
Falling Stars



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
03-31-2023, 11:45 PM

It was in the late hours of the night that Mercury left the room that had slowly but surely become his home. Making his way down the many flights of stairs, and out the doors into the courtyard. Breathing in the scent of Autumn, and taking in the crisp, burnt-tones of fallen leaves that settled beneath the towering trees.

After filling his lungs for a few moments, he moved again. Out of the courtyard, and out into the open meadows of the Starlit Plais. The territory lived up to its name, the clear Autumn sky ran glittering starlight across the field, and lit up the silvers of his coat. He ran beneath the stars for a time, running patrols along the borderline and killing time until his body was tired, though his mind was still far too alive for sleep.

He knew he should head back in, he had duties to attend to in the morning. But he couldn’t help but think that one more stretch, one more run, would help him find the clarity to sleep. As he debated what to do, a sudden light burned in the sky. The light of it catching his attention. It was like a flame, streaking down from the sky. As he watched, the strange light hurled into the God’s Garden, just out of view. He got to his paws, tilting his head. He could probably track it by scent alone, he could already smell the flames.


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