
Gods guide us [Pantheon "claiming"]

Helios I


9 Years
10-27-2014, 11:31 AM
This is a psudo-pack meeting, official ranks will be doled out as well as some rule changes from Olympus will be discussed. Any potential new members are encouraged to post here as well.

He guided his family across the small land bridge, the river bubbling on either side of them as they walked. A satisfied smile played across his face as they all arrived on the other side of the rivers and he took his wife and children into the forest. Birds called to one another as they walked among the trees. Finding a fallen log in a relatively clear area the man jumped upon it. With some concentration he turned around, facing his family and then threw back his head.
He called for them, for his family that lurked beyond the Estuary, for the girl that had followed them even after the fall, for the man he had met among the rocks.

He called for any who would join them.

"Burn Baby Burn"



10 Years
Athena I
10-27-2014, 11:46 AM

Phoebe padded along slowly with her pups at either side of her as she followed the caravan that was the Olympus family as they made their way toward what would be their new home. Progress had been slow with two still very young pups to bring along, but it had been made easier with Conan to help. It wasn't particularly easy keeping Hera from running off with so many new things to see and explore, but somehow they made it, even if it took Conan picking her up by the scruff to keep her still. Phoebe was almost positive that pup would be the death of her. She was just lucky that Aura was more calm, she wouldn't be able to handle two of Hera.

Finally the arrived, slipping into the territory just as her brother let out a call of any and all that would come join them since she and her little branch of the family had fallen a bit behind. She ushered Hera and Aura forward, smiling when she saw Helios and Natalya up ahead of them. Finally, somewhere to call their own again. No more uncertainty, no more wondering what the next day would hold. They could settle down and her girls would be able to play in the safety of the pack borders. Mentally she made a note to show them both where that boundary was later so they wouldn't wander too far. She settled onto her haunches near Natalya nudging her daughters to do the same before looking to Conan with a grateful smile and licking his cheek. "Couldn't have made it without you," she whispered with a chuckle, glancing at Hera for emphasis.




4 Years
Extra large
10-27-2014, 12:20 PM

A wife. Two daughters. And now a pack to call home. He never would've imagined that any of this would've fallen onto his paws upon returning to Alacritis. At the most, he had just imagined a happy reunion with Phoebe and that they would just pick up where they had left off, eventually becoming something more than simply friends. But he had gotten that and so much more. He was about to wed his little warrior as well as assume the role of head warrior in their new pack. A husband, a father and now a protector. Conan's life was just getting better with each passing day. He had been right in returning to Alacritis to find Phoebe. There was no way his life could get any better.

It had only been a few days since Natalya had come to speak to he and Phoebe about his joining. Now here they were, his little family trekking along as they headed towards the Avian Estuary, the place where their pack was to reside. The trek was easy for the most part, except that mischievous little Hera kept trying to run off to explore. The behemoth tried his best to herd his daughter along, but the stubborn little girl just wouldn't listen, so halfway through Conan had to resort to carrying her by the scruff. She hadn't been exactly pleased with her new mode of transportation, not shy about vocalizing her displeasure, but the beast hadn't paid her any mind. She had basically set herself up for it. It was only after they arrived at the designed meeting place that Conan set his daughter down, giving her a stern look as the four of them went over to sit by Natalya. Phoebe seated herself beside the dark dame, making room for the giant to scoot in beside her, letting out a sigh as he sat. He would eye Hera as she sat down close to her mother, warning her with his ruby eyes not to try anything during the meeting or he was going to have her by scruff before she could blink. A touch to his cheek brought his attention to Phoebe, a smile immediately curling his lips as she whispered to him. All in a day's work my little warrior. He would murmur in return, pressing a kiss to her cheek before turning to Helios, awaiting the start of their meeting.


