
Halloween Klein Kids

Chimera x Aliana Litter #3


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
10-02-2023, 01:49 AM (This post was last modified: 10-09-2023, 08:08 PM by Aliana. Edited 2 times in total.)
Happy October/Halloween season, friends! The time has come!

Chimera and Aliana Klein are once more expecting another litter in their large family! Raised in Ashen as royal Kleins amongst a ton of family, these kids will be spoiled and doted upon endlessly by their loving parents and treated as princes and princesses. The pups will remain a part of Ashen until they turn two years old, but once they reach adulthood will be free to roam and do as they please (though Aliana would love for her family to all stay together, she won't hold her babies back).

Adoption Rules & Helpful Info

1. The pups can be of any alignment and morality you like! The Klein family is all over the morality charts.

2. Sizes run the gamut, so do whatever your heart desires for height and weight! Aliana is 23" and light and Chimera is 45" and medium.

3. Coat colors will mostly be monochromatic, as both Aliana and Chimera are black, white, or shades of gray. However, if you'd like to pull in inspiration from the Klein bloodline, we'd be interested to see what you create! Eye color can include Aliana's aquamarine, Chimera's albino pink, or other variations from the Klein line.

4. As far as plots go, we're pretty chill on most things you'd like to plan out for them. She will grow up loved and nurtured by her mother and doted on by her father. Though many of their family partake in more mature threads, you will NOT be required to participate in any mature plots or themes which you do not want to and we will not force anybody to do anything they are uncomfortable with. However, bear in mind that your character may be existing around these topics and themes.

5. Please be a regularly active player! We require that the character be posted at least three (3) times per month until they become an adult, then they're yours. Two consecutive months of inactivity or being set inactive at any point will be grounds for us reclaiming the character (as well as the design if you take one of ours). We also know that IRL things happen, and as long as you communicate any drops in activity with us, we will take them under consideration.

6. Should you choose to take one of Resin's designs, it must remain on Ardent. These designs are yours for use with this character, not for ownership.

Designs, Discounts, & Mutations

25% off height up to 45" from Chimera
25% off albinism from Chimera
Inheritable serrated shark teeth from Chimera
I'll also be getting Aliana the Naturally Talented specialty, so if you choose Intellect as a skill you'll start off at Intermediate


Applications are due by October 24th and the pups will be born on Halloween (October 31st)!

<b>OOC Name:</b>
<b>Character Name:</b>
<b>Apperance:</b> (Either a visual design or the site minimum for appearance)
<b>Personality:</b> (Site minimum)
<b>Potential plots, plans, etc.:</b>

As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.


"The Floofiest Cat"

13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - GoldToys for Tots
10-02-2023, 08:38 AM (This post was last modified: 10-15-2023, 12:40 AM by Beau-tifullyWritten. Edited 10 times in total.)
OOC Name: Beau-tifullywritten
Character Name: Simurgh "Sim" Dove Klein
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

33" | Medium | Medium

There is no denying the family that Simurgh belongs to; She is a Klein. Her coat speaks of her Klein lineage, and, while she may not be as large or formidable as some of her relatives, the fae definitely holds their good looks. As she ages and grows into her body, parts of Sim will become more toned and defined. Her muzzle will broaden out, taking on a slightly wider shape. Her legs will become more muscled and her chest will be more broad to house her lungs. Her build will be slightly thicker than average, but at a glance Simurgh will appear to fall into the medium build overall. She will be slightly heavier for her height and built with a fair bit of muscle - the most noticeable being in her legs. The fur on her mane region will often be a bit unkempt, for no matter how Sim attempts to keep herself looking pristine it is a hard area to get to cooperate. Her fur will be soft, however, and at the very least kept free of any mats or debris that might try to cling to it. Unlike her family, however, she will have a thicker ruff that fluffs out on either side and dips down at her throat in the shape of a V before expanding up and out on either side. This ruff bears the colors of her respective sides with the top of it being black.

Simurgh’s eyes will be one of her best features; an expressive, dual colored set of a soft pink and vivid aquamarine in a gentle, rounded shape. Due to her albino traits Simurgh will struggle a bit during the summer season when the sun is at its most intense, and clear days may be a little bit of a struggle as well. The light sensitivity of her right eye will cause her to squint it often during daylight hours to relieve it. Her skin, both nose and her paw pads, will be mainly pink with black specks throughout. That same likeness of back and forth can be found at the point where her body "splits" with each color bleeding in and out of the other, almost as if when she was formed no one could decide which palette suited her best. Though her divide will be a bit different, Sim will swear up and down that is the key to her beauty. To prevent herself from smelling too much like prey due to her love of hunting, Sim will make perfumes out of plants near or around Ashen during the warmer seasons to keep herself smelling fresh.

Sim's coloration is an oddity, a mixed split of albino and ashen black and gray. Her right side sports albino features; An off white tinged with pink hues for the base. A lighter version of this color covers her muzzle up between her eyes. This color then runs from her bottom jaw along her cheek fluff before covering the back of her right ear. Her right cheek breaks off in a cloudy smattering of the color, an effect that can be seen above her belly onto her right side. That effect can also be seen on the upper part of her right hind leg below the thigh before falling into the solid version of the color. The lighter off-white covers her front leg as well, with both paws on her right side dipped in white. Her hind is a mix of off-white and white, lightening her rump. Most of her tail on the right side is the base, deeper off-white, but the tip is coated in black. Her inner ears are the lighter off-white and white patches her right eye and dots her brow, completing her albino side.

Simurgh's left side starts with an ashen black, a deep color that lighters on her underside. The majority of her face is covered by the albino side, but her cheeks and the majority of her lower jaw, cheeks, and up to her inner ear is a smattering of cloudy gray. This same color rolls down her throat, onto her chest, onto her belly and left side, and along the lowest part of her tail, including the tip on the left side. The main part of her face is medium black, alongside her mane, her hind, and majority of the left side of her tail. This color can also be found on the back of her left ear and paws, bleeding into a smattering of cloudy gray. This medium black also patches over her left eye and dots her brow. Her left inner ear is gray.


