
Taste these embers and ash



2 Years
04-10-2014, 05:09 PM

The darkness would have been absolute if it wasn?t for the silver of the stars that shed sprinkles of greys to black and white the colours of the world. It was a dreary scene to stand against the pale skin of the sky and look down upon the world from the back of volcanic mountain. The air upon its bulk held the tang of ash, and fell on the brute?s tongue and senses like decay. The sweet scent of rain was clean beside the clogging touch of mountain ash and a look to the sky would display the angry clouds that clustered before the stars until even their light winked out one by one.

The scene of darkness suited the brute just fine, with his own heavily dark coat outpacing the silvers and greys he boosted. It suited his coat and his mind just fine, which was heavy with a bitter taste of anger and revenge. This brute had found traces of his family, had held his sister in his arms and learned of what had been done to betray her being, he had learned of the life he had missed out on. He would raise his head to the sky and wait, but still the rain would not come. He would growl, a heavy muscular sound thick to the accord of his thoughts. Paws would rain down upon the ground as he would rise from his hunches, eyes once purple so dark they could almost be red would be his headlights as he surveyed the world and eventually, begin the descend down the volcano and back to reality once more.

"My sounds""My Soul"


04-10-2014, 05:40 PM

Long legs moved with practiced ease through the mountain she had called home for far too long, long enough to make her realize that her loyalty had remained to the mountain itself rather then to the idiots who had claimed the lands themselves. She had stuck around simply out of stubbornness, her inability to accept change and to, if she was being perfectly honest, piss off whoever was trouncing around her home. Since Nnoitra's fall she had found herself grasping at threads, attempting to connect with anyone or anything. She had thought she had found that with Morphine but she was gone now, disappeared to the winds probably off with some guy again. She couldn't be loyal to someone like that?But now there was Desiree. She had finally found someone to be loyal to. The had come her children and there was some sort of feeling towards them there too though she would freely admit that she had no idea what any of it meant. In all honesty Rune seemed to be the only one she understood her feelings towards, her dear nephew seemed to be her anchor and it was because of him that she was traverse there mountainous slopes on such a dark night. She made no attempt to hide her passage or quiet her steps, rocks skittering uselessly out of her path as white dipped paws kicked them away. Useless?

He must be out with his family? She slowed her trek for a moment, black lined eyes flittering across the darkened landscape to see if she could steal a glimpse of her dear nephew only to find a different form moving downwards. He was dark like Rune but it was not him?He bore strange markings and for a moment Vi stood on her little plateau and studied the strange male in his descent. She was cloaked in shadows, hidden for a short time from his view by a large boulder a bit further up the mountain from her. But a few steps forward would bring her into plain sight, blood red coat painfully obvious against the ashen landscape. "Who is this who traverses my home?" She called easily, even with her voice raised lavish dripped from her tones as she studied him. A few more bounds and she would move up the mountain towards him before stopping to once again study him. Peculiar indeed...



2 Years
04-10-2014, 06:10 PM (This post was last modified: 04-10-2014, 06:11 PM by Crucifix.)

His steps against the earth where near soundless with an odd grace that belayed his large form. His passage down the mountain was done with a fluidity that brought him an appearance of flight as he glided past stones and barely brushed against their texture. So the sound of the stones as they skittered against touch would catch his attention. But Eyes, when they brushed against the cloak of night would find nothing. His gait would not slow, he held no worries for anything he might encounter. His brush with reality, his time as a rogue had brought him a sense of strength rather than the fear it installed in others.

When at last she did appear, emerging from the shadows like an apparition, a ghost dipped in blood he would still his movements before her as her words where offered forth. She bounded ever closer, and he got a true glimpse of her coat and realised that what he had taken for blood was a part of her. His eyes would rise in mild surprise as he took her in. ?Crucifix? he would offer forward at her demand, his lips upturning at the corners as he appraised her. ?Truly, is that your natural colour?? he would enquire, his nose touching the air before her, taking in her aroma, which was as strongly beautiful as her being.