10-27-2014, 12:37 PM

The trip had been soooooo looooong. It wouldn't have been so bad if mom and dad had just let her explore! There was so many things she had never seen before, what did they expect her to do? She couldn't just let them pass by it all! But every time she went to investigate mom fussed at her and then dad picked her up. He wouldn't even let her walk! She complained the whole time, wiggling for a while to try and get him to let her go, but she eventually gave up, settling for just whining. He wouldn't put her down until they got there and made her miss all of her exploring. She huffed grumpily as she shook out her fur, glaring like a ticked off teenager at dad before stomping her way toward where uncle Helios and aunt Nat were sitting, plopping down onto her haunches with another exaggerated huff. She looked around what mom had said was going to be their new home, immediately wanting to go and explore and splash in the water, but she knew dad would just pick her up again if she tried and she didn't feel like being picked up for again for a while. Not for a loooooong while.




7 Years
10-27-2014, 07:36 PM

Finally, they reached their destination. The journey had been long and exhausting, but they had finally reached their destination. She hoped the stop in the valley had given her children enough rest to keep them from falling asleep immediately upon the lush grass of the estuary. She heard Poe flutter to the trees and cry out as he joined the other birds above them and smiled slightly. Everyone would find a home here, something they deserved more than Natalya could ever express.

Natalya took a moment to tour the area, seeking out and eventually finding a tree with a wide gap in the roots, a den large enough to house her three children comfortably. They were old enough now to sleep without their mother at their side, and Natalya was comfortable taking her rest in the open. After rubbing against the tree to claim it as her own, she made her way back to the group, seating herself on the ground in front of Helios as he perched on the log. She echoed his call with one of her own, summoning all those who would join them and welcoming her pack - her family - to their new home.

"Burn Baby Burn"


10-27-2014, 09:14 PM

A new home? But what was wrong with the old one? She had grown quite comfortable in the place that had lived. Why could they not just all stay there? The poor girl really had no choice but to move with her family, following obediently and watching in amazement at how Hera seemed to gravitate toward anything that sparkled or fluttered. It was all so dangerous! But she was relieved when her sister was picked up by Daddy. At least now she knew her sister was safe and would not get lost. She stuck close to Mamma on the journey, still unsure about the man Mamma told her was Daddy. She had yet to trust him like Hera did. The tiny girl stumbled several times on the journey, short limbs struggled to keep up and she had grown very tired. She wished that Mamma would have picked her up along the way. But they finally seemed to make it to where they were going and she quickly plopped to the ground, curling beneath herself to rest and maybe even sleep if the grown ups would be quiet long enough.

my actions |
my words |
my thoughts



1 Year
10-27-2014, 10:44 PM

Alectrona heard her father's call as she made her way to quickly join her father and mother as well as the others. She was getting used to moving about without being as clumsy as she once was. Alectrona once again had her heart set upon learning everything she could and would make sure that she met and figured out who everyone was who wasn't apart of the family and to also meet Aura and Hera to get to know them a bit more. Yes she felt like she could use this as a chance to expand her current knowledge and just soak in everything she could hear. This place was to be their new home which intrigued the girl ever more so because of the birds here, but to Alectrona it wouldn't feel like home for awhile.

Slowly she would move towards Helios and Natalya, there was one unknown scent that would catch her off guard however but it didn't bother her too much. Alectrona couldn't help but giggle when she seen Aura, so very beautiful like her mother and Hera was as just as beautiful as well. Later she would go and see if she couldn't help her aunt and get to know the man who was with her, she only knew him really by name but nothing else. Finally she plopped herself down on her rump and awaited to hear what her dah had to say before she would go and find out what she could about the Avian Estuary.


Rurik I


2 Years
10-27-2014, 11:00 PM

and i'll fight to survive

Rurik trudged his way to where he heard the call coming from. Helios, he was a man he would come to respect more and more over time that he was sure of. Rurik didn't get a chance yet to properly meet the women that was with him nor anyone else for that matter but that would also soon change. Perhaps now that he was in this pack he would be able to have help in seeking out his siblings even if it would just be leads they might possibly give him. There was a smile that shown on his maw even though it was ever so small when he spotted the pups that were here already, ah how wonderful life was when there were pups just being pups he would think about that in comparison to what his life was like as a pup.

