
Power Trip


04-08-2014, 12:49 PM
OOC: Basilisk, Kylar, Meinx, Neios, Daegmar, Hati, and Usige all MUST post here. Since the Narfi/Kaneya spar has not been judged, they can be vague on their ranks, one will take Duchess and the other will take Comte.

I know all the spars aren't complete yet and Cat hasn't gotten a chance to award ranks, so this is a preview ;) I want to get everyone active in their jobs so others can call meetings for their wolves and can accept members.

Crown would lift, a call echoing in the forest. She needed her ranking members. There was much she needed to speak with them about. They needed to know the rules she would be implementing. Haunches would drop the earth, tail curling around herself as she waited. The spars had been successful, everyone deserving had received a rank.

Her mind had been working endlessly, her numbers had been steadily growing, and now it was time for wolves to work to enter her pack. She would not take in just anyone. But her higher ranking members needed to know. Basilisk needed to know as well, she would be thoroughly disappointed if he failed to show again. The Monarch would wait for Duke and Duchess, her Conseiller and Agressuer, and her Marquis, Comte and Baron. Everyone had received their ranks already. And now it was time for them to get to work and start pulling their weight.

She knew all her wolves would answer promptly, they had been the always to always show up first at each and every meeting she had called, she was certain they would excel in their jobs as well. Audits twitted, listening for the sounds of their approaching, already she could hear them moving towards her.


04-08-2014, 01:05 PM

Massive male was never far from his queen, sometimes unintentionally near and other times he stuck close just for his own sake. Today was an unintentional time, he was nearby when the howl circled to the sky and called for her followers. The brute would turn easily towards the sound and huge legs would push him into a lope, breaking onto the scene easily. She was seated in a bit of a clearing, regal as always. He couldn't help the smirk that danced on his lips as he saw herd tossing a wink her way before moving to seat himself before her. "Greetings my queen, what do you require?" He asked, voice rumbling easily from his throat. He leaned back easily, silver dipped tail flipping to his side as giant forepaws pulled closer to his form so he sat at his full height. Shoulders would hunch slightly, head lowering so verdant eyes would focus on the woman's petite frame before him. Oh how he wanted her.




4 Years
04-08-2014, 01:07 PM

A bit sore from her fight with the girl named Kaneyna, Narfi would move away from the spot she had been waiting at when her Monarch summoned the wolves together. She would glance at the girl briefly before tuning away, mismatched gaze looking to the wolves around her before focusing on her mentor and leader. Quietly she would take a seat before Cataleya, tail laying over her paws and head held high, ears perked and ready to listen. She would assume that duties would be given out to those were had been given the rank they fought for.?


Awesome table by Eldarwen <3


04-08-2014, 01:45 PM

The femme was all too ready to meet with the monarch and all those others ranking in the top three tiers. Kaneyna had fought for a position and she was happy to be included in the top three tiers. She was young, no doubt, but she was confident she could keep up her skills and further improve them at that. Her amber eyes held an unsure glance as she arrived. She dipped her head to the monarch Cataleya and she settled down on her rump. She was disappointed to discover she had been the third to arrive after the call. She had not been the first or the second, she had been the third. She listened patiently for the leader to present whatever it was she called her ranks together for. "Your grace." She said respectfully to her leader. Her eyes focused clearly and concisely. She was sore from her fight with Narfi. The girl had some bite to her and perhaps that was what had caused her delays to the female calling them all back together.


04-08-2014, 02:05 PM

His monarch called, and he would come. Uisge was not at all bothered by his inability to continue the spar with Kylar, however, unexpected accidents happened in the field. Even so, he was proud of whatever position his Monarch would place him in, though he did want to speak to her about a position better suited to his abilities. He would stalk in, posture high and confident as sapphire pools cast about for his Queen. He nodded a greeting to her as well as to the new Duke, for he would not hold grudges but instead, he would respect him. Spars to Uisge were all in good sport, no matter how dirty he wanted to play sometimes. However, cheating for a rank was in no way sportsmanlike, but nobody said he couldn't do it outside of work. A devious grin spread across his maw as he took a seat among the already gathered.




