
Halloween Puppies!!! [CLOSED]

Medusa x Ignis & Ignis Mystery Litters!!


"Do you want to meet all my monsters? Think you're tough, I know they'll drive you bonkers!"


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10-13-2023, 03:57 PM (This post was last modified: 11-09-2023, 07:43 PM by Medusa. Edited 12 times in total.)
Hello, hello! Have I got some spooky Halloween babies for you all! These adoptions are combined adopts for both Medusa x Ignis litter, and Ignis' mystery litter! Somewhere in a dark, spooky cave, Medusa pulled one over on Ignis for shits and giggles (to her) and succeeded in getting preganant. The Insomnian alphess is now expecting a litter! Days later, with nothing but a hazy memory of the night and almost no recollection of what had happened, Ignis stumbled upon a litter of orphaned pups up North, and out of the goodness of his heart (maybe he's not so bad after all?? Who knows!) has decided to take them in and raise them as his own! Both litters are due on October 31st!

DEADLINE for apps: November 7th! One week before the playable date on November 14th!

Also to clear up any potential confusion, you can apply for both litters if you so choose! Since they are two separate litters! And there is the possibility of getting approved for both ;) Just post an app (in the same post if you'd like) for each one!

Medusa x Ignis litter info: 4 available!

1. The pups will be raised exclusively in Insomnia! Ignis will have no knowledge of these pups unless they cross paths and puts two and two together ;)

2. Alignments can range from Chaotic evil to Chaotic Good! Medusa is a mess of a character and the pack is all over the place in terms of alignment, but Medusa while she is chaotic, does, at times, have moral standards. No goody two shoes, however, so lawful good characters probably won't fit very well in this family :')

3. Sizes can range anywhere from x-small to Dire! While the majority of Ignis' side runs large to dire size, Medusa's side has a wide range of heights, too!

4. Designs are pretty open! Coat colors can vary, so there's plenty of freedom for designs for this litter! Medusa's dominant traits are skeletal-like markings & masking, but it isn't a hard requirement. Both sides have a variety of colors from neutrals and basic colors like blacks, browns, whites, and so on, (her first litter even threw rainbow combinations, courtesy of grandma!) while Ignis' has reds, slates, melanism, albinism, etc. Eye colors are free game! Medusa does not have any mutations, but that doesn't mean her kids can't have 'em! If you so choose, you may also give your pup a disability! Medusa will love them no matter what!

5. Names: For this litter? Spooky themed! Spooky names, monsters from old folktales/legends/etc.

6. Psychological/mental issues are likely to arise in this litter! Ignis suffers from schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and Dissociative identity disorder, and has the tendency to be violent thanks to his "Demons". Medusa has some sort of ADHD, struggles with social cues, and illeism, and overall is just not the greatest socially lol.

7. Plots: I am not going to really police this nor will I restrict this much. BUT, there are some things that if they happen, expect IC consequences! Medusa will often go to bat for her kids, and though she isn't a helicopter mom and kinda just lets her kids run amok, things, like needlessly killing, maiming, raping, or resorting to violence without just cause, will catch Medusa's attention and she is likely to do something about it! She is not above throwing her own kid(s) in the tar pits if they don't straighten up! Crimes against children are a big no in her book! So be nice to other kids! If for whatever reason you feel like you want to kill off the kid, I ask that you discuss it with me or return it to me instead. I don't really want them being used as plot fodder unless there's a really good compelling reason to do so! Lastly, enemies are not friends. Medusa has big feelings about this.

8. Activity: I'd love for these kids to be active! I get IRL happens and muse runs low because of mental health, stress, etc, it's happened to me, too. But please, please, PLEASE at least try for 3-4 posts a month & attend mandatory threads/events! I'd appreciate some effort :') I do reserve the right to reclaim these adopts after 2 months of inactivity, or if the character is set inactive (design included if it was provided by me). Just communicate with me if you feel you can't post as much, I'm very easy to talk to, my DMs are always open! and I will take things into consideration!

