
I spent my time



3 Years
04-14-2014, 11:25 AM

Dutiron was a student now. So far it hadn't drastically changed his life in anyway nor had he really achieved anything beyond reaching an age old enough to hold the rank but all the same the young boy was rather proud of his new title all the same. He couldn't wait for any lessons to start, he had heard a little about them and as always was rather eager to learn as much new information as he possibly could and now as a student he thought it was rather necessary,

Until the lessons started though he was out learning what he could on his own and had ventured out to the hot springs today, an area that he hadn't really explored yet. The weather was still fairly warm, though the sun was certainly cooler now than it had been upon his first few ventures out of the den and yet the young Destruction boy found himself growing rather hot here. The closer he got to the pools of water, the more he realised that the heat was coming from them. Curiously he'd stare at the pools, glancing up at the sky for a moment and then back down to the water. He didn't think the sun had done this, but what on earth had then?


04-14-2014, 07:57 PM

The pack meeting had been interesting, though it hand't effected him as negatively as it had effected his siblings he hadn't been a fan of learning he would be an student of the pack now. He loved his mother and loved her lessons but he was more excited about the prospect of meeting other wolves in this pack now. He had seen other kids his age there, seated behind the lady who had called them together. Though Hestia had seemed almost hostile towards them he had actually viewed them with curiosity. There were other pups here?

He had stayed with his siblings when his mother had gone to talk to Song then had gone back to their den after all was said and done. Now he was padding through the hot springs again, bi coloured eyes darting too and fro as he searched for his little froggy friend again. Desiree had chased him off last time and now Solo wanted to find him again. So the young male would pad along the cool stone, damp fur clinging to his lanky frame, content in his solitude until eyes fell upon an unknown form. He was light coloured unlike anyone else he knew with a funny marking on his butt. For a moment Solo would stand, blinking easily as he watched the young male explore the hot springs. "What chur doin'?" The small red male would call out easily, head tipping as he bounded up towards the male, red plume waiving cheerfully above his back.



3 Years
04-15-2014, 03:45 AM

The presence of the other pups, although he hadn't met them himself hadn't been news to Dutiron. For starters he'd heard some of his family speaking about Symphony and her children, and it'd been explained to the boy that they were more of his family. One day he'd have to meet them, he was certainly interested to meet them, and it would be rather nice to meet the other brightly coloured pups that he had seen at the meeting, although perhaps not the growling girls, they hadn't seemed so friendly.

Well it seemed he would have his opportunity now to start expanding his network. "What chur doin'?" At the sound of another's voice Dutiron would lift his head and glance towards one of the bright red pups he had seen at the meeting. This boy seemed friendly enough and so Dutiron would twist himself slightly so he could look at him easier.

"I'm investigating." Dutiron responded. "The water is really hot here, I want to know why." Perhaps many pups wouldn't be quite so curious by that oddity though he was very interested in learning what he could about the world.


04-15-2014, 09:33 PM

The boy took a moment to turn around and acknowledge Solo's presence but when he did Solo would smile easily, tail waving gently in a show that he was trying to be friendly. It was already weird, this was his first real contact with anyone outside of his family and no he didn't count the meeting. His bickering sisters had probably not set the best example for his family and he was feeling something akin to embarrassment as this male turned to look at him. But soon her would speak, explaining his situation and the red male's head would tip, white lined eyes blinking as he took a few steps closer to the male and looked into the pool of water. Funny. He had grown up here and yet he had never asked such questions. Investigating? What was that?

He would blink, eyes flittering atop his skull as his head tipped and he stared into the waters. Why were they hot? "Any ideas?" He asked easily, plunking himself down beside this boy at the edge of the water and reaching down with white dipped paw to tap the waters surface. This particular pool was warm but not scolding like some of the other pools here. "I'm Solo by the way." He stated simply. His mom had always told him that introductions were only polite.



3 Years
04-16-2014, 04:03 AM

Dutiron was a bit of an odd fellow really. Many pups did have an inquisitive nature, would ask a few questions to try and understand something, it was perfectly normal. This particular pup however would take things a little further and often it could seem like the questions would never stop. The young Destruction boy had challenged himself and though of course didn't know that he had set himself an unachievable goal, he wished to learn everything.

Today the puzzle he was faced with was the Hot Springs. He would begin to move around the edge now, hoping perhaps he would see something, some kind of clue that could help him figure out this mystery. "Any ideas?" Dutiron would look back to the red boy and shook his head slightly. "Nothing yet. There has to be a reason though." It seemed that the other child didn't know why either but perhaps together they could work it out.

"I'm Solo by the way." Of course, they hadn't even introduced themselves yet, too caught up in his mission it had slipped his mind. "I'm Dutiron." He responded with a small smile. "So, Solo, do you have any ideas?" Perhaps even if he didn't know for sure the other boy would be able to offer a theory.


04-20-2014, 11:34 PM

Solo hopped back and forth between being inquisitive and uncaring with most thing, usually curious about a lot of things but easily dissuaded if need be. Here though he was just as curious as his new companion, seeming to feed off the energy as he stared into the steamy pool with bi coloured eyes. He knew that there was something beneath the earth that was hot. He remembered hearing his mother tell stories about it and the mountain they might move to but he couldn't really put two and two together just yet. So for a moment he would simply stare into the pools unblinking until eyes began to burn. His new companion spoke up after a moment, voicing that he himself had no ideas either. Brow would furrow he he rocked back on his haunches, watching as the male moved around the edge of this particular spring they were seated at.

"There's always a reason. There just isn't always an answer..." It was something his mother had told him time and time again when he had begun to ask a bombardment of questions. Funny how that had come out, making him sound much older then he really was though he didn't really understand what that statement meant. Head would tip again as the boy replied with his own name. Dutiron? Odd name... "Nice ta meetcha." He stated with an easy bob of his head before hopping to his paws and shaking out his seemingly always damp fur.

Did he have any ideas? He tipped his head as he walked around the edge of the pool the opposite way of the other way, looking into the waters. "No clue. I wonder why some are hotter then others too..." He mused, looking up at Dutiron and tipping his head. Had this boy noted that as well? Or was this his first time to the hot springs?



3 Years
04-21-2014, 02:54 PM

Dutiron hadn't heard any stories of heat beneath the earth, the only heat he knew of was the one that came from the sun, which was why it made no sense to him now for water to be giving off heat. "There's always a reason. There just isn't always an answer..." He would glance away from the water now, looking towards the red pup with a frown across his features. It didn't make much sense to him either. "What does that mean?" He'd question, wanting to understand the phrase and hoping that this wasn't one of those things that apparently didn't have an answer.

"No clue. I wonder why some are hotter then others too..." With this being his first trip here, Dutiron hadn't managed to note that fact yet. He'd realised the warmth was coming from the water and had stopped at the closest spring to try and work out why and that was when Solo had joined him. "They are?" He'd ask curiously, glancing back down to the pool before him and dipping his paw into the water.

From there he'd move walking past a few more of the pools before pausing at the edge of another, eager to test the theory for himself. He hoped he wasn't just imagining it, but as he dipped his paw into the second it really did seem warmer. His little face would light up at this realisation, it would only give him more questions, but already he had learnt something new. "They really are!" He happily announced, pleased that his new friend had helped teach him something.

He'd move back towards the first pool now to join Solo once more and his cheery mood would falter slightly as he arrived. "That doesn't really help us." He sighed, mind now realising he had so many more questions to ask, though no answer for his original one.