
[CLOSED] Aurora Viking Koi - 4 available, 1 disability

image heavy



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
OverachieverCritical Observation!Halloween 2020 - Witches HutBeevent1K
04-01-2023, 01:54 AM (This post was last modified: 04-14-2023, 03:56 PM by Sedna. Edited 4 times in total.)

The basics

With her husband away on business and Spring hormones in full swing, Sedna took a trip away from home to blow off some steam. Shenanigans ensued and now she's expecting again! This may put her open relationship with her husband to the test, but drama is half the fun! Will their dads want shared custody, or will she pull one like her mother and pretend she doesn't even know who Víðarr is? These kids are hers! Who knows?

With two dads to choose from and vikings and koi spreading across the landscape, you'll be able to share in plots with half siblings, kinda but not siblings, cousins, aunts, and uncles, and maybe even age-mate half siblings from another mother.


I don't have name ideas set in stone for this lot, but just for funsies, there is a site that lets you pick names that are common between cultures. (Sedna's grandma is very Italian but her mother leaned towards old myths, there are some Norse names in her family, as well as Inuit legends. Raij obviously Japanese and Víðarr Icelandic/Swedish/Old Norse).


I (Nacho) work full time and have kids. I understand life happens and I don’t want to be policing activity for these kids. That being said, I am not above killing inactive characters off for the drama. Once they reach 50 posts or hit their first birthday (whichever comes first), they are yours forever more, but I reserve the right to use them as plot fodder if you abandon them for 1 OOC month before that point (unless we’ve discussed it, my/our DMs are always open).


Applications will be chosen on or around April 15 (I'll give it a bump in plotting before closing).


This will be a cursed litter so possibility of muts or disabilities on offer. If mutations, parents will have first option to claim them for pups, dice will be rolled to determine who gets any left over. Sedna has retractable deer fangs and glowing crystal shards. Raijin has sabre teeth. All parents are heavy and dire, though Sedna hasn’t always been so. Mutations welcome but not necessary.

Designs: (or BYO)

Sedna has had a number of run ins with the witches bathwater, drinking it and shaving a year off her life in 2020 and taking a dip in early 2022 resulting in her coat changing and a growth spurt occurring. Feel free to get creative if you want to bring your own! Throw backs on mums side could include chocolates, silver black phases and russets with silver or peach/orange eyes. This is quite similar to Viking colourations so it wouldn't be unexpected for more natural coat colours to come through in this litter.

Designs by Salt

Designs by Nacho

Designs by Kristen

Designs by Bones

Designs by Nyssa

Claimed but open to twins

<b>Out-of-Character Name</b>:
<b>Character's Name</b>:
<b>Adult Height</b>: (25% discount on height up to 42”)
<b>Appearance Description</b>: 100 words
<b> Mutations</b>: (Optional)
<b>Personality</b>: 150 words
<b> Alignment</b>:
<b>Preferred Dad</b>:
<b>Disability?</b> Yes/No - suggested disability
<b> Intended plots</b>: (Optional)
[Image: mangomouse.jpg]


The Chaotic One

13+ Years
Extra small

Coder - RainbowArtist - RainbowContributorEaster Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowToys for Tots
04-06-2023, 10:49 AM
Out-of-Character Name: Bunni
Character's Name: Akito
Gender: Male
Adult Height: 45"
Height: Dire
Build: Medium
Appearance Description: *Still deciding on this
Kind of in between a dark appearance or a light cloudy/sunset appearance
Mutations: Prolly give him crystal horns
The strong silent type of boy that questions everything from a young age. Seen as broody on the outside, he won’t talk a lot and will spend most of his time training or learning about something. Often found lingering in the shadows of his uncle, he will find the origin of his father's homeland fascinating (either Vidarr or Raijin, it won’t matter). Awkward around others, especially females, he won’t inherit the charm that the others seem to have gotten. Straightforward but polite, he will know how to speak in ways that will solve problems instead of causing them. Cautious but without fear, he will stick close to home unless necessary. He will love his family dearly and do anything for them, even if it means hurting himself or them.
Alignment: True Neutral
Skills: Fighting / Intellectual
Preferred Dad: Uh, no preference
Disability? Yes - crystal shards that grow from ear to eye, leaving him half deaf and half blind. Or skin grows mushroom-like spores so touching him will cause irritation.
Intended plots: Give him all the trauma please <3



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Intermediate Fighter (30)

1 Year
Dire wolf
04-08-2023, 07:47 AM (This post was last modified: 04-08-2023, 03:13 PM by Burūberu. Edited 1 time in total.)
Out-of-Character Name: Fig
Character's Name: Véi
Gender: Male  
Adult Height: 36"
Height: Large
Build: Light
Appearance Description:

His coat is majority blue based, both dark and light shades of the color dance around playfully to make strange and unique designs. Cream can also be found in various different locations, striping through his tail, face, and neck, covering his belly and brows, tipping his ears, and dipping his paws. Red markings both line the underneath of his eyes, stripe the hocks of his back legs, and form strange markings on his forepaws.  The most remarkable thing about Véi's appearance, however, would have to be his striking crimson eyes and the tart red horns that sit upon the male's crown.
Mutations: Him got lil horns
Personality: As a small child Véi will be quiet and observant, though that's not to say that he isn't a troublemaker.  The boy will be prone to silently wandering off on his own to explore from just about the moment he figures out how to use his chunky little baby legs.  If given a choice he'll veto playtime with his siblings in favor of spending time alone making his own fun.  That's not to say he doesn't like his kin or have any interest in them, just that playtime might only be a thing that happens if prompted. He'd just much rather do his own thing and engage with the world around him in other ways.