As a child, Simurgh will be an eager, playful, and curious little thing. She will know the value of a laugh and building up her siblings. Confidence and respect is key to happiness. More than that, however, there will be deep familial ties to both her immediate family and to all of Ashen. Sim will be proud to be a Klein, and bear her name with the elegance and grace it deserves. Despite this, she will not be seen as a vain creature, for though Simurgh knows her self worth, she doesn't lord it over others. Especially in regards to her littermates, she boasts of their looks, delighted to tell everyone how handsome or pretty her siblings are. The love for her kin is endless, and she would do anything for her family. To make them smile, to see them thriving, that is her greatest joy. Sim builds herself up by building her family up, as it should be. Her goal in life is to make precious memories with the ones she loves most and always keep them close to her heart.

Simurgh is capable of listening to authority and following the rules, but it doesn’t mean she is always going to. This femme lives by her own code, it just happens to sometimes align with what others might want of her. Sim wants to have fun, be playful and even a bit mischievous from a young age. She is the sort of kid who will be out breaking rules and learning through experience. What good are rules if you can’t bend them a little? You need to be flexible, she says! While she respects her parents and those in higher positions with Ashen, Simurgh is not afraid to state her feelings or opinions, even if they go against what her elders have said. As she ages, this filter will become non-existent, and Simurgh will always be honest about her true thoughts and feelings. She is also someone who doesn’t like to be serious for long, teasing and making light of situations to ease tension.

When she gets a chance to meet others beyond her family and Ashen, Simurgh will be seen as a social butterfly. She will thrive on meeting others, doing so easily, though how close she will get to an individual depends largely on their personality as well. Rigid wolves won’t do well with Sim. They are boring and too uptight! She will occasionally flirt with others, caring little for gender or who else might hear her. Simurgh doesn’t look at gender, she considers personality and if she thinks you have a stunning soul, she is going to toss a few compliments, teases, and winks in your direction. She will greatly enjoy those who get embarrassed or flattered by her compliments and continue to tease them with glee. When she truly takes an interest in someone, she will be quite physical, rubbing up against them in an almost feline manner as she dares them to become one with her.

As far as her morals go, Sim can fall into a gray area that can shift up or down. While she is not fond of the idea of physically hurting children for example, she can be a little “mean” in playing pranks on them or telling them a bear is going to gobble them up. She can also be a bit blunt when speaking her mind, and when someone gets upset or emotional she often shrugs it off. Emotional, angsty wolves are not those she typically wants to deal with. But… sometimes a different side of Simurgh will come out, and her play can take a darker turn. She will develop pleasure in having control of a situation, and pointing out the faults or weaknesses of those who are just so pathetic and negative that her energy builds on that instead. Negativity feeding into negativity, as it were. While she would never do this to another Klein, those outside of Ashen may not be so lucky and may become the target of a puppeteer wanting to play with a new toy. Psychological warfare will be her forte, rather than physical fights.

Skills: Hunting and Intellect

Potential plots, plans, etc.:

A hunter by nature, Simurgh will take pleasure in hunting both prey animals and wolves alike. When hunting prey, she enjoys the challenge of tracking an animal down, drawing out the hunt as a sort of game. She will work well with others in her goals, and develop a close bond with the companions she will eventually have. While she can appear to respect certain lives, others are just meant for her to play with.

Social, easily interacting with others, but will thrive best in one on one situations. With family, her bonds will be close and more uplifting and positive in nature. Though her nature with other wolves will be more playful and interested at first, much like a cat with a mouse, it can take a bit of a darker path should the mood strike her. Be careful, this rose has its thorns.

As she ages the idea is to have a more mature character. Perhaps a bit seductive, a little sadistic when she preys on others. More of a dominant personality, she likes to lead the dance and be in control. May very well develop romantic feelings for one of her siblings (although I will not force that on someone who finds such things uncomfortable. Just let me know! :3) and unless she does end up with a sibling, I believe it will be hard for her to be strictly monogamous. She will have too much of an interest and desire in others to behave.


Simurgh has a sensitivity to light in her right (pink) eye. During summer, or clear days, this will cause her to squint that eye, which will throw of her perception. Because of this Sim will be most active at dawn and dusk, when daylight is at its weakest points. She will favor the night, but will happily push past a bit of discomfort should any family member wish for her company during the day. What is a bit of squinting if you get to be by a loved one's side? Mindful of this, she chooses to have most of her interactions with those outside of Ashen during periods with less light.

Lion-esc mane type mutation (thicker neck area, kind of like an Eevee from pokemon) and possibly serrated fangs like Chi.
"Here we do not place bets. We place concerns." - Starcrosst of DeviantArt

Beau's Inklings



Rapid Poster - Rainbow
10-02-2023, 08:39 AM (This post was last modified: 10-23-2023, 11:53 PM by Indie. Edited 12 times in total.)
Hullo frens. Your friendly neighborhood Indie here. I promise I’ll be a good and fill out the form provided, but this post is also going to be dump for inspiration (running rampant between my two brain cells) for Arachne, so things might fall outside the lines. Just forewarning ^^;

Imagine challenging the patron goddess and winning.                                      
                                                                      The satisfaction was worth the retaliation.


OOC; Indie.
Name of Pup; Arachne "Rainy" Alline Klein.
Gender; Female.
Appearance; God I hate them. But I'll get to a written one later.
25" | Light Build

**** Okay, so after reading all the other amazing applications, I'm now torn as to if I should go with the original plan- or if I should adopt a more "Meek & Mild" character because I think there could be some awesome plots in that as well with the current pool of fantastically huge personalties. I'm going to include and develop both ideas for now as I deliberate. But if either parent player has preference ... could definitely use some input ^^;


Skills; FIGHTING [Relentless] & NAVIGATION [Fleet-Footed?]
Alignment; Chaotic Neutral
Rainy possesses a natural sense of adventure that drives her to seek new experiences and challenges. Her ambition knows no bounds, as she constantly strives to achieve her goals and reach her grandiose expectations in life. Arachne’s analytical mind constantly seeks new apexes to conquer, and she approaches them with unwavering confidence and air of cockiness in her own abilities- though to be fair, she will spend her life fine-tuning her skillsets and honing her talent for finding conflict. Her bold attitude will be downright audacious at times, and it will be clearly depicted from early age. Arachne is unafraid to take risks and push boundaries. She is unapologetically flamboyant with no hesitance in turning on the wit or charm to navigate herself in the social situations she hates getting trapped in. With a flair for the dramatic, she actively puts out additional effort to draw attention wherever she goes. However, it’s simply because she wants to be seen and heard- not that she cares about what you have to say.