8 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-08-2014, 02:19 PM

Be careful making wishes in the dark
Can't be sure when they've hit their mark
Surly as he always was, Hati stalked into the meeting with an aura more than a little grumpy. How did anyone in this place get anything done, any sleep for that matter, if they were always in meetings? It didn't help his mood that he actually had been sleeping, his sleep as always restless and unrestful from the dreams that plagued him constantly, when Cataleya's call pierced the fog of sleep. He'd been moving almost before he was awake, obedience so ingrained that he automatically reverted to it before his own contrary nature could assert itself. He hadn't been sleeping far from the clearing, and since he was already within a minute's travel when he did shake himself out of his dream, he just continued on... albeit with a great deal of irritation. Stumping into the clearing, his yellow gaze sought the coral-eyed female he'd accidentally accepted as his leader. "Sup," he grunted, flopping down heavily.

And besides in the meantime
I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



2 Years
04-09-2014, 12:31 PM

After the fight against Neios, the dark woman didnt come out clean, infact she looked rather tattered and bloodied. Her scruff had been ripped, her chest was bruised and her jaw feels like it was about to come of. The pain was coming now the fight was over, You could hardly feel it at the time, but now? it killed like a bitch. She would pace herself towards the call, eager to see what she had to say, and who became victors in their pairs. She would approach the small meeting, caring very little to the wolves who where already there; sitting to the side, patiently waiting and listening. Neios had not yet showed up, and she couldnt help but wonder if he was just going to be slightly late like she was. After the fight, she would hold the slightest respect to him- he was an excellent fighter and Elysium was lucky to have him. Though it may only be slight, that was rather huge for Meinx. She hated everyone and found it effort to actually socialize, though- that wasnt such a bad thing. She liked to get straight to the point.

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.



5 Years
04-09-2014, 05:01 PM

D?gmar shook herself out after the last fight. The male had proved a truly worthy opponent and she wondered now how she had faired. She took a few moments to gather herself before returning to the gather, her face stoic and reserved despite the pain that was rocketing through her skull. Her left arm quivered just slightly before she sat down in front of her queen to hear what the female would have to say. "Your Grace?"

D?gmar was uncertain which way the Queen's judgement would fall but she was ready for either decision. There was always room for improvement. And she knew that even she still had some things to learn about the ways of battle but she had much she could teach as well. That said though the male, Hati, was exceptionally skilled. She could learn a lot from him though she wondered if he had the right personality to be a good teacher. She supposed she'd learn all in good time.



3 Years
Extra large
04-09-2014, 07:15 PM (This post was last modified: 04-09-2014, 07:17 PM by Neios.)

The mammoth sized teenager would hastily weave through the forest, his ebony audits perked forward, his arid toungue hanging lazily out his mouth, and his nostrils quivering madly as he perused his masters alluring beckon. He had not seen Cataleya since his spar with the blasted wench he had been commanded to battle in order to receive his rank, making him all the more eager to reach the woman as quickly as possible. By the time he reaches the group he is not the first to arrive as he had thought, but instead is second to last. Everyone appeared to be here except for his eldest brother, Basilisk, who had been tardy to the last meeting as well. A sneer would crease his lips as his massive frame slunk toward the earth, and he would weave through the crowd like a snake as he seemed to slither toward his monarch. Upon reaching her he aims to approach her right side and circle her completely before coming to a halt on her left side. His frigid amethyst gaze would glance from face to face, his hackles slightly raising as his gaze fell upon the ash colored man(Kylar). He had only met the man once, and he had mentioned Jupiter, the woman who was responsible for his fathers untimely death. Neios already despised him. He would glare daggers at the man before glancing toward the stern coral gaze of Cataleya, his ears perked as he fervently awaited her commands.

