
Hello Again



4 Years
04-08-2014, 08:35 PM

Warja wasn't one to pass on an adventure, so when her wanderings led her to a sheer rock face with no alternative paths her first thought wasn't to turn back. It was to climb.

Presently, the young fae found herself pressed against cold rock as blast after blast of sharp wind assaulted the mountain. Below her was a solid thirty foot drop into the tops of unforgiving pine trees. How she'd gotten so far up, Warja didn't know. Perhaps it was sheer luck or her small size, but ledge after shrinking ledge had presented itself to her and without too much difficulty, she'd climbed, occasionally relying on nothing more than a sliver of rock to support her weight. The pup's greatest challenge so far was the wind. Her grip on the rock was precarious at best, but adding the wind only upped the difficulty. If all were still, she'd dig her toes in and that would be the end of it; she wouldn't worry; but throwing in an unpredictable force that came from all directions? She was a little concerned.

Leaning into the rock, Warja dared to look down. The pine trees below moved with the force of the wind, swaying together like a field of wheat. It was not unlike the ocean, she decided, and it was beautiful. The view was awe inspiring and were it not for the wind she'd have looked out over the mountains longer, but just as she was getting comfortable, another gust rocked her, snapping her out of her reverie. She needed to keep moving.

Looking up, Warja eyeballed the distance between her and the top, trying to come up with a plan to get there. There couldn't be more than eight feet to go. She could do that. Easy.

Inching her way along, the pup took her time in getting to the top. She wasn't in a hurry, so by the time she pulled herself onto the plateau many minutes had passed. Once there, Warja turned to stare out over the forest. The sight that greeted her was what she'd be hoping to see. The climb had been spur of the moment, but this? This is what she'd be searching for, what she'd scaled a mountain to witness: the sun rising over the mountains.

It started slowly, fingers of muted fire peeking over the horizon, and then all at once the sky lit up, bursting into vivid colors before her eyes. There were pinks and oranges and among the clouds, purples. All around her, the terra was briefly dyed the colors of the sunrise, and Warja, with childish awe, lifted a paw to stare at the pink hue it had been colored. She watched as a new day was born.




3 Years
Extra large
04-09-2014, 05:02 AM

Kismet was perhaps rather fortunate that right now Glaciem had more important things to worry about than he and Soren. With his brother so intent on digging as always, he found himself quickly feeling the desire to go out on his own. He had spent more time as of late exploring the lands beyond Glaciem, meeting up with other Adravendi members and learning the horrific news that his mother was missing. His exploration had soon become a rescue mission, no wonder she hadn't come to find he and Soren, perhaps she needed saving herself.

It was quickly becoming more and more obvious to him that Alacritia was bigger than he ever could have imagined, it'd be near impossible to find his mother and yet still he continued in his hopeless search, stubborn mind refusing to give in. Maybe this was his metaphorical den; his saving grace to keep him sane in the enemy lands, he had little else these days.

There were meetings and training occurring within the lands, though he had hardly dared to attend, not wishing to socialise and blend in with the pack. He was still a member of Valhalla at heart and would have fled in a heartbeat if he didn't think that they'd only come searching for him again. Why on earth they wanted he and Soren so badly he really didn't understand and he hadn't cared to listen. The King was ill though and so for now he could at least temporarily break free from his prison.

He'd fled the North once more again and found himself exploring. How he longed for the days when such adventures were simply the small pup wandering around his island home, it was wonderful that there was so much to see though it was a shame that he no longer held that carefree life of a child. Even in appearance he had clearly grown up, nearing a year of age, the boy had grown quite impressively tall though had yet to properly fill into his lanky form.

The challenge of Fenrir's Maw was a foolish one to take up, and yet for some reason Kismet felt the desire to press on anyway. Higher and higher he climbed, his mind clearing of all but the focus on his steps as he continued to make his way towards the top of the mountain. Finally he reached the top, graced with a wonderful view ahead of him for his struggles. Make that two rewards, he became aware of a second figure who had dared to climb the mountain and for a moment he could hardly believe his eyes. Could it really be her?