At her core, Arachne will maintain a naturally independent spirt. She values freedom and will refuse to be tied down as she matures. That’s not to say that she lacks loyalty to her loved ones. Her devotion to family will run deep, but her stubbornness will often get in the way of compromise- especially when she’s determined to have things her way.

This girl is a loud one, which can easily be interpreted as abrasive- though she does nothing to alleviate that perception. She is quick to result to hostility in the event she feels even remotely threatened. That, paired with her impatience and impulsiveness gives her an ‘itchy trigger finger’ when it comes to her temper- which already runs hot to begin with. When it comes to matters of the heart, Rainy can easily become possessive, and a nasty jealous streak can rear its ugly head. Her normal confidence is thrown to the wayside if she suspects something or someone may be taken from her. When the stakes are high, words don’t come as easily. However, teeth and claws do! But perhaps her scrappiness stems from her vanity. Or maybe she was just a bratty, spoiled child? Someone really should try to explain to her that the world doesn’t revolve around her … just don’t go unarmed.


Skills; INTELLECT [-----] & NAVIGATION [Fleet-Footed?]
Alignment; Lawful Neutral
Arachne will never be one to rock the boat. She’s dependable, does what she says she’ll do, and can be relied on to respond predictably in any situation. Though, do not accuse her of blindly following authority without any forethought on her end. This girl exudes confidence in her chosen path because she knows herself intimately and makes informed decisions in the best interest of everyone involved. Her composed, peaceful nature can often be the glue that keeps things from falling to pieces. But when it comes to her ingrained consistency, she may sometimes be perceived as boring. And because she derives satisfaction from her life as it is, she may not be as driven as others. Taking risks will be hard for her, which may lead her to miss opportunities for her to excel and achieve greater levels of self-growth.

Arachne has a quieter personality when compared to most of her siblings. She is soft-spoken, reflective, and observant. She is attuned to the emotions of others and often tries her best to aid in diffusing tense situations. Like her mother, Rainy is a good listener, genuinely cares about, and wants the best for those around her. She can pinpoint needs and will go out of her way to meet them. Her ability to walk in the place of others helps her to have a deeper understanding of problematic situations and react in a way that will help improve the emotional landscape. Her empathy can also be a vehicle to convert passion for change, making her a strong champion for causes that improve the quality of life of others. But because she has a more quiet disposition, she may have difficulty voicing her own desires and needs, or feels that she’s incapable of pursuing them due to her need to put others before herself- which she does so willingly.

Arachne is a careful thinker, perceptive, observant, and a strong planner, choosing the best and most direct course of action in order to achieve the desired result. She is generally loyal, and trusting, and unthreatening by nature. She’s approachable, reliable, responsible, and fairly easy to anticipate, and when she is given instruction by someone whose authority she respects, she usually does what she’s told without causing opposition. She can always be counted on to toe the line, and will do so in a generally polite, and upstanding way.


» First and foremost, she is going to be wrapped up in family to some degree. Whether she adopt a more dominant role with the more abrasive personality, or if she be the follower for the more competitive siblings.

» Seeing her parents grow up in a polyamorous relationship, she will likely accept that for being the norm. Wouldn't surprise me if she ended up in a similar situation to some degree. Even more so if the more reserved persona is preferred. If a more aggressive version of her is preferred, she'd be the first one to make it clear that she's nobody's side piece xD

» I don't want to say "this girl is going to be a vehicle for incest plots", because that isn't my intention ... but if it happens it happens. And honestly, as she gets older ... and the stars align, and it turns out god has not abandoned us, maybe she'd develop feelings for an older sibling BUT WHO KNOWS? I sure don't :'D

» The bratty persona is exactly that. She would be super scrappy- and big part of her arch would be learning to not be so bitey. If she and some of the other pushy personalities in the pool were chosen, she would absolutely butt heads and refuse to back down.

» Where the more people-pleasing persona could use a good puppeteer. She'd be some good practice for any of the littermates who want to learn how to be manipulative.

» Certainly more to come, but you know I love a good stat grind c:


13+ Years

Pride - GayPride - AromanticPride - TransgenderEaster 2022Rapid Poster - Silver
10-03-2023, 12:00 AM (This post was last modified: 10-19-2023, 04:18 PM by Virgil. Edited 12 times in total.)

Finally done!!

OOC Name: Virgil

Character Name: Aethon Seraph Klein
(Aethon: The caucasian eagle that eats Prometheus’ liver every day – Seraph: the highest order of biblical angel, which surrounds the holy throne and chants eternally)

Alignment: Neutral Evil


(Edited one of Resin's beauties, happy to change to an alternate design if I overstepped <3)

41”-42” - Light Build

Build & Coat; Aethon has a dancer's build, all lean muscle and slender appendages. In his youth, it manifests as gawkiness and spindly legs. Only exacerbated by frequent, sporadic growth spurts. However, when maturity finally finds him, he's a towering Adonis. A deep chest and slender waist creates a greyhound-esque figure, but the musculature of his shoulders and thighs lends him an imposing aura and curvaceous silhouette. Bordering on feminine, and definitely tempting at first glance. His paws are quite large, something he never fully grows into. No matter, they're well suited to moving over unstable and uneven terrain that way. The plush ruff around his long, well muscled neck can be said to mimic a lion's mane, often untamed with wild strands curling at the ends to frame his face. And that face... well, he is certainly his father's son. Broad cheekbones and a well defined browbone, a sturdy framework upon which to build up a handsome visage. The fluff of his cheeks softens the sharp angles and lines of his stoic features, but does not decrease the impression that Aethon is judging you every second he's looking at you.

