
Hunter By Trade, Mother By Accident

Pack Guest Hunt



Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
06-01-2023, 06:33 AM

Celeste stood at the territory line that separated the Col from the woods. Her sweeping long tail was neatly braided today as she let it hang closer to the ground than she normally did. While she normally let it flow freely to show off its silky beauty, it would need to be braided and out of the way today. With the morning sun still lingering behind the nearby mountain range, the only thing guided her way to the woods that morning was the shine of the full moon. The forest was still waking up was perhaps the best time to get others together and ready for the task at hand. Wasting no more time, the petite woman released a howl that echoed down toward the Col. Celeste called for her band members and anyone in the Armada that would like to join her in a pack hunt. If they were going to be staying within the territory, they would have to help out.



4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
06-02-2023, 07:40 PM

Not really one to make a fuss or get in the way, Arne was quick to come when Celeste called for a hunt. He had tried his hand at imitating one of Kuroo's nets with little success, so he supposed the only remedy was to visit and demand another lesson. He'd just been a bit tied up with all these pups to try and keep an eye on...

The early hour didn't bother him at all, he was more of an afternoon nap guy anyway. Offering a silent wave of his tail to Celeste to indicate his readiness, he kept his big mouth shut, not wanting to startle whatever they were after today.


running around like a clown on purpose
[Image: Arne-Chibi1.png]



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years

OverachieverScarredTeacherCritical Dodge!Double MasterSamhain 2022
1KCritical Attack!
06-02-2023, 11:15 PM
The call for a hunt was always exciting. This one was different than Hazel was used to. The Warlord had mentioned something about guests, and it seemed that not only were they were, they were happy to contribute. Hazel could respect that. Considering that she should be social, the girl's head lifted to the call. Not only that, she knew the area well. It only seemed right that she go greet them, offer her assistance as well. Something about hospitality-- weird as Hazel was, she was trying okay? Doing her damndest.

"Room for one more?" She arrived to the little group, offering a friendly nod of her head to each of the strangers in turn. Her gaze was bright, bouncing on the balls of her feet. "I'm Hazel, one of the Armada's Lieutenants." Though she keeps her distance physically, she at least knows how to be polite. How to be friendly. That was enough, right? She'd like to think so. Any excuse for a hunt was one she'd take.




Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Hunter (70)

2 Years
Extra large

06-03-2023, 10:11 PM

As the young Unagi learns more about hunting, the pup has found that prey animals prefer to be most active during dawn and dusk. Since the girl usually prefers to remain locked in slumber land while her tiny, pudge body is wrapped snugly around her siblings, she usually misses the early morning hunts. But today is different. She teeters on the verge of waking and sleep, a strange restlessness coming over her. Maybe it is because her rather rotund belly is empty.

A growl pulls her awake and she stares down at her stomach, whispering sleepily, “Shush. ‘m tryin’ to sleep!” As if it can hearsher, her empty belly gurgles again, complaining about how little she had had to eat before turning in for bed. With a small sigh, she pulls her body from the snuggle body, readying herself for a raid on the friendly pack’s food stores when a call reaches her ears. Oh, how fortuitous! Eagerly the pup pushes herself free form the bodies, tumbling out onto the den floor with a soft, “Oof”.

Springing up to her paws, Unagi immediately tips back over as her sleepy limbs wrap around each other. With a huff, the black and white girl carefully rights herself, looking back to check that the others are still asleep before racing out to where the call had oriented from. Being small and… round, it takes the puppy some time to arrive and, when she does, she is out of breath and panting heavily. Offering the other two adults a nod of greeting, the girl moves right up to her other mother and offers her a loving nuzzle.

With that done, Unagi moves a short way off and flops down, tongue hanging out as she pants and waits to hear what they are doing.

"Hattori-Klein Unagi"



Intermediate Intellectual (50)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
06-04-2023, 10:16 AM
Zoey was really enjoying the band life; she was able to explore each land they settled upon, observing their various aspects - everything from their unique flora and fauna to the occasional relic she came across. She loved the band members, too; an adventure was arguably more fun when you had your best friends with you! She cheerfully ventured wherever Miss Cel, Miss Cy, and Mister Kuroki went, obeyed their every word and listened to whatever they said. She thrived in this lifestyle, and her recovery from a turbulent past showed as her personality blossomed again.

Being in the Armada land was just as exciting; the girl was social as could be, and wanted to make some friends along their journey. What better way to do that then to work together on a hunt? The chesnut girl bounded over at her leader’s call, pelt a tousled mess, burrs sticking from her coat haphazardly, but the widest grin upon her lips.