It wasn't the wolf he had been searching for, but all the same it was wonderful to see a friendly face. Though he had concentrated mainly upon his family, he had not forgotten his friend from Valhalla either. "Warja" He spoke her name and for the first time in a while a smile would spread across his lips and he approached the small female. Nudging lightly against her, he would move to sit at her side. For now, in the shock and joy of the moment he found no other words, but with an friend and this view however he was more than content to silently savour the memory.



4 Years
04-10-2014, 07:12 PM

Staring into the sunrise, Warja's thoughts drifted back to home. If her parents figured out she was gone they'd freak. Maybe they already were. Was it wrong of her to venture, then? If her parents were going to worry?

Pawsteps startled her out of her musing and Warja's head snapped around. She bristled, preparing for anything, when it clicked exactly who was walking towards her. Her breath caught in her throat, mouth dropping open. The eyes, the coloring, the face...but the size. Holy moly. She had to stare at him for a couple of seconds to confirm that he was, in fact, Kismet.

She recovered quickly, her whole face lighting up. "Kismet!" Returning his nudge, which she was almost too short for, the small fae grinned up at him, almost too stunned for words. Then it hit her and her smile faded. She grew serious, staring at him with a wistful expression. "What happened to you?" She vaguely knew the details of what had happened, but the 'why' of it hadn't mattered to her then and no one had bothered to really explain it to her. All she knew was that he and his brother had been stolen and no one had been able to stop it.




3 Years
Extra large
04-11-2014, 02:44 PM

Warja seemed surprised to see him though she certainly couldn't be blamed for such a reaction after all it had been a while now. Truth he told he didn't expect that he would see anyhow from Valhalla until he managed to return home, to see his friend once more was shocking but in an incredibly wonderful way. The happy smile continued to grace his features and probably wouldn't fade now for quite home time. This was the best thing that had happened to him lately.

The joyful shock would soon grow more serious though as Warja questioned what had happens to him. His own smile would fade now for this was not a very nice topic. "After the challenge my mother never returned home, she has gone missing. Someone from Glaciem came and took Soren and I, said we had to go with them. Apparently their King, Isardis is our father. I really don't want to stay though Warja, I want to go back home." He told her voice growing sad.



4 Years
04-13-2014, 12:44 PM

The tone of his voice was enough to pull her mood down further. The words only served to cement her dejected manner. She didn't understand it at all, but then, her parents loved each other and were almost always together. She couldn't imagine one without the other. More than that, she couldn't imagine her father stealing her from her mother. Sure, she'd been taken away from the island and all things familiar, but they'd gone together as a family. Their lives hadn't been changed out of selfishness, but of love.

"So why don't you leave?" He was sitting next to her, after all, so it couldn't be too hard to get away. Something occurred to her then, something he might not have been aware of. "Valhalla's gone. That's why we left. One of the healers was trying to gather everyone up, but I don't know how many went with her. " What became of Erani and her followers was unknown to Warja. She'd been too little to care then and where her family lived now they were fairly isolated. She didn't know what was happening in any of the structured packs.




3 Years
Extra large
04-13-2014, 01:03 PM

For a long part of Kismet's early life it had simply been he, Soren and their mother. There had been no immediate father figure though the rest of the Adravendi family members had sure stepped in to try and help fill that void. Later Sarak had been the only one who truly stepped in to try and actually take that position, and been able to give the boys a brief sense of what it was like to have two parents. Regardless of whether he had Sarak in his life or not though, Kismet truly wasn't sure he could ever call Isardis his father and mean it. The explanation had been given to him, but it really meant nothing to the Adravendi boy.

"It's not that easy, we're prisoners there. Soren is too fearful to leave as well, so even if they don't come looking for me if I ever left completely I couldn't leave him behind." Though he really wished his brother would change his viewpoint and they'd find a way out together, there was no way he could just abandon him. For starters he didn't want to lose another family member but more importantly, though they hadn't done anything to either of them yet, Kismet couldn't help but feel something bad could happen to his brother if he did leave Soren behind.

"It was a Glaciem wolf that took Valhalla in the first place." He had certainly heard the talk of the results from the challenge when he and Soren had arrived in the pack. The news had indeed worried him, but he had still expected to see his mother coming back for he and Soren, with good news that would soon silence them. "I've seen Chrysanthe since, Valhalla seems to be doing well once more with Erani leading them." He wished he knew more about how the pack was doing, and did wish to be back there as a member once more himself. It was a shame that Warja wouldn't be there if he ever did make it home, though he'd have to make the effort to see his friend still regardless of what happened to him.



