



10 Years
04-12-2014, 01:19 AM

Odette was ready. She had been training with Chrysanthe and learning attacks and defenses that could improve her strategies. All of it was time consuming and made her mind spin, but she knew they were all stepping stones. Another stepping stone for her future would be to practice with wolves aside from her mother. It was something she had attempted a few times, but no one had appeared. Either they were not worthy or just didn't have the heart in their abilities.
With brimming confidence, she trotted towards the battlefield. It had recently been used and she could smell the sweat, blood, and torn flesh that remained. Her nose wrinkled at the combination of those smells, but she knew that with time, she would get used to them. Red and blue eyes held their natural twinkle, but something else was evident in her gaze: determination. Firm muscles moved beneath her fur as she slowed her trot to a waltz around the edge of her side of the field. As she stood with her legs quivering in anticipation, she tossed back her head and let loose a lovely howl in a low alto note. It was long and as it faded, she wondered who would appear.

Talk like this


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04-12-2014, 04:21 AM

He would step onto unfamiliar grounds for what seemed the second time. The first had been when he had witnessed the former Valhallan Alphess fighting for her pack. And though she had not won, she had gained the respect of the Legion family through sheer will and determination. The other pack, reflections of his demonic brother. Something he despised seeing in others. But alas, Erani had reformed it from his understanding, shortly before he joined. He moved along the ground, the scents of blood wrinkling his nose and flattening his ears. He despised this place, and everything about it. The tang of metal brought back memories of the blood soaked grounds of his home...after Lunatik had done his massacre.

Oceanic blue eyes looked to the sky, head lifting slightly as he made to howl. But just before he could, a voice not his own would pierce the sky in a melodic tone, and it held a hint of familiarity within it. A light smile would find itself on him, like the sun breaking through the clouds. Swiftly, he trotted over the grounds until he found what he was looking for. "Odette! What brings you here today?" He would greet her as he approached, stopping just a foot or so away, reaching forward to give her a swift nuzzle to her maw before retreating and offered a smile.

"Speech", "Thought", "You"



10 Years
04-20-2014, 12:16 AM

Her call would not be ignored, which surprised the young fae. The slight shock was evident on her face as a figure with fur of whipped cream came walking in her direction. She couldn't help but happily bark as he approached, reaching her sooner than she had intended. Odette took a few steps forward to close the gap and he openly voiced his greetings.
Odette's response was just as bright and sunny, indicating her happiness at seeing him after so long. "Jinxx!" She cried, tones warm and eager as he leaned in to swiftly nuzzle her face. "Jinxx." she repeated softly, red and blue eyes twinkling when they met his. "I am here to square off in a friendly spar, hopefully with someone who isn't chicken." A flick of annoyance was shown in the way she moved her tail behind her. "Each time I try to spar, my opponent disappears and leaves me craving more fights!" She playfully shook her head and snorted. "It's enough to drive a girl mad!" Odette sneakily grinned as she nuzzled Jinxx's right cheek. "It really is good to see you...what brings you here, of all places?"



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04-21-2014, 12:30 PM
Her eagerness at greetings had not gone ignored. Jinxx always saw the eagerness and spunk that this girl had, and he loved it. She had repeated his name again, softer this time then the first. Ocean blues met her own fascinating red and blue windows, always intriguing to look at in his opinion. He seldom saw wolves with eyes of those colors, though it seemed to suit her very well. His dual toned tail wagged behind him as he lightly laughed at her annoyance of others. She was indeed a relief to his day..and his life thus far. Thoughts of worrying for hid family had been plaguing his mind, though lately it seemed they didn't want him around anyway. So perhaps it was best to just...let them deal with things on their own. Perhaps one day, the Legion would band together once more when Lunatik finally made his way here. A shake of his head would bring him from such thoughts as he made to respond to her question.

Eyes would close briefly when she nuzzled him, tail wagging a little more as ears tilted forward in the same eagerness that she too, portrayed. "It's always nice to see you too, Odette. I've missed you!" A slight blush would creep upon cream features, and shyly he glanced away for a brief moment before looking at her again. Yes, why was he here? He supposed subconsciously, he hoped to find someone he could practice much needed fighting skills. He hadn't done much of it, and he wanted to be prepared to protect and defend his family. Both Valhallan, friend, and blood related. "Well, I guess for the same thing you are. Maybe we can help each other practice, I promise I won't turn chicken and disappear on you!"



