
Roll with it


Gavroche II


Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Healer (85)

1 Year
Toy size
10-01-2023, 10:22 PM

Another day, another morning to explore the wonders that the castle his friend Dusk called home! Gavroche woke in a great mood, but to his disappointment his friend had already left. Boo! He didn’t get to say good morning to her! After the briefest moment of pouting, the boy would leave the warmth of the bed and hop to the floor with an oof. Instinctively he had spread his wings during the act, like he’d seen his father’s companion Ruby do when she landed, but it didn’t really help him like it helped her. He still stumbled, almost face planting on the ground before shaking himself off. Maybe Dusk hadn’t woken him up because she thought she’d be back before he woke up. But waiting was boring! He wanted to see more rooms and hadn’t had a lot of opportunities to poke into places on this floor! Dusk had said her packmates lived in these rooms. Would they be nice? Would they want to play?

Eagerly Gavroche poked his head out into the hall. No sign of anyone else. Perfect! A grin appeared on the boy’s face and he’d race into the hall with a giggle. No one could stop him now! Gav tucked his wings close to his body and continued down the hall at a run. If he had gone the other way he’d head to the stairs, but they were more annoying to handle on his own, so he’d go explore the other way! He wasn’t even sure how many rooms spied a room with a door that was open a bit more than others. Veering towards it, Gavroche exploded into the room with a tumble, heels of his head as he ended up misjudging his landing and was sent into a tumble. When he stopped he realized he could see paws. A sheepish smile appeared on his lips as he looked up at the wolf who was in the room from his position on his back.

“Hiya~! I’m Gavroche!” He called cheerfully.


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1. Roll with it Amron's Castle 10:22 PM, 10-01-2023 06:10 AM, 11-05-2023