4 Years
04-19-2014, 12:02 PM

He talked of being a prisoner and Warja immediately began to scheme. There had to be a way to get them out. If Kismet could get this far than it couldn't be too terribly hard to get them both completely away. It sounded like the brother would be their biggest problem. "Let me help you. We can work something out." She didn't know much about Glaciem, but Kismet did. A little scouting form him could tell them all they needed to know about getting beyond the borders and Warja was a rogue, she knew all kinds of hiding places. The brothers could even stay with her family, although she had no idea how her parents would feel about her bringing not one, but two boys home.

He volunteered more information about Valhalla and Warja squirreled away the new knowledge. If there ever came a day where she wanted to make her own way in the world, she was look there first. The life of a rogue just wasn't for her. Already she knew this. One day she was just going to have to take the plunge. It didn't feel like the right time yet, so for now she would stay with her family.

Across the trees the sun continued its rise, but its beauty went unnoticed by the young wolf. Not long ago she had been awed by it, but now she was concerned with more pressing matters. Seeing Kismet again was wonderful--far better than any sunrise--but learning of his captivity angered her and soured her joy. She was determined to help him.




3 Years
Extra large
04-19-2014, 12:25 PM

Kismet certainly didn't want to stay put and wait, so far there hadn't been much sign of others trying to find them, though he figured perhaps Glaciem had been rather sneaky about their kidnapping, maybe it'd taken Valhalla a while to figure out where they actually were. All the while though he'd still tried to form some kind of plan, or at least try persuade Soren that it was a good idea to try find their own way out of Glaciem though so far his brother wasn't very convinced.

Such suggestions apparently didn't need to be made to Warja. "Let me help you. We can work something out." Hastily he would shake his head. He trusted the girl of course, and didn't doubt that she would be able to help him though he certainly didn't want her to be put in any sort of danger. "I can't let you do that." He responded with a heavy sigh. "I'd hate to risk them doing anything to you."

How he longed for the day when those howler monkeys had been their foe. They had been scared back then of course, though they were easier to deal with than being a prisoner in Glaciem. His attempt to defend Warja against them hadn't really worked then, though bigger and stronger now he was sure he would do better. Against Glaciem though, he wasn't sure he'd be able to stop them if they tried to claim or hurt her in any way, and that thought terrified him far more than the monkeys had.



4 Years
04-19-2014, 03:00 PM (This post was last modified: 04-19-2014, 03:01 PM by Warja.)

Warja harrumphed at his reply. She was her own being and if she wanted to put herself at risk to help him she would. If she wanted to traipse off to Glaciem and spit in Isardis' face that's what she'd do, although there were far better ways to go about breaking Kismet out. The idea was appealing, though, and he definitely deserved it. To herself Warja nodded. Yep. Someone needed to spit in Isardis' face.

He could reject her help all he wanted, but that wouldn't keep her from it. Something had to be done and there was no way she could just sit by idly. "I can't do nothing, Kismet," Warja said softly. She couldn't be happy knowing he wasn't free. "Please let me help you. We can think of something. Maybe I could go to Valhalla and tell them...tell them..." Her mind raced, searching for the right words. "Convince them to help." Weren't they family?

Quite suddenly Warja found herself consumed by an anger so sharp that it briefly took her breath away. How could he tell her all this so calmly? Why wasn't he crazy with fury? She wanted to scream her frustration so that everything would know just how unfair it was. More than anything else, she wanted her friend to be okay. Him being kept somewhere was so unjust, so against everything she valued, and so without a tangible solution that Warja didn't know what to do and was frustrated by it. In turn this frustration was turned into roiling anger that she had no outlet for. If there were any monkeys around, or a big ugly albino, now would be that time that she would throw herself at them without a second thought. If she were filled with righteous indignation and she would take on the world. "I won't do nothing."




