
interesting patterns

seasonal w/ grimoire


07-25-2023, 11:22 AM

As of late, Dee had taken to scouting the outer edges of the Armadan land. With Mortis and Halo busy with their new pups, it appeared that she had been swept under a rug. Not that she blamed the new parents. They clearly had better things to worry about than herself, but still... it stung. They were really the only ones she knew and the only ones that seemed to care. And with the issue of her still not being able to speak words, she couldn't go to the Warlord and ask for something to do. So she would find something for her to do. Which recently had been hunting. After the group hunt with Hazel, Bas, and Mortis, she enjoyed herself and found it exciting to go after an animal. Plus, since she couldn't talk (or didn't know how to), it was easier to stay quiet. She could actually focus on the task at hand.

So she lay upon a rock toward the top of the gorge. Perched into a tight laying position with her paws beneath her body. Every muscle flexed as she watched the herd of sheep. Having been here since the morning, she had noticed something unusual about their pattern. In previous days of watching the steep and rocky gorge, she usually saw the group of mountain sheep travel from the upper regions of safety down toward the bottom where the water was easier to get to. This morning though, they had appeared to stay down in the ravine overnight and were walking really slowly south. It put her on edge how odd they were acting. Were they actually migrating to warmer pastures or was something wrong with them?

word count: 284