"My sounds""My Soul"


04-10-2014, 08:22 PM

His movements stilled, obviously taken aback by her appearance as most seemed to be. A smile would grace her lips, at first good hearted before poison was poured across it and it turned deadly. These were the moments she basked in, the adoration and shock she received when others gazed upon her pelt for the first time. Though red was not such a hot commodity anymore, with her children and the Seracian's she had found herself the newest and trendiest pelt color to call her own. Purple. Just like his eyes. And she would be her own, her perfect trophy to hold even as her red pelt faded. But in his eyes she found that shock and awe she had once held over everyone and she found herself feeling beautiful in a way she usually only felt around her love. Who was this creature standing before her? This monochromatic man who bore the oddest markings? She found herself almost as curious as he, taking a few further steps closer but still keeping her distance in case of a fight. Heaven forbid he try and jump her and mar her beautiful visage. After all without her looks what would she have?

Crucifix he would call himself, name dropping from his tongue easily for her ears to swivel forth to snatch up like a delicious tidbit all for herself. A delightful name... Poisonous smile would grow even more as his next words came only to be greeted by a chuckle before falling serious and lowering her head as if she had some great secret to share. "In truth... I'm all white. But who likes a white wolf... I stain my pelt with raspberries and cherries every day to keep the color fresh. I've stained it so much that even when I bathe I turn pink rather then white!" She exclaimed in hushed tones, musical laughter bubbling up her throat as she studied him with lantern eyes. She gave him a moment to precess that, watching his expression carefully before sly grin would slide in place once more.




2 Years
04-10-2014, 08:40 PM

He would stand in appraisal of the woman before her, take in the sleek shades that rippled across her body, frosted with white that coated her underbelly and touched against her paws as through she had treaded in snow. There was one other colour he could see against her coat, a colour that darkened her expressions and shadows the awesome tints of her orbs. The black features gave her a stark and weary expression, her orbs seemed precise and set upon him.

The smile across her lips held a malevolent aspect that sent an almost delightful tingle down his spine. He would understand some of what that expression held when she would lean towards him, her voice almost a whisper as through in the parting of a secret. His eyes would not leave their appraisal of her, but an eyebrow would rise in response to her words. She ended it with a delightful laughter and a sly grin. He would lower his head beneath his powerful hunches, lowering it to bring it ever closer towards her. He couldn?t help himself?

?Raspberried for life? My, you would make a tasty wolf. Can?t a boy have but one taste?? he would utter, his voice husky with mirth, the supressed laughter that turned a single lip upwards and his eyes where full of its life. He was, of course, not a wolf of cruel alignment, but he wasn?t above dipping a paw in the murky waters every once in a while, if only for a laugh.

"My sounds""My Soul"


04-10-2014, 08:52 PM

His expression was delightful, amused and a bit disconcerted but if there was any hesitation he did not show it. His own crown would lower as if sharing in her dirty little secret, vibrant eyes focused in on her as tantalizing tones slipped from his lips. Grin would only grow, eyes dancing with some inner light as she studied him. Did he really just say that? It wasn't often she came across a wolf with a quick wit like this one. Precious dear, now she wanted him all for herself. She had always liked collecting the peculiar ones. Whether it was their bodies or their minds that interested her she always felt the need to make them her own one way or another. "But sir! I am a lady! Not even dinner and a date first?" Feigned shock would wash across her features, a paw lifting to touch her chest as if the mere idea was blasphemous to her. But it was only moments before she was smiling once more, sickeningly sweet expression touching both lips and eyes as she studied him. A few more moments and then she would allow long legs too churn, pulling her closer towards him as she allowed her eyes to drift from his expression to the rest of him.

