
I gave you a chance to be civil, now I gotta kick your ass




Expert Fighter (175)

Advanced Intellectual (105)

2 Years
Dire wolf
08-28-2023, 09:26 PM

Charlie had decided that it might be an interesting endeavor to check out the mine close to the Armada’s land for resources. He had left with Yorrick this time, leaving Silveris behind since she had seemed keen on doing some of her own hunting, and set off through the woods. As he passed through, he passed close to the border to ensure that no predators were attempting to make their way into the territory. With his brother’s litter born living in the woods he wanted to help make sure they would be safe. He trusted Mortis, and was sure Halo was strong as well, but he would never let a threat into the Armada. That he swore. Thankfully, no such threats existed, and he and Yorrick were able to make the rest of the trip to the mine unhindered… until they neared the entrance.

The yearling paused immediately, a low warning growl to his companion as they backed off. Yorrick could smell the scent all in the mine’s entrance as well. A bear… damn thing must have made the mine its den. Charlie’s ears perked, swiveling as he let his gaze sweep the area. Sure enough he would lock eyes on the male polar bear dragging a half eaten cub carcass back to its den. Well… shit. Immediately Charlie threw his defenses up, bristling as he took a guarded stance. The last time he and Yorrick took down a bear he had been with Andy… and she was more experienced than he was at fighting. He knew taking on a bear alone was a fool’s mission, but if the bear decided to charge them they wouldn’t be able to simply run away. He stepped backwards slowly with Yorrick, praying that the bear would just take the carcass and leave them be.

Only… it got pissed off they almost intruded on its den instead. The bear dropped the carcass and roared, the sound echoing through the area. Charlie flinched. This was bad, this was bad. He could feel his heart begin to race in his chest. The Armada was close, and there was no shame in calling for backup if you knew you were outmatched. You had to fight smart, right? The yearling tossed his head back, a short summoning howl leaving his lips. He didn’t have the chance to do the whole thing. The bear was charging right for him.

Yorrick and Charlie would split off, the fisher trying to circle around the bear while Charlie stood his ground and let it come close. Then, once he was sure he could still safely dodge it, he would leap away as the bear swung with a foreleg, dodging a swipe that could have done some severe damage. Yorrick latched on to the bear’s leg, but this one was fast for something of its size. It swung towards his companion, and a cry of pain had Charlie’s heart leap to his throat. He could hear Yorrick hit the ground, rolling away from the bear after its swipe hit him. Blood flowed down the companion’s leg, and the bear, seeming to temporarily forget the wolf, began to approach him.

Charlie saw red. He needed to act, needed to protect his friend. The yearling lunged for the bear’s back and managed to land on it. Fangs snapped down on the fatty flesh and skin of the bear’s neck, his sabers helping him dig in deep. The bear roared again, rearing up, forelimbs swiping the air as the young Fatilis scrambled against its back so he wouldn’t fall. He wasn’t going to lose anyone!

"Speech," 'Thought.'

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1. I gave you a chance to be civil, now I gotta kick your ass Northern Mines 09:26 PM, 08-28-2023 06:20 AM, 09-25-2023