10 Years
04-25-2014, 05:43 PM

The man with the pretty, creamy fur always made Odette smile. Jinxx had that uncanny ability to make her feel safe, more secure about what she was doing in whatever situation she was in. His gaze met hers as he talked about them being sparring partners and Odette's heart raced. Blood began to pump faster through her legs and the rest of her body, for she was more than ready to show her stuff. Her tail swept behind her at a fast pace before she readily replied to the handsome male. "Consider yourself my sparring partner! This will be a practice fight either of us won't forget!"
She gave him a lasting glance before walking towards the starting line of the battlefield. Odette would then watch Jinxx as he walked towards the opposite side. Once she was sure that he was ready, the yearling took the required steps forward to set herself up for defense. She took in a deep breath and slowly exhaled. Her body was itching for a fight and she was going to have one!
She spread out all four legs until they could keep her body stable. All four paws extended their toes, firmly planting themselves in the dirt so only a battering ram could move her. Odette then lowered her head so it was perfectly aligned with her spine and tail. Her tail stood out behind her like a rudder, intending to keep even balance with her frame. Ears flattened against her crown, eyes squinted and caused protective rolls to appear around them. She could still see properly as her neck rolls then bunched up as well, protecting the windpipe and jugular veins. Odette rolled her upper lip back, exposing the pearly white canines that took her forever to clean. Muscles bunched up and tightened as she waited for Jinxx's oncoming attack.

Odette vs Jinxx

for practice
Round 0/2??
Attacks: None
Defenses: She spread out all four legs until they could keep her body stable. All four paws extended their toes, firmly planting themselves in the dirt so only a battering ram could move her. Odette then lowered her head so it was perfectly aligned with her spine and tail. Her tail stood out behind her like a rudder, intending to keep even balance with her frame. Ears flattened against her crown, eyes squinted and caused protective rolls to appear around them. She could still see properly as her neck rolls then bunched up as well, protecting the windpipe and jugular veins. Odette rolled her upper lip back, exposing the pearly white canines that took her forever to clean. Muscles bunched up and tightened as she waited for Jinxx's oncoming attack.

Talk like this


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Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
04-26-2014, 09:10 AM

He was determined to succeed. Though Arcanum was a strong, like-minded group, they needed more members. Strength was best found not just in unity, but in numbers. The massive brute would make his way toward the center of Alacritia, his paw-steps heavy and strange to his own ears as he trekked across the lands. Basilisk had been here once before, when he was merely a boy. So full of hate and rage, he'd been eager to fight, and he had quickly been put in his place. Cross had shown him that he was not quite as adept at battle as he had assumed -- so much had been learned that day, from such a simple spar.

Deep in thought for some time, his attention was broken as a vaguely familiar sound broke out from the distance. He'd met the girl as a child, and she had interested him in a way many others had not. She'd been so innocent, and yet wise beyond her years all the same. Interest begin to shine in his purple gaze as he continued forward.

Why was she here, he wondered? To fight? Perhaps she was looking for a home? The last time he had seen her, Odette had been rather content in Valhalla. Deciding to find out, he increased his pace. It wasn't long before she came into view, but another was with her as well. They seemed to be having a friendly spar -- he saw no malice between the two as they locked in a fierce embrace of battle. He was silent as he came to sit near them, unblinking gaze fixated on the duo.


05-06-2014, 12:05 AM
OOC: Permission given to add rounds/stats

He would summon a good laugh from his chest at the girls enthusiasm. He watched as she set her defenses, choosing to set himself up as well. Oceanic eyes narrowed into cool blue slits, however, still allowing him the visibility of his opponent. Black ears planted themselves neatly atop his crown, toes curled and flexed in the dirt, head lowering over his throat to protect himself as his chin tucked slightly as well. He rolled his shoulders forward, adding a little more protection to the sides of his neck as well as bunched the back of his neck to offer protection there as well. He was new to fighting, having only had to chase off rogues that meant to harm those he came across, but never in an actual fight. They were all cowards, for the moment someone their own size stepped up, they ran. His tail aligned with his spine, to give him added control in movement and direction. Was he ready? He would soon find out.

He glanced at her, a grin on his face as he called out to her. "Ready? Here I come!" Without a moments hesitation, he burst forward. Hind legs surging him on in leaps and bounds, angling himself slightly to her left. He would seem to come head on, however, his paws would shift him once the gap closed to a mere few feet, head lowering towards the ground, maw opening as he aimed an attempt to snap lightly at her left center foreleg. He would try to hit low, all the same aiming an attempt to jut his own left shoulder against her lower chest; an attempt to try and push her back or unbalance her. He didn't have too much experience, for his father didn't have the time to teach him due to Lunatik's acting up, however, he would not hold that against him. He would use this opportunity to learn, and hopefully, for his natural fighting instincts if any, to kick in.