He was large, and strangely marked. Though generally she was attracted to simply marked monochromatic wolves he had a strange appeal to him. And what was that on his shoulder. "I'll let you have a taste if you tell me about this." She was curious now, words soft as she stared in wonder at the strange mark adorning his shoulder. Never mind anything else. She had seen this before. Somewhere where humans had once roamed. Was it the island? The ship? Did he mark himself with this or was he born with it? She simply had to know.

Table by Azil



2 Years
04-10-2014, 09:42 PM (This post was last modified: 04-10-2014, 09:56 PM by Crucifix.)

He would smile at her now, his lips parting ever so slightly as he waited for the comeback he knew she would make. He did not in fact have to wait at all; her reply would fall quickly from her lips in honeyed tones. He would Seat himself now upon his hunches, it seemed that despite the heavy darkness in the atmosphere or the weight of the clouds above them that this would be more then a passing chat. Her words where mocking in their outrage. ?Is that an invitation?? He would toss back at her, his tail giving a hearty flick behind him. He had forgotten his woes and his anger was long subsided, this strange and quick-witted fae had been exactly what he needed, a surreal spice of reality.

She would pull herself closer to his form, and in the chill of the night he could almost feel the warmth of their bodies although they did not brush. It seemed her eyes had caught upon his family mark. The brows above his eyes would rise, in his own taste of mocking outrage. ?Why, if where having a taste for a taste I should get the first lick. Can?t have you backing out later? one lid would flick at her in a wink as he would move his head forward and his tongue would dart out to curl around and flick up the outer side of her ear. He would lean back again, drawing his tongue against his muzzle ?Mmm? Raspberries? he would caress the world like fine food against his lips as he turned his body slightly to give her a full view of the cross that adorned his left shoulder. ?It?s my family mark, we are all born and breed with it. I promise it?s not dipped in apple juice. Take a lick if you don?t believe me? the wink he dropped her this one did not have the slow teasingness of the first, it was a quick drop of eyelash against check and was gone as quickly as it had been there.

"My sounds""My Soul"


04-10-2014, 09:59 PM

She was enjoying his company immensely, there was a different flutter in her chest now then there was whenever she was around Desiree. Was this love as well? Was it possible to love two at once? Screw it, who did she care if she was breaking some cosmic rule. She would made him hers one way or another without being unfaithful to her beloved. His responses were quick and well thought out though she knew his wit came to hi easily from the speed of his responses. "What if it was?" It was a knee jerk response, silken words dripping like poison from her tongue, pouring tantalizing into his ear. Smile held promises now as she continued to study him. When he demanded payment before she would receive her answer she respond by pushing out her shoulder to lick. Instead he went for the rim of her ear and she couldn't help but chuckle as he commented on the taste. "It takes less raspberries to dye the short fur on the ears then my shoulder. Odd choice. But spill." She said, pointing in an almost demanding way at his shoulder though a light hearted smile remained easily on her lips.

Haunches would fold beneath her as he told her briefly of his marking. A family mark hey? She had noted that the Destructions also bore almost identical marks, were all families supposed to have those? "You would need to stain it with blackberries or soot to make it that colour. Apple juice doesn't stain." She said easily as if it was the most obvious thing in the world but either way she would lean forward, pink tongue darting out to lick a section off the cross from the black middle and across the white outline to his black main pelt to see if she could smear it. No such luck. Seemed he was in fact telling the truth that he was born with it. "If you have a family mark you must have a family name dear Crucifix?.?" Her interest in his bloodlines now making her want to know his last name and to know if there were others like him out there.



2 Years
04-10-2014, 10:14 PM

It would be the first time he had caught her off-guard, if one could ever call a quick and pretty thing caught off guard. Regardless, his eyes would flash against hers, and his entertainment could be seen in the dancing of his strange eyes. ?Why didn?t you just say so? I would love to have a bite of? oh, I?m sorry, I mean with you? His response was quick in the giving, it rolled of his tongue like it was born to be there. He truly couldn?t tear his eyes from this wondrously strange fae before him, and the promise in her smile was irresistible.

