
When times come and go



04-13-2014, 10:57 AM
Only allowing those who have been accepted into her little loner pack (Hollow, Birch, Ellis, Ian, Pharos, Aranya, hope I haven't forgotten one)

The contractions had been there for a while but they were growing more intense. She knew exactly what that meant and ?owyn was scared, terrified even that they were coming. "BIRCH!" She cried out when a particularly nasty one had reached her. Her eyes held everything she was feeling and she decided to not try and hold it back and hide it. Deep breathes. Deep breathes. She told herself as a tear slid from her cheek. "ELLIS!" The second call was for the healer of their little unofficial pack. She drew another deep breathe and started to calm down. She winced as another strong one hit and she tried to push away her pain.

violent delights have violent ends and in their triumph die


04-16-2014, 08:46 PM

What Is Life For, If Not For Joy?

The time of their children was nearing. ?owyn had grown round and in this state Birch still saw her as nothing short of beautiful, if not more so. What would their children be like? How would they look and act? He was beyond excited, almost always bouncing or wagging his tail back and forth even if he couldn't show his happiness in other ways. If his beloved grew tired of being pregnant, which he could only guess so, he found it amazing that she could put up with him in this condition. Any day now ?owyn could give birth and Birch was working harder than ever to make sure that it went smoothly.

He was actually speaking with Ellis when he heard his mate cry out, the call startling him into movement. He would rush from Ellis' den without a second thought, certain that the femme would travel along after him in just a few moments. It... it was time. He was certain. The second call for Ellis confirmed it, one that would ring out just as Birch rushed into the den.

He could smell her fear. He was nervous as well, but he wouldn't allow dark thoughts to creep into his mind. No. He had to be strong for ?owyn and for his soon to be born children. The male would rasp his tongue between his beloved's ears, speaking in a soothing voice. "It's alright my love, shh, I am here. Ellis will be along in a moment too." The male would stay close, though he remained standing should Ellis need his help for anything when she arrived. "It's going to be alright. Before you know it we're going to have our family." Words of encouragement, spoken with a soft sureness.

Live, Love, and Laugh For Today

Because Tomorrow You Might Not Have The Chance


04-16-2014, 09:31 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
Between the two parents to be Birch was certainly the one who, outwardly, the most excited. It was cute to see, though Ellis had her paws busy. Herb collection, making sure it was properly dried and stored in her den, was something the young woman was busy with. Borage leaves were gathered, some burnet for strength, some thyme to ease her nerves if need be, and some as some moss for collecting water and bringing it to the den. Ellis was just speaking with Birch, explaining about the bundle of herbs she had prepared, when his mate's cry would ring out. Judging by the sound of her voice Ellis could only assume that her time had come.

After gathering the herbs that may or may not be needed the healer would make her way to the den, coming inside and setting them aside. She would sort out the burnet, placing them in front of the woman. "Eat this. It will help give you strength. Deep breaths now, ?owyn. Let your body relax as much as it can. You're in an alright position as you are now, so just focus and allow your body to do what it is meant to do. Push, but remember to keep breathing. Birch and I are here with you, and you're going to do just fine." This was not her first time assisting in a birthing so Ellis was feeling sure of her words.

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.



04-17-2014, 01:43 PM

Birch had been the first one to arrive, eager to calm her down and help her through the painful experience of her first delivery of what was almost sure to be many. She drew in another deep breath as she tried to deliver the pups that had harbored in her stomach the past season. She tried to stay calm and she was more relaxed once their faithful medic arrived and gave her herbs to eat. She took them and swallowed them as Birch told her it would be over soon and she would deliver their first part of their family. ?owyn gave a soft and weak smile to her mate as Ellis instructed her to push but remember to relax, breathe, and that her and Birch were right there. Another contraction tore through her and she did just that. She had relaxed a bit knowing that her mate and their healer were there with her and she pushed while drawing up deep breathes in between.

