
Where Shall We Go Next?


08-06-2023, 12:44 AM

These lands weren’t familiar to her.

Their scent held no marking. No sense of reassurance, except for one. She was no longer near home. The feel of dirt did not feel like the hard texture back in her old lands. Oh no. This was more soft. Like sweet moss beneath her paws. She couldn’t help but stop for a brief moment and allow the stretch of her toes. Claws pressing into the earth with ease, nose inhaling the afternoon air. Peace washing over her.

Omaira basked in this moment. Silence reaching forever alerted ears. She felt relaxed. Nature welcomed her here with a caress through crimson strands. Ruffling a few out of place in its path. A smile broke out to this. An unspoken answer of her own in thanks. This is what she’d been searching for. Somewhere new to explore. Hopefully even to settle and maybe start a family of her own? Only time would assure of that question. For now, Oma came to sit where she once stood. Listening to the world speak in only a way it could.

Off to the side of her, not much too far from where she resided, a dark mass snored away. The blurred image shifting every so often to what could only be to turn around in a more comfortable position. Omaira chuckled at this. Since the beginning of her journey, Anemone had become such a close friend. She'd go as far as to call the black fox a best friend. In a way it amazed her how far they'd come. Luscious grass tickled  the very tip of her nose. Indents of where she once slept now a permanent imprint.

There was nothing much left to do at the moment. Besides enjoy the arrangement of colors present through fuzzy vision.




Advanced Intellectual (115)

Expert Fighter (120)

6 Years

Samhain 2022Pride - Bisexual
08-06-2023, 02:02 PM

Desponia moved through the grasses, eyes turning towards the sky above her. This was it, she was thoroughly lost. She thought bitterly that it'd be too much if the thing that finally killed her was grass of all things. She just had to go looking for that black and white bastard didn't she? He seemed to have simply disappeared into thin air, which had really only convinced Des to build her walls higher. At least I won't die on my family's lands she thought bitterly, she'd never forgive herself if she let herself pass away any where that her sister, or god forbid, nieces and nephews could do whatever it was that they would do with her corpse. The thought was enough to make her gag. Desponia huffed, wasn't it fall? Shouldn't the grass have been browning and cracking and dying and not being tall enough to make her lose her way?

It left her with little choice, but it wasn't one she relished. Try and find someone else, maybe someone more familiar with this thrice damned overgrown meadow. It took several minutes to isolate a lupine scent, buried as it was under the heady smell of grass. She growled to herself and then put her head down, trying to track it. At least her horns seemed to help her push the grass back as she walked. It was probably less helpful as making her seem friendly when she finally emerged into a sort of pseudo clearing. The woman lifted her gaze to spot a red form still some ways in front of her. The grasses here were shorter, less eager to poke her damn eyes out. "Hey!" She said, harsher than she meant. "I'm uh... Lost. Any chance you know how to get out of here?" Her tone was a little less aggressive this time and she cast her gaze around nervously, though she kept an ear perked for movement from the stranger, never letting her guard down.


Image by Fiery-vulpes
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.


08-06-2023, 02:27 PM

So lost in the swaying trance of the meadow. Their movements a forbidden dance casted by the autumn breeze. She couldn't help but to do the same. Her body rocking from left to right. Dutifully becoming one with the grasslands themselves. Anemone hadn't yet to awaken and Omaira refused to be the one to do so. It wasn't like there was any rush to really move from this spot. And, who wanted to be nipped at by the cranky fox anyway? Chuckling at a late memory that revealed itself so suddenly. The very first time she'd made that mistake. Her paw was sore for a weeks time. Which life Ane to hunt for them. Pay back is one evil wolf.

Time seemed to go on without interruption. Her swaying. Vocals lightly humming a tune of some sort. It was only when the shifting of Anemone and her high pitch warnings pierced the air did Omaira turn. Winter's white gaze staring out at... something? "What is it, Ane?" As she continued to stare, a different color blended with that of the green. A shade of purple to which left her a bit on edge. Oma was not one to fight. But, her father indeed made sure she knew how to defend. Silently hoping it did not come to that.

However, as the blurred figure spoke, a sigh pressed through clenched teeth. Not having realized how tight her breath was being held in that moment. "I apologize. But, I do not know much about these lands." Her attention snapped to the black fox. Ane seemed to be still on defense mode and she didn't want anything going left because of her. A frown wrinkling her features instantly. "You can relax. Please. She's only asking for help." Anemone shared the same expression as Omaira. Giving the red wolf a look of irritation; before, settling just a few feet in front of her best friend. If the purple opponent wished to get to Oma, she would have to deal with her first. "Fine. You need to be more attentive to your surroundings. Not lost in your world." Anemone snipped.




Advanced Intellectual (115)

Expert Fighter (120)

6 Years

Samhain 2022Pride - Bisexual
08-08-2023, 12:01 PM

Well shit. The red woman had no idea. Desponia sighed and seated herself on the ground with a flump, less graceful than she might normally strive for but she was tired of walking, sue her. Her gaze moved to the small dark shape noticing for the first time that the stranger was accompanied by a fox, one who seemed to not be a fan of Desponia. For her part she simply narrowed her eyes at the small creature. Desponia was an inherently distrustful wolf, so she wasn't about to get too worked up over someone distrusting her, besides she honestly was a little happier looking at the fox than the red stranger, the color reminded her too much of her sister's brats. There was never an escape.

"I don't suppose there's any chance you have a plan for getting out of here without walking in circles forever?" As if she'd ever be that lucky. At this point she didn't care if it turned out she ended up dropped in the lap of some pack that ate intruders or whatever, at least then she'd be out. Though she supposed that if the woman did have a plan it seemed like her companion might try and bar Desponia from even following behind her. That sounded in line with her luck too. Never an escape.


Image by Fiery-vulpes
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.


08-15-2023, 03:35 PM
Anemone's were acknowledged with a simply giggle. Oma knew she was only looking out for her best interest. But, the blind woman held nothing but trust in the world itself. Not easily had it been gained, though. She'd taken time to learn that thought as beautiful as life was. It could also be so utterly cruel in its punishments. "I do take heed of everything. Little do you know, Ane. Anywho..." Her attention shifted away from the black fox momentarily. The one whom approached now asking if they knew anything about leaving this place. Oddly, Omaira saw nothing wrong the tall grass. How it tickled her nose as she sat amongst their swaying lengths. A perfect hiding place to anyone who didn't wish to be bothered.

"I do apologize. However, we do not. We're mainly just traveling. If you wish to join us. Ow!" She felt the nip of Ane's teeth. A look of disapproval frowning over the fox's face. Why did Oma have to be so trusting? Or, perhaps she was just easily naive. Either way, Anemone did not wish to the purple woman to join them. No matter if they were nice or not. It was a sense of overwhelming protectiveness she felt over Oma and her... condition. Despite being able to see colors through the blurriness of her vision. It did not mean she would be able to see if an oncoming attack was to be made. "How did you end up lost anyway? I'm sure you know these lands better than the two of us. Use your nose and find..."

Omaira placed a paw over Ane's face. Cutting off any further remarks she knew would cause a dispute to which she did not want to start. "Do not mind her. She's not herself when woken abruptly. I don't mind helping as much as I can. I can't really see."