Her next remark came quickly, and he knew she was still in the game. It was true, he hadn?t been able to conquer to mind the image of a suiting berry, but she tossed some to him now. Tossed him her words and took him up on his offer as she leaned closer to him and his breath would sigh out of him in a breath of... of what? Lust? Desire? It had been a long time after all since he had been with a woman. Her breath was as warm as her tongue, smearing its surface against his side, touching his cross and his coat with easy, carefree flicks. He lost himself for a moment, her words fell upon deaf ears, his sights lived only to fill with her. He would blink, and the spell would be broken. Another flick of his tail as through to dispel such earthly ties and desires before he could remember her words. ?We are the Blacks, my dear. I am Crucifix black, and you, lady in raspberries, have been awfully rude, and if you can?t bear to depart your name I shu?ll have to dub you as such?

"My sounds""My Soul"


04-10-2014, 10:32 PM

His answer was quick and easy, sharp tongue darting out like a sword to parry her own temptations. She would lean closer, hot breath falling on his ear as word would slip out. "Its a date." Though she left it at that, not bothering to elaborate on which part of his statement she would prefer. In all honesty she would have loved either, he was far more fun then Creedence was and she loved his mind. It was like a puzzle she felt this overwhelming desire to figure out and fix for some strange reason.

He seemed a bit thrown off by her correction to his berries and in all honesty she herself wouldn't have known if not for meeting the odd male in Alacritis before the eruption who stained his fur with berries for his strange little rituals. Then again that whole pack had been odd. And she couldn't even remember it's name, nor the name of the male. Only the things he had stained himself with and the weird dances he had conducted to try and 'communicate with the spirits'. While Crucifix was drowning in his thoughts and desires she simply could not take her eyes away from the strange mark he bore on his shoulder. It resembled something she had seen but she couldn't remember what. She was torn from her ponderings as he spoke once more, calling her out on the fact she had yet to freely give up her own name.

Her grin broadened as she leaned back slightly from him, head tipping curiously. "You could call me whatever you like?" She purred easily, eyes dancing with amusement. Black. Black family? "As well I thought men liked their women silent? You did not ask so I thought it rude to offer information not requested." An easy shrug would lift slender shoulders as if this was all his fault. Clicking her tongue and shaking her head she would continue to smile at him. "Viridiana Sovari. Though most call me Vi. Now Mr. Black. What brings you to Mount Volkan?" She asked, steering the direction back to it's original course when she had asked who was on her mountain. Though it was not her's yet one day soon maybe she would make it her own. And if she could boot trespassers from it early it would make it all the easier. Or maybe she might just keep him...



2 Years
04-10-2014, 10:55 PM (This post was last modified: 04-10-2014, 10:56 PM by Crucifix.)

Her words gave him the promise he had not even known he had been looking for, the breath it came in was hot against his ear, teasing him, capturing him, holding him to her words and her promise. He would move his muzzle quickly to lash out his tongue and touch it against the origin of her words. His tongue would lick against the upper half of muzzle, flutter against her skin and be gone again. If she was gona tease him with a taste of her words, he was sure as hell gona tease her with his moves, right back at her.

Her words where her temptation, purring them against her throat like a caress, as she told him he could call her whatever he wished, and he would rumble a laughter from his chest, enjoying this banter of words, this underlay of meaning so enriched in every syllable they plucked against the air. ?oh truly?? he would say, at her words on men and silence. ?And here I thought you were too busy savoring your words to spare one? He would push the blame she shouldered against him aside with an indifferent flick of his ears.

In moments her words would cease their banter, and her tone no longer soaked him in her gentle, teasing desire. For a moment he lost his words, her change so abrupt he almost felt the whiplash ?I.. He would say for a moment, at a loss, and so off guard he was that his next words would be the truth. ?I was contemplating murder?