She recognizes Cel, of course, and Arne and little Unagi. The other woman present is..familiar. Very familiar. She just can’t quite remember her name!

"Good morning!" She said, adjusting her goggles. She knows everyone else, but turns her attention to Hazel. "I feel like we’ve met before, a long time ago..I’m Zoey, by the way!"


Art & Code © Skelle 2023


Young Fatalis

Intermediate Fighter (30)

Novice Hunter (25)

2 Years
Dire wolf
06-05-2023, 08:22 AM
Guests within the Armada? For a girl that stuck close to her family almost all of the time, such a prospect seemed unusual to her. Regardless of how she felt about guests within her home, she was interested in proving herself, which was why she responded to the call as quickly as possible. Tethys was glad to see she wasn't the only pack member there, though only one familiar wolf stood out among the strangers. Instinctively she headed over to Hazel, quiet as she studied the band members. "Tethys," she introduced herself quietly, hearing the tail end of Hazel's introduction. Though she was a child still she was soon approaching her birthday, and had begun to fill in her oversized frame. She had no doubt she could help contribute to this hunt, even if they didn't necessarily think she'd be the most helpful.



Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
06-05-2023, 09:36 AM

Celeste was relieved when the first one to show up was Arne. At least someone she knew would be there to help make things more comfortable! Her elongated tail swept the ground in a hello before her attention was turned to the approach of an Armadan with brilliant green eyes. Cel smiles as she nods before speaking. "Of course, the more the merrier. I am Celeste, leader of the Stargazers and that is Arne," her head motions toward the tusked man nearby before her attention is once more turned to another. This time it is Unagi as she comes over and nuzzles Cel's shoulder. Reaching down, a motherly hum vibrates in her chest as she returns the nuzzle and watches her daughter (well really, it was Cy's daughter, but she thought of those three as her own). The leader is further pleased as Zoey joins and Cel's tail wags happily again! The russet wolf seems to recognize Hazel and she wonders if that was from before she had acquired the young girl. Though the last girl is not tiny by any means, Cel's aquamarine eyes land on her with care and interest as the quiet voice speaks the name Tethys. "Glad you could join us, Tethys," Celeste replies with a smile before turning to address the whole group.

"I appreciate all of you joining in the hunt today. I went out earlier this morning, a tad farther north toward where the Wall lies, and was able to track down a herd of bison. Seems they have migrated up from the valleys during this warm season and are taking advantage of the forest's grass and brush abundance," she eyes the group that has gathered and appreciates the wide range of skill sets that were there. "Normally, we would focus on a cow or a calf as they are easier to take down since we don't have many dires joining us today but," a smile graces her lips as her tail wags happily behind her, "there seems to be enough of us that we should be able to take down a really large and somewhat young bull I saw," there is excitement in her tone and her eyes light up as her mind plays through the plan she's already taken the time to calculate.

"This won't be easy, but if we manage to take him down, it will supply Armada with enough food for at least half of the pack," she had not realized how large Armada had gotten over the years. "What we will do is this - Tethys and Arne," Cel looks to the young girl and then her band member, "you two will go ahead and flush him away from the herd. No doubt a few of the cows might give us some grief so I want Hazel and Zoey to keep an eye on the other bison to make sure Tethys and Arne can separate the bull without issue," she looks at Zoey and the Armadan Lutenient to make sure they're on board with the plan so far. "Once that is accomplished, Unagi and I will bring up the rear and help circle him to start taking him down. I don't care who takes the final blow, I don't care who does the most damage. This will be a group effort and while I don't know the extent of everyone's hunting skills, I assume we all have some if we're here today. If you don't, take it as a lesson and learn something," Cel makes sure to look at everyone for a moment so they all understood that she was here for them, for the hunt, for the experience they were all about to have.

"It's best to take them down earlier in the morning when they're still somewhat sleepy so I'd like to get a move on if we're all ready," she shifts on her paws before turning to start heading north at an easy-paced lope. No sense in tiring out the group before they get to the destination. "If anyone has concerns, questions, or needs clarification, speak now or wait until we're done," There is a sternness to her tone that pushes upon her typical friendly and laid-back vocals. When she focuses on the hunt, she is serious and determined. It was a side of Celeste that many did not often get to see. Moving easily down a game trail, the petite woman leads the group toward the Wall. She is familiar with the place and is glad that the herd is lingering in a more open area. Her aquamarine eyes are scanning the landscape as the morning light begins to shift over the nearby mountain range. Already, squirrels are alerting their presence to other animals in the area, but she pays them no mind.

