
Hope in a better place is all I need



3 Years
Extra large
04-10-2014, 02:58 PM

Kismet spent only enough time in the lands of Glaciem to make it look like he actually lived there. He'd spent a fair amount of time outside of them as of late though the ventures were certainly nothing that the boy would take back, not after seeing Warja once more. It did mean however that he needed to spend a little more time in his so called home to make it look like he wasn't trying to escape this horrid place.

He was barely here even when he was present though. So far he had not attended a single meeting or lesson that he had supposedly been required to attend. He had no idea what rank he was meant to hold within the pack to know whether he'd lose it or not and certainly didn't have the care to progress through the hierarchy. Whether it was his titled rank or not, Kismet felt like a prisoner he held no loyalty or pride in saying he was currently part of Glaciem and would only be glad to be rid of the place and back home in Valhalla. Though his mother currently was absent from the pack, at least he had real family there and actually wished to be with them.

Soren had been boycotting the meetings as well, though Kismet wasn't sure it was so much out of rebellion as the single-minded focus he had on that ridiculous den project. He hoped the pair of them would be out of here long before his brother ever deemed the place perfect though he had already been here far longer than he had previously hoped and it seemed there was no slowing Soren in his mission. Kismet had at least given up on that task after being banned from any further contribution physically or verbally and had located his own den close Soren's.

Sleeping alone had been a little odd for the first few nights, though he had grown at such a rate and that alone had proven further annoyance for his brother. He was most disappointed at how much time it meant he spent alone in total. Like now for instance, Soren was busy making further adjustments, and Kismet suspected although it certainly wasn't necessary, that his brother would move onto fixing his den or a second once he had finally finished with the first. The boredom and worry kept Soren digging, but it simply kept Kismet wandering. He was restrained to the lands for a while, though he'd lost count now how many times he'd circled the borders in the past few days, hoping for something to do, and a guilty part of him longed to see some sign of Warja or another familiar face lurking nearby. So far he was still completely out of luck.



2 Years
04-10-2014, 03:38 PM

After recovering from her illness, S'alkrie has been trying to keep herself more active around Glaciem. She had attended the meeting, and she was also present for the training with fighting and hunting. The placid babe was content within her Den which she had recently expanded, Though now she had awoken- Her eyes rather droopy while adjusting to the light. A sigh would roll from her tongue before lazily dragging herself out and stretching her limbs. Her crown would turn and gaze within the distance, Spotting a boy around her age, but she had never seen him before. Was it another one of Isardis's children? Her mind would be kept wondering, and with genuine curiosity she'd walk over slowly, her posture relaxed and outgoing; with a soft smile playing against her lips. Once reaching to his side her tail would flick side to side, excited to see another so quickly. " Ive never seen you before, are you another one of Isardis's children?" She'd look to him once more, her fur still ruffled up with loose curls flicking all over the place.

Though one thing did appear odd. He looked extremely bored and unhappy, but why? " Im S'alkrie Levader, who are you? I havent seen you in any of the training lessons or meetings." Perhaps he was a guest while his parents where visiting or just new. She would wait for him to answer; hoping that he wasnt extremely shy. There was barely any children here who werent of the Armada bloodline, though wolves always say ' Family makes you stronger.'

image by Emily, Permission to use



3 Years
Extra large
04-10-2014, 04:01 PM

While bored, Kismet was happy to have his isolation in some ways. To detached from the pack, he knew not why his so called father was still absent in his life but as long as he continued to be left alone the young Adravendi boy simply couldn't care. Though he hadn't really experienced life any other way here, he preferred for the pack to act as though he didn't exist, he believed that to be bothered by them constantly would simply make matters a lot worse.

Of course as little in his life seemed to be turning out perfectly these days, Kismet would soon find that he was about to have his first real encounter with a member of Glaciem. The pale girl that approached him bore the albino trait though having never set eyes on Isardis yet, he couldn't make the naive and incorrect assumption that she was related to him. She however would enquire as to whether he was a child of Isardis and at that the boy couldn't help but scoff.

He much preferred the recognition of being Azalea's son, the resemblance to his mother was certainly clear and he doubted he had got much in the looks department from Isardis. Soren perhaps on the other hand may have done, though the dark colouration could be found on other Adravendi's and Kismet was happy to leave it at that. Truth be told he certainly wasn't about to accept Isardis as a father at all. Such a figure had been absent for most of his life and he had been rather content with the single parent for all that time. Of course prior to his abduction though he had found himself someone to call father, whilst it may not have been blood it mattered little to the boy. Though he knew little about romantic love, he knew that his mother loved Sarak and the man had become a part of the family.

"I am Kismet Adravendi." He had become far more proud and protective of the name as of late though no one had told him any differently yet he was determined to make it clear that his mother was Azalea and Isardis held no claim on him. "I haven't been to any of the meetings. I shouldn't even be here at all, but Isardis has apparently claimed to be my father and so my brother and I were taken from our home and family."



2 Years
04-11-2014, 10:59 AM

"And thus it is so that

She would listen carefully, often liking the sound of anothers voice; Especially someone she had never seen before, the sound of another often holds some sort of emotion, whether it was sad or happy, or even just bored. Her triangular lobes that lay atop her crown would twist as his words hit, and as she would analyse she couldnt help but feel intrigued and confused at the same time, whats his story. " Its nice to meet you, If you're not supposed to be here, then who and why did they bring you in? Does your mother live close by. It doesnt surprise me though, Isardis has sired many." Her voice would drift of, staring to the floor, was he being kept here against his own will like some of those prisoners had from Valhalla? Though, they had the chance to be set free, so S'alkrie didnt understand how others thought Glaciem was so bad, it was rather spacious and fun most of the time. " You should come to training some time, its fun, your brother should to we learn a lot!" Speaking of which, where was he? " Is he sleeping?"




3 Years
Extra large
04-12-2014, 12:52 PM

Where S'alkrie was happy to listen and enjoying her life here, Kismet was irritated by having to explain his horrid situation to a member of the dreaded pack that had taken he and Soren. "My mother is missing." He said bitterly. Somehow he suspected that Glaciem were behind that for some reason or another. "A member of your pack challenged for mine and that was the last time she was seen."

Her questions were a little annoying which didn't help. He'd already explained why he was brought here, all because Isardis made some ridiculous claim. Whether the words held any truth or not, Kismet simply knew he would never look to the man as a father, even now in the same pack he was an absent figure in his life busy perhaps with all the other children he apparently had that may not have given up on him so swiftly.

"I don't know why we are wanted here especially if he does have many children. We were far happier back home in Valhalla and had no choice in the matter. Maybe the lessons are fun for you, but no matter how many arguments you throw at me for enjoying living in Glaciem I will never feel the same way. I have family and friends back home, this place is simply a prison." As for the whereabouts of Soren, Kismet wished often his brother had a bit more of an adventurous streak but of course he was left alone. Right now though, Kismet instead envied his brother for not having to deal with S'alkrie or any other member of Glaciem. "It's none of your business." It was the more simple answer and probably more polite than admitting his brother had the sense to keep out of the way.