
Trauma bonding is the best kind of bonding



05-31-2023, 07:45 AM

The young girl was good at helping. After picking dandelions with Halo, they had taken the weeds and made mead with it. While that batch was brewing, the healer had given her a small container worth of mead to try herself. Though she was warned it was potent, she wasn’t sure she would even give it a try. Other than her own curiosity and being a tad simple minded, the girl didn’t really understand why others would drink something like mead.

Storing it in a small pouch that Halo had let her borrow, she made her way down to the cove before heading in for the night. Mort had mentioned that watching the sunset at the cove would be one of the prettiest things she would ever see. He had compared it to the beauty of some ivory-coated wolf he knew, but refused to give her name. She had her suspicions, but would not push the man for an answer.

Making her way down the slick stone pathway to the cove, she noticed she had made it just in time. The sun was still slightly above the horizon where only slivers of the sky began to shift into a pastel pink and orange. The stars had yet to begin making their appearance and the air was a comfortable temperature. Letting the brisk ocean wind run over her coat, she found a rather large flat boulder to hop up onto. Just as Mort had said, this place was absolutely beautiful as sunset and she was more than happy to enjoy it.

As the sun continued to make its way toward the horizon, her thoughts began to get the better of her. Though simple-minded, she still questioned where she came from, who she was, and why she couldn’t talk. No matter how hard she tried, her brain still refused to give her any information. Frustration made tears bubble at her eyes. Without really thinking about it, she took the small jar of mead from the pouch, opened it and took a big swig. The burning sensation that lined her throat caused her to cough and her eyes to water even more. Once the warm feeling filled her belly, she reclined back on the boulder and continued to watch the sunset. No wonder everyone enjoyed drinking this stuff…