Klein genes manifest in a striking mixture of rosy-pale flesh and stark champagne fur, cut through with tempered damascus steel across his form. Wavering stains of gunmetal and ash claim the left half of his face, from nasal to orbital to auditory to zygomatic bones, down over the TMJ and throat. From the span of his deep chest, the dark streak continues to travel along the left side of his form, curving around the elbow and smoothly up his left flank in an elegant arc towards the spine. Passing over his long, narrow back from left side to right, the greyscale pelage makes a downward arc to his right hind leg. Like ripples on a pond, quivering streaks radiate outward from the path of his thunderhead markings that extend from hip, thigh and knee all the way down those incredibly long shins to claim his toes and heel. In an odd type of diagonal symmetry, his left foreleg is wreathed in rounded streaks that close inward away from his pale toes and darkened elbow. The lower half of his tail is mottled with more storm cloud spots and streaks, one of which is a particularly distinctive eye-spot near the tip.  

Eyes & Face; Stunning gems of brilliant turquoise and rose quartz are set into the hardened features of his face, striking in contrast to the myriad shades of grey and alabaster that surround them. Enthralling eyes, with all the allure of the fathomless depths of the sea. A gaze to drown oneself in at any moment. His lashes are bleached bone in hue, providing a dramatic juxtaposition with his jade-blue left eye and its dark pupil.

Aethon is pretty in the same way a polished dagger is pretty. All flash and gleam until the moment that sharp edge finds a home in your gut. His features are cut from marble, the planes of his face are angled so elegantly they could only be arranged by an artist. Wide-set cheekbones and a strong brow, matched with a tapered muzzle to fit with the rest of his slender physique. Frame all of that with unruly cheek fluff to round out his solid, angular facial structure, just because you can. Atop his crown, a pair of tall, narrow ears to really emphasize the sheer size of him.

Voice & Scent; Raspy and gravelly, and incredibly soft despite the size of him. The man crafted like a honed blade speaks with an airy quality like the strings of a harp. Part of it is a force of habit, somewhere along the line he learned that speaking quietly forces everyone to draw closer, sometimes unconsciously. Useful for entrapping unwitting fools, convincing them to bend to his will. When he does raise his voice, it booms with a far deeper tombre much like a thunderclap. A rare occurrence, typically only in rare moments of explosive rage. If you don't need to be within eyesight to hear him, you're probably in danger.

Aethon's scent carries a faint, ever present hint of ozone. An oncoming storm, a looming threat. More obvious aromas of leather and woodsmoke tend to permeate his coat, often paired with varying spices and herbs. He spends a lot of time bothering his herbalist family members, idle curiosity and a small interest in the craft leading to the Klein titan adopting the telltale scent of a healer to a trained nose.

Gait & Posture; some unholy combination of haughtiness and pride ensure that Aethon looks down his nose at those he deems lesser, which is not all that difficult at his towering height. That swan-like neck pulled up to hold his skull aloft, ears pricked to capture as much of his surroundings as he can. Shoulders squared and expression stoic, he does not falter in his self-assured stance for even a moment. He's better than you, and to look at him is to doubt oneself for a scant moment. An aura of holy holy holy- that forces the weak to cower at his feet.

Quirks & Mutations; the most notable feature that betrays his heritage is the albinism that drains most of his svelte form of pigments, leaving him at the mercy of the sun's rays on hot summer days. The eye is drawn to the whorling thunderhead that claims portions of his body, staining his skin coal-dark beneath the gunmetal streaks of fur. These patches are not afflicted by sunburn to nearly the same degree as the rest of him. (Optional/undecided:: To say that Aethon has a switchblade smile is an understatement. Those pearly whites are serrated on their cutting edges, and far sharper than the average wolf's teeth. When he bites, he draws blood and shreds flesh indiscriminately.)


Youth; a stern and surly creature, with a sour looking expression typically painted across his features. Keen to impress his parents with every fibre of his being, to the point of desperation. Fond of his littermates and borderline worshipping his elder siblings as he tries to learn from them as much as he can. All he wants is to be loved and to be worthy of love, but he would die if anyone found out about it.  

Standoffish; From an early age it’s abundantly clear that socialization is not his strong suit. That’s fine, he doesn’t need to be particularly good at it, he’s passable enough at niceties and saying the right things to keep everyone happy. Beyond that, he’s a bit of an asshole. Emotionally distant, variably crude, and passionately sarcastic. He inherited a great deal of intellect, he just uses all of it for being a prick when no one’s looking.

Manipulative; Mind games and trickery are Aethon’s bread and butter. He doesn’t use seduction or a silver tongue, so much as he knows what buttons he needs to push to get his way. Passing off chores on others, convincing someone to steal something that he wants so he doesn’t need to risk getting caught, and the like. More than enough of the technique relies on reverse psychology or emphasizing the fun of committing just a little crime.

Possessive; Wonder where he picked this one up? Aethon holds on tight to anything he gets his grubby little mitts on. There are no limits to the things he will pick a fight to keep, nor are there many things he won’t make an effort to steal from others. In adulthood, his possessiveness extends to mates. Much like his sire, he’ll be drawn to creating a sort of harem to satisfy his varying desires.

Loyal; Despite all of his flaws, he’s a family oriented creature. Whatever it takes, Aethon will do his best to keep his loved ones happy. Working tirelessly whenever necessary to ensure his parents are proud and his siblings are content, there are no boundaries he won’t cross in order to ensure their wellbeing. He keeps a small, closely guarded circle of those he values and trusts implicitly. Within that group, he becomes an incredibly malleable and softhearted wretch, far more willing to take orders and hear differing opinions from his own. For those he trusts, he'd go to the grave if it was required of him.

Morbid; A little grim and grotesque, Aethon enjoys the brutal aspects of life. Drawing blood, rending flesh, snapping bone. A perverse sense of joy floods over him at the opportunity to bring some pain, bordering on sadistic. Teetering over the edge, even. He has very few qualms regarding getting his paws dirty, or his teeth. When it comes to violence and bloodshed, or the treatment of the dead, he's a little backwards by most standards. Among his kin though, he fits in well enough. The strong shall conquer the feeble and the meek, and he aims to be among the strongest alive.

