
Fields Of Gold


04-15-2014, 01:03 AM

The autumn morning sun was kissing the land, morning upon the land when Arwel would come to a stop, looking across the plains that stretched on before him. In the changing of the seasons the grasses had begun to grow dull, becoming more of a golden color than their rich green. Fields of gold... It was a beautiful sight, even if it meant that winter would soon be upon all of Alacritia. This thought made him glad that the pack was not set in the North... It would be terribly cold there... Colder than most other areas in Alacritia. He would shake his head. It was something he needed to deal with so it wasn?t something he really needed to dwell on.

What he did need to focus on, however, was the training of one of their higher ranks. It felt strange to be training another wolf but he wouldn?t complain... He was older than her and perhaps he might have a trick or two he could teach her. Guinevere. He didn?t really know her well but it was time to change that, as it was time for her training to start. Whats more was that he would need to do more work as well... Not just in training her but simply to better himself.

Cerulean orbs would close as the male tipped his head back, his howl sounding loud enough to reach the main densite. He wasn?t really sure where the she-wolf had made her den but with any luck at all she was nearby and would hear his call. If not, well, he would just have to go looking for her then. He would sit down to wait, opening his eyes again and glancing out across the plains again as the wind played with the fur on his body. Things were going to get better... He was sure of it.




04-18-2014, 03:46 PM

There was no denying that guinevere had made herself rather scarce in valhalla, infact- many could question if she was even there at all. Many times she had thought about leaving for good, but there was always something telling her to hold on to what familiarity she had going. Perhaps she could visit Chrysanthe soon to feel better, afterall she's the only family she really knew due to the lack of socializing Guinevere had made with the gatherings. She would sigh, hearing the call from afar. The girl was sitting under a beautiful tree, loosing its blossom as winter was soon to come. She was already 2 years old now, and it felt like only yesterday she was curled up in her mothers bed along with her sister Solaine. It felt like the memory could be easily wiped away; and she fears soon she'll forget the tiniest of memories she had with them all.

Her depression hadnt gotten any better, and instead of correcting that, she had decided to live with it. Guinevere had grown up to be beautiful, just like all the Adravendi's where, but her sad face didnt really show it; or make her look like she had that glow that many woman would dream for. She would carry her large mass over to the call, which was only a territory or two away. She would take her time, gazing at all the scenery before halting, seeing the man that she presumed had called upon her. Was the training to begin today? Guin would make her way over, assessing him. She would keep her distance, eyes laying upon him. " Am i late? What are we learning today?"



04-28-2014, 04:37 PM

A bit of time would pass, though Arwel wouldn?t mind. He had faith that the Guinevere would show, even if the young wolfess was not one that he knew well. Ears were perked as he looked across the plains, eyes holding an almost distant look to them as the male looked back and reflected upon his life. There had been hardships... And things of great beauty too. He had his share of happiness and sadness... Of dealing with new life and death. Things were ever changing... But Arwel would be ready to rise and meet the change. He was not going to give up what time he had left... No matter what happened... Arwel was going to make the best of things.

Finally as voice would break him from his memories, head turning to the female that had spoken to him. Ah, Guinevere. He would shake his head, offering a gentle smile. ?Not at all. I?m going to be tutoring you in hunting... so I figured we could just start with some basic rules and strategies to keep in mind while doing so, and perhaps work a bit on stamina.? Hunting wasn?t something that could be learned overnight... Not that any skill could. He would also need to see what she knew... But... Something about the sad face of the femme would give Arwel pause.

The male would rise, slowly turning towards her. ?Though... Are you up for it? You seem... A bit down.? His brows were furrowed a bit with concern for the she-wolf. As of the moment Arwel had no kin living in Valhalla... And in his mind that made all of them his kin to care for. He would give Guinevere her space... Allowing her to choose whether or not to get closer... Or offer any information on what may be bothering her.