Ignis Mystery litter info: 4 available

1. Pups will be raised with him in Raiders Hollow! However, depending on how much interest there is in this particular litter, and if there are more than 3-4 apps for this one, it is likely Ig will figure something out for a couple of em. Raiders Hollow is reaching capacity, and until they expand, there are only so many slots left in the pack ;( It is likely they will be taken to someone he trusts to help raise and care for them outside of Raiders Hollow, but of course, they are welcome to stick around as unofficial/honorary members, I'm sure c:

2. Alignments can literally be anywhere on the spectrum, though unlikely to be lawful/neutral good.

3. No limit on sizes! You can go as small or as tall as you want!

4. No real restrictions on design, though it'd be nice for them to have some Iggy traits ;) Ignis has Sika Deer antler mutation, but any mutation(s) or no mutations are perfectly fine! You may also choose to give a disability to your pup, just be aware that Ig might see it as a sign of weakness or some such, but hey, good family plots can happen with this ;)

5. Fire-themed names for this litter are preferred, but not required.

6. A variety of mental/psychological issues run rampant in Ignis' line that is attributed to the "Demons" that run in his bloodline. Many of the Praetor wolves dealt with schizophrenia, bipolar disorders, personality disorders, etc.

7. Plots: Eh, Ig doesn't really care what you do. Just don't fraternize with his enemies. He is more than likely to do something about it if you do c: Just keep in mind that Ignis is very...unpredictable thanks to his demons, and his kids are not exempt from potentially being on the receiving end of this.

8. Activity: Ig is a special character to me, and I would love for his kids to be active! Same rules as the above adoption! Any threads that Ignis calls the kids for are mandatory, however, and he does not take nicely to being ignored. Again, any issues with posting, just reach out to me!

Designs & Discounts

50% off height up to 41", 25% off after 41"
25% off full abnormal color (red only)
Can inherit deer antlers from Ignis
I will pay for additional pup slots!

These designs are exclusively for Ardent and may NOT be used off site! If the character is reclaimed, any provided designs will be reclaimed with the character as well!

Medusa x Ignis litter designs


Ignis x Mystery designs

(any of these EXCEPT bottom middle)

<b>OOC Name:</b>
<b>Litter Choice:</b> Medusa x Ignis or Mystery litter (you can apply for both, or do 1st/2nd choice)
<b>Character name:</b>
<b>Design/Appearance:</b> Pick a preferred first-choice design, and a second-choice design just in case you don't get the 1st one. Twins also an option, just discuss with other players! Pop in a site minimum appearance, or visual design.
<b>Mutations/disabilities:</b> Will your char have mutations or disabilities? If not it's fine! Though disabilities may be good plotting for the Ignis mystery litter in particular ;)
<b>Personality:</b> Site minimum
<b>Potential plots?:</b> Encouraged, but not required

Please note: Medusa is a wildcard! While she is mostly kind, friendly, and eager to help, she can equally be cold, aggressive, and eager to murder you depending on how you treat her! She refers to herself and often, others, in the third person (illeism), and occasionally has tics due to her Tourette's and may giggle and laugh at random, and may twitch here and there. She is a blood & gore type of character, and is not above killing, maiming, or other such violent actions if she's given a reason to do so. It's often in your best interest to not cross her or get on her bad side. Ya never know what she might do c:


10-13-2023, 08:28 PM (This post was last modified: 10-30-2023, 11:42 AM by TrenRanu. Edited 10 times in total.)
Putting my app back up! Thanks to beau ♥️

OOC Name: TrenRanu

Litter Choice: 1st choice Medusa x Ignis

Character name: REDRUM (MURDER spelled backwards)

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


Quote: This is a character/design I wanted to bring in eventually- but I thought he would fit perfectly as one of these pups! And I’d love to have the development from being born on site and having family too!
[Image: red-dog-by-theshadowedgrim-dcn0611.png]
43" - 45” (hopefully if I can get the gems/dono) Extra Large - Heavy Build - Golden Eyes

Redrum has a rather striking appearance, a unique combination of red fur covers him from head to toe. The red consists of varying shades, with beige underfur mitigating his almost entirely vermilion body. Accentuating this eye-catching coat are prominent red stripes cutting through the lighter shade of crimson across his body. His face is adorned with intricately curving markings below his eyes as well as his muzzle. Redrum often displays a wicked smile full of mischief and mirth upon his lips.
His most captivating feature next in line must be his eyes; golden of color, which hold small fleckings of green within them. His eyes are intense, perceptive, and predatory.