?owyn panted as she delivered her children. She hated pain that she didn't have any control over and it was driving her crazy. "It hurts bad..." She stated the obvious about how much it hurt as if it weren't evident already. She felt a worse contraction tear through every limb and she gave another push, hoping it would be the last before she had her family.

violent delights have violent ends and in their triumph die



2 Years
04-17-2014, 03:07 PM

She had resisted with all she had, not wanting to leave her mother and face the dark and scary world as an independent organism. She had tried to stay in the warmth of her mother's stomach to inevitably fail as she was pushed out the birth canal. Laria was so strange as she felt her mother lick her clean and found her way to her mother's stomach where she would begin to feed off the milk. She was Laria Netonya and she would not be tamed. She was, indeed, a rebel at heart with a sense of loyalty and pride at the same time. She looked so innocent.... for now. "Ma...mama" She called out in that soft puppy voice. Laria suckled for food as she soon drifted off into sleep, tired from all that resisting.

I've been reckless, but I'm not a rebel without a cause.


04-23-2014, 01:57 PM

What Is Life For, If Not For Joy?
How his heart would break as his beloved said that it hurt. ?owyn was trying so hard, putting on a brave face as she worked to deliver their children. His gaze would momentarily shift to Ellis, who was focused completely on the fae in front of her. The healer had explained that birthing was no easy process, and the herbs she had gathered to bring over straight away would aid with strength and helping ?o produce enough rich milk to keep the children growing. She had also told him that, should his mate wish for it, she would give her more for the pain and to help her sleep after the birthing process was over. Ellis had specifically placed her den closer to their own so that she could take care of ?owyn more easily, regardless of what she needed.

But his mate?s work would pay off as the first of their children was brought into the world. The pup bore coloration similar to that of her mother... A beautiful daughter who immediately melted his heart. No doubt as she grew she would gain the attention of male?s of Alacritia -- she had the most beautiful fae in this world for a mother after all. Birch would let out a little breath, licking ?o?s head once more. ?She?s so beautiful...?
...and so small. So harmless. Even more so now that just one of his children had come into this world Birch felt that protective fatherly drive kick in. At least, for a while, he was going to be much more serious. His family was counting on him... And he would not fail them.[/color][/b]

Live, Love, and Laugh For Today

Because Tomorrow You Might Not Have The Chance


04-23-2014, 05:38 PM
His sister would leave first, the once spacious warmth closing around them and shifting their forms. The little brute was squirming, little face twisted with disapproval for this change of events. The dark warmth that carried them had been perfect. He had nothing to do except to sleep in a dreamless state and to grow. But the whelp had no knowledge yet that he and his sibling had grown too big for the space that they occupied. Even if some wolves could bear even five pups at once there came a time that even a lesser number had to leave the safety of the womb.

The male was squirming more and more as his world moved. The gentle thudding of his mother?s heartbeat felt like an earthquake to the boy now as everything shifted around him, mouth trying to open to scream and wail in protest. But the birth sac alone prevented such an action, even as he finally slid out into the world.

He would be the last of the first litter between Birch and ?owyn, granting them a single son and daughter. As he was cleaned the little male would wriggle around, squeaks of protest leaving his mouth. Whatever he was laying on it was colder and harder than what he was used to.

He didn?t like it.

Strange rumbles were heard... Well, more-so felt. He was blind. Deaf. Helpless. The one he would come to know as his father would give a nudge of his own as his mother guided him to her belly. His body would brush against the fur of his sister as a warm scent completely filled his nose. Instinct drove him to latch on to his mother with a non-too gentle puppy grip as he started to greedily suckle down the warm liquid of life, paying little attention to the fact that a good deal of it was also falling down around his jaw and onto his chest.


04-23-2014, 05:40 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
Ellis would remain calm, looking at the birthing fae with sympathy in her eyes. It would hurt terribly... But herbs to ease pain had to come afterwords. If ?owyn were to take something now it could drug her too much to do what she needed to do and she could very well lose her life, as well as the lives of her children. Ellis wouldn?t let that happen. The multi-colored fae would remain close to her side, soft words of encouragement leaving her mouth.

?You are doing wonderfully. Keep it up, ?owyn.? The first of the children would be brought into the world and Ellis would wait, seeing if her leader?s instincts would kick in. They did. ?o started to clean the little girl before moving her to her side to nurse. Ellis would give a small nod, signaling to the new mother she was doing as she needed to. Her eyes would move to her belly, carefully taking in the events. ?owyn was not finished yet... But the chance something could still go wrong with the birthing was possible.