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
04-10-2014, 10:12 AM

He had been away from Cataleya for too long. Her call would not be ignored, even if he did not sprint to her as promptly as some; he belonged to her, and his loyalty was unquestionable -- yet he felt no need to rush as quickly as the others. Slowly he would saunter toward the gathering, coming to rest beside her. Daringly he leaned into her, though the contact between the two was all but fleeting. His head would be held high as he watched the wolves before him.

Kylar was one he did not know well. He seemed attracted to Cataleya, a fact that did not surprise him -- though it also didn't settle well with the man as he considered it. The others all seemed rather promising, sore from battle and yet still here to prove themselves. A smirk played on his lips as his eyes found Neios. He wanted more time with the boy. His initial disgust with him had quickly faded as soon as they had realized that they were joined by blood. The boy was misguided, and he wanted to help ground him. This place would be good for him, as it had been for Basilisk.


04-10-2014, 01:13 PM

It pleased the Queen greatly to see her wolves arriving so quickly. First would be Kylar and she would issue the man a dazzling smile as he seated himself. Next would Narfi and Kaneyna. The girl seemed to have calmed down after accepting her rank as Comte, though she was incredibly unhappy by her loss. Uisge would arrive next, with Hati at his heels. Everyone had a respectful greeting except Hati. She would say nothing, merely giving him a cold glance, though he could be an ass, he was likeable in his own way. Meinx and Daegmar slippe in next and each would be given a nod of greeting. Coral gaze landed on Neios as he slide into the meeting. The boy would circle her before coming to sit at her left. And lastly would be Basilisk. A frigid gaze would be given to him, her hackles threatening to bristle. She was far from pleased with him even as he leaned into her side for a fleeting moment.

"I appreciate your promote arrival, I have some important information for all of you regarding your ranks and duties." Her gaze would scan each and every face before continuing. "Kylar, Narfi, as Duke and Duchess you will be able to accept members at the borders, along with promoting and punishing those deserving. When accepting members, each wolf will be subjected to a test of some sort, whether is be fighting, hunting or healing. If they pass, then they may join the ranks. If they fail, then it will be up to you whether they are turned away or claimed as slaves. You will also be working closely with myself and Basilisk. Kylar you will train Narfi, work with her until she's capable on her own."

Her gaze would next shift to Meinx. "Meinx, as Conseiller, you will closely with other members, usually myself, Basilisk, Kylar and Narfi, along our allies. You will make sure that our alliances stay strong, even organizing meetings between packs if you feel it is beneficial. You may also accept members if your help is needed." The Queen would move down the ranks, her attention shifting to her Commanders. "Neios, as Aggressuer, you will be called upon as needed. You will also select two more wolves to work with you. Daegmar and Hati, as Marquis, you will both be in charge of training the Ecuyer mainly, but everyone will learn to fight, I expect you both to stay on top of training. Kaneyna, as Comte, you will make sure the hunters are capable and that they train in fighting as well. Uisge as Baron, you will make the rest of the healers are capable in their duties and they train on fighting as well."

She would give everyone a moment to process everything she had said. "I expect to see you all active in your duties, or else you will be demoted. Zaria still remains Heir, and while she does not have the ability to accept members, she does have the ability to give orders, and punish others. Sora is Prince and duties maybe assigned to him by any of you as you see fit, he needs to find his place within the pack." She would talk only briefly about her children, wanting to make sure that the pack new their standings with them. "Do you have any questions or matters you wish to talk about? Once or twice a season we will meet to discuss any problems or members, if something is urgent you may always seek me out." Eyes would scan the crowd once again as the Queen sat waiting for them to voice their opinions.



4 Years
04-10-2014, 02:43 PM

Ears perked up, listening closely to the Monarch begin to explain ranks. The large man known as Kylar would be Elysium's Duke and her partner, green and grey gaze would look to him briefly before focusing back on Cataleya. They would be able to accept members at the border and could promote or punish those deserving. Her brow raised and a faint smirk formed at this, very nice. Along with those, when accepting wolves they should put them through some sort of test according to their skill, fighting, hunting or healing. If they passed then they could join, and should they fail, it was up to them whether the wolf is allowed to leave or claim them as a slave. Besides Kylar becoming her second mentor, it all sounded good and she would give a nod of her head in understanding.

