
You aren't really funny you know?[joining]


04-11-2014, 12:47 AM

nevermind that noise you heard

That damn old hag, she had done him good and the wound was still healing. Maybe it was because he had totally lost interest in that maned bitch. After the giant riff raff Quelt came along he hadn't a hope because of size and sheer numbers. Never would he had though the slave to turn around like that, then again she had always been different from the others and it pissed him off. Oh well, life went on, and the beast would deal with it like any other. So as planned he would stick himself in Elysium. Obviously the wolves here had a different fighting style and they seemed to be the strongest. So he would train, he would be loyal, and not give a shit so that he could enjoy his nasty little fucked up stuff that he was addicted to. Maybe get some friends? He needed those, not that they would last long since he was very self centered.

The scarred male would stick himself at the borders, arching his brown head in a howl. His head and stature would remain low, as he was experienced with path life. The scars on his head brightly lined the lime green eyes looking at uprooted tree's. What a place had been hit by the earth-quake. Things would heal though, and he would wait patiently, quietly, being the good boy that he was. Pissing off people who he wanted to have as allies was never a good idea, he learned that the hard way plenty of times.


04-11-2014, 01:00 AM

His attention constantly swivelled between the boarder and Catalya, most days doing rounds for a while then stalking is queen then doin rounds again then repeat. He was in rounds mode when he hear the howl at the boarder and slowly he would pause, massive crown lifting and ears swivelling to catch the echoes of the howl. He didn't wait long before tipping his head back and releasing a howl of his own calling specifically for Narfi. His Duchess. The one he was supposed to be training and what better to start with then a intimation. He would pause, ears flickering for a moment to see if she would howl in response before setting off for the boarders whether she answered or not it needed to be addressed. The behemoth of the man would move with easy grace seemingly impossible for his size, slipping through the trees before he came into view of the scarred brown male.

He would slow and eventually stop, verdant green eyes studying the male with a mixture of curiosity and distrust. He was scarred, some of it recently so. Was he bringing war to their boarders? "Greetings, I am Kylar, Duke of Elysium. What brings you to our boarders?" He asked, tone relaxed despite the low rumble that followed it up his throat. His voice had never been the most pleasant to listen to.




4 Years
04-11-2014, 01:23 AM
my plans for the narfi, sevan, krew thread would result in a split personality being revealed in narfi, so I believe she wouldnt have gave her name to them and wouldnt know who she was, as well as wouldn't remember the encounter.

Ears perked up at a summoning howl, Kylar was calling for her, and from the sound of it, he wasn't too far away. With a low grunt the girl would move away from the skull she had been working on, sitting atop her pack, various long stemmed plants laying around her. She was still trying to figure out a way to put Narge back together, and the longer she went without hearing his voice, the more she would begin to worry. Would he still be around once the skull was put back together? Pushing away the thoughts she would remove herself from her den, paws quickly carrying her away and in the direction the howl had come from. Did the large man have a task for her to perform, wanted to see her spar or observe how she interacted with somebody? Narfi would try to not think too hard about it, just letting her mind release those annoying thoughts.

Not allowing too much time to pass, the yearling would slow her pace once she caught the scents of two wolves nearby, one being her pack mate and the other unfamiliar, a rogue? Head lowered to be level with her spin, eyes narrowing warily as she pushed through some bushes, her mismatched eyes locking onto the Duke, then the wolf before him. Tail flicked behind the large woman as she closed the distance between them, each step quietly placed upon the earth. Black form snaked around Kylar, taking a seat on his left, all while her gaze remained on the man. "Narfi, Duchess of Elysium." Her own voice would not be relaxed, intead it was wary yet unimpressed, almost bored.



04-11-2014, 01:50 AM

nevermind that noise you heard

Krew waited, and soon two wolves showed up. A large man, towering him, oh jeezus, he definitely didn't want to get him mad. Then a woman, she was civil as well. Well he was happy they weren't right out rude to him, then again he hadn't been rude to them yet. So as it stood they were on equal ground. Respectfully he dipped his head even with how it was level with his spine anyway. "Krew, I'm here to seek entry into elysium if you would take me." if they wanted him to prove himself sure, but he really didn't give a crap. He could fight if they told him, and he would not list off things that could simply be bluffs.

He stayed respectful, waiting for their prying eyes to ask something of him, or for them to judge him now. He had experience with wars, he had experience with being a higher lord in a pack. But it didn't mean it would be the same here and he knew that perfectly. White ears would perk as he waited patiently. If they turned him away, then he probably wouldn't bother seeking any other packs.


04-11-2014, 06:57 PM

His new sidekick/ apprentice was quick in her arrival and he couldn't help but smile at the younger girl as she introduced herself and took a seat beside him. If she was this prompt all the time he would have no issues training her. The man before them spoke again, introducing himself and speaking that he sot entry. They had to test him? Though Kylar had yet to think of many test this might be a good time to see how fast Narfi was on her feet. "We are not an easy pack and we expect each member to pull their weight. Because of this we expect new members to prove themselves. If you accept Narfi will here will test you in whatever category you choose, should you pass you will be placed in that category." Simple, easy and to the point. He would look down to Narfi and scoot back a bit to show he was completely handing the reins over to her. He trusted her to be competent enough for this task.