His ears are also notably distinct, being unusually long and capable of standing straight atop his head.

Quote: Some of his art may have an elongated tail, but this is not an accurate feature of his here on Ardent.

Mutations/disabilities: Elongated ears

Quote: He will have Schizoaffective disorder, a similar disorder to Schizophrenia but with a mood disorder like bipolar disorder thrown in. This will become apparent as he reaches the mid-point of his adolescence. As a child and juvenile there will mostly only be glimpses/episodes of his disorder which will grow in number and become more frequent.

[Image: 65480785_DOZV3dFAU3F1iC2.png]
He is afflicted with an insatiable thirst for pleasure. Self-indulgence courses through his veins, setting the stage for a life steeped in impulsive pursuits. He does not care for the people he hurts in the process, he only cares for the resulting gratification he will experience. Redrum is very deliberate and calculated in this way, each step he takes designed to inflict the maximum amount of terror/pain/hate/even love from others and even himself. If he becomes hungry, it’s only a matter of deciding what he wants from someone, or what he wants to feel, before he makes his first move to get it.

Whimsy becomes his wild companion, a double-edged sword that defines his every move. Unburdened by the shackles of restraint, he teeters on the edge of insanity, allowing flights of fancy to guide his path. Consequences be damned, for his world is built upon the spontaneity of the moment, leaving bystanders spellbound and bewildered by the chaos he effortlessly weaves in his wake.

His chaotic soul drives him to seek out any desires, impulses he might have- to revel in his, at times, monstrous identity. He is devoted to his delights - but that's not to say his urges are wicked ones.

Some of his impulses are entirely pure; such as wanting to take a dive off a cliff for the rush for it, though others may be a new manipulation serving a greater purpose instead. (Ex: Showering someone with love so they do what he wants them to.)

Mischief becomes an art form in the hands of Redrum. Armed with an irreverent sense of humor and a devilish glint in his eyes, he revels in the joy of disrupting the monotony of life more than anything. His escapades are masterpieces of calculated chaos, forever etching his name into the minds of those he affects. Often- it is a coin toss as to what manner of antics he will engage in. Good or bad. Devious or capricious. He is a problem child- but perhaps there is a deeper affliction to be discovered.

Confidence, like an ethereal cloak, drapes elegantly over Redrum's shoulders, radiating a strange allure. His unwavering self-assurance lends him an air of magnetism, drawing people into his orbit like an irresistible gravitational pull. He uses this ability to control, manipulate, and make sure you only see what he wants you to see. Though more often than not he tires quickly of keeping up with his lies- which is when you may see who he truly is.

Vulnerability manifests in subtle ways, in moments of introspection and insecurity -hidden from prying eyes. Behind his mask of mischief and hedonism, he seeks solace, yearning for someone to see him as he is and accept him as no one else has. (At least that's what he thinks.) Yet, fear and a distorted perception of himself keeps him isolated in ways that only the most perceptive may glimpse. The reason for this is Redrum has Schizoaffective disorder which distorts all of his thinking and some of his emotions. It can lead to delusions, hallucinations, mania, mood swings, depression, impulsivity, and thought disorder.

Redrum is capable of making profound bonds. Though you may want to enter into his circle with thick skin to combat his mayhem. He becomes what you need him to be- a protector, a shield, a violent monster with the purpose of keeping his beloved ones safe. But his actions can remain selfish, driven by the need to possess despite any affections he holds for you. The subjects who find themselves under his loving gaze may only find harmful codependency here, he is not for the fainthearted.

Skills: Fighting & Hunting (Juggernaut & Mangler)

Potential plots?:
  • First of all I would love to see how I can develop him ICly, I love playing puppies so I can slowly feel out who they are and build a solid personality before adulthood.
  • I would want to see how he fits in with his siblings being that he is so wholly hedonistic, as well as seeing if he butts heads with his mother or is properly put in his place. (Mostly because he may engage in dangerous acts of being a thrill junkie)
  • It would be cool to see if he either stays with Insomnia or leaves eventually, I have no idea. Though I'm sure that's a long while away. And would have to have an IC reason
  • Finding some codependent/unhealthy relationships!
  • Developing his personality as well as his disorder is a huge point for me that I'd love to play out in post!
  • Possibly have some sort of IC event cause his mental illness(or worsen it) maybe some trauma as a child so that Medusa will have a particularly soft spot for him



Toys for Tots
10-13-2023, 09:02 PM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2023, 01:45 AM by Jackal. Edited 3 times in total.)