Already, she can start to pick up their musky scent when a pleasant summer breeze whips through the trees. With the cushion of pine needles softening their paw steps, Celeste knows they are getting close. Her heart begins to drum faster as the adrenaline courses through her body. The thrill of the chase is her favorite part. Knowing that even though she is small, she is capable of hunting big game makes her pride swell. While she is not an overly prideful creature, she finds admiration for others that want to share the skill and craft of hunting with her. This is an important part of her life, her personality, her whole being. Glancing over her shoulder to make sure everyone is keeping up, her pace kicks down one notch and she allows everyone except Unagi to race by her. "If we turn our noses slightly up, we can scent the bison off to the east, right past the Wall where the land opens up before the sound," she calls out in a hushed tone to the group. "Tethys and Arne, start to go ahead so the two of you can get eyes on the bull. Hazel, Zoey, cut back to the south of the herd to make it around them so it'll be easier to cut off any angry cows that may want to cause a fuss," she nods her head toward the Wall where the lingering edges of the herd grace. "Unagi and I will hang back just for a moment so I can give the young pup some pointers before we come in and help close him off," Cel smiles down at Unagi for a moment before she transitions from mom mode to hunt mode and her focus once more zones in on the dozing herd not far off.

ooc. male bison can reach up to 6-7ft and 2000lbs when full grown plus with us having 6 members, I'm hoping we can claim this as an x-large hunt!
I'd like to get Cel's next response in by next Monday 6/12 <3
Also, we can maybe claim this as a lesson as well afterward if anyone would like more points! Definitely down for some hunt training w/ these posts & any supplemental afterward c:



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Hunter (70)

2 Years
Extra large

06-10-2023, 08:40 PM

The pup lays on the ground, legs sprawled every-which-way as she continues to pant heavily from the trek it took to get here. She watches a couple other wolves filter in and curiosity colors her black and pink eyes as she watches another, older pup arrive last. Held tilts slightly as she watches them and wonders, for a moment, what life is like growing up here. When her mother begins to speak, Unagi’s attention snaps to Celeste and her ears perk as she gives her undivided attention. The mention of taking down a young bull has the pup’s eyes shine with excitement.

The meeting continues on and, when their parts are given, the girl nods enthusiastically and smiles at being paired up with her mother. As Cel wraps it up, Unagi leaps to her paws and readies to sprint full-tilt out to where the herd is but her mother stops her. Bottom lip sticks out far as she pouts, watching as the others are allowed to pass. Her small, fat paws tippy-tap the ground in show of barely contained energy. Pointers? She needs pointers? Head cranes back as her eyes lock with her mother’s while she gazes expectantly up her. While she is eager to begin the hunt but also knowing that it is best to listen when the adults talk.

"Hattori-Klein Unagi"



4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
06-17-2023, 04:29 PM

They must have been far enough away from the prey that talking wouldn't matter, because everyone else came up and introduced themselves in turn. He was grateful that Cel spared him the need to introduce himself, and merely punctuated his name with a wave of his tail and a lopsided grin. He looked towards his allocated partner and tipped his head to indicate that they should get going, not dwelling on the fact that the kid that towered over him wasn't even a year old yet.

Bison were massive and heavy, they had some speed to them despite their size, and the bulls could be cantankerous bastards when you riled them up, but maybe with their numbers they would be ok?

"Y' ever hunted a bison before?" He whispered to the colourful younger wolf with a grin, "I've only ever almost been trampled by 'em, so this should be fun." His light blue eyes scanned the herd ahead, some laying down, and others standing watch. Fuck, how would they go about this without setting off a stampede or getting trampled in the process?

Spotting the wider head and shoulders of the young bull already on the edge of the herd and he pointed his nose at it, "I think that's the one she wants, ready?" Waiting just long enough to get confirmation, Arne broke cover and strode forward, the rumble of bison rising to their feet and sounding the alarm enough to get the herd moving. If they were quick enough in the chaos, they should be able to cut him off and drive him back towards the others.

[Image: Arne-Chibi1.png]


Young Fatalis

Intermediate Fighter (30)

Novice Hunter (25)

2 Years
Dire wolf
06-19-2023, 11:18 AM (This post was last modified: 06-19-2023, 11:18 AM by Tethys. Edited 1 time in total.)
Tethys watched Celeste with eager eyes, pleased when she smiled at her and acknowledged her. That alone was enough to get the girl to perk up slightly, tail held a little bit higher above her back now. She listened attentively as she began to explain that they'd be hunting bison today. She'd already tracked them down and thought there were enough hunters to take down a full sized bull. Exciting! Tethys wondered if any of her siblings had taken down such a large prey animal but she figured she would've heard about it if they had.

