
You will be mine



Advanced Fighter (95)

Intermediate Hunter (30)

4 Years
Extra large
06-28-2023, 04:34 PM (This post was last modified: 06-28-2023, 08:31 PM by Vulcan. Edited 1 time in total.)
(Vulcan solo Fighting seasonal)

The morning came and the now "Memory" was already woken up and on duty by the time the first rays of the sun had even arrived. He was a man of action and doing things without caring about what others said about him. He had been sick for the time being but now well he was more than ready to resume his things. He wanted to prove Medusa that even though he got demoted for being sick he wasn't any slacker. And as such he patrolled the borders the whole morning and then trained a bit.

Now in the evening, he decided to go have a walk at the nearby plains, with his duties done he thought he had the right to do other things. To maybe hunt something for himself or the pack. As such he walked around the valley, but then he heard bird screeches...then followed by a fast figure flying past his ears. And by the time he looked up, he saw a peregrine falcon turning to attack him again. It seemed really angry and somewhat Vulcan was its tool for discharging the bad emotions. The wolf sighed in annoyance.

He needed to figure out how to fight the fast bird, and how to do so as a wolf. He looked around him until he spotted a long stick, with a pointy edge...well that might work? But there was a question lingering in his head, was it really worth it? Should he waste his energy with the stupid bird head? Well maybe he could gain something with this, maybe he could try to tame it. He had seen many wolves use birds of prey as battle companions. Maybe he could get one too.

He picks up the stick and then as the bird descends upon him ready to strike him with the sharp talons on his face he moves in a way that he lines the stick's length with the bird and soon he lets the bird's speed to do the rest. And it ends up crashing against the stick, now he falls to the ground. He wasn't too hurt to not fly off. But he was stunned. Vulcan approached and looks down on the bird."I don't seek to kill you. If you agree to work with me I wont kill you. As simple as that." And Vulcan wasn't a man to drop fake promises or empty threats.

The bird took his time to think and defeated he nods. Accepting the wolf's conditions. Satisfied the wolf after his win against the falcon walks towards him. "Okay come, I can get you to my pack where you can rest and get patched up." The bird nods as it gets into Vulcan's shaggy fur in his scruff.

WC- 457(Using half word seasonal pass)