If his attempts succeeded, he would release. For not only was he inexperienced, but he was afraid of hurting Odette. She was a friend to him, and he feared above all else, of hurting her. Something he didn't want to do. He wondered what she thought of it, but knowing her, she would give it her all. Perhaps he wouldn't feel so hesitant depending on her actions in this spar. Whether his attack succeeded or failed, he would proceed to move forward, using his momentum to sweep past her and attempt to nip at her hind left thigh, perhaps wanting to fluster her. He was built more for speed then strength, and so would try to use it to his advantage.

Round 1/2

Jinxx Vs Odette

For Practice




10 Years
05-10-2014, 12:59 AM

She was still holding her own defenses as he approached and she was ready for him. When he got less than one foot in front of her, she bent her knees more and extended her tail behind her to keep her balance. His weight was less than hers and she used that to her advantage. Rather than being completely pushed back from him ramming into her chest, she took the blow and dug her feet into the ground beneath them. She was pushed back only an inch, sidestepping to her right as he attempted to bite her left leg. She knew a bruise would form on her chest, but it was something she could live with. Left front leg rose and gracefully stepped over right, left hind leg doing the same. She retained her bent legs and rolled shoulders, protecting her neck and the vulnerable places it had.
As Odette was sidestepping, hopefully avoiding his bite to her leg, she was now at a forty-five degree angle to Jinxx's left shoulder. Before he attempted to reach forward and nip at her left hind leg, she rushed forward. Weight rolled to her hind legs temporarily before she lunged towards Jinxx's shoulder. Her teeth, hopefully, would grab the scruff that had built up around his neck. Once her mouth would make contact with it, she would want to push more into her lunge, wanting to catch Jinxx offguard and have him stumble with his footing.

Round 1/2


for practice
Attacks: She lunged towards Jinxx's shoulder. Her teeth, hopefully, would grab the scruff that had built up around his neck. Once her mouth would make contact with it, she would want to push more into herl unge, wanting to catch Jinxx off guard and have him stumble with his footing.
Defenses: She was still holding her own defenses as he approached. When he got less than one foot from her, she bent her knees more and extended her tail behind her to keep her balance. Rather than being completely pushed back from him ramming into her chest, she took the blow and dug her feet into the ground beneath them. She was pushed back only an inch, sidestepping to her right as he attempted to bite her left leg. Left front leg rose and gracefully stepped over right, left hind leg doing the same. She retained her bent legs and rolled shoulders, protecting her neck and the vulnerable places it had. Weight rolled to her hind legs temporarily before she lunged towards Jinxx's shoulder.
Injuries: Bruise to middle of chest, hopefully no bite marks from Jinxx's attempted bite to front left leg.



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05-13-2014, 12:56 AM

His charge would hit, his body pushing her slightly back though not as much as he thought. His shoulder hit her chest, and it hurt him more then he thought it would, causing him to wince. Though he did not falter, for her did not want to appear weak before her. His teeth snapped just shy of his first intended target, the girl sidestepping away from him. Oceanic blue pools remained upon her through peripherals.

He would keep what defenses he could intact. Eyes narrowed, ears pinned, tail flagged out behind him for balance, claws digging the ground for traction, toes splayed for balance, body lowered slightly, legs bent, head tilting slightly downwards to protect his throats as his shoulders remained forward. Scruff was bunched, and it was there that she had gotten him. He felt teeth snap closed upon his scruff, causing him to grimace slightly though it wasn't too bad. It would perhaps leave, a wound about an inch and a half deep, though nothing serious. He was glad that the scruff was a non-vital area. He braced himself, lowering his head and frontal half as she grabbed on, and he would feel her force herself into him. Pushing, as if wanting to knock him off guard. Though he was lighter and smaller, he would use some of it to his advantage. He would reach forth with his body, facing her now as his scruff twisted in her teeth.

He would attempt to slide his head beneath her jaws, throwing his head back in an attempt to feign a hit towards her lower jaw, a distraction of sorts. All the while his left paw would reach forward to hook around her right paw in an attempt to trip her or unbalance her. He wanted to try and sweep her foot out from under her, and if successful he would twist his head down at a leftward angle to bite at her lower right chest. It would leave the back of his neck exposed, but at this angle, she would seem to be exposed as well. If successful, he would strive to hold on. Toes and claws remained in the ground, hoping that he could be kept from being dragged or pushed around by the larger girl. (possibly, assuming his tactics worked.)