She was given instruction to join Arne - she watched to see who Celeste was gesturing to - to initiate the hunt, pushing the bull away from the herd. It sounded like an important role but she was happy to fulfill it, provided she was able to. At least the other wolf she was paired with was older and had no doubt done much more hunting than she had. Tethys nodded understanding and agreement.

Soon they started off, Tethys trailing close behind Arne. It wasn't long before they were given a cue to go off on their own. He asked a question and she shook her head quickly. "No," she answered him, hoping he wasn't disappointed with that. He explained he'd only ever been trampled by them - something that made her a little nervous, but she wouldn't show it because he was grinning while he said it so surely it hadn't been too bad, right? …right?

She didn't have long to think about it before they got the cue to do their part. Hurrying after Arne, she felt adrenaline begin to course through her as the herd finally noticed them and started moving. It was a powerful feeling, knowing just two wolves could cause such a reaction, and she leaned into the high it gave her. Once she got eyes on the bull she zeroed in on it, hoping if they put enough pressure on it that they wouldn't lose it in the stampede.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years

OverachieverScarredTeacherCritical Dodge!Double MasterSamhain 2022
1KCritical Attack!
06-20-2023, 06:15 AM
Something about the glint of light that came from the red girl's glasses, there was a memory here. It had been a long time... damn near a lifetime, it felt like. They'd been left around the same time, around the same place, in different ways and for different reasons. Something about Hazel was far away in moments like this, wondering what might have been if things were just a little different. "A real long time, I think so. It's nice to meet you again." She nodded, making a mental note to meet with her again before the Stargazers departed. As Tethys joins them, Hazel offered the girl a warm smile. One of Aris's pups, nearly a year old, and a smart one. The Lieutenant was happy to see her, and maybe a bit proud that she'd shown up.

Another, smaller pup joined them too. Hazel listened to Celeste's plan, nodding once decidedly. She'd be making sure that the rest of the cows didn't cause too much trouble while the others handled the bull. Arne's words were heavy on her mind as well, the bison were dangerous. There were pups, and Hazel wasn't about to let anything happen. She gives a knowing look and a nod in Tethys's direction before tossing a glance over her shoulder to Zoey. Head high, eyes bright, absolutely electric with it-- yeah, that's why Hazel had come in the first place.

She cut off towards the south, putting herself in the perfect position. Ready.




Intermediate Intellectual (50)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
06-28-2023, 05:23 PM
Zoey practically beamed from ear to ear as the maroon and cream wolf recognized her. It was really nice to see her again, and a miraculous reunion as well — they hadnn’t seen each other since they were mere pups! Though, it wasn’t all of happy circumstance that lead the essentially orphaned girls together that day..but their brief time together was a memory she’d cherish all the same. The goggle-wearing wolf noticed more wolves file in, called by Miss Celeste’s summons. A large dire wolf she didn’t recognize had approached to offer her help; as did little Unagi, and Arne as well. What an impressive hunt this woud be, with all of them working in conjunction!

Her bushy, unkempt tail swayed excitedly behind her as she listened carefully to Celeste’s instructions. Following her with the rest of the group through the sparse set of wood, they finally came across a distant herd of bison. Her eyes widened at the prospect of hunting such a massive beast. Dangerous, but exhilirating all the same. She hung omto every word her leader said, taking note of her role. Upon hearing she’d be working with Hazel to drive off angry bulls that may interfered at the south of the herd, she glanced over at the Armada woman and flashed her a grin. What fun! They’d get to work together — and perhaps learn about how to hunt such a massive animal, too.

She split off from Hazel to lope towards the other side south of the herd, assuming Hazel would take one side and she’d take the other, so as to ensure nothing interfered with the primary hunters.


Art & Code © Skelle 2023



Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
06-29-2023, 10:32 AM

The look upon Unagi’s face was priceless. One day, the young pup would understand why she wanted her to be held back. While Zoey and Tethys were still young, they were at least a bit more experienced. Celeste could see in the other’s faces that this was not their first hunt - even if it was a slightly more dangerous one. Yet, the more bodies, the less chances of someone getting hurt.

Holding back as the other four set off after the herd, she keeps her pace at a slow jog. “Watch how Arne and Tethys single out the bull. He is a large, formidable prey that will easily fight back to protect the herd. Plus, as we see Halo and Zoey on the outskirts there, the others will help fight back. Bison are not weak or easily frightened. Now, if this was a twenty wolf hunt, they would surely turn tail for the hills where it’s harder for us to run fast, but with just the six of us, it’s harder,” she pauses as she continues to creep closer, but stays south of the wind.