Skills: fighting & intellect OR hunting & intellect

Potential plots, plans, etc.: probably be an absolute monster for a little while, maybe get some manners beat into him, and then once he starts getting older… be a degenerate. Debauchery, hedonism, rampant polyamory. Probably war crimes. Already got a loose plot for a lil harem he might be sharing with his siblings upon request >.> <.< Considering donating to give either dire height or some manner of toothy mutation, possibly some manner of sabre fangs to fit in behind his existing canines? Or inheriting papa's shredder maw and using it for Pure Violence from day one. Who's to say

I’m gonna try to play a properly dark aligned character for the first time in forever and I’m cranking the dial up to eleven


10-03-2023, 12:23 AM (This post was last modified: 10-09-2023, 08:25 PM by SailyntSteps. Edited 1 time in total.)
Withdrawing my application


"I'll be a good Girl in Hell"

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (405)

Master Intellectual (375)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years

TeacherWinnerHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Pride - DemisexualPride - BisexualPride - Demisexual
Double MasterWordyStudentBest BudsHomebodyRapid Poster - Rainbow
10-03-2023, 12:51 AM (This post was last modified: 10-17-2023, 02:09 PM by Absinth. Edited 16 times in total.)

OOC Name: TrenRanu

Character Name: Barghest Janus Klein

Alignment: Lawful Evil


[Image: Chili1.png?ex=652e0cc6&is=651b97c6&hm=d2...567881d5f&]

36" Large - Heavy Build - Aqua Blue Eyes

She is almost an exact replica of her mother, the same soft monochromatic hues wrap her from head to toe. Tones of grey and white leave her dappled and speckled. The main difference being that white transverse stripes radiate down her limbs, thighs, and tail.

She is a large woman, standing at 36 inches at her shoulders and controlling a heavily built musculature; traits given to her by her sire. She is not one to be trifled with and some might say she would have been better off born a brute than a woman. Her allure is not a traditional one.

Her eyes are portals of aqua that hold only apathy. Her face a visage of cognizant, cruel detachment.


Cruelty may as well be a part of the Klein’s DNA, although a rare few do not embrace it as much as others do. Barghest is a ruthless Klein woman who will not hold back when something she does not agree with comes up. The same can be said about defending her beliefs. She gives no regard for your feelings if she doesn’t understand them herself. If you don’t want to get hurt, keep anything pitiful to yourself. There's no charm to be had here, You’ll only get hurt. Unless you like that sort of thing, you masochist.

There is an order to everything, and that order must be maintained. She is disciplined, thorough, and meticulous. A fine member of her pack to carry out any tasks given. This orderly behavior is often used for the sinister self-serving purposes of furthering herself and her family as well. Cleaning up a crime scene for her siblings? Fine. Someone has to take care of business efficiently. Better yet, she'd better get involved so things go smoothly in the first place.

Violence and cruelty go hand in hand, just as their association with her family name. She can be savage in a fight, as severe as her unsparing tongue. She is hard on others as well as herself, giving little room for mistakes. It's common for her to pick a fight with her siblings when they come to disagreements- though all in corrective nature. Her temper is quick to flare and much like her father, very volatile. This brutality of hers does dip deeper into some sadistic tendencies, enjoying the taste of blood and the exhilaration of her conquests. However she doesn't quite find pleasure in the actual harming of others - mostly the proof that she is superior; as she is an egotistical scourge on the earth. She is better than any not of her own surname. She will make you scream it.

Barghest is a rather self-centered creature. Taking pleasure from praise and achievements she deems gratifying. The Klein name is something she protects as a fanatic member, her pack being an important symbol to raise ever higher. She enjoys when her ego is fed- furthermore she actually has a preference for the degradation of others…

Ethics can be quite fickle or even non-existent in individuals. Barghest is very fixated on her set of moral codes born of the manner she was raised. She does not break promises, nor does she betray friends or family who have done her no wrong. But she is not a good woman. She will readily harm those she does not care for to get ahead or even for amusement. It is a moral code depending on the rules and traditions set before her but after that she plays without compassion or mercy. The true heart of her morality is protecting her family, something that she would break any law for - or upkeep any.

Not to be confused with sweet words or flowery speech, Barghest is a very touchy-feely woman. She is quite capable of venomous wordage whilst physically embracing family or friends. And that literally means lovingly cuddling a sibling while telling them how stupid or pig-headed they are. Though worded a lot more vulgarly. Her love is expressed in physical touch and body language, her mouth… not so much. It is a very rare occasion that she shares compassionate words with anyone other than her parents or siblings, but it happens. Best just to tell her to shut up or you'll never let her touch you again.

Skills: Hunting, Fighting. (Bloodletter, Relentless.)

Potential plots, plans, etc.:
  • Poly. I think she'd take after her father in the harem regard, and an interest in her own siblings.
  • I do want her to take on a sort of eldest sister role for this litter, super close to her parents as well.
  • Im hoping she’ll come across as soft for her family but god help anyone that crosses her or said family.
  • I would like her more volatile siblings to drag her into messes! She’s ride or die- but she will get her lick back at them for being fools in the first place.
  • In general I’m planning for her to have a tendency to prey on those weaker, possibly creating a harem of that as well.

m o o d b o a r d 
Absi is a mature character. She's very vulgar and volatile. Discretion advised.



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Pride - BisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
10-03-2023, 12:43 PM (This post was last modified: 10-23-2023, 12:54 AM by Lolaf. Edited 12 times in total.)

OOC Name:

Character Name:
Lurch Poe Klein (Alternative first name: Phobia)

Neutral Evil

[Image: Chili4Edit.png?ex=651e1ba5&is=651cca25&h...745007c54&]
45", heavy build. Slight design tweaks courtesy of Resin <3
Poor Aliana, Lurch will be big even as a child. The largest by far of his siblings. As a pup he'll be more round than built, yet to lose the puppy fat but as he ages his frame will fill out and the fat distribution will settle and it'll be hard to look at Lurch and miss the power that ripples through his body. A visible threat build right into his bones. Fully grown he'll stand a massive 45 inches tall, matching the height of his sire. He certainly cuts an imposing figure.