OOC Name:Jackal
Litter Choice: Medusa x Ignis (I will be applying w/ a separate pup for the Ignis x Mystery litter)
Character name: Rawhide
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Design/Appearance: I supplied my own design.

Rawhide's name comes, suitably enough, from the patchwork of their coat. The wolf appears to have developed chimerism-- their coat is distinctly two-toned, each complete with its own markings. Their coat will remain Medusa's scraggly texture. Their eyes are blue and yellow; their coat bears false-skeleton markings on both of its divisions. Rawhide is a striking individual to behold, though this striking nature may be a detriment to some degree. They are colorful in a somewhat morbid way; the coloration of part of their coat resembles in some ways a hunk of meat. They're not a particularly attractive wolf, despite their size.

Mutations/disabilities: Rawhide will have paranoid schizophrenia. This will manifest as she reaches adulthood/late teens. Through her youth, it will be undetected.

Personality: Rawhide is a withdrawn individual much of the time, even before her disorder manifests itself. She's guarded amidst the chaos of her upbringing. Medusa cares for the children, but Rawhide has observed the unpredictability of those around her, and it has left her rather measured in how she deals with other wolves. Her guarded nature only applies to the truth of her -- the core of her. To most wolves, Rawhide is personable. She's not the most overtly social creature around, but she won't turn company away. They just won't get to know her.

Opportunism marks her. Rawhide isn't the sort to miss a chance when it comes. She's sharp-witted, and always keeps an eye out for chances to get what she wants, what she needs. She'll steal, if she thinks she can get away with it. As she ages, she'll be a vocal advocate for raiding other groups... in particular, those that have raided Insomnia in the past, as she wants to take vengeance on them for taking from her family, her people.

She's a woman of the people in a very viscerally strange way.

Her pack is important to her. Its enemies are her enemies-- and those who are affiliated with those enemies will find that she would not rescue them if they drowned. Rawhide feels no conflict about this, either: to her, it is just, to watch the suffering of those who would hurt her or her family. She's not evil, really, but she isn't going to rescue someone she doesn't like. Likewise, Rawhide is capable of acting as a diplomat to places that are on good terms with Insomnia-- she'll even be decently suited to the job, all things considered.

Rawhide will like to kill. This, perhaps, is her most unfortunate trait, though it will be limited to predators and prey. She'll like to feel the crack of bones between her teeth.

She will also have a penchant for collecting morbid curiosities. Dead bodies that she can strip of their flesh, things that have half-crawled out of the tar pits, whatever she can get her claws on. The time she seems to blossom the most is when she finds herself in command of one of these objects, at which point she blooms, and will talk to anyone who will listen about her trophy.

Skills: Intellect & Hunting
Potential plots?: A childhood friend or acquaintance joins an enemy pack, forcing Rawhide to choose between friend and family. One of her siblings gets hurt, and Rawhide is explosive upon finding out, demanding the blood of the one who hurt them. Rawhide, finding out about Medusa's enslaved past, is probably going to go on a big ole ranting tear about how much she hates all of those wolves.

I would also be looking for a romance plot with her that starts young. As she ages up, her symptoms will emerge, and the other woman will help her with her paranoia.

Dragon Mod


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowPride - DemisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
10-17-2023, 01:32 AM
So I've decided finally, I will be taking a pup from both litters! Ripper from Medusa x Ignis litter, & Draven for Ignis Mystery!

Will add a family tree here this week!


"The Floofiest Cat"

13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - GoldToys for Tots
10-23-2023, 10:22 PM (This post was last modified: 11-01-2023, 11:05 PM by Beau-tifullyWritten. Edited 8 times in total.)

"The doctor will see you now...!"
"I will take your parts now, yes? What do you mean you're not dead yet? Not my problem! You'll go to sleep permanently soon, hehe!"

