
Looking to the Future




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
06-04-2023, 04:47 PM

Even though filling their vacant Master Warrior position was top of her mind, she also continued to look toward the future and plan for what was ahead. As much as she loved Irilyth and everything the blonde woman had done for her and her brother when they were growing up, she wanted to give her the option to retire along with her mother and father. To do that she would need to find their next Master Physician that could fill the role once Irilyth was ready to step down. The problem with coming from a family and a way of life that leaned so heavily on physical prowess was the fact that healers were in such short supply in Elysium so that task was more difficult than she would have liked.

With that task front of mind, Avacyn made her way through the evergreen woods that surrounded the island's lake while she mused on the wolves that made up her upper ranks and who she would ideally want in those positions. She already knew exactly who she would want to take Irilyth's position, but it did mean that it would require a bit of a wait and pertinence on her part and a desire for it from her youngest sister. She began to make her way back up toward the mountain paths and the caves that the wolves of Elysium called home, but before she could reach them she happened to spot her red-hued sister near the lake as if her thoughts had summoned her. She smiled and began to make her way toward Mariah, angling her approach in a way so that her sister could see her and catch her attention. "Mariah, I was just thinking about you," she mentioned as she came to join her. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything... How are your studies coming along?" she questioned conversationally.

"Avacyn Mendacium"



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

06-04-2023, 09:08 PM

There was a certain kind of beauty to the lake, the crystal clear surface offering a reflection of the endless rolling sky above. Though, there was far more depth to it than just looks. In its open expanse, she saw herself. Stagnant. Trapped within the confines of her own making. It left her nearly vibrating with pent up drive that she knew not how to express. Perhaps it was her ancient spirit longing to contribute in the same manner of her siblings, though she wasn’t entirely sure how that all worked. Needless to say, the desire to go forth and make progress burned within, and it wasn’t something she felt like she could keep at bay for much longer.

She wasn’t entirely sure how long she had been sitting there, staring over the open water. It wasn’t until she heard her sister’s voice did she blink away her own absence. At the sight of Avacyn, she offered a half-sided grin “Not at all-“ Mariah interjected to ensure that she wasn’t doing anything of importance. As far as of her studies … had her brooding melancholy been that obvious? “I was meaning to approach you about that.” She answered softly. It wasn’t that she was dissatisfied with the knowledge basis of what she had gained from working beneath Irilyth and on occasion, Ikigai. However, she didn’t want her ceiling of capabilities to be set by what she had learned from just a couple of individuals from Alias Island. “Given the opportunity, I would like to seek out other mentors. At least one- maybe multiple- that I can stay with a bit longer than just a single meeting.” She announced to her sister. What she was asking for was permission to travel. To seek out healers in perhaps some of their allied packs- though if she found a loner along the way that she saw to be a good use of her time, she wasn’t opposed to lingering with them for awhile … though that might be more dangerous. Blinking away the momentary thoughts, she went on to describe what their mother had arranged for her in the previous season. “I had a lesson with Indigo Fatalis of Valta a while ago- it was beneficial … but it was just a day trip, and I need more than that.” She finished explaining, hoping that Avacyn would concede to her request. She watched her sister with an unwavering gaze, searching for any spark of interest as the older girl considered what she was asking.

"Mariah Mendacium"



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
06-21-2023, 07:23 PM

Avacyn's head tilted with curiosity when her sister mentioned how she had already been meaning to speak with her about the very topic that she had come to talk to her about. As Mariah went on to explain how much she desired to have other more long-term mentors, Avacyn quickly picked up on what her younger sister was asking for without her needing to come out and say it directly. For something like healing where multiple points of view and sources of knowledge were obviously beneficial it didn't take much for Avacyn to be convinced of the necessity of letting Mariah go out and learn from other, more experienced wolves. While she was glad to hear that she had already gotten to learn from one of Valta's healers, of course one day wouldn't be enough to learn everything she wanted to.

Avacyn nodded easily in agreement, humming quietly with thought as she began to run through the list of their allies and who she would be comfortable arranging a longer stay or mentorship with in her mind. They were fortunate to have several very close allies already who undoubtedly already had one or more very skilled healers in their ranks so there was certainly options for them to pick from. "I did speak with the alpha of The Hallows quite recently and discussed training with their wolves. I can't imagine that Artorias would have any issue with you staying with them to learn from their healers. I've heard that they're some of the best in Boreas and Auster. Of course our closest ally is Ashen so I don't think it would be too much of a stretch to arrange some time for you there as well and if you'd like to spend more time with Indigo I can speak with Kotori to see what Valta would like in return for his time." Giving Mariah a smile, she added, "I want nothing more than to have you as my Master Physician one day so whatever I need to do to help you prepare for the role we'll make it happen."

"Avacyn Mendacium"



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

09-08-2023, 08:26 AM

As the words rolled off her tongue, there were no signs of refusal in Avacyn’s expression. The younger girl brightened with the anticipation of approval of her request to travel. She listened intently as the Matriarch went on to describe the possibilities with each ally before explaining her own stakes in making the decision. Honestly, a title meant very little to her. It was the skillset she craved, and if her sister wanted to acknowledge that with rank, then so be it. However, it was not lost on the younger girl that Ava’s words came from a sentiment that seemed to be rooted in affection, so Mariah would return it with a nod, and grin of her own. After all, her request had been granted. As to where she would go- it seemed that she had options laid before her. The Hallows, Ashen, or Valta. Mariah wasn’t keen on the idea of only getting to choose one. “I don’t necessarily have a preference as to where I start, so I am certainly open to suggestions. However, I do intend on making my way through every resource I have at my disposal …” Mariah insisted, taking a mile out of the inch she had been given.