The most obvious colouration Lurch bears clearly comes from his mother. A dark tone of gunmetal covers the majority of his body, though it is accompanied by a lighter slate grey colour on his ears, as a mask that covers the majority of his face from his eyes down which then slows onto his chest and halfway along his underbelly. Additionally, it largely occupies the back portion of his body: This slate grey being the solid colour of his tail as well as rimming his rump and down the back of both hind legs and moving to cover the whole limb just above his hocks. But even with his mother appearing stronger on his pelt Chimera's lineage will not be denied. Lurch is spackled in black and white. The black is more numerous, it marks his muzzle, starting between his eyes and moving down his face to cover the whole of his muzzle, and reaching up to mark the underside of each eye in a mirror of his mother's mask. Additionally it dots various areas of his body moving across his shoulders in splotchy streaks and making his shoulder fur a solid black. Similar black markings run down his rump from his spine. Another set of markings also appear on his knees, though this marking is asymmetrical, becoming a solid black at his hock on his right hind leg, all the way down his leg. The white is more sparse but sticks out brilliantly against his darker colours. The tip of his right ear and the bottom of his left ear are marked in white in markings similar to the black ones. Another smattering of white can be found on Lurch's face, starting at the crest of his skull and moving down the centre of his face down to his nose and branching off at his left eye to mark under it as well. Further the toes on Lurch's left hind leg are also painted in this uneven white colour. Wherever the white touches visible flesh it turns his skin pink, that albinism coming in strong even on a wolf who largely isn't pale. The beast's coat is short and coarse, there is no luxury to be found in his fur.

Perhaps there is more still that grabs attention. Though they won't grow in until he loses his puppy teeth and he grows big enough for his fangs to just barely peek out from under his lips. Crystalline fangs are planted solidly in his mouth, a pale white in colour though stronger and maybe a tiny bit longer than an average wolf's incisors. Additionally his eyes tend to draw much attention. His left being a bright blue taken directly from his mother and his right being pink, his father right there. Both have pupils unlike those usual for a wolf, oval in shape, his pupils are those of a cat able to contract and retract to the same degrees. The final thing the that marks the boy as different isn't visible, only noticeable through contact. His skin is thicker, offering him a natural defence though obviously he can still be cut and still bleed.  

(Will remove the line about being biggest if any other pups end up matching his height and weight, otherwise I believe he'd be the only one to be dire and heavy across all litters.)

Mutations: Crystal fangs and Thick skin.
Creepy Contacts: Cat eyes.

It will never be in question that Lurch is his father's son, not by his behaviour at least. Even as a child he will almost constantly be trying to assert his dominance over his siblings and anyone smaller than himself and Lurch will not take well to any pushing back on that, he will chafe under the authority of anyone he does not think can match up to him. That said he can be quite contented when he does not feel like his position is being challenged, and in situations where he feels comfortable in his position you'll find Lurch isn't normally all that violent. In fact, he's quite a passionate wolf, get him interested in something or someone and he'll throw his whole being into it. No half measures with Lurch, and hell he'll even info dump happily to anyone who will listen if given the chance. As he gets older this passion will also apply to his lovers and he will strive to be a generous lover, finding it much more satisfying that way.

That's not to say Lurch is safe to drop your guard around, even when he can seem happy his temper is notoriously quick, and often irrational. Whatever emotional regulation helps others stop their irritations and frustrations growing into explosive rage, Lurch simply does not have. Anything that irks him doesn't simply make him upset it sets him off. Unfortunately for his siblings, being a pup is often frustrating. When his temper flares Lurch often finds he acts before he has a chance to even register what's happening, and he's likely to lash out at those around him. And then almost as suddenly as it arrived his anger will disappear as if getting to hit something immediately removes whatever anger he was feeling. Lurch can seem quite unpredictable by extension. As Lurch gets older he will even be aware enough to understand how unpredictable he is, and he even has the grace to be forgiving of others when they trigger his rage, maybe it's simply a tactic to avoid chasing anyone too far away or maybe it's because he's even aware it's unfair the way his emotions take over... It's not clear, all that is is that he is willing to forgive a great deal many things. But not someone being an ass, or insulting him, or anything that is his.

No matter his grace, Lurch does not share. As a child he will jealously resource guard, toys, food, shards of bone, anything. He will snap at anyone who gets close to something that Lurch has decided is his. Not that he has a great understanding of possessions as a pup. Sometimes something isn't his simply because he doesn't want it and sometimes something suddenly becomes his because he sees someone else with it. As he grows what Lurch cares to guard will change, often times food will still be hard to take from him but more often than not it'll be other wolves. His family, his friends, his lovers. Scant others will not draw out his jealousy when it comes to those he considers his. Only those close to him, not even family he is not as comfortable with, can have access to what is his. If his lovers wish to enter into relationships with his other lovers he cares not, but anyone on the outside will quickly find he is not afraid to use tooth and claw. But anyone that's his? He cares for them! And what care he offers. Lurch is surprisingly attentive to those he loves. He will make a point to remember things he's told, make a point to offer gifts he's learned they enjoy, make a point to offer what they need from him if he can. Maybe it's his way of trying to make sure he keeps what's his but it can often lead to him seeming like two very different wolves, one a violent, explosive jerk to strangers and the other a caring, attentive and driven to please wolf with those he cares for. Not that he's incapable of violence against those he loves, always bubbling just under the surface of Lurch is the beast ready to lash out at any moment.

Fighting and Intellect. (Unarmed and Professor because info dumping)

Potential plots, plans, etc.:
Kinda see him as potentially being the bully of the litter and I'd love to have him clash with any siblings who also have more dominant personalities, though he'll mostly chill out as he gets older though he'll always have a hair pin trigger temper. Much like many others he's gonna take after his father in trying to get his own harem, gender not important. (His ideal women 100% modeled after his mother's more demure behaviour.) I am open to the possibility of incestuous relationships with Lurch and his siblings specifically, but I don't think he'd specifically seek it out. Possibility for sharing a harem with siblings if they are close. Other than that, be the big bad wolf and mostly do what he wants.


The Chaotic One

13+ Years
Extra small

Coder - RainbowArtist - RainbowContributorEaster Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowToys for Tots
10-06-2023, 04:23 AM (This post was last modified: 10-24-2023, 05:56 PM by Bunni. Edited 3 times in total.)

