
Making Things Is Fun! I Think...

Falcon & Elowen Activity Check


"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-31-2023, 06:36 PM

The heat of summer has returned to the lands and, on one of the rare dry days, Fern is ouside taking advantage of the weather. Her gray form works in a nice area of the garden, laying out huge fur out on the grass underneath the shade of a tree. She busies herself setting out supplies that they can work with; three woven baskets filled with soft, fluffy alpaca fur of various colors and sizes along with several of long, thin strips of leather. Once the items are in place, the gray woman sits back and does one more visual check on the items before nodding in approval to herself.

Singing a song for Falcon and Elowen to join her, she then settles in to wait for her two children and she hopes that they will have fun with the activity she has chosen for them today. With the approach of the festival, Fern had tried to figure out something for them all to make together while trying to make sure it is something that the children might enjoy. Luckily, the Hallows had some extra alpaca fur laying around and, since it is the softest fur around, an idea had quickly taken shape; toys for all the pups who will be coming.

"Fern Carpathius" | "Puff"

Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

1 Year
02-04-2023, 10:27 PM

There was supposed to be a festival coming up and young Elowen was excited. Who wouldn’t be? The girl couldn’t help but wonder who she might meet there, and what new friends she’d make. The excitement had filled Elowen with so much excitement, in fact, that it had been hard for her to use enough to settle down at night. She’d spent time hanging out and playing with her family as well as playing with her canine companion, Ginger. It felt like Ginger was one of the only ones able to keep up with her energy although Hot Mama had also been doing what she could to assist, ensuring that every day was full of fun.

But their latest game was cut short when Elowen’s mother called for her. Excusing herself, the girl took off across the courtyard in the direction of Fern’s call. A grin was on El’s face, her tongue lolling out of her mouth as she ran. She was sure that, whatever her mother wanted, it was going to be fun! She had called for Falcon too and Elowen was eager to spend some time with them.

It didn’t take long for Elowen to arrive at the scene with her mother. She temporarily ignored the gathered materials and crossed over to Fern’s side before snuggling up to the woman in greeting. “Hello Mama!” The girl barked. “What are we doing today? Do you think Falcon will be here soon?” Her multi-colored gaze swept toward the wool and leather as her tail wagged behind her.

"Talk," 'Think.'


"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-27-2023, 12:17 AM

Fern waits for her children to arrive and is soon rewarded with the appearance of her daughter, Elowen. A huge smile is beamed to the pup as the little one moves to her side and the gray woman wraps her legs around her daughter’s frame and pulls her in for a hug. The girl barks a greeting and the gray woman chuckles softly, aiming to place a gentle lick between her daughter’s ears. As the girl questions what they are doing, joy sparkles in the gray woman’s eyes as she says, “Well, I thought the three of us could make some dolls for all of the children that will be attending the bonfire festival! Now, we will give your brother a few minutes but, he might be helping your fatherclean. So, it might just be you and me!”

A genuine, heart-felt laugh fills the air as she gives Elowen a squeeze before releasing the girl from her embrace. Happily, Fern explains, “You know the alpacas that the pack keeps? Well, when we sheer them for their warm wool, there are often small scraps left unused. I thought we could roll them up or fold them to form shapes and sew them together to make little dolls. What do you think?” Eyebrows lift in question and, after she speaks, the gray woman offers her daughter yet another smile. Pulling a few strips of different colored furs toward her, Fern then sets about bunching one up until the soft fur loosely resembles a ball. From there, she ties it off with a piece of leather before helping Elowen to make her own ‘body’.

Next, Fern shows Elowen how to make another, small ball for the head and ties it off with another piece of leather. Then, the pair roll four long legs and one short piece for the neck, all tied in place tightly with a piece of leather. Once her daughter has set her pieces aside, Fern looks to the girl and thumps her tail happily, saying, “Good job my dear! Now, you keep making all those pieces and set them aside, okay? I am going to assemble them.” A wink is tossed to her girl as the gray wolf produces a small pouch that she had hidden from view. She withdraws a needle and black thread. Since her mother was a healer, Fern learned how to make her own thread from the tendons of animals and the woman has simply dyed this one black.

Palming one of the fur ‘bodies’, she quickly spears the area where the neck will be with her needle before pulling a short neck piece toward her. With deft paws, Fern quickly attaches a neck to a body while offering Elowen tips and tricks she goes. The head is attached next, then the legs and once everything is tacked on, with a few extra stitches going in to keep all the pieces closed, Fern then unties the strips of leather and shows off the little alpaca wolf. Her smart child reminds her that all wolves need a tail and she gently laughs, before finding a tiny piece of fur that she then attaches to the rear of the doll. Just for Elowen, she tacks on two small ears before getting a quality check from her daughter.

After, the first doll passes inspection, the pair continue to work with Elowen assembling the pieces and Fern stitching them together. They share the afternoon, swapping stories and laughing while the two make dolls for the pups.

"Fern Carpathius"

Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.


03-01-2023, 12:32 PM
He was late. So dreadfully late that he didn't even take the time to clean himself off as he hurried through the corridors and raced through the halls, slipping down stairs and even knocking over a thing or two as his paws slipped out from under him as he made his way to his mother. He had been helping clean the place up, yes, and he had gotten so absorbed in it that he hadn't even heard his mom until he realized that it was real and not just in his head. The young boy hated disappointing others, and already he felt he was starting to.

He breathed hard as he found his way, and by the time he arrived, his mother and sister seemed to be in the midst of whatever activity was at hand. He burst into the room, skidding and slipping to a halt with his ears back and a shameful expression on his face. "Sorry I'm late mother! I didn't mean to be..." would she be upset with him?