

Morticia Summer Seasonal



Expert Hunter (165)

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2 Years
Extra large
07-01-2023, 09:45 AM

The long days of summer had been a lot of fun for the young girl. With the explosive growth of flora and fauna alike there had been so much to keep the yearling busy. She loved stalking through the lush grass of the Dancefloor, and she had seen plenty of different, tasty looking prey animals that had made the mistake of wandering through Insomnia. So, as Summer started to draw to an end, Morticia had decided that she would take advantage of that bounty and work on her hunting skill. She had selected an interesting animal to track too! It was a bird, but not like Dagg, her companion. The bird was larger, fat, with a bald head… and it seemed like it couldn’t even fly! That was perfect for Morticia though.

The little rainbow gremlin wore a wide grin as she moved with paw over paw after her quarry. The bird, a Northern Turkey, scratched at the earth below the grass, occasionally dropping its head to snatch up a tasty bug snack. Morticia almost felt bad. She liked bugs too! They could be squishy or crunchy depending on what bug you tried to munch on. But the bird was wayyyy bigger than any buggy she could find! And she was curious what it would taste like. Would the bird be tasty? Would it be even more annoying to pluck the feathers from than the birds that could actually fly? Morticia’s ears perked forward, some saliva dribbling down her chin as she got closer.  Soon she would be within pouncing distance. At least this birdie didn’t seem too bright!

The turkey was blissfully unaware of the yearling that stalked it. He made a noise and Morticia had to hold back her laughter. What the heck was that!? That was too funny! Her tail wagged back and forth behind her. She liked this bird; it was pretty cool! But stalking it was getting boring. Were they fast? Morticia wiggled her rump in the air. She was sure even if it was she could outrun it! The girl burst forward, tearing up the distance as a growl ripped from her maw. The poor turkey had no chance at all, lifting his head to look in the direction of the colorful youth right before her jaws clamped down around his neck. Bye bye birdie! Morticia shook her head back and forth eagerly, a wide grin on her face. She then settled down with her prize, putting a paw on the turkey’s body as she started to pluck away feathers.

She wanted to taste it!


Word Count: 431 Words

"Talk," 'Think.'

Mortica has two companions - An indigo bunting and a Mexican milk snake. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

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1. Lunch! Dancefloor of the Gods 09:45 AM, 07-01-2023 06:22 AM, 09-25-2023