OOC Name: bunni
Character Name: Gemma Klein (prefers to be called Gem as in gemstone)
Alignment: True Neutral
Apperance: Almost a perfectly split chimera, Gem's left side is a milky white with pink skin and a deep scarlet eye color while her right side is an inky black with charcoal skin and a dazzling cerulean eye color. What causes her chimera appearance to differ is the painted swaths of marbled grey that blossom from her sides and expand up to her neck and down her tail. Though her outward appearance will be a seemingly even divide between her parents, she will take after her mother in stature. Only reaching a height of 26", she will be dainty and delicate. A slim figure with petite legs, and thick and silky soft fur, she will be built for speed and endurance, not strength.
Personality: Depending on how life goes later for Gem, she could turn out to be slightly cruel, but as she is raised, she will take after her mother more. Quiet, reserved, but independent in her own right. Gem will enjoy playing follow the leader and never taking the leader role. She will be hesitant to travel but enjoy stargazing and seeing the sights if she knows she's protected. A tad skittish at times, she can find it hard to make friends with males as their larger size intimidates her slightly. Overall, Gem is a sweet princess who wishes to please her family and friends and knows when to turn a blind eye. She won't favor right or wrong, often choosing the path of "deal with your own mistakes."
Skills: intellect / navigation
Potential plots, plans, etc.:
Open to any plot - even mature ones

Dragon Mod


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowPride - DemisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
10-06-2023, 06:13 PM (This post was last modified: 10-16-2023, 09:50 PM by Dragon Mod. Edited 5 times in total.)
OOC Name: Dragon
Character Name: Euryale Klein

Personality: (Site minimum)
Potential plots, plans, etc.:



10-10-2023, 12:27 AM (This post was last modified: 10-15-2023, 01:57 AM by MalBelle. Edited 7 times in total.)
OOC Name: MalBelle
Character Name: Elara ‘El’ Klein
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Medium build, Medium height - 34”

Chubby and curvaceous, El’s all delicate lines and downy softness, with wide hips, slender waist and a broad chest. She’s about as scary as a turtle dove, and has an innocent, cherubic look about her, which she utilises to its full potential. After all, how can anyone excuse her of harm when she looks so dang cute? As a pup she will be rather chubby, a round ball of fluff with rolls to spare - but she will grow into her body as she ages, becoming a full-bodied woman. Her snowy coat is forever pristine and shining, for she grooms near-obsessively and hates to look anything but her best. Freckles dot her face, furthering her angelic exterior, and a pair of wide bluebell eyes ringed with baby pink stare out from a curtain of long pale lashes, granting her a perpetually guileless expression.

| prissy, precious, daddy’s girl, jealous, sharp-tongued, brattish, cunning, flirtatious |
As a child she will be quite the whiny, spoiled little brat, very open about the things that displease her. If she wants something she will stomp around in a bad temper and wheedle until she gets it. As she gets older, she will learn to be more clever and subtle, utilising manipulative tactics and batting those pretty little eyes until she gets it. She’s precious about her appearance and grooms often to maintain a pristine white coat; as such she dislikes getting her hands dirty and will thrust anything gross upon someone else the first chance she gets. This, however, does not extend to hunting and fighting: the girl has a vicious streak that derives satisfaction from blood sport and takes pride in her ability to provide for her pack and defend her family. She wears the blood of her prey and opponents as a badge of honour; it will be the only grime she doesn’t immediately wash off. Prim and precious, she harbours a strong distaste for bad manners and poor decorum; she likes to believe herself a lady up until the very moment she’s ripping your throat out.

Of course, she possesses a flair for the dramatic, and has a tendency to exaggerate or blow things a liiiitle out of proportion - but it does make her a rather entertaining storyteller. She’s easily jealous and covetous of what she considers ‘hers’ - and often just seeing someone enjoy something will spurn her own desire to have it for herself - but equally fickle, and can grow bored of things at the drop of a hat. Always one for drama, the girl will flirt with anything that moves once she becomes a teenager. She’s absolutely gorgeous, after all, and everyone else should be so lucky that she even looked their way.

Skills: Fighting & Hunting
Potential plots, plans, etc.:
- be daddy’s little princess
- have a more level-headed/ grounded childhood friend she can cajole into adventures who will act as a kind of foil/voice of reason to her nonsense.



Toys for Tots
10-11-2023, 02:02 AM (This post was last modified: 10-11-2023, 03:38 AM by Jackal. Edited 7 times in total.)
OOC Name: Jackal

Character Name: Hydrae Klein

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Apperance: [Image: Base.png]

HEIGHT: 38" -> BUILD: Light
Hydrae is a striking wolf despite the brown tones of her coat and the relative plainness of her when placed next to her siblings. Regardless, she is not the most feminine of wolves, strongly built and powerfully-faced. She's got the same brutish strength to her that many men possess, not that she cares. Her step will be slightly bumbling and uncertain in youth, but as she grows into her body, Hydrae will discover a grace of movement that is rather... off-putting, considering her size. Not the largest of her litter, but certainly not small. Hydrae possesses a self-assured look in her youth, and that doesn't really leave as she gets older.

Hydrae has Inherited her father's serrated shark teeth.

Hydrae will, perhaps, be a disappointment in her youth. She will not strain so much to lead her siblings; she will not bicker, overmuch, for her position amongst them. This is not due to a lack of ambition-- but rather, because she sees it as a waste of her time. Let her siblings fight one another, let them posture and snarl and snap. She doesn't need to. She will simply... go around them.

