
torn butterfly wings


10-28-2014, 02:49 PM
keep in mind that currently she is a little better. right now though, in this thread, she's still a bit sick. -pokes her with a stick-

Not only did she feel physically sick, but mentally she felt like she was loosing her mind. Weak, practically helpless, and slowly growing horribly skinny due to lack of food...nothing seemed to be helping. Of course, with Titania's help, she was able to travel a little bit. She had even more strength then she did before---so now she was able to run, jump, etc. The amount of times she began to vomit, too, or the numerous moments where she was aching with agony, were also slowly beginning to grow less frequent. But they were still there, and that was the problem. It made her feel sicker than made her feel weak and helpless. She wasn't able to catch food for herself, she was barely able to keep herself awake very long. The sick girl was constantly huddled in some ditch, sleeping, trying frantically to get better.
But nothing, absolutely nothing, seemed to be helping her in any way. And Wren was loosing herself. Sometimes she would wonder if she'd ever get to see Bass again...or at least anyone from Abaven again. In this state---things like that were definitely appropriate to ask. "Will I ever find my way home?" Or, "Will I just die here in the middle of nowhere without anyone, except Titania, knowing why?" Thoughts like that weren't helping with her mental state much either. But she couldn't help it. She didn't have anyone to talk to, or anyone to go to. Of course, if she had the strength, she would of went back home. Regardless of whether she was still sick or not. But a trip like that would probably kill her instantly.
Wren staggered along the rough terrain uneasily, while keeping her eyes glued to the ground and her tail angled out with her spine for balance. The soulless forest...she only knew this place because she's been here once when she was simply a loner. It was quite a while since she's seen everything---but the gnarled earth was much worse. Probably caused by the recent storms that have flooded and ruined it. Wren breathed heavily, and dropped her head limply, eyes squeezing shut finally. "It-It's so cold, damn it." She muttered aggressively, teeth grinding together as she fought the cold, gentle winds that danced around her.
Suddenly, she fell forward, feeling a sharp pain shoot up her leg instantly. A loud yelp was quickly emitted from her parted jaws, before she flopped to the ground and squirmed around helplessly. She had tripped over a pretty sharp rock, and had also cut her ankle in the process. It wasn't a bad cut...but it stung a little. If she didn't find something to clean it it'd grow infected...but why did little cuts matter to her? She was pretty starved, weak, and sick. A little cut would be the least of her worries. But even so, she remained lying there, staring up at the many trees that casted a shadow down onto her. She wanted to be home so bad...bad thing after bad thing, throughout this whole time she's been missing. Why?
"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years
10-30-2014, 09:14 PM
This was more like home, wasn't it? With its over hanging trees, its thick and dangerous foliage. This was what she had grown up with, what she was good at. She moved with a swift delicacy only years of training could provide her, carnation eyes shining through the dappled light as it broke through the trees. This was a place she could call home. All sound was eaten by the trees around her, and it was in the silence that she let certain barriers down. She felt free, jubilant, and she let a rare, real smile pull at her lips. Yet she remained settled in her mission. This was her third and final trip out of the Shrine to look for information, and she wouldn't waste it gallivanting in a forest. Maybe later she'd bring her brother here and they could play a game of tag that they could enjoy when they felt safe enough to let their guard down.

With a deep sigh she breathed in the fog and mist that cloaked the forest, feeling it settle within her fur and cause a shiver up her spine. As she relaxed in the dappled sunlight something rustled through the under growth. Eyes snapped open as the walls quickly snapped back into place, the smile faded and her mask returned in full force. She lowered her head and shifted her shoulders before pushing through the undergrowth as silently as she could, searching for the sound that caused her such anxiety.

She nearly came face to face with the girl, but Ellasyn was able to keep low and hopefully out of sight. She seemed sick...thin, weak..vulnerable. It made Ellasyn quite glad that Adair wasn't here. Vulnerbility most often didn't sit right with her brother. She remained hidden, watching as she staggered through the undergrowth, wondering if whatever the girl had was contagious. She wouldn't allow herself, and by extension her brother, become vulnerable to any sickness that might be sweeping this place. Yet her heart strings tugged, especially when the little thing crumbled and fell, a cry upon her lips. With a gentle sigh Ellasyn stepped forward from the shadows on quiet paws, her eyes shining in the dim light of the forest. "Are you contagious?" She asked in a strong voice, keeping distance between her and the stranger so as to keep herself out of harms way. They could fight their way out of any situation, but germs and diseases were another story. She wanted to help the girl, but she had to know if it was safe to do so. With a quick glance around her she tried to take stock of the undergrowth and what she could use to aid the girl in their immediate vicinity, but it seemed like what she might need was not at their paws. This might have proven to be a challenge.

"Burn Baby Burn"