
Ocean Blue


04-12-2014, 03:54 AM
Take a step further back to where you belong

Take a look at your life what have you become

The sands sprayed around her as she made her way in a mad dash towards the shore. Eager to get down to the waters to see her new friend, a friend that had been her sole companion for the better part of the new season. She had found the creature, sick and beached in the shallows. And so all by herself, she would nurse the young thing back to health and helped her back into the water. The aquatic mammalian was fairly young, having been born over sometime in the Spring. Higinia's tongue draped over her teeth as she raced across the shores, her body finally breaking the shallows as she searched out for her friend. She would stop midway, the water rolling in and lapping at her sides as ever shifting blue eyes searched the waters. After several moments, she let loose several loud barks, calling her new companion.

I never had the chance to explain myself[Higinia]


04-29-2014, 12:52 PM
[ooc - Hover translate]

He watches her with a trained indifference, his paws shift beneath him as he seats himself. he is above her and waiting, fiery gaze watching for any sign of the madness within. She must be mad after all to be behaving in such a way. His ears flick back toward his skull as he considers her, deciding if this warrants his approach. Rein doesn't much care for the crazies. There's nothing you can do for them, that is unless they're the sort of crazy his Mother was at which point they'd always find something for you to do - whether you liked it or not. This young bitch didn't seem to fall into the psychotic demon wench category, so he remained firmly seated out of her range.

When the girl threw herself into the sea, barking as if some water God might emerge at any moment he decided he would intervene. A steady sigh rose form his barrel chest, eyes rolling in his skull to show his displeasure. Why does he do these things? Perhaps she belongs to someone and he will get a reward for her safe return, one can only hope for such good fortune.

"Guten Tag mein lieber. You know the water is no friend to wolves." They were not predominantly a swimming species, so it seemed odd to see the girl throwing herself so readily into the embrace of such a dangerous entity.