Round 2/2

Jinxx Vs Odette

For Practice




10 Years
06-14-2014, 06:11 PM

The tactics that Jinxx was using for this spar were indeed impressive. Her concentration remained intact (Gargoyle's inheritance at work) and she saw him advance towards her with a twist of his head. She pulled back on his scruff with her grip intact, noting how he wanted to bump her beneath her bottom jaw. A muffled growl could be heard from her as his attempt only infuriated her. Odette, keeping up her bunched scruff and rolled shoulders, decided to meet his attempt with her own. When Jinxx's head attempted to bump into her jaw, she stepped back one step each with her paws.
Odette maintained her bent knees and stretched out toes as she did this, wanting him to sidestep in her direction. By taking these steps back, Jinxx's left paw almost missed her front right. As he swept his paw out, Odette was moving her own left paw back to pull him. Her right paw was caught by his own, causing her to move her weight to her hind legs. Both front paws remained three inches above the ground as she pushed her weight from her hind legs to regain her momentum. Her tail stood straight out, keeping her balance intact, as she made her next move. Front paws touched the ground and she immediately bounced back against Jinxx, intending to once again push him towards the ground. She quickly released his scruff, giving her the chance to charge into his left-sided ribcage with her right shoulder.
Round 2/2


for practice
Attacks: She pulled back on his scruff with her grip intact, noting how he wanted to bump her beneath her bottom jaw. Front paws touched the ground and she immediately bounced back against Jinxx, intending to once again push him towards the ground. She quickly released his scruff, giving her the chance to charge into his left-sided ribcage with her right shoulder.
Defenses: Odette, keeping up her bunched scruff and rolled shoulders, decided to meet his attempt with her own. When Jinxx's head attempted to bump into her jaw, she stepped back one step each with her paws. Odette maintained her bent knees and stretched out toes as she did this, wanting him to sidestep in her direction. By taking these steps back, Jinxx's left paw almost missed her front right. As he swept his paw out, Odette was moving her own left paw back to pull him. Her right paw was caught by his own, causing her to move her weight to her hind legs. Both front paws remained three inches above the ground as she pushed her weight from her hind legs to regain her momentum. Her tail stood straight out, keeping her balance intact, as she made her next move.
Injuries: Bruise to middle of chest, still hoping no injury when Jinxx attempted to bite her front leg



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The Judge


06-18-2014, 10:08 PM

Jinxx v Odette for Practice

Round 1

9 for clarity-Pretty clear, -1 which way did his paws shift him?

5 for powerplaying. -2 careful not to assume he closed the distance, even if there are still two feet to go. -3 give your opponent time to respond, she may well move before you have a chance to attack her thigh, especially if your character has to adjust from a lower attack to a higher attack

7 for defenses.
+1 for each seen

5 for attack. +2 attack for middle of left foreleg +2 shoulder jab. +1 thigh(full marks not given do to powerplay)

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Jinxx Total: 36/50


7 for clarity- -1 the sidestepping was a bit confusing -2 "hopefully avoiding bite to her leg" in previous posts it sounded like you dodged. It is up to you to decide the damage from an opponents attack.

4 for powerplaying. -1 don't assume her weight is an advantage. Next time say something along the lines of "she intended to use her weight to her advantage" not that she was for sure going to. -2 watch wording "once her mouth would make contact" you don't know that it will, you need an attempt there as well. -2 I don't find it believable that Odette avoided all damage from Jinxx's attack with her sidestepping technique and that she was only knocked back an inch, especially because of what that would do to her balance (see defenses note)
-1 careful not to assume any amount of distance

2 for defenses. +1 for each seen -3 you need to account for the shift in her weight when she lifted her paw to sidestep, this is especially important as she's being pushed at the same time. Also crossing her legs would further add to her instability.

2 for attack. +2 for attack to scruff (full points not given do to powerplay)

10 for injuries. First Round

Round one Odette Total: 25/50

Round 2


5 for clarity- -3 It's unlikely he could twist around to bit at her jaw when she has a hold of his scruff. That's a heck of a twist for a wolf to make. -1 "would use his smaller size to advantage" How? This is also close to a powerplay. Watch the word "would" you don't know whether what he does will be successful or not -1 towards the end you say she's exposed, what's exposed?

5 for powerplaying. -1 make sure you "attempt" to face her. She could resist. -4 watch for "if" attacks. give your opponent time to respond. This is also a wide range of motion from snapping up at her head to down at her chest. She could move easily within that time.