Scheming: Hydrae is always thinking several steps ahead. She's got a quick head on her shoulders, and she's one of those infuriating individuals who can adjust herself at a moment's notice to better achieve what she wants. Other wolves are for her own measured observation. She isn't the sort to have one plan, no-- she's got four, or five, and they're all carefully held close, only told to those who need to know them.
Inventive: There's never an end. There's only... a lack of imagination and creativity. Hydrae is fascinated with the act of creation -- and furthermore, she's obsessed somewhat with healing, with finding new remedies. The world around her is a fascinating one and she knows her limits are only, truly, what she can think of. She wants to explain these things to her family, tell them about the traps she's invented, but... it's hard. And she can't tell them easily about the poisons, either! What's a girl to do, eh?
Hypothetical: Hydrae likes to pose a lot of things as questions. She's full of what-ifs and hypothetical situations -- no, no, it wasn't her, that was just a question. It's all part of her being a bit of a scheming worm who likes to try and get out of trouble as easily as she likes to get into it. It's a whole thing with her, and Hydrae will have a lot of fun just posing her infuriating scenarios to others-- and then darting off when it backfires.
Explosive: Her temper is slow. It's very, very slow. But when it is brought to burst, Hydrae becomes a monster. The kindness leaves. Vanishes. It's not precisely that she's trying to be sadistic, though. No. She just... wants to destroy you. She wants to take you, all that you are, and break it apart under her claws and teeth. She wants to watch you scream. She wants to see you beg. And when you're done, she'll leave you for the vultures with broken ribs and shattered spine and dislocated hips from her tearing at your legs and dragging you erratically about. When the temper breaks-- when the pressure cracks --- Hydrae becomes a furious, horrible thing.
Addictive: Hydrae is a sensationalist. She likes drinking-- likes drugs, likes the taste of fermented fruit, likes the pleasures of life. She likes to feel. She's very much the sort to pretend to leave a party, only to sneak around the back and take a hit of coke. The problem is, once she really gets her teeth into something, Hydrae doesn't want to let it go... and that addictive personality doesn't end at items.
Permissive: Listen... Hydrae may not be the most bloodthirsty of the Klein siblings, but she sure isn't going to stand in the way of them. They're family. If they want to rip someone to shreds, that's their right, as far as she's concerned. Let 'em have it, and she'll figure out what she wants in time. If she likes you, she'll let you commit all kinds of atrocities and never really say much about it.
Masochistic: It's fun to hurt. Pain is a feeling -- it's life, it's blood, it's living. Hit her harder. Just be ready for the return-snap, the rend of her fangs in turn.

Skills: Intellect (Tactician) + Healing (Poison Master)

Potential plots, plans, etc.: Hydrae will fall in love. She will discover the allure of women, and learn that she herself is more than capable of loving multiple women-- and she will be very possessive of them. Rivalries with siblings may well simmer under the surface, but Hydrae will do her best to avoid them. Hydrae is likely to want to capture the legacy of her father's old regency if she learns of Fenmyre -- she will begin to style herself as a leader once she learns precisely where her parentage comes from. If she discovers her mother's legacy of slavery, she will be frustrated to have come from such an origin, but this will develop into a very intense respect and devotion to her mother. Regardless of legacy, she'll be a mother's girl for sure-- Chimera's approval will mean a lot to her, but she'll yearn for Aliana's praise. I plan on having her take an older she-wolf as a lover when she's of age, as Hydrae is going to wind up with some pretty buck-wild mommy issues. Like she's 100 percent going to get a toxic messy relationship with an older woman, lmao.

Some sort of arranged marriage to a gal would be really juicy too, I think. Or she gets engaged to a man and there's a big mess because she immediately goes "i'm gay" (because she is) and it causes ... a political mess. We'll see where things go. My ideal for her would be a marriage to a woman that starts out cold and messy and probably pretty abusive, but then they gradually learn to love one another.

Her theme is 100 percent like. The Summoning by Sleep Token if I'm being honest.

If I win her, I'll either be doing a bunch of comms or donating to get her inherited mutation.



ContributorPride - NonbinaryPride - PansexualEaster Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022Rapid Poster - Gold
10-14-2023, 01:57 AM
biiiiig wip <3

OOC Name: wicked
Character Name: Selkie Klein
Alignment: neutral evil
Apperance: WIP --
Selkie's movement is among the most striking thing about her. Distinctively predatory, there is danger in each step. Truly, she plays up the danger. Refined and terrifying, every bit of her is a dare. Selkie is otherworldly, in her own way. Ethereal and horrible, all at once. The hunter, or the hunted? Who's to say.

Personality: moodboard
(adolescent+ personality)
Selkie is carefully, carefully held together. Composed of manners carefully learned from her mother, but they are... they've been twisted. Selkie has twisted them in her head, she has shifted things around. Everything she does, it's a means to an end. She's brilliant and calculated. Ever so calculated. A tense web spun by a scheming mind, complicated. Held together ever so carefully, but Selkie manages to do it. A pressure cooker that's a breath away from bursting... careful. Carefully maintained. Yes, when Selkie is carefully maintained, she's a weapon of the empire. Manipulative, elegant, brilliant. While she is a girl capable of violence, you wouldn't know it until looking just beneath the surface.

What happens when the scales tip? When the balance is thrown off? Selkie is a loaded gun. Her emotions take hold, and she's powerless to stop them. The mood swings are intense and far-ranging. Typically she spins herself into a cycle of rage and guilt, a collision course with disaster. Unhinged at best, and at worst? Well, Selkie is a weapon, after all.

How does she maintain the careful balance? Some of it is chemical intervention-- her mother is an excellent healer, after all. More than that, Selkie forms extremely deep bonds with the ones in her life who are the most important. The tightest bonds are the ones that hold her together. To be close to them is to be able to keep a better grip on herself. By the same token, such a bond gives an individual a dangerous amount of control over Selkie herself. From the time she opens her eyes, the first such bond will be to her father. A Daddy's girl through and through, she will be rather dependent on him.

Puppy personality//WIP
Driven & quick learner & bad at sharing & wants to be better than everyone she hates

Skills: fighting & intellect
Potential plots, plans, etc.: open to any plots (mature included), bring me the trauma and terrible things. Femme fatale vibes for days on this one



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
10-24-2023, 06:09 PM
Thanks for your interest in our Trick or Treat Klein Kids! You've all been tricked and there won't be any pups at all!

Just kidding, even I'm not that much of a weenie! XD

You made it so difficult to choose that we simply decided to choose everyone that completed their app!

Welcome to the family!

Beau with Simurgh!
Indie with Arachne!
Virgil with Aethon!
TR with Barghest!
Lolaf with Phobia!
Bunni with Gemma!
MalBelle with Elara!
Jackal with Hydrae!
Wicked with Selkie!

Joe and I have covered all of your pup passes, so get those apps in approvals and wait wait wait! We look forward to being damn good parents to your lovely babies. (:
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.