OOC Name: Beau-tifullyWritten
Litter Choice: Medusa x Ignis
Character name: Sawbone Mortem
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Body: Sawbone is gangly, a wolf who never leaves that awkward teenage phase. He has a bit of height and reaches an even thirty-eight inches tall. He has a thin frame with boney shoulders and a long, slim snout. While he does not have his ribs showing, there is an almost unhealthy and unnatural look about him. Saw’s fur is unkempt, sticking up any which way and he does not care to make any attempts to groom it. There is no luster in his fur either, having more of a greasy appearance thanks to the dirt and gore that clings to it. Despite how he looks, Saw has a surprising amount of strength and is agile.

Coat: Sawbone’s base coat resembles a sunset that has been lit ablaze. His head and chest bear deep purples and oranges with splashes of yellow highlighting spots here and there. The purple extends down his neck and onto his back where it bleeds and gives way into a bright red. This red in turn gives in to an orange and then a yellow upon his limbs and on his tail giving the appearance of a fire that is reaching higher temperatures. His back legs shift back into red at his ankles down to his paws, however, and his tail brings back the deep purple from his front. Across his dorsal half an off-white skeletal-esc marking covers his head, back, and breaks across his sides and tail. There is even some off-white on his toes. This marking leaves no question which lineage he belongs to.

Eyes: Saw’s eyes are a sharp, deep, dark blue.

Skin: Sawbone’s skin is inky black.

Scent: Saw’s musk is one that is very unpleasant. It is a mix of a lack of bathing, bodily fluids, blood, and goodness knows what else from his “work”. While he does not mind this odor, normal creatures may not want to be near him for very long.

Mutations/disabilities: Insanity.


Nutty, sadistic, and zealous: One look at Sawbone tells you the man isn’t quite right in the head. He almost always bears a wide, enthusiastic grin and wild eyes. He is hellbent on pursuing his subjects until they are too tired to run so that he can perform experiments on them. Cackles and giggles from him are common, and Saw always seems to be having a good time even when others are not. He has a habit of twitching when he gets overly excited about something, finding a great thrill in the fear and resistance his victims put up. To him this makes them seem more lively, more fun! He lacks sympathy for any wolf and will even perform his experiments on subjects that are alive and conscious… even if that includes slicing them open or removing body parts. He works with glee and passion in his tasks even when others are suffering.

Antisocial Heckler: Sawbone is tolerant of his packmates but he is definitely not one for traditional relationships with them. He does not like to converse or aid them in tasks and, whenever he can, he attempts to avoid large gatherings. He gets close to very few and generally others don’t want to be around him in a one on one setting. This is because Saw enjoys harassing others verbally or by tossing dirt and stones at them. He loves when others get angry and lash out, finding their reactions amusing as he tries to retreat out of reach. He likes seeing how others react to stress and annoyance, eager to see the differences in what they do. Touching Sawbone is a big no for the male and doing so will have him squealing like a banshee until you let go… or shut him up.

Selfish and defiant: Saw is a little dick. He’s not interested in being cooperative unless it benefits him in some way to do so. He is selfish, putting his needs before others… with the exception of his mother. Because Medusa brought him into this world she is a source of awe and respect. Though he will still test boundaries with her, she is the one wolf that can get him to sometimes be responsible. Sawbone tends to snatch what he wants away from others and guard it like a gremlin… and try to tell him he’s wrong for doing so? He doesn’t care. He’ll just growl at you and refuse to change. He is also the sort of wolf to do the opposite of what he’s asked to do out of spite.

Skills: "Healing" and Intellect

Potential plots?: He's here to stir the pot in the pack and be a little shit.


"...?" Headtilt.

OOC Name: Beau-tifullyWritten
Litter Choice: Mystery litter
Character name: Sulfur Praetor
Alignment: Neutral Good

Body: Sulfur is not a giant like many in the Praetor line, though he does stand at a respectable height of thirty-nine inches. He has an average frame, one that does not boast of any particular boost to speed or power. In fact, his muscles will be lean, the sign of a fit wolf, but not one who pushes his limits. As far as his features go, Sul has rounded features, making him seem youthful even as he approaches becoming an adult. His fur will retain that extra soft fluff from his puppyhood and often be dusty from his time outside. Unfortunately there is a noticeable defect within him, for while his ears appear normal in shape they are noticeably smaller than they should be.