“Which is why we are hanging back. If the bison only believe there are four wolves, they won’t take off as fast. Four wolves isn’t as terrifying as six. But as soon as the others move in, we will work our way through the crowd to help Arne and Tethys or Zoey and Hazel. If the front two can cut off the bull, we will help separate the rest of the herd before helping take down the bull. Make sense?” Her gaze flickers to the growing pup before focusing back on the hunt at hand. Their group, albeit slightly inexperienced, were capable and adaptable. She could see it just by looking at them - it was a gift.

“Alright, on my count, we will rush in and begin to help scare off the smaller bison so their mamas will go running after them,” Celeste smiles as her eyes glint with excitement. She lets her muscles relax, her tail trail the ground, and doesn’t resist the adrenaline that begins to trickle in. “One, two, three!” She lets out a quiet yip before taking off toward the herd, making sure Unagi is beside her the whole time.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years

OverachieverScarredTeacherCritical Dodge!Double MasterSamhain 2022
1KCritical Attack!
07-01-2023, 03:05 AM
Adrenaline coursing in her system, Hazel watches as things fall into place. All of the moving pieces, all of the important parts of the hunt. The bull had been cut off from the herd. Yes, it was the herd that would come together to try and defend him, but it was also the herd that would panic. It was already starting, the noise and the confusion starting to kick up around her. Hazel was electrified, alive with it. Beautiful, gorgeous chaos rising up around her. Rising up to greet her. Rising up to make her feel alive. Enchanting. Wonderful.

She moves quickly. Keeping the rest of the herd pressed back, moving to nip at their heels and push them farther and farther from their beloved bull. A growl in her throat, in her chest. The glinting of her crystalline fangs in the afternoon sunlight. All of Hazel seems to glimmer and shift when she's like this, alight and alive. She was fulfilling her duty, working in time with Zoey to pressure the herd off so the rest of their cohort could do their work. So many moving parts, but all of them were important. All of them were necessary. They'd make quick work of this and have a good dinner.



Young Fatalis

Intermediate Fighter (30)

Novice Hunter (25)

2 Years
Dire wolf
08-03-2023, 08:46 AM
The prospect of doing something new and exciting was enough to fuel her. She'd be able to brag to her siblings about it and tell her parents all about it too, and she had no doubt they'd be proud of her participation in such a hunt. Tethys had committed to give her all to this, and she eager followed Arne until they were finally diving right in, initiating the first sequence of the hunt.

There wasn't much left for them to do other than keep pressure on the heels of the bull they were targeting. While the others worked in from a different angle, it wasn't at all long before they were closing in on their prey, successfully cut off from the rest of the herd. Surely she wasn't the wolf that would land the final blow but once it was time she made to nip at the bull's heels, hoping a sharp enough bite could help, causing it to stumble while the more experienced wolves in the hunting party finished it off.



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Hunter (70)

2 Years
Extra large

08-07-2023, 04:23 PM

The pup pouts up at her mother, wanting nothing more than to go charging in and scare all the big fluffy creatures. But her mother is smart and the girl knows that she has is a very good reason for holding her back. Unagi nods at her mother’s words, trotting alongside Cel while her eyes move to where Arne and Tethys are. From there, her gaze moves to where Hazel and Zoey are, realizing that everyone is already taking up their positions to take on the bison. All the information that is being given makes complete sense and the round pup nods firmly as her mother finishes up.

Turning her gaze up to her mother, the girl whispers, “Everyone has a purpose. Are hunts always like this? You know… with everyone doing something?” She has never been on a big hunt before and it is interesting to her how each wolf was given a task and they all seem to know what to do. Her mom is talking again and Unagi nods excitedly, tensing her body and lowering her center of gravity as she readies to charge in and scare off the other bison. The air seems to buzz with anticipation as Cel counts down and, at the quiet yip, the girl is off like a shot.

Unagi is great at making a lot of noise and, as she rushes toward the bison herd, the pup makes as much of a racket as she can. Her mother easily lopes along beside her since it seems to take a lot more effort for the rotund puppy to close the distance (most of her movement is up and down instead of actually forward). Thankfully, the bison see her, or to be more accurate, all of them, as a threat and the mothers and calves beginning to split off and run away. All the pup can think about is how much fun she is having!

"Hattori-Klein Unagi"

Thread Move Log
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1. Hunter By Trade, Mother By Accident Mile-High Woods 06:33 AM, 06-01-2023 01:24 PM, 09-27-2023