"My sounds""My Soul"


04-10-2014, 11:19 PM

Her breath did wonders, tempting and teasing him as she spoke tantalizing words in his ear only to be cut short by a quick dart of the tongue sneaking across her upper maw in a rather tempting way. "Try it again and I'll bite it?" There was a bit of a threat there but mostly she just smiled, enjoying the strange chill that ran down her spine at the feel of his tongue rasping against her skin. It was not something she usually enjoyed but somehow he made it work.

Mock astonishment rushed across her features as the blame game began, pretending to take honest offence to his words though the expression didn't last long. Soon she was chuckling once more, slender shoulders lifting and falling easily in response. Maybe it was his fault for not asking, maybe it was her fault for not wanting to freely relinquish the information without first receiving a request. Who could really prove one of the other wrong? So she let it slide, letting the conversation take it's natural turn though it seemed to take the male a bit off guard. He stammered out a word then paused and seemed to consider what he was going to say.

His answer was strange and for a moment she wondered if he was telling the truth or if this was more banter. A frown would knit her brow together, head cocking to the side as ears tipped forward to make sure she had heard him right. "Anyone interesting?" That was her first question, not was he crazy or why, but simply was it anyone interesting. The once assassin was no virgin to death and for some reason the thought of murder excited her a bit, a shiver running up her spine. "Can I help?" Once more she would lean forward, head lowering and a smile tipping up the edges of her lips as she lowered her voice for his ears alone.

Table by Azil



2 Years
04-10-2014, 11:32 PM (This post was last modified: 04-10-2014, 11:34 PM by Crucifix.)

To the rasp of his tongue she would threaten to put her teeth against its form, and he would smile pleasantly back at her ?Tempting? he would purr with a wink, not quite elaborating on what would be tempting about it. But he would let the banter slide away, she was far more interested in his response of murder, her head tilting to the side as through trying to disconcert the truth within his words. He hid nothing in his expression, despite its natural stance, watching her as her eyes prowled against his and in that expression he could see a taste of something like excitement, clearly she was not phased with the thought of murder and death.

?He certainly is to me, he took something that did not belong to him, and the only way he can pay it back is by giving me his blood. Willingly or not, and to be honest I would prefer not?? here was something of his wilder streak, the harshness he had learned since parting from his family, his time spent alone. He had perhaps found the wilder parts of the wolf ?society? he would frown a little himself now as he looked at this wild woman. ?He owes me his blood, and to have it paid to me in full it?s something I would have to take from him myself.? he said it in almost an apology, the flick of his ears and the half smile on his lips almost telling her the story of that apology.

"My sounds""My Soul"


04-13-2014, 09:57 PM

Tempting? Everything about this was so very tempting.

He carried on, speaking further on this beast he wished to bring to their death. Took something that did not belong to him? Eyes would narrow, she knew those words all too well? She had heard her brother speak them after everything that had happened with Secret and Kaios. Though there was a very good chance that he was speaking about something other then rape or even beyond it that was immediately where her mind went. So then who was it to him? A friend? A sister? His mother? She did not speak for a long time, gaze hard suddenly as all of this dawned on her. He spoke again, apologizing almost that he had to do it himself. So much like the words Kylar had spoken to her after he had called her to take Secret home while he went for revenge. She nodded, understanding it all. Slowly she would stand, tipping her head thoughtfully. "You sound like my brother. And your cute Mr. Black. What are your plans after your revenge?" She asked, honest curiosity dripping from her lips as they curled into a smile.



2 Years
04-13-2014, 10:10 PM

The brute would watch her as she found her way to her feet, watch the fluidity of her movements, the grace in her step, and the shades of raspberries that rippled across her form.He would part his jaws, remembering the taste he had stolen from her. No, she didn't taste like raspberries but the velvet of her ear had felt nice beneath his tongue. A few more moments where stolen from him as he admired her form before he too took to standing.

