
Rules for Posting Adoptions



10-26-2014, 09:55 PM (This post was last modified: 11-07-2023, 01:39 PM by Nyx. Edited 2 times in total.)

When an adoption ends: When all your wolves have been adopted, pleased put 'CLOSED' in the thread title, or post the link in Maintenance so that the thread can be archived.

Re-adopting inactive wolves: There are a few things to keep in mind here:

  1. Make sure that in your original adoption thread you state that you are reserving the right to take back an inactive wolf.
  2. Give the player enough time. An appropriate amount of time would be about 1 OOC month before politely messaging the player and asking for the character back, though this is just suggested. This strictly applies to inactivity only! You may not take back a wolf simply because of a disagreement over plotting/character alignment.
  3. If a player gives you permission to re-adopt a character if they fall inactive, then you must be able to provide proof.
  4. If an agreement is not made in the adoption thread, then the adopter must wait 2 OOC months of inactivity before taking back a wolf from a player who is inactive or has left.
  5. When readopting characters that have already been accepted once, we do require a few things to stay the same. You can change the design (and should, if the design belonged to the original adopter and they don't give permission for it to be used), the personality, the name, and the height. What you can't change is age and birth season.
  6. Regardless of whether they were previously set inactive or not, all readopted characters MUST go through the reacceptance process and get accepted by staff before they may be played by the new player.
  7. What to include in your adoption thread: Some ideas of things to include would be basic background/appearance information on the parents (for pup adoptions), basic background of adoptables/families, future plots/plans. Also, many players include an adoption form that looks similar to this:

    Name: Name of the character
    Gender: Gender of the character
    Appearance: What the appearance of this character is, some players have a minimum word count
    Personality: What you character will be like, some players have a minimum word count
    RP Sample: Only a few players include this, but it gives you an idea of what the character will be like this the potential adopter.

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1. Rules for Posting Adoptions OOC Archives 09:55 PM, 10-26-2014 01:38 PM, 11-07-2023