He chose to sit away from the others as he didn't quite feel as involved as they were or so he thought. His gaze set upon Helios as he gently bowed towards Helios and the women as well as the pup that was there as well. Rurik didn't want to speak to anyone just yet or at least start at chatter with them unless they chose to speak to him first. For now he was an observer, awaiting to hear the words of his alphas and to learn where he would stand, surely far below in rank behind those who were here but that didn't very much matter to him so long as his own goals were incomplete. All he would give is his silence and undivided attention.


through this thunderous life



4 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-28-2014, 06:04 PM

Hani had met with Natalya, but nothing had happened since then. She was eager to meet all the pups and to take care of them. Hani decided getting involved in the family would definitely help her feel more at home. It wasn't long after she had agreed to help that the group was on the move. As usual, Hani followed, eager to see what was up. As Hani entered the area, she saw many of what seemed to be family, and she smelled and saw pups. Her heart stuttered, she hadn't taken care of many kids, but surely it would be fine. Somehow, though the girl wasn't confident in herself, she was confident in her ability to care for the pups and for any injuries that might come her way. Now, all she was waiting for was for Natalya- or maybe Helios- to tell her where to go and what to do.



10-29-2014, 12:23 PM

He had been sticking with his father as the family had moved to their new home, as much as it displeased the boy. He had wanted to learn as much as possible and grow, that way once he was ready he could go back and reclaim what had been taken away. That was alright though, it seemed that his parents had other plans, so the boy would set his aside for now and focus and trying to be more involved with them. Tail and head were held high upon his body, orange eyes sweeping over this unfamiliar land and the noisy birds that fluttered in the canopy above them. Annoying little creatures... he would just have to deal with their racket.

Rather than sit with his parents upon the log the boy decided to take his pace below them, body lowering to the ground so that he lay in front of the log.


Awesome table by Millie <3



8 Years
Chrono I
10-30-2014, 12:59 PM

Following after Helios like she was still just a tiny child, well she still was young and young enough that she may have been expected to trail after her parents. But really she was mature way beyond her age; or at least most of her. She felt older, she felt better than everyone else as well as her siblings. So maybe she wasn't as mature as she thought. She felt almost equal to Natalya if that meant anything. Her mother had probably turned into her role model, or she was that creepy secret admirer since Chione wouldn't show her interest.

As they took pause on new lands, Helios would raise his voice in almost a claim. But chione paid no mind to it. She didn't understand their leave of Mount Volkan, why wouldn't they go back home and reclaim their old lands. She almost hated her father for such a cowardly move.

"Home is only the best place to be. For you, not for them."

Charon had not been seen since her leave of Olympus they day it fell. Only his voice would come by to haunt her time and time again. She would take seat behind her father, far enough as if she wasn't his kin. And her dark orbs would gently flutter shut waiting for Helios to speak.

