
White knight syndrome

Solo seasonal



Expert Fighter (186)

Advanced Hunter (60)

4 Years
Extra large

03-23-2023, 10:05 PM

When I fall apart, Promise in the dark

Bae-Syl had been true to his wird to Lucette, staying close and not wandering too far from the lands of Ethne. He was loyal and true, she had to know that by now. He had made his den hers, and had made sure he was only gone for short spurts of time, just enough to make sure his duties were done and that the borders and perimeter of their home was safe. The latter was more for his own security though. Last thing he needed was something triggering that dangerous part of him in the center of the pack lands.

Today he was going further than normal. He had slipped out after placing a small kiss to Lucette's temple and a promise that he would be back by lunch. A scent had caught his nose though not even an hour later. It was deep in the packs heart and had him hardening his eyes. After what he had learned about Bellamy's child almost being taken by a tiger he wouldn't stand for this scent. A large cat stalking around wasn't welcome.

He didn't figure he needed to alert the pack to it Bellamy was already running ragged at this point. Plus Luce could use a new cat throw pelt. He was off like a rocket tracking the cat down. Trying his hardest to make it before lunch. The trail lead him to the woods beyond the pack lands and he slowed up. It was fresh still and he wasn't about to be ambushed by a mountain lion. A shake of his pelt had him ready.

He tracked it a little ways in only to come to a small clearing and to see a rather large mountain lion looking back at him across the way. His ears and its were pinned in an instant. He started circling to its left and it to his right. There was a moment of just silence as the mountain of a man looked down the cat and it looked him down.

Then all hell broke lose.

He shot forward and it pounced. His body and its met almost instantaneously. Its claws in his flank and his jaws clamping onto its left back leg where the leg met the stomach. Its yowl was piercing. He was certain Lucy would be hearing it and shooting out of the foliage at him to scold him for such carelessness. With a grin he twisted and pulled at the same instant using his large bulk to also rip the cat from its legs. It was quick though ripping its skin from his maw. Then he was facing it again. He needed to get his jaws on its throat. Easier said than done.

The sun was almost at its peak. He was going to be late if he didn't hurry this up. He went when it did, their chests meeting and his jaws gripping into its neck on the side. Its claws were ripping into his shoulders. It stung alot, but not as much as if this cat got away with being on pack lands. It could kill someone less trained.

Its fangs aimed for his face and he closed his eye to protect it. Lucette was going to have a heart attack when she saw him he was sure. He let go of its neck only to reposition his jaws and push back against it hard. He ended up over it with its jaws having to part to scream again. Then the sounds from it were silenced and it started to struggle. His jaws around its jugular kept it from breathing.

He lost count of how long he kept the cat pinned there like that. But soon movement stopped. He waited still, until no signs of life came from the cat. He released it and sat beside it panting. His left eye stayed closed to keep blood out of it. The cat was definitely dead but it had been large as fuck. A smirk planted itself on his maw. Bellamy would shit herself he figured. Gods forbid luce saw him right now.

He looked at his own pelt. Gouges where it had landed and he had wrenched himself from it. Best he get the pelt off the cat though. His shoulders were spotted with punctures too.

He set about skinning the cat and when he was don he tossed it over his own pelt. He had left its head but had made sure to get its tail in the pelt. Luce was gonna go bug eyed at this. He reached down and grabbed the little bag of parts he had saw fit to collect from it. A few claws and its teeth, as well as the skull. He figured someone in Ethne could make something from it.

He set his pace back slowly. If he was lucky luce would of sent her mom after him when he didn't come back at noon. It was only about an hour past when he was supposed to come back though so maybe he would get lucky.

Walk, "talk", Think

You'll be my nightlight

Art by Asena

As his best friend and personal medic, Lucette is allowed to enter Bae-Syl's threads as she sees fit. That being said Bae-Syl is her self appointed protector and might enter threads with her in them to ensure her safety.