
a sunset dinner for two




Master Intellectual (330)

Master Hunter (335)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble Master1KPride - Gay
08-16-2023, 09:01 AM

The nerves that bundled up his stomach were quickly forgotten. Arne's company and humor were enough to help settle his typical nervousness. It came from honesty and not being used to being around others. As much as Kuroo insisted he was a sociable wolf, he rarely spent a lot of time with other wolves. Content to fish and craft during most of his days when he wasn't patrolling, he only ran into others when they came down to the bay. Which... wasn't as often since the expansion into the oaks. How could he blame them? The oaks were beautiful. They were different. The bay was home, it was normal, it was unchanging. The same sunrise and sunset. The same dolphins, fish, whales, and sharks. Maybe he could build a boat one day...

Pulled from his thoughts as they rounded the bend onto the bay's shore, he looked over at Arne with a wide smile. "Beautiful, isn't it?" He asks as his tail swishes happily behind him. "So that uh shack over there is where I live," Kuroo lifts a paw to point at the bamboo structure that stood down at the far end of the beach. "I've set up traps and nets throughout the bay to catch fish and whatever else is in the water," he then moves his paw over to point out the vines and rocks that were stationed in particular locations along the water's edge. "Pretty much spend my days here until the Kaicho needs me," his shoulders lift into a shrug as he pauses at a small fire that he leaves going most days.

"Have any preference for fish? Or just anything?" Kuroo asks, a gleam sparkling in his eyes. He couldn't hide the excitement that caused his paws to bounce a little more than usual. Having company was fun! Plus, the weather was great for the time of year it was. The sun slowly sunk beneath the horizon and there wasn't a single cloud to be seen. Ah, it was a perfect night for a fishy dinner and a dazzling sunset!

Kuroo Shima

[Image: Kuroo-Fishies1.png]
kuroo's tamarin, saru, should be assumed near/on him at all times.

Thread Move Log
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1. a sunset dinner for two Manatee Bay 09:01 AM, 08-16-2023 07:21 PM, 10-13-2023