4 Years
04-13-2014, 10:20 PM

Green and grey gaze would watch the man closely, noting how he dipped his head to them before speaking of looking to gain entry into their pack should they take him. Ah, so he wanted to join their little group, interesting. Narfi would remain silent, allowing the older Duke to speak first all while her gaze remained focused on Krew. Kylar informed the male what the pack was like, and how they basically did things in a few words, easy enough for the male to understand. An ear would flick towards the Duke when he mentioned her name, she would test him should the man accept, depending on what category he chose, accomplishing the task earning him a place within their ranks in that category.

Movement to her side would make Narfi look up to see Kylar look down to her and move back to give them room, a brow raised slightly at him trusting her just a bit to allow her to carry out the task with this man. So, clearing her throat Narfi would turn back to Krew with her head remaining in the raised position. ?Your skill Krew?? She asked simply, wondering what it was this guy was good at so that she could think of a test to put him through. Tail would flick over her paws, tests beginning to form in her head for the three main categories, strength, hunting, herbs. This had better not be a waste of time like with that dark fae who suddenly left the borders when she had to Face Narfi in a spar to join. The very thought of it made her gaze narrowed in annoyance.



04-15-2014, 06:39 PM

nevermind that noise you heard

Krew's eyes would move from the large behemoth towards the woman, barely a yearling by the looks of it. But he would never sell her short, this was their turf, if it was as he said she must have done something in order to have been accepted. Thus, why she was beside him, and probably training hard underneath him as well. While he didn't give a shit what they thought of him, he knew perfect didn't always come in every shape and form. The brown buzzard would turn his head back to the male "If I lose, I'd happily train to bring up my differences." He felt he would and could benefit himself from these pack wolves, so he'd give himself the hell of a ride if anything. He had treated others like shit, and had been treated like shit. Nothing would entirely surprise him. He would stand straight across from Narfi, his slight limp from his healed shoulder didn't seem to bother him at all. "I think I'm good at fighting, I recently had a limp in my right shoulder permanent but I do not think it impairs it too much."

"It would be an honor to spar with you." Krew stated, as he leveled his limbs underneath him. Bending his knee's slightly, to keep himself from being knocked over, while she was lighter and smaller than him she could easily hold his weight and size against him. Eyes narrowed, and ears would come to lay flat against his skull, head slightly tucking underneath near his neck. As his shoulders rolled inward, and his scruff rolled forward a deep growl tore through his throat. Spine level, and his plume ready raised for more balance. He kept his eyes locked on the woman to wait for her to attack.

0/2 for entry into Arcanum

Attack :; N/A

Defense :; Eyes narrowed, toes splayed, limbs level with his body with evenly distributed weight. Head slightly tucked, ears pinned against skull, tail and spine level, shoulders rolled inward and scruff scrunched up to protect vitals.

Injuries ;; Permanent light limp in his right forelimb.(From erani maim)



4 Years
04-22-2014, 01:02 AM
narfi; 35 inches & 120 pounds

ref; that I am using

A brow raised when the male addressed Kylar, talking about if he lost then he would try to train to bring up his differences. Did he expect them to allow him to join and train under them should he lose? Or did he mean it in a way that he would leave the lands and train someplace before coming back to try and re-join? Either way Narfi would brush it off, not caring what he did should he lose. When his attention went back to her, Narfi's gaze would narrow the slightest on him, running over his body briefly to size him up and think of what he may possibly be good at. Quickly he would let her know, Krew thought he was good at fighting, and recently had a limp in his right shoulder permanently but didn't think it impaired him too much. Oh really, the girl would have to check this out.

Setting up his defenses, the man spoke of how it would be an honor to spar with her, her only response being a small grunt before she lifted herself from the ground.

Body now lifted off the ground, Narfi would quickly set up her own defenses. Head leveling with her spine, ears going back against her head, eyes narrowed, lips pulled back but not fully revealing her canines. Tail would rise and level with her spine as well, limbs spreading evenly and bending slightly at the joints, toes flexing and muscles tightening. Lastly her head would be brought back, skin around her neck folding up, shoulders rolling. It was her move first... even though he was the one seeking entrance, the Duchess didn't mind.

Unlike previous fights she had gotten into, Narfi would try for a different approach this time, stealing a small move from Kaneyna when they fought for the rank she now held. Carefully she would begin to circle the man, each step calculated, tail swinging behind her for a brief moment before going still and held out behind her. The yearling had gone to her right, almost moving a bit slow to see if the man would grow impatient. Once she had created an almost 60 degree angle from where she had originally stood, the girl would make her move. (angle positioning) Body charged right in, sliding to a stop just a foot away so she wouldn't slam into his body. Jaws quickly parted and lunged forward, aiming a bite to Krew's chest, behind his left shoulder. Should she make contact, she would try and hold on tight. Going in with this move, she would also try and use her right foreleg to move back quickly and with force, aiming to smash her paw and lower leg into the man's left hindleg, She wanted to try and knock him off balance, spreading out her own three limbs and trying to grip the earth with her toes while also pulling back with her hold to help in the off-balance.

one OF two FOR pack entry