Working close to both Monarchs as well as Kylar and herself, Meinx would be their Conseiller, sort of be in charge of politics in a way, handling alliances and organizing meetings between packs. Narfi wouldn't pay full attention, but enough to catch what she should remember. Neios an Aggressuer, working with Daegmar and Hati, Marquis, that would train the Ecuyer. Kaneyna, Narfi would glance over at the dark female, amusement dancing in her gaze. She would be Comte, take charge of the hunters and make sure they train in fighting as well. Aw, poor kitten, having to be a lead hunter instead of Duchess. She looked back to the Monarch. Uisge would be Baron, in charge of healers and train them to fight also. Her gaze would linger on him for a few moments, taking him in, something felt off about him but she just couldn't think of what it was.

The whole group would be addressed now, they would be expected to be active in their duties or else they would be demoted. Zaria remained heir, having the ability to give orders and punish others. Sora was Prince, duties could be assigned to the boy as they saw fit, needing to find his place within the pack. She would ask for questions and lastly inform them that they would meet once or twice a season to discuss any issues or members, and if anything urgent happened, they could always seek her out.

With that done, Narfi would go over everything the woman said once more, just making sure it all stuck in her brain. "No questions for now." She spoke, giving small dip of her head to the woman before glancing over at the large male nearby, Kylar. "We should meet a bit after the meeting to begin, if you have some time." She voiced. They might as well begin as soon as possible, the girl didn't want to fall behind and this would be very helpful for the goal she wanted to achieve. ?


Awesome table by Eldarwen <3



5 Years
04-11-2014, 04:30 PM

D?gmar listened patiently and with curiosity. Her heart was thrumming in her chest with the anticipation. A handsome brute named Kylar and the spirited young femme Narfi were to act ass the Duke and Duchess. The empress continued to describe the tasks as well as assigning various ones to others. D?gmar and Hati were the Marquis and she nodded assertively.

Training would begin soon. She would give everyone time to heal from their fights as well as to maybe bring in a few more members. She would also give birth soon and be a far more effective example of a warrior when she wasn't floating around like a blimp. "Understood, your Majesty."



2 Years
04-13-2014, 12:54 PM

It didnt take long for the queen to give them all what she believed was worthy to them, though some would seem rather annoyed. In fact, it rather pleased meinx that she trusted to give a yearling the duty of Conseiller, which drove her all the way up to teir 2. Syrinx had always wanted his children to strike as high as they can, and for now she'd see no reason to try further. Her crown would raise, before giving a single nod to the queen. " Perhaps when you've formed some alliances i can take a visit to be sure that everythings secure, Afterall it'd do us good to know what their boundries are like." Afterall, you wouldnt want to strike a deal with a kingdom who isnt quiet so willing to return the favour if it was ever needed. She would then turn to look towards the dutch and duchess, wishing to see who she'd be working closely with. They both seemed rather strong, perhaps a little unforgiving. Though, she couldnt judge seeing as she tends to hold a grudge for a rather long time.

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-18-2014, 09:48 AM


The meeting wasn't much of one. Blah blah blah, do your jobs, follow the leader, do what you're told. His brow raised skeptically when Cataleya began her speech by speaking to the wolves who were supposed to be the pack's equivalent of betas. The big guy he could understand, but she'd really appointed a little girl to the position? But the expression smoothed to his habitual glower quickly as the queen moved on. Again she spoke to a yearling female, and Hati's eyes closed as he resisted the urge to groan aloud. This little girl was apparently in charge of their pack's relations with the other packs, something he could see going ever so well. She moved on to another child, this one so large Hati might have thought him older except for the gangly adolescent nature of his body and the fact that his scent marked him as not sexually mature. Another yearling... how many real adults did this pack even have?