He would rumble a laughter at part of her words, or through another would confuse him, he wasn't entirely certain that 'sounding like her brother' was the impression he wanted to make. ?Well you, my dear, are exquisite ? in taste, as well as beauty? he would purr in teasing tones. He recognised the direction the conversation now headed, knowing that soon they would part ways. It was a thought that came with a sigh, as he would rack his eyes along her form once more, taking in her unique tones, the strangeness in her form as well as that strange personality he could see glowing in yellow against her orbs. ?Truly I don't know, for now all I crave is his death, after that ? anything could happen? the smile that accompanied those words held a hint of something inviting.

"My sounds""My Soul"


04-13-2014, 10:30 PM

He rose as well and smile turned seductive as she took a step or so froward, moving so she was shoulder to shoulder with him so she looked over her shoulder to look at him through hooded eyes. He was quite the specimen, easy on the eyes and quite the charmer as well. His intentions with this male he wanted to kill said that he had a darker underlying design but he could put on a good front. She wanted him. He would be perfect.

He allowed a compliment to slip off his tongue, and she enjoyed the attention she got from it as well as the warm feeling that flitted through her chest. Head would tip in thanks but that wasn't the answer she was looking for. She knew better then to get between a man and his revenge but afterwards, if he didn't have plans and her plans came to fruition she needed wolves like him. After a short pause he would speak again, saying that his plans were completely out in the open after he got his revenge. She would curl her neck, moving skull to attempt to lay it across his shoulders. "Well my dear. Once you get your revenge you should give me a call. I'm looking to take over the world and it would be quite boring to do alone?" Words were a seductive purr, allowing the vibration of her extended throat trail across his shoulders.




2 Years
04-13-2014, 11:29 PM (This post was last modified: 04-13-2014, 11:29 PM by Crucifix.)

Her steps moved her closer towards him, already they had been close but now they stood shoulder-to-shoulder, with the brush of her velvet, bloody coat against the darker tones of his broader, male shoulder. She would position herself so that her eyes would cast over her shoulder, the seductive smirk against her lips would bring a dancing shadow against his own lavender eyes and his smile would be playful and teasing.

She spoke next of looking her up, for after all she had a world to conquer. His smirk would be half his answer, the other would open in words ?You can count on it my dear, after all I have every intention on holding you to that promise of a date? He would remind her, every so slightly bumping his shoulder into hers in addition to his words. Even as he made the moment he felt the chill in the air, telling him the heavy skies above where quite likely to open up to rain. He had almost forgotten the darkness around them, the volcano they stood on and the heavy skies above. She had that effect on others in seemed, in entrap them in the aw of her personality. ?I'm all in for the world conquest to, so save me a slice? He would say now. His eyes returning to their previous position of drinking in her form. He didn't want to forget this fae, for the way she had sparred her wits against him, for that defiance he saw gloating in the depths of her eyes. No, he would not let this be the last time their paths would cross.

"My sounds""My Soul"


04-14-2014, 12:38 AM

He felt so perfect next to her, their pelts mingling in a sharp contrast of colours. His monochromatic coat oh so perfect. She was envious of him, though she usually was only drawn towards solid pelt colours there was something about him that drew her to him. Maybe it was that interesting mark on his shoulder that she liked so much?

Funny how she had already forgotten about the date they had discussed in their earlier banter, but she didn't show her slip up, smile remaining easy. "I'll expect dinner with that date?" She murmured easily. Something rumbled and for a moment brows would raise as she turned lantern gaze upwards to the sky. Rain. She fucking hated rain? For a moment her flirtatious facade faded as she glared up at the sky. Maybe she could take cover in her old den here that she had Zara had hollowed out together, it was further up the mountain but it would keep her from getting wet. His words drew her back to the present and cheek rolled along his spine so she could look at him once more. A little piece of the world for him? Smile turned devious as she lifted her head from his back and carried on a few steps, continuing to gaze over her shoulder at him. "I'll look forward to seeing you soon then Mr.Black?" She said easily, flashing him a wink before setting off up the way he had come towards old Tortuga lands. Yeah, some time in her old home before she had to go to her new one would be nice.

-exit Vi-