The process would continue, though Ellis would grow just a bit worried when she took note of how long it was taking for the second pup to be born. Was... Something wrong? The female move closer to ?owyn, keeping her voice calm. The last thing she needed to do was worry the birthing fae. ?I think this next pup is a bit bigger. I want you to take a couple breaths and then try and push again. I?m going to try and help you get it out.? Ellis would look to ?owyn alone, not having to look at Birch to see the male tense up some.

Once ?owyn was ready Ellis would work her delicate paws upon her stomach, giving some extra force to the push. A few moments later the second pup would slide into the world and Ellis would step back again to let the femme do what she needed to.

The second child was... Very light considering his parents. But she recalled that Birch?s sister was a white fae... So the lighter coloring could have easily come from his side of the family. It was also a male, and as expected for a newborn pup he was larger than average. That didn?t necessarily mean he was going to grow into a massive brute but had ?owyn been doing the birthing alone he could have caused her problems... Especially if there had been more pups to come.

Ellis would smile brightly then. ?Congratulations and well done, ?owyn. You?re family is born.? This time there would be no more children. The couple now had a son and daughter to care for. The healer would motion to the other herbs she had brought with her. ?When you are ready I want you to eat these as well. They will help you keep up your strength and produce more rich milk for the pups. How does your body feel...? If the pain is still really bad I can fetch some poppy seeds from my den. They?ll dull the pain and help you rest.?

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.



04-23-2014, 06:36 PM

?owyn was exhausted by the time her first child was delivered. She licked her pups forehead and nudged her towards her belly as ?o felt another contraction rip through her as she pushed, a deep breathe being held in her mouth. A soft pant as she delivered her second child and licked his forehead. A boy and a girl to be her little prince and her little princess. "Laria, Sequoyah." She said as she looked to her mate for approval for the names. It was happening, they had started a family. By the time she had finished her delivery and proposing names, she was so exhausted that she let her head softly fall to the floor with a thud as she passed out into a deep and sleepless dream. She needed no help to fall asleep and she needed nothing for the pain. All she needed was sleep. The mother was curled around her children defensively.

-Exit due to sleep-
violent delights have violent ends and in their triumph die


04-28-2014, 04:12 PM

What Is Life For, If Not For Joy?
So much strength had been used. Birch could see it upon ?owyn?s face that the birthing was taking a toll on her, and worry would wash over the male. Even more-so when Ellis spoke. Light purple eyes would flick to the healer as a whine nearly escaped his mouth. What if both his mate and child were lost? What would become of the daughter that was already born? Panic, and the worst case scenario, had entered Birch?s mind. He shivered some, waiting with held breath until the second pup was delivered.

A pup of lighter coloring... Who looked more like Aranya. He couldn?t help but chuckle slightly at this. Laria looked closer to her mother, where their son held lighter coloring of his own line. They were perfect. At the names Birch would give a nod, speaking softly. ?Lovely choices.?

He would then lay down behind ?o, curling close to her and looking to Ellis. The healer had left herbs for his mate to eat... And would likely bring her more to take during the next few days. ?I?ll make sure she takes the herbs when she wakes up Ellis... Thank you.? His words were still soft and quiet, not wanting to disturb the new mother from her well deserved sleep.

Live, Love, and Laugh For Today

Because Tomorrow You Might Not Have The Chance


04-28-2014, 04:14 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
It was over... Mother and children safe... And father remaining calm enough. Ellis would allow her own body to relax as she watched ?owyn lay her head down to sleep, curled around her newborn son and daughter defensively. ?She will make a wonderful mother.? The femme thought to herself. The other herbs that she had brought had been left untouched for the moment, though the femme could eat them when she awoke... Which Birch said he would have her do.

Ellis would give a nod to the new father, a gentle smile on her maw. ?Very good. I?m going to find something to bring ?owyn some water in, and maybe something for her to eat when she wakes up. No, no, lay back down Birch. You are needed more here... And I?m more than capable of finding a meal for her I assure you.? With that the delicate healer would pad out of the den, taking one last, quick look at the mother and pups inside before heading off to do her tasks.

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.