3 Years
Extra large
04-19-2014, 03:16 PM

By now Kismet ought to have been used to others not listening when he told them to do something. Admittedly it wasn't often he went around giving any sort of order though he'd told Soren to stop digging and he'd only ever dug more, he'd told him to have faith though at times he even found his own faltering slightly. Even so he hoped, prayed that Warja would listen to him, in the same way she wished to end his suffering, he wanted to prevent any harm coming to her.

"I can't do nothing, Kismet. Please let me help you. We can think of something. Maybe I could go to Valhalla and tell them...tell them... Convince them to help." He could see the pain that this knowledge had given her and though he was glad to see her again, a part of him couldn't help but wish they'd never met on this mountain today. She could have continued on life happily with her family with no idea what paths his own life had taken. "You can speak to Valhalla." He responded, that much would bring her no harm and the pack would probably enjoy seeing her once more. "Please though, don't try do anything yourself Warja." His tone begged her this time, mismatched eyes pleading with her not to do anything that might bring her harm.

There was a pause for a while as Warja continued to fight with the mixture of emotions. Kismet had been thrown confused into his situation with Soren, believing then that their mother would arrive for them soon and gradually facing facts. He may have hated his current position, though his mind had come to grips with the fact that for now he was a prisoner. "I won't do nothing." He couldn't blame her for wanting to help in some way, if the situation had been reversed he would likely try find a way to help Warja. "I know." He breathed, lowering his head to nuzzle her softly, though he wasn't quite sure whether the comforting gesture was for her or himself. "Just please, don't get yourself in trouble. Don't get hurt."



4 Years
04-19-2014, 04:34 PM

She leaned into him, welcoming his comforting gesture. She was helpless. There was no real way she could help him, deep down she knew this, but she was choosing to ignore it. It was easier to plan an escape than admit that there was nothing to be done. For a moment this knowledge shadowed her thoughts and Warja tore herself away from Kismet angrily. She was angry at him and nothing and everything all at once. She was angry just because.

Warja found herself pacing along the cliff edge, staring over the side into oblivion. Nothing down there interested her, she just refused to look at Kismet. She would go to Valhalla and talk to them, but if that did no good she would try to find a way for them to get out of Glaciem another way. There had to be another way. If Kismet could get this far than it was by no means impossible. Was there a river? It was still warm. They could climb in it and stay in it for miles. By the time they got out they would be so far from Glaciem that the members wouldn't have a chance at finding them. From there it was up to them. They could go to the mountains and live with Warja and her family if they wanted. She didn't know if her parents would object, but she would make them let the boys stay.

She stopped pacing some distance from Kismet. What other options were there? Could their freedom be challenged for? Obviously she couldn't do the challenging because she knew nothing of fighting, but maybe her dad would do it for her or one of Valhalla's warriors. They could also wait for a distraction and then make a break for it then. Not long ago there had been an earthquake and before that a volcano had erupted. Sooner or later some kind of something would happen and then they could leave, although this option required some patience.

More options were considered as Warja slowly made her way back to Kismet. She returned more melancholy than angry. With nothing to loose her frustration on, it was slowly leaving her and being replaced with less severe emotions. A sudden change of emotions sent Warja careening into Kismet. She buried her face into his fur. The young wolf wasn't one to cry so no tears threatened her. How this whole thing had started was beyond her. The selfishness of one wolf had twisted the lives of many and it was all so unbelievably warped that she didn't know where to begin in understanding it. This was her friend, her only friend, and she was beginning to come to terms with their combined helplessness. If they were older it would be different. When at last she spoke her voice was muffled. "I wish you could stay." Of course he couldn't. She knew he couldn't. Like him, if she were held somewhere with her siblings she wouldn't be able to leave them behind.




3 Years
Extra large
04-19-2014, 04:58 PM

As Warja leaned into his touch, for a moment Kismet found himself a little calmer. There was no way he could simply forget his awful situation, but for now he ought to at least simply enjoy what precious time he could here with Warja. All too suddenly she would pull away and move to the cliff edge. He by no means thought she would jump off of the edge, though for a moment feared that she was going to suddenly climb down without a further word. She hadn't made the promise he had requested, and hadn't even said goodbye and for a moment the boy wondered what he may have done.