It was then, in that brief pause that she thought to wake another solicitation. While she was asking for things, she might as well go all out. “I do have one additional request.” She asked with a very subtle hesitance. “When the time comes, I would prefer it if Malico could be my escort.” Mariah finished, searching her sister’s expression for any indication of reaction, as she waited expectantly for the answer. The girl had assumed that she wouldn’t be permitted to go off on her own. If she could have influence as to who it was that accompanied her, she would certainly make a case in the matter. And who knew, maybe there was a warrior that Mal could train with- should he choose to stay with her, that is.

"Mariah Mendacium"



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-10-2023, 03:12 PM

At first Avacyn had assumed that Mariah was seeking one tutor to spend her time with, but when she made it clear that she intended to use every resource available for her training Ava realized she meant to visit all of the packs and their healers. She had no issue with that, it simply meant that Mariah would be gone longer than she had originally anticipated. She certainly had no intentions of denying her youngest sister what was really a very simple and beneficial request. Besides, it wasn’t like she would be going anywhere that wouldn’t be open for herself or their parents to visit. She nodded with agreement and understanding as she replied, "Of course! I wouldn’t expect anything less."

Her brows lifted with interested attention as Mariah then went on to another request. She hadn’t considered who might accompany Mariah for these journeys, but it was clear that her sister had. Unsurprisingly she requested her littermate to join her and even though Avacyn initially had a bit of a reservation about the idea considering Malico’s own limitations and the fact that he was still a student in his own right as well, she knew it could be beneficial for him as well and a chance for him to get outside training so it was a logical idea. "I can agree to that as long as Malico also agrees," she replied after a beat of consideration. "I do have one condition though. I would like for you to either take one of my ravens with you or allow me to help you train a raven of your own. It would give me and I’m sure our parents some peace of mind if you checked in from time to time and it would be far easier for you to send your raven with a message than to come all the way back here to do it."

"Avacyn Mendacium"



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

09-10-2023, 04:00 PM

Honestly, she hadn’t considered that Malico would decline the invitation to accompany her to an allied pack. She was certain that he would go with her if she asked him to. The thought of his refusal immediately left her with feelings of disappointment and annoyance. Mariah had secured their passage to figure themselves out in a space where they had room to breathe. How could anyone turn that down? But it was all a hypothetical- she had to remind herself to avoid getting upset by a decision of a choice that hadn’t even been offered yet. “Fair.” Mariah agreed with a forced grin.

Their discussion had gone better than she had anticipated, however, she was still mildly surprised when Avacyn offered her own condition. Take a raven. Be it a borrowed one, or one that could be her own. The younger girl could certainly understand the logic of instilling a line of communication. Her response came quickly, as there was very little for her to consider. “Of course … It would probably be beneficial for me to have my own.” She answered a little more gently. She didn’t want to be responsible for Avancyn’s personal companion in the event that something happened to it. Nor did she want to get attached to it and have to give it back on her return.

As her mind wandered away from the logistics, her attention remained with her sister- recounting everything that they covered in their brief interaction. It had been a very productive exchange. Avacyn had made her feel heard, and acknowledged as a being capable of making decisions which she was more appreciative of than she had initially realized. With a more genuine grin, she offered a nod as she spoke. “Excellent! I’m glad we had this conversation …” She finished while trailing off, not entirely sure of where else to take it.  

"Mariah Mendacium"



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-10-2023, 07:05 PM

Avacyn didn't think that Mariah would have an issue with taking a raven with her–especially not since their mother had often had her ravens follow them as pups to keep an eye on them when she couldn't be near them. It was far from an unusual idea so she wasn't surprised when her little sister agreed quickly to the condition. The only real variable was whether or not Mariah would be borrowing one of her ravens or preparing one of her own. Avacyn certainly did not mind either way, but she did agree that it was beneficial for her to have her own. Ravens were such helpful birds for so many different aspects of their lives and hers had proven to be invaluable friends many times over. "I agree. I'll make sure you get one," she said with a nod and a warm smile.

She chuckled softly as Mariah mentioned that she was glad that they had this conversation and Avacyn nodded in agreement. She hadn't had many opportunities to be around her youngest siblings, at least not one-on-one, since she moved out of their parent's den and became so busy with all of her duties around the pack. It was always good to connect with them and help where she could. "Me too," she replied as she began to get to her paws, her tail wagging gently behind her. "We'll talk again soon, I'm sure. As soon as you have a chance to talk to Malico about your trip let me know and I'll send out messengers to confirm with our allies that you're free to visit. In the mean time I'll go see about arranging you a raven." As long as there was nothing else to discuss she began to head back across the island toward her den, a renewed spring in her step with these newly laid plans in motion.

"Avacyn Mendacium"

Thread Move Log
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1. Looking to the Future Alias Island 04:47 PM, 06-04-2023 02:14 PM, 09-14-2023