
Morning, Keep the Streets Empty For Me



5 Years
04-15-2014, 08:29 AM
ooc: pups may post now if they like. This is optional not mandatory, usually as an "up to chance" way to determine birth order. Pups won't actually be playable until two weeks from now. :3

Rain was falling steadily over the hills as thunder rolled across the sky. This land was dangerous she knew and with the rain there was now a risk of mudslides but the built tension in these hills had settled some after the great earthquake. And D?gmar didn't plan to stick around for long. She'd carved her den into the side of one hill, amidst a tangle of fallen trees for support. She didn't want to be found and so a place with such a fearful reputation was more than a perfect stage on which she could birth her pups.

Resting on her side she bore the contractions and the pain without flinching. To cry out, she felt, would be shameful. She was taking this in stride as a warrior bearing a particularly painful exercise and it thrilled her. Childbirth, the ultimate pain. The test. To pass she would bear it without aid, without crying out. Her muscles spasmed as the pain washed over her but she took deep breaths, focusing her mind in an almost meditative state as her limbs tensed.

Another crash of lighting raced across the sky, the rain turning into drizzle and ice as it fell. Her whole body clenched until finally the first pup was born.



3 Years
04-15-2014, 04:48 PM

Laughing so damn hard, and no one knew why

Warmth. Darkness. It was the known, it was what the little creature was comfortable with. Despite being crushed now amid the twitching bodies of those around her, whom she knew only by their proximity. She could not see or smell them, but sometimes she could hear them, and more often than that, feel them. Numerous times she had been kicked and smacked, pushed around by the wriggling beings all around her.
The spasms came suddenly, without warning.
Everything the tiny beastie knew and was comfortable with was suddenly expelling her, thrusting her out of the dark womb with a gruelling finality. Why must she be the first to endure this? slowly, she was squeezed and shoved, prodded and yanked, until at some point she began to feel cold. Her petite rear began to suffer the indecency of the air. Then, she was plopped down into the dirt and racked with shivers. An indignant mewl was all she managed to utter, her failed attempt at an enraged roar. How dare she be kicked out of her home? She liked it there, it was comfortable and nice, despite the obvious downside of her siblings constant abuse.
The small creature wriggled and whimpered, uncomfortable and scared by it all. She couldn't see. However, she could hear the crashing, roaring of some great beast ready to gobble her up mercilessly. Frightened, she continued to cry out in her tiny voice. Suddenly there was smell, the biting of air in her itty bitty nose. Nothing made sense, everything was so terrifying. Still her barely developed vocals wailed pitifully for help from someone, anyone.

OOC: Den's first ever puppy post is terrible, Den is ashamed.

But the rest is forgotten



5 Years
04-15-2014, 06:46 PM
ooc: Keep 'em coming! xD

D?gmar let out a sigh as the pressure stopped for a moment, the contraction continued but the pain had lessened a bit. She stared down at the first pup for a moment, watching it struggle in the birth sac before instinct took over and her fangs ripped it off. She quickly swallowed the evidence and cleaned the pup before moving the squeaking creature to her side. "There? food? now shut up." D?gmar winced at the creatures mewling and stifled the urge to just swallow the little creature whole.

She leaned over and sniffed at it curiously. It was a female, a large pup, reasonably strong with a pelt mainly of black with a hit of her coloring. D?gmar felt something stir within? not the puppies. Something else and it frightened her. Thankfully though she was not given much time to dwell on the mix of hormonal insanity that was trying to stew her brain into motherhood. The contractions picked up pace again. D?gmar steadied her breathing and focused. She was in control of her body not these little monsters.



2 Years
04-15-2014, 11:03 PM

Everything was dark and warm. The walls were close but always moving somehow. Things had been this way for quite some time, and the little female was very used to it by now, but she wouldn't have minded a little change. Lately, the other creatures that seemed to reside here were squirming more often, pressing their annoying little limbs into her face. She always shoved back, and harder, too - even in the womb she wasn't going to let herself be pushed around. That was, until the contractions started.

There was an enormous pressure inside her environment. The walls around her began pulling and yanking, dragging her toward what seemed to be an exit. She was blinded to what sort of exit this would be, but she imagined it wouldn't be pleasant.

Unfortunately, the dark girl was not the first to arrive in this new world. One of her siblings had beat her to it. As the female plunked onto the damp earth, she felt something close to a growl gurgling in her throat. Her sister would pay for coming out first. That wasn't fair at all. She deserved to be the oldest child. Then, as the cold air began to catch up with her, the tiny creature let down some of her defenses and began to whine in a constant drone. Where was the warmth? Had that been taken from her as well? The weak, helpless creature struggled to move towards something - anything that would lend her a helping hand.

Yes, this was definitely the change she had been hoping for. But what a strange new world it had turned out to be.

OOC - Req is even more ashamed than Den xD


04-16-2014, 12:52 PM
At first, all she had known was warmth and comfort. There had only been the walls that she knew blindly, and the comforting thump-thump that had been the first thing that she had been aware of. And this was all that she needed. Everything was warm and nothing hurt, and she would have been quite willing to stay there forever. But alas, that was not to be, as the creature discovered all too soon. Suddenly, her previously safe and hardly changing home was rebelling against her presence, trying to fling her out and drive her away.

The walls that she had spent so much time around were pushing her away from her safe heaven and she could not fight back. There was nothing to do but allow herself to go where her home dictated, and she found herself separated from her home and the familiar forms that had shared that space with her all too soon. Suddenly, everything was cold and there was a strange pain assaulting her body from her middle section. What was this? She didn't like it!!

Blindly, she squirmed closer to the source of warmth and the delicious scent spilling from it. She didn't know what it was, but it made that pain much sharper and she didn't like it! As the taste hit her little mouth, however, she suddenly realized that it was good. She wriggled closer to the warmth, her body brushing against others that she hardly acknowledged in her desperate search for warmth and food.

ooc: ;; WELL i'm really bad at pup posts sorry



2 Years
04-19-2014, 05:55 PM (This post was last modified: 04-19-2014, 05:56 PM by Aksel.)
ooc: nonsense you guys did well! I'll wrap this thread up quick xD

The thrumming pulse of his mother's heartbeat increased and sent a pang of fear through the pup. What was going on? Dark, warm, safe? he could feel something forcing him to move the walls closing around him and pushing him but no he did not want to move! Aksel could no longer feel his sisters near him and his own heart beat began to race as he realized he was alone. That was bad wasn't it? That was not something he wanted, what was going on?

Twisting and squirming he folded in on himself trying to stave off the inevitable. The exit and the entrance. The known and the unknown. He wasn't ready for this whatever it was and he would be make sure to let his mother know as soon as he was able. Cold air touched his back paws as he squirmed, coming into the world back way in.

Aksel struggled, head getting light before finally, with a mighty heave was plopped onto the ground. As soon as the sac was gone he began to cry and wail loudly before a growl filled his ears as teeth seized him, a bit roughly, and set him down to the warm of his mother and in amongst his sisters.

Talk, Think