She remained at the top of the cliff though, staring for a moment before she began pacing clearly not able to shake those emotions that Kismet had now had the time to get to control a little more. Deep down he too knew how helpless he was to himself and Soren, but he had hid it and simply done his best to avoid Glaciem as much as possible. The moment he attended any meetings or training sessions, attempted to bond with the members or do something useful for the pack, that was the moment that'd show he had given in and he certainly wasn't about to do that.

"Warja..." He spoke her name softly, gaze still watching as she paced around the cliff silently. He wasn't entirely sure what to say really, but he wanted her to stop. Once more he felt guilty for their meeting, for bringing this awful knowledge to her and it was a pained look that his gaze now followed her slow steps back towards him. Now would be the time to say something else, but really he had nothing other than an apology, he should come up with some other excuse for the stench of Glaciem upon his fur, lied and said he had already escaped.

Suddenly she was beside him again, burying her face into his fur. He'd lower his head again, resting it atop of hers. "I wish you could stay." No tears would reach him either, though the sadness of the moment still weighed heavily upon his heart. "Me too." He murmured in agreement. It would be easy to leave with her now, follow any of her plans, though he couldn't leave Soren alone in Glaciem. Perhaps if it was the other way around, his brother having the escape route he would have happily allowed him to flee, but he couldn't be the one to abandon the other, even if only for a short while.



4 Years
04-19-2014, 09:53 PM

She turned her head to stare out over the cliff while still leaning against him. His head rested on top of hers and the feeling created a sense of security in her. There were few wolves she cared about in this world and fewer still who weren't related to her. This boy was one of them; her only friend. She'd sit here like this all day if she could, but soon they'd have to part ways; her to her family and him to his.

If this was going to be their last chance together for awhile they needed to make more of it. This sad stuff was for the birds. She sighed, still leaning against him. "We should talk about something else." There was no way she could promise not to stay away from Glaciem, so it was best that their conversation was steered away from that subject. Maybe if she glossed over the fact that she hadn't responded he'd forget about it. What was there to talk about, though? How could you go from talk about captivity to talk of weather or something equally trivial?

She readjusted her position until she was once again sitting beside him; leaning against his shoulder. Right here she was comfortable. Calm, even. If it weren't for the cloud that hung over their meeting she would have been at peace. Stretched before them was the entirety of Alacritis. They could see for miles in almost every direction. Raptors hung overhead and smaller, happier birds flitted across the scape. The atmosphere was peaceful; cheerful, even; and it clashed horribly with the unrest she felt.




3 Years
Extra large
04-20-2014, 05:59 AM

Kismet too would have willingly stayed with her like this. Warja was certainly his best friend and missing so many aspects of his life right now it was wonderful to have this moment with her. The contact only added to things, it had been a while since he'd really received such attention, and it was nice, and if not for the sour topic, perfect even.

"We should talk about something else." Silently he would agree, they definitely should. He never should have brought up the topic in the first place tried to find a way around it, though sadly Kismet lacked the ability to turn back time and until they found some other topic that might cheer them up, they would remain stuck on this horrid one.

"I've missed you." If that fact hadn't been obvious before it was certainly now. He'd missed a lot of things, his mother and the rest of their family and his pack, and as his closest friend Warja certainly held a place at the top of that list. On their own the words weren't really a change of topic, though he had certainly had to say them anyway? "Has the warrior princess had any exciting adventures?" He would ask her with a small smile, whether or not she still used the term he had no idea, but it was how she'd described herself on their first meeting and an attempt to lighten the mood a little more now. Leaving Valhalla freely and with her family had surely given her some stories to tell, certainly better than his own at least.



4 Years
04-20-2014, 02:54 PM

"I've missed you," he said and Warja sighed. Once upon a time her biggest problem had been trying to get this little old man child to play pretend. She'd tried everything; every game under the sun and more. Once or twice she'd coaxed him into playing and the results had been memorable. Usually they just settled on something they both could agree on: exploring. Though that didn't stop her from sneaking in games while they looked around. Some parts of the jungle were perfect for sneaking around like a spy. "I've missed you too." Even on a super serious day he was ten times more fun than a sibling; not that there was anything wrong with her siblings. They were just so...there all the time.