9 for defenses. +1 for each seen

4 for attack. +2 for sweeping paw attempt +0 for feint +2 for bit for chest

6 for injuries. -4 scruff hold, inch and a half is pretty deep xD

Round two Jinxx Total: 29/50


5 for clarity- -3 clarity, her avoiding his feign as well as the paw business was confusing. She's holding his paw then both are on the ground? he went for her right but somehow got her left and she got a hold of him?
-2 clarity more specif to target, where on the ribcage? low? high? near his forelegs?

8 for powerplaying. -2 considering she cant see his paw, it's a little odd that she managed to catch his paw enough to pull him

4 for defenses. +1 for each seen

2 for attack. Shoulder to ribcage

8 for injuries. Some damage probably should've been taken at some point. It's rare a wolf will get through a spar with just a bruise.

Round two Odette Total: 27/50


Jinxx: 65/100


And the winner is...

Jinxx! Odette must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Jinxxmoderate wounds will take 2 ooc weeks to heal. Bruises a few ic days

Odette Bruises will take a few ic days to heal


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

For Jinxx
Careful of assuming distance, regardless of the increment. Always use an attempt as you'll never be able to know just how much distance your wolf will close. Also don't be to hard on your self. That injury to the scruff was pretty deep and I don't think that it needed to be that severe. I appreciate your willingness to take damage though. Also watch the amount of movement you make with your character and give your opponent time to respond to each attack.

For Odette
Try to work in more detail from your summaries into the actual post. As summaries aren't required I can only judge what is in the actual post. Watch your powerplaying, especially when it comes to taking damage. You need to make sure you have very clear and realistic reasons for why your wolf succeeds in a complete dodge.

Thanks guys! <3

EDIT: And sorry for any spelling errors! 0_o holee crap luns...

- By [Lunarcat7]



10 Years
06-24-2014, 11:10 PM

She had lost. After all of her training, she had lost. Odette couldn't help but feel sad. She had made her father's memory tainted, not to mention the possible things Chrysanthe would say...Ah, well. Odette remained sad for only a few minutes. As she pulled herself up from the ground, she swayed from the impact Jinxx's last move had made. It was unexpected, but she had taken it like a warrior nonetheless.
Her red and blue eyes rose to meet his and a shy smile appeared on her face. "Nothing worse for wear, I suppose," she said, tones warm and radiating pride. Despite losing, she was going to train harder and get better for herself and the memory her father had left. Slowly, she stretched all over and walked past Jinxx before stopping in front of him. Her head turned and she gave him a gentle lick on his right cheek. "Thanks for the great battle, Jinxx. It was definitely what I needed."
As she slowly padded away, she looked back once more and openly asked, "I am starving after this. Would you want to accompany me to a nice lunch of bison? I caught one last night and think this occasion calls for it." She hoped Jinxx wouldn't mind spending time with her, especially after kicking her butt. Despite the loss, Odette still liked Jinxx. A good man deserved a good lunch...with great company.

"You" Think


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06-25-2014, 10:52 PM
The boy would stop his movements the moment she went down. He stood panting, heavily, for she was a formidable opponent. He had noticed her enthusiasm, her will to strive for a win. But it seemed, by surprise, he was the one that came out victorious. He hadn't done too much fighting, for he preferred not to. But he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at his win. The girl would pull herself up, and he shaking out his pelt while a thin line of blood stained his pelt on his scruff. His body throbbed with the newly created bruises, but it would soon turn into a dull ache. He felt like he should apologize, in the event he had hurt her too much, but when she stood, he knew that she was okay. He glanced at his paws for a moment, suddenly feeling shy as she came towards him. Something he had not expected, was the touch of her placing itself upon his right cheek. Heat flared up beneath his creme colored fur, the male's heart racing. It was completely unexpected, and for a while he was lost for words, even as she asked him to join her for lunch.

Finally, as his mind regathered itself, he would speak. Though at first, his words would fail to pry themselves from his tongue. "O-of course. It was a...pleasure, sparring with you." Now wracked with nerves, Jinxx was hesitant and yet eager to join her for a much needed meal. He nodded, turning to walk with her as paws stumbled over themselves. Here it came, the nervousness that would put his mind into a blank...a coma. Hence why his Clan gave him his nickname. He always managed to blank during moments like these, for it had happened during a childhood crush that left him walking away in embarrassment. He tried to rework his mind, finally after what seemed like forever(which was only a few short seconds), he managed to speak again as his feet clumsily walked alongside her. Should she ask, he would just blame the spar they had just had. "I'd love to be with you." He smiled, suddenly realizing he hadn't finished his sentence. Would she take that first part the wrong way? "Er, I mean...Join you, for lunch I mean." More heat to his face, more embarrassment. C'mon Jinxx, pull it together!