around Deathbelle once more. A soft whine slipped from her throat as she leaned into the pure love of her affection. Something that she had missed dearly. Iolaire promised, she wouldn’t leave her ever again. Instead of breaking down into tears again the love that she felt for Io bloomed in her heart. The frozen landscape was swept away to rejuvenate the deep healing emotions that had always been there, but had been locked away. Had Deathbelle’s heart not frozen over in numbness she would have already perished.

She pulled at the last of her strength to let Iolaire go as she pulled away, her words soothing Belle’s frayed nerves and severed heart. Iolaire went on to offer more of a solution and a plan, not just a bold offer. They could find shelter in the Hallows. Belle tried to bury the memory of being shipped off to the Hallows for a time right after Sirius had abandoned her. "Anywhere, that I’m with you.” Deathbelle returned simply as guilt suddenly poured over her. "Are you sure you want to take this journey with me?” She asked again, pressing too hard for a woman who was obviously ready to devote herself. Again, it was not Deathbelle’s doubt in Iolaire, it was the lack of self worth. She wasn’t worth the effort Iolaire would have to put forth.

"Deathbelle & Iolaire"

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.