But she'd moved immediately on to him and his former opponent, now apparently partner, who was apparently named Daegmar. Hati's yellow gaze met the queen's glance unflinchingly. Blah blah blah, do your job. Yeah, he got it. If they needed to be told, did they really deserve the job at all? Wasn't so different from what he'd been expected to do as the presumptive heir growing up, except that he'd been expected to do hunting as well as fighting. That job apparently had gone to yet another little yearling female, and this time the sigh was barely suppressed. As least the job of lead healer went to an actual adult, though Hati did look askance at the big male; was he really a healer?

Questions? Yeah, why were there kids in charge of just about everything? "Got nothing," he rumbled instead, moving an evaluating gaze to his new partner. Gods was she pregnant. Good fighter, though, so he had to wonder what she'd be like once she popped the little brats out. Though, she'd probably be occupied with 'em for a while, so the bulk of the work would fall on him. Typical. Was he going to have to worry about a mate, a dad who'd be distracted by the newborn beasts too? He'd have to find that out and deal with it. And soon, before it became an issue.


Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


04-21-2014, 01:29 PM

Massive male would watch as each and every one of their high ranked wolves approached, taking note of names and appearances as they were brought to his attention. He really showed no emotion until the brat he had met when he had first met Cat came onto the scene. For a moment he would allow verdant eyes to follow the boy's path, a slow smirk slithering across inky lips. Silly boy... He couldn't help himself, tossing the boy a languid wink before sifting his attention to the last to arrive. Who was this? And why did he look so familiar? For a long moment Kylar would simply watch the older male, those purple eyes were the same ones who had tipped him off to Neios's heritage. Purple was not too common in these parts, especially the sickly purple grey hue they donned on their pelts. Was this another child of Newt and Kaios? Kylar would say nothing, simply watching the male until Cat's words would snap him out of his trance. Eyes would zero in on his queen as she listed their duties. He was to mentor the duchess? Head would tip as he looked towards the black and white female, flashing her an easy smile before looking back to Cat as she continued on with her brief speech. He would say nothing in response to Cat, simply giving a swift shake of his head before turning attention back to Narfi. "How about now? Lets go..." He said softly before lifting himself, allowing head to dip low to both his monarchs before turning and heading off the way he had come. Might as well start their chat a little further off from the group to avoid interruptions...

-exit Kylar-



04-23-2014, 07:51 PM

He would listen with generous patience as his queen spoke. She assigned everyone their ranks, however, his own would make him inwardly scoff. Him? Baron? He would only end up killing people. Although he was skilled in herbs, it was not of the healing kind...After a few others had said their piece, he would speak up. "My Queen, with all due respect...I do not believe Baron is the right choice fer me. I am skilled in 'erbs, yes, but not o' the healin' kind. If ye've a position for someone like me who can use his skills tae poison the enemy, then i'm yer man. If not, then somethin' where my assassination skills can be of use." Tongue would swipe over his maw for a brief second as he sat there, sapphire pools intent on the form of his queen. "I can also teach wha' I know, but only to those I choose. Wouldn't want someone tae use the knowledge tae harm ye, now."



04-23-2014, 08:54 PM

So far no one had any questions, everything was going off without a hitch. So when her attention was directed to Uisge a brow lifted as he spoke. He seemed to the be the only unhappy with his rank. But who could blame, it took a certain type of wolf to be a healer. The Queen would hear him out, thinking about where else she could place him. For a moment she didn't answer, just looked at him thoughtfully. "Very well, I can understand that. You will work Neios then, as Agressuer. However, I expect to share your knowledge of poisons with then next Baron we get. You and Neios can share what you know with each other." Her gaze would flicker to Neios, giving a look that said he had better cooperate. Looking back at Uisge, she would wait to see that he found this new rank acceptable. "I should like to see you spar as some point, so I know you don't twist your ankle every time." A smirk tugged at one side of her mouth, she needed to know that her Agressuers were capable fighters and not clumsy fools. Her gaze would sweep the rest of the crowd, watching some disperse and awaiting anymore questions.

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
04-24-2014, 09:38 AM