05-03-2014, 01:50 PM

She would remain rather silent, and if he was waiting for her to begin conversation then it would probably turnout to have none at all. Though, it wasnt like she meant to be like that. She would stand still, waiting for instructions and techniques to learn. He seemed to be experienced in hunting, but he must be if he was assigned to teach. She would blink, triangular lobes swiveling to his answer which broke the silence once again. "Hunting? Oh... Go for it, im not really that good at it anyways, i can only catch rabbits." Perhaps it was extremely obvious, she was rather thin and lanky then what should be expected of a 36" wolf. Though, before they could actually begin he would pick up her depression, but there wasnt really anything to say unless it'd drag on to be a bore. "im fine, its not like i can change whatevers wrong with me anyway... i suppose the lesson will distract me" She would nod to herself once, it should be fun to better her skills, right?


05-04-2014, 12:19 PM

Her answer was hardly at all reassuring. The brute would frown deeply, listening to her speak. It wasn?t her lack of skill that bothered him... But the fact that she spoke the second statement that concerned him. Arwel would lower his ears slightly, speaking softly. ?Maybe you think there is nothing that can fix how you are feeling... But... Maybe you?d find the answer if you talked more with others.? It was a little more of subtle hint that the brute had not seen her around Valhalla... And there was a bit of concern in his eyes as he spoke the words. He would straight then, soft cerulean orbs not leaving her form.

?If you feel that the lesson can help distract you though we don?t need to press into other matters if you don?t want... And we can continue with what I have planned. Though it doesn?t always mean we have to meet as teacher and pupil... I?d be more than happy just to share in your company as a friend sometimes if you wished.? Was he sticking his nose where it didn?t belong? Arwel wasn?t sure but... A pack was just a really big extended family... So he should be looking out for the other members if they looked like they needed a helping paw.




05-05-2014, 06:04 AM

Though she barely knew the man ahead of her, it would seem he would lend a helping hand in her situation, though she didn't particularly want to babble on. Her muscles would tense, her gaze looking upon him "Oh, is my absence that obvious... well, i guess ill make a note on that." She would frown and look down to the floor, not realizing how obvious it was. " Maybe ill just try to make some more friends... its kinda hard. But for now lets hunt! When i get goood at it i can bring a big bull in for your birthday " She would nod half heartedly, right now she actually did want to hunt and show one of her family that she learnt something new instead of moping around.

OOC: Sorry for how short this is, no muse what so ever. The next one will be better, promise<3


05-08-2014, 07:02 PM
Ooc:: No worries! Hope you don't mind my training method... I tend to be slow. xD;;

Though she would tense, and speak, Arwel would remain calm, gaze gentle as he looked upon the fae. His goal was hardly to make her uncomfortable, merely lend a helping paw and do what he could to help her situation. Though he may not all her absence entirely obvious, well, depending on the wolf who was to take notice of such things, it was indeed concerning. He hoped that he would be able to bring Guinevere back into a state she felt comfortable interacting more within Valhalla. Something was bothering her... And though he didn?t know what it was he would do what he could to help.

He would grin, tail giving a little swish at her more optimistic words when she spoke again. ?Well you must start somewhere with such things right? You can do it I?m sure. You?re young... You?ll figure things out.? He would move, motioning with his muzzle. ?Come along then. There are different styles to hunting and taking down prey. I?m going to start you off with the one that I prefer, though there may be another that you find suit you better.?

The brute was itching to move, but there were things to explain first... So at least Guinevere would not be caught off guard. ?But there is one thing that all sigma must have... Some sort of endurance. So we?re going to start out with a running exercise. Follow after me as close as you can.? The male would move then, turning his body fully as he sprang forward. His particular method when it came to hunting involved wearing out the pry and outlasting them while running... But regardless of what worked best for Guinevere she would still need to be able to run hard and fast in order to hunt larger game... Though there were different hunting techniques for smaller prey as well.

There was a lot to teach... And Arwel looked forward to it.