He mentioned her favorite alias and the fae laughed before she had a chance to remember to be sad. Oh, how she loved being a warrior and a princess. Defending the land with grace and an unmatchable ferocity. That game had been her favorite. She was almost too old for it now but it lived on in her daydreams. "Oh, I wish I could say I have, but my parents like to keep us close by. Sometimes I get away, like today, and do my own thing, but for the most part I guess I just stay close to home." It was rather boring, actually, so she ventured an explanation, "My dad's kind of a worry wart."

Alright, now that they had established that she was rather boring, it was his turn. "How about you? What kind of crazy exciting adventures have you taken part in?" Her gaze teasing, she looked up at him.




3 Years
Extra large
04-20-2014, 03:44 PM

Kismet probably hadn't been the greatest of playmates at times, but for whatever reason Warja had continued to put up with him, something he was rather thankful for. It seemed like a long time had passed since their last adventure, back then neither had a single idea where their lives would lead them and he found himself longing once more for that simple naivety. He'd had his mother, his family, his pack and the games with Warja and could have believed those days would continue on forever. "I've missed you too." It'd been far too long and regardless of whether he remained in Glaciem or was somehow freed from the pack, Kismet knew he'd have to see her again sooner than this.

Amidst all the sadness it was wonderful to hear Warja laugh so suddenly and his smile would widen. "Oh, I wish I could say I have, but my parents like to keep us close by. Sometimes I get away, like today, and do my own thing, but for the most part I guess I just stay close to home. My dad's kind of a worry wart." He was glad she had gotten away today, glad that he had too and that by some miracle they had met here together. The rest of the world seemed so far away now and this latest adventure was certainly one he would treasure if he could banish the moments of melancholy from it.

"How about you? What kind of crazy exciting adventures have you taken part in?" He had certainly had his share of exploring, learning his way around new pack lands though he didn't care to bring up Glaciem again, wishing to keep the mood far lighter and away from that topic for now. "Soren kicked me out. Well, not really I sort of volunteered, I think growing was ruining his perfect den." Although far too tame to be called an really, it had been strange sleeping on his own for a while and even now he found he missed the company. The comment was more in hopes of lightening the mood than anything else, though he thought that as long as they steered clear of the topic of his prison, they would be fine now.

"You want to know what my best adventure lately has been? I climbed a really big mountain. It was tough, but I made it to the top and it was worth it." He was of course talking about this moment now, and the amazing reward he had been given thanks to his persistence. "Just look at the view, and the company's not bad either." His gaze would look once more to the sunrise ahead of them, the colours had faded a little since their arrival though regardless of the sun's placement in the sky, Kismet was sure it was a view to be awed at.



4 Years
04-27-2014, 11:14 AM

A soft smile pulled up the corners of her lips. If Soren was as big as Kismet than them squeezing into a den together had to be a sight worth seeing. She could picture the two of them squished together, butting heads and tripping over one other. The image made her smile widen. She wondered if he ever got lonely sleeping by himself. Warja still slept curled up with her siblings. They were a comfort to be sure.

"You want to know what my best adventure lately has been? I climbed a really big mountain. It was tough, but I made it to the top and it was worth it." Her smile grew bigger, threatening to take over her face. "Just look at the view, and the company's not bad either." At this she chuckled before adding, ?I'll say.? Climbing up the side of the mountain had been a challenge, but seeing Kismet made it worth it. This they could both agree on.

?What are you doing way out here? Still exploring?? She asked playfully, getting close to, but not touching on, the forbidden subject. While Glaciem wasn't far from her mind, she didn't want to ruin their conversation again. To make things easier, she would try to stay away from the topic of his captivity, but it wouldn't take much to push her towards it. Their disagreement was far from over. Exploring was a safe subject, though. If nothing else and he insisted on staying with his brother in Glaciem, perhaps he could get away once in awhile and they could go exploring like they used to. It was hardly a solution, but it was a way for her to make sure he was okay. At some point in their conversation she'd try to work that suggestion in there. It was almost too close to the forbidden subject, but if she was careful (and they both turned a blind eye on exactly how close it was) she might be able to pull it off without damaging their meeting further.