Some of the traits he'd carried during childhood will later manifest into a man that has difficulty asking for help when he finds himself in trouble, someone who'd just really rather handle issues on his own than enlist the help of anyone else.  Outside of that fatal flaw you'll find a social wolf that grew to actually prefer the company of others over being alone, loving to engage in conversation and swap stories with strangers.

Eager to learn and keep his paws busy, the wolf will take on just about any and every hobby that comes his way, though the topic that most interests him will always be all things dealing with spirituality and mysticism. He himself is spiritual in the sense that he's an animist and takes care to tread lightly wherever he goes, treating nature with kindness. It's very important to Véi that he never takes more than he needs from the world around him. His interest is particularly piqued with learning about the spiritual paths of others, finding the way in which things can differ from wolf to wolf to be the most fascinating.
Overall Véi will grow to be a chill, extroverted occultist nerd.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Skills: Hunting, Intellect
Preferred Dad: It really doesn't matter to me
Disability? Yes - Inky caps goop leaks from his eyes, sometimes rendering him blind.
Intended plots: Better at doing this IC



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022
04-08-2023, 09:23 AM (This post was last modified: 04-08-2023, 12:03 PM by Salt. Edited 1 time in total.)
Out-of-Character Name: Salt
Character's Name: Vili
Gender: Male
Adult Height: 38" - 39"
Height: Large
Build: Medium
Appearance Description: (Working on Appearance rn, though I'm heavy considering the greyscale space design I did ;A;)
Mutations: Crystals if I could swing an inheritance pass~
Personality: In true chaotic neutral fashion, Vili considers himself a free spirit. He shirks rules and traditions in favor of his own wants and desires, pushes boundaries just for the sake of it, and values his own freedom above the freedom of others. He is not one to be hard-set in his ways. What seems like a good idea today might seem a terrible one tomorrow, and so he operates as such. He is prone to impulsivity and indulgence, obsession, and stubbornness, though he has enough positive qualities to balance out the negative. Vili is the intelligent and ambitious sort who knows how to see his goals accomplished. He's adaptable enough to get himself into and out of any situation, and he knows better than to start a fight he can't win. He has a curious mind and takes information in easily. His personality ebbs and flows with his mood, charming and enigmatic at times, while unpredictable and strange at others. His loyalty is hard-won and rarely given, though once it is, he often devotes himself fiercely.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Skills: Healing / Intellect
Preferred Dad: Vidarr? No preference though, really xD
Disability? No :( I'm in the same boat as Fig here. I wish I had the creativity LOL
Intended plots: Leaving this mostly to IC events.



13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowRapid Poster - GoldCoder - RainbowEaster 2022Toys for Tots
04-08-2023, 04:11 PM (This post was last modified: 04-08-2023, 04:13 PM by Seadragoness. Edited 2 times in total.)
Out-of-Character Name: Seadragoness
Character's Name: Quartz or Alvar
Gender: Male
Adult Height: 42"
Height: Extra Large
Build: Medium
Appearance Description:
[Image: b0h7zrP.png]

Dark tones coat the majority of this wolf. With faint black stripes across both his legs, beneath the wine tones. The centre of his body is like a magenta flame. Purple tones that come to light across his midsection in the swooping shape of a fire. Nestled among those flames, are a cluster of deep purple crystals.

His toes are dipped in white, a colour that matches the left side of his face with a smear of white that runs from his nose, under his eye, and up to his ear. His eyes are an endless purple that shifts from light to dark.

Mutations: Inheriting some crystals from Sedna!
Determination is the core component of this boy. Making him stubborn, strong willed, and hard working. A mix that could easily spell disaster. His desired path would be to rise in the ranks of his pack, and where his determination would be the most visible. His one track mind doesn't mean he wont find himself in plenty of mischief as he grows. Curiosity will cause him to stick his nose in plenty of places it doesn't belong, and lead him on adventures.

He'll also be very easy for his siblings to sway, and lead into trouble. He’ll be protective and loyal to them most of all. He’s a wolf that wants to be a warrior, and he will be on the lookout for strong role models. Be they good or bad! The wolves he finds and aspires to be will shape him to lean either towards a more good or bad alignment.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Skills: Fighting and Int
Preferred Dad: Surprise me! xD
Intended plots: To rise up in the ranks
[Image: DJR1fLh.png]



ContributorEaster Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - Silver
04-30-2023, 10:48 PM
Congrats everyone, Véi has rolled the last disability.

Permission for everyone to grab a pup pass from my inventory for these kids. Just link to this post in acceptance.