Walk "Talk" Think

Helios I


9 Years
11-02-2014, 05:13 PM
The man knew his sister, her pups and Conan were following behind them. The male had joined them only recently and Helios was reluctant to give him too much trust, he had already broken his little sister?s heart once and he was not so sure he wanted to give the man another chance, still he had apparently had a good reason and Natalya vouched for him, which was enough. He watched with kind eyes as Phoebe and her little family seated themselves. He turned an affectionate gaze upon each of his children, a small smile gracing his features as ruby orbs roved over each of them as they moved off to their respective positions. A small frown tugging his lips back as Chione moved off behind him.
Grey movement caught his eye and Helios turned to look upon Rurik a nod given to the man, he was curious to see exactly what role the stranger would play, but he would be accepted all the same. Hani would join them quickly after and Helios gave her a knowing look, glad to see the yearling once more finding her way back into the fold.
Everyone he had expected to show had, and yet he waited a moment longer, staring out at the thin strip of land that would be the only dry entrance to their new home. A part of him hoped he could will Apollo into appearing and yet he already knew it wouldn?t happen. The albino had made his bed, and he would have to lie in it. With a sigh the russet man once more turned his attention to the congregation.
" ?I am glad to see everyone had made it in once piece. I know that for much of the family this will be a bit confusing at first," he gazed down at his nieces, vague sympathy tugging at his features, "but just know it was all done in your best interests." He cast his gaze over the gathered wolves. "My wife and I have finally reclaimed some of what was lost to us, these lands may not be the home we once held but they will be part of a new kingdom. There is still much work to do however so we will take no time in announcing new ranks. Phoebe, " he gazed at his younger sister expression that of stone, " We ask that you accept the rank of Delphi, that you be willing to act as our lead Oracle. It is not an honor we give lightly but one we feel you can handle.
"Conan, " he dipped his head slightly in the man?s direction, "you will be our Peltast, lead warrior, we will expect you to hold training sessions on a regular basis. Hani you will join him as our Atomist, lead healer, for the time being Natalya will continue your mentoring until such time that she feels you are capable.
"Rurik, we have given you the rank of Antistrategos; a hunter. Due to a lack of prior knowledge this rank will remain flexible, if you prefer the role of a fighter or healer please let us know." He then turned his eyes upon the pups scattered about the gathering. "My own children, as well as my nieces will hold the rank of Proxenos until they turn a year old then they will be free to choose which path they prefer, their rank will be adjusted from there. "
He paused, allowing for anyone who wished to jump in to do so, his attention mostly held in Rurik?s direction.
He was just about ready to wrap up, only one thing remained and it pained him just thinking about it. The man closed his eyes, breathed a heavy sigh and spoke again, his voice clear despite the strong emotion woven into it. "One last official act remains, those within the family may know of what I speak but for the benefit of those among us who are not Olympus I will speak plainly.
"Apollo, Albino, three years of age, Chryseis, black with golden markings, 2 years of age, Charon, black with Golden markings, 3 years of age and Hypnos rusty colored, deformed back leg, under a year old. " He rattled off their physical appearances, making sure each and everyone of his members had a fairly good image. "Hence forth these individuals are disowned, though they may choose to repeat the Olympus name it will bear no more weight, from now on no child may bear their names they are hence forth stricken from the family records." He spoke with slight anger, giving each face before him a weighty glance, they had to understand that he did not speak these words lightly. " ?They along with Solo Sovari, Red with white markings, are to be considered traitors. If found upon pack lands they are to be chased from the lands without question and without mercy."

"Burn Baby Burn"



7 Years
11-03-2014, 07:41 PM
Natalya listened as the rest of the pack arrived, settling in around them before Helios spoke. He bestowed the rankings with a swiftness she appreciated, as there was much to be done before they were truly settled. When he spoke the names of the traitors, she felt a slight aching in her heart - for Apollo, her son, who would never be welcome at their side again, and for Solo, a boy she had previously admired now failed in proving he was worthy of betrothal to their kin.

It seemed that since Helios had covered the technical details of their move, she would deliver the rest. She straightened as he finished speaking, preparing to deliver her information in the authoritative voice she had tucked away when their lands were lost. "Though one of the lands of our previous home was ripe for the taking, we chose to relocate here. It was not a matter of convenience, as I'm sure you all noticed on the journey. In order to reach us by land, one must travel between Arcanum and the ravine, then through the dangerous marsh and over our small space between the rivers. The difficult others will have in this is only one of the reasons we chose to settle on this peninsula.

The other reasons are based on ensuring that our wolves are the strongest, fittest wolves in the land. The strip provides an ideal location for training based on its terrain and weather patterns. Hunting is purposely difficult in our area - antistrategoi may either learn to hunt the birds, cross our lands to the marsh to seek prey there, or attempt the swim to Silver Island off our southern shore. The only other option is to journey to safer, neutral lands far outside our territory, which will require a larger group to bring the kills back. Fishing is, of course, an option, but it will only sustain us at the very minimum.
" Natalya paused, listening for any reactions. She knew the pack may not be pleased with this, but she needed to ensure that they were strong. She would leave announcing the use of the other island for another time.

She continued in a slightly softer voice. "We will begin with a brief training for the children in a few days time, which I will host and you all are welcome to assist with. We will also be hosting a gathering for the wolves of this continent, to celebrate the marriage of Phoebe and Conan. During this event we will arrange marriages, work on alliances, and, most important of all, participate in a hunt with our guests. This should bring in enough food for a feast, with some left over to sustain us for the time being while we become comfortable with hunting in the region.

I would like to discuss plans for the festival with Hani and Phoebe in a few moments, but otherwise please take this opportunity to bring up any concerns, ideas, or thoughts you have before we take some time to settle into our new Pantheon home.

"Burn Baby Burn"