3 Years
Extra large
04-27-2014, 11:38 AM

Soren wasn't quite as tall as Kismet, though both had certainly done some growing as of late. The size could have been dealt with, Soren spent enough time on the den as it was though after having been banned from helping, Kismet found it was the easier option to move out, it gave his brother less work then and he dug and dug that den a worrying amount as it was. Perhaps it was his solution to the stress as he'd said, though Kismet still wished his brother would try find another outlet.

To be honest the view mattered rather little to Kismet now. It could have been a horribly cloudy day with nothing to see, any colours or sun in the sky hidden by grey and it wouldn't have detracted from this moment. He'd found his friend and as soppy as it may have sounded, that was the highlight of this adventure, nothing else really stood a chance of beating it for that place. ?I'll say.? To his pleasure it seemed that Warja agreed, something he may have guessed anyway though the confirmation was still nice.

?What are you doing way out here? Still exploring?? He had certainly taken to exploring though with the intent on searching as well lately. Surely his mother was somewhere in Alacritia just working on a plot to free he and Soren from Glaciem. "I am" He responded with a small smile. "It'd be nice to know my way around for when I am free." He wouldn't taint the moment with the sadness of his missing mother, though there was a determination in his voice as he spoke that suggested he would be free and he hoped Warja wouldn't bring up some crazy scheme to try help again. As much as he appreciated it, he couldn't let her get hurt.



4 Years
05-03-2014, 06:32 PM

His statement took them a little too close to the forbidden subject and Warja's eyes drifted away. Even though she wanted to, she wouldn't pursue it. Instead she decided to share a piece of her own hopes. She nodded approval to his statement and said, ?I'd like to see everything; every territory in Alacritis.? There was so much to see! Warja could spend the rest of her life exploring the land and she doubted she would see everything. It wouldn't hurt to try, though.

She decided she would go ahead and take the plunge with her previous thought. If he shot down her suggestion, fine, but she was going to suggest it anyway. Tentatively, she added, ?Maybe you can sneak away again some time and we can explore together?? She wanted to suggest that she could meet him outside of Glaciem?she was willing to go that far to meet him?but doubted that suggestion would be well received.

Warja's thoughts briefly drifted to Soren as he was the stumbling block in all of Kismet's plans for escape. She knew very little about him, but it struck her as odd that he wasn't as willing as Kismet to get free. Didn't he want to see his mother again or go wherever he liked? Why didn't he do something, anything, to earn freedom? Try as she might, Warja couldn't put herself in his place. If she were a captive she would do everything in her power to be free again. Her time as a rogue had only served to strengthen her desire for freedom. Sure, she still had to listen to her parents, but she was young and inexperienced, and they knew far better than her. It was to her advantage to listen to them. She craved independence from them and one day, when she was ready, she would have it, but that was different. It was a choice; she could choose to stay or go. Didn't it bother Soren that he didn't have one? It bothered Kismet, but was that enough for both of them?




3 Years
Extra large
05-03-2014, 06:53 PM

Kismet was desperate to leave, refused to give in remained hopeful that somehow, some way they would escape. Soren on the other hand was doubtful if anyone even cared about them anymore and rather than anger or upset his brother, Kismet had simply kept quiet upon the subject silently praying that the world wouldn't prove Soren right. Whatever happened he cared and he'd promised to stick with his brother, but now seeing Warja once more that urge to leave had been ignited more furiously than ever, an intensity that perhaps Soren just wouldn't understand.

He smiled at her words, he'd seen so little of Alacritia but he couldn't help but agree with her sentiment. It'd be wonderful to see everything, especially given his current lack of freedom. He was here now, able to explore a little but it was only for so long, he had to return for his brother after all and had no idea how far he'd get before Glaciem either hurt Soren or tried to track him down. Truth be told he didn't really ever want to find out and kept the dark thought from his mind. "That sounds good."

At her offer to explore together his mismatched eyes would look once more to his friend. When his next outing would be he wasn't sure, though he certainly wouldn't turn down her offer as long as she could wait for him. "I'd love to." He responded. It'd be a good opportunity for Warja to check up on him as well, and he her, make sure she wasn't planning any ridiculous ways to get him out. "I just don't know how long it'll be." The tone saddened slightly now as he shared that revelation, he hadn't wanted to bring the mood down again but he had to let her know she could be waiting a while for any further adventures with him.