
I Tried To Walk Into Target… But I Missed


The Hallows

Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

1 Year
Dire wolf
06-24-2023, 04:40 PM

Now that he was free to wander the courtyard, Nelu had taken to his new outdoor space with much relish. It was great to finally get out of the main castle room that had been their den, especially as all his siblings got older and more mobile. It was often chaos and sometimes Nelu just needed time to himself to think. He settled out in the courtyard near the dried remnants of sedums and various other plants that at one point were topped with the snow of winter. Today, however, was very warm for a winter day. The sun was shining bright and the snow didn't last long, it soon melted and now formed little rivulets that flowed along the stones of the patio he laid stretched out on.

From what Nelu understood, spring would arrive soon and the world would turn from white to green. He was eager to see the transformation and had a feeling he was getting a taste of it now. The warm sun felt glorious on his fur and for the moment he was just content to relax. At least that was the plan, but as Nelu was learning plans often didn't go the way he intended them to go. A shadow passed over him for just a moment and Nelu opened his eyes, quick to analyze the situation. The trees were devoid of leaves and the wind was barely blowing so he knew that couldn't be reason for the sudden shadow.

Nelu looked up and squinted. Above him, in the clear sky was a dark shape. It grew bigger and bigger and it suddenly clicked that whatever it was was getting larger and could very well be a threat. Nelu rolled sharply to the side, just avoid the talons of large golden eagle as it had dove for him. He was too shocked to say anything or to even react. He didn't feel anything in particular. There was an odd sensation in his stomach, a subtle taste of fear though he had no way of knowing what he was feeling. His focus was on the bird as it dove again. Instinctively Nelu held his position as the bird dove before diving again to the side. Why was this creature attacking him so? Was there a nest nearby? Did the bird see him as a food source? He didn't have time to focus on much else if he wanted to avoid the bird's talons.

As the bird dove again Nelu leapt out of the way of the talons before turning and trying to bite the bird. Alas, he missed. He had an instinct for self-preservation but was uncertain as to the best way to accomplish this, especially against a much larger opponent. He swiftly decided that this was a fight he could not win and that retreat was the best course of action but as the bird dove again he found himself over taken by its speed. He bared his little fangs, ready to fight back with everything he had when a raven appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, though Nelu knew, almost instinctively, that it was the blue-eyed raven that he'd seen along the wall.

The raven's talons latched onto the back of the eagles neck and the larger bird immediately started twisting in mid air, desperate to dislodge the raven. It spun violently, eventually shaking the other bird off. The raven scrambled away as the eagle took after it. Nelu peered out from his hidden spot beneath one of the rose bushes. He'd been careful to avoid the thorns and hoped to use them as a defense against the eagle if it still pursued him as easy prey.

The eagle gave chase to the rave for a few minutes more before focusing its attention back on Nelu, its would be prey. Nelu puffed himself up at first. He was a large pup, could he make himself look to big to be prey? No, the answer was a swift and decisive no as the eagle plunged once more. Nelu flinched as one of the bird's talons grazed his shoulder but instinct kicked in at the close proximity and his fangs latched onto the bird's wing. He failed to grab flesh but his grip ripped out a few of the eagle's feathers and altered the bird's course enough that it skidded across the pavement. As the eagle got back to its feet the raven descended, talons slashing at the eagle's head. The two were entangled and while the raven distracted the eagle Nelu lunged forward and latched onto the eagle's tail.

Having enough of this nonsense when all it wanted was an easy meal the eagle spread it's wings and staggered into the sky, shaking both its attackers as it fled. The raven pursued for a minute or so before looping back to land near Nelu with a smile across its beak. "I say, I think we showed him! Bloody eagles think they're the kings of the sky I tell ya. Been wantin' to sock it to one for years." As if seeming to realize a social faux pas the raven quick added. "Names Aster. Been watching ya wee ones for awhile now. Glad to see you're not eagle chow."

Nelu hardly knew what to say but immediately fell into his usual politeness. "Thank you for your efforts sir, my name is Nelu." Before he knew it the raven, Aster, was off and talking again, hopping along the courtyard with Nelu in tow as the bird told of his experiences with eagles and other birds of prey.