Coat: As a young pup, Sulfur will be a little black puffball with subtle nuances in his coat. As he ages, however, his limbs, the lower half of his tail, his neck, and the frame of his face will become lighter. His legs are medium black except for his toes that are a dark gray. This same dark gray graces his neck and cheeks. As the gray heads towards the top of his head however, the color darkens into black. A swirl of dark gray coloration, much like a winding smoke trail, breaks up his sides with a splash of color.

Eyes: Sulfur’s eyes are round and bright, blood red.

Skin: Sul’s skin is ashen black.

Scent: Sulfur’s coat often bears the smell of smoke due to his love for resting near a fire.

Mutations/disabilities: Sulfur is partially deaf due to his ears not developing fully. He is able to hear those who speak at a reasonable volume but their words are often muffled or slurred and can not hear soft sounds at all. His deafness makes his own voice sound distorted to him, which is loud and grating, and because of this Sul chooses not to speak and appears to be mute.


Observant and perceptive: Despite his limited hearing, Sulfur is a wolf who pays a lot of attention to both his surroundings and the creatures around him. What he may miss in sound, he makes up for in what he can see and smell. His eyes scan over every detail and landmark, take in every shift of facial expression, and due to handling more of his thoughts versus conversations, he finds reading landscapes and others to be an easy task. He will pick up on how body language betrays what a wolf is feeling and relies heavily upon that skill when interacting with others. While he may pick up words here and there of reasonable voluminous speech, he will teach himself to read lips so that he can be sure what others are saying. Sulfur is much more confident in listening rather than being asked to speak, however, disliking how his own voice sounds to him and choosing to be a mute instead.

Obedient and submissive: Sulfur is a submissive wolf by nature, not the sort of wolf that is keen on engaging in fighting or raids. Because of this, he hangs back when it comes to confrontation and leaves those tasks to his capable family members. He has a fierce sense of loyalty to his family and pack, to the point where he sees no fault within them. He follows the orders of his father and siblings without fail, and does what he can to please the Raid King as well. Sul asks no questions, only does what he is told without hesitation.

Independent, yet dependent: Sul does not let what he can not do hold him back. He focuses on whatever task he approaches with all he has. He shows a love for adventuring and discovering new things, happy to share those experiences with whoever will let him. He also has a talent for hunting, picking up on the changes in tracks or a prey animal’s movements. Regardless of that Sulfur does not seem to take a great interest in it outside of doing so for survival. Utilizing his sense of sight and smell, he will be able to function well on his own. But Sulfur has a flaw in his need for companionship. He gets lonely easily and takes comfort in the presence of others even if he does not talk to them. He is happy to just exist in their space. This need is so great that he can even be seen as clingy by his packmates and family.

Skills: Intellect and Navigation

Potential plots?: A good child, who wants to make dad happy, and will constantly push himself for Ignis' approval despite his handicap(s). Hi, he's also a contrasting sibling, seeming to have a similar lightness to Acere and is free of the Praetor Demons.
"Here we do not place bets. We place concerns." - Starcrosst of DeviantArt

Beau's Inklings


10-25-2023, 04:30 PM (This post was last modified: 10-25-2023, 05:13 PM by Kaili. Edited 3 times in total.)
OOC Name: Kaili
Litter Choice: Medusa x Ignis
Character name: Ichabod
Alignment: Chaotic neutral

36 in | Large | Light Build

Unlike his mother, the boy's coat color is full of browns. The upper portion of his body is a dark brown that eventually fades into a lighter brown from his midsection to his rump. His tail is almost nonexistent, as he was born with a bob tail. A lighter brown color marks his body all over his face, neck, back and hips in irregular shapes that almost look like spots but bigger. His face is adorned with cerulean blue eyes that are piercing in person.

Mutations/disabilities: Bipolar, anxiety, socially inept

Personality: As a child, Ichabod seemed relatively normal. However, the older he got the more obvious it became that he inherited some traits from his parents. The older he gets the more fleshed out his personality will become.

Bipolar - His mood and attitude can change in a second. It doesn't matter what was said or if it's been a good time, if he gets triggered then he changes his mood instantly. It can go from happy and loving to hateful and mean. He doesn't see a problem with it and feels as if it is normal for one to change their mood as much as his does. His mind will quickly move from ideas and thoughts, one second wanting to do one thing and the next wanting to do another.

Quick - Everything he does is fast. He doesn't know what slow is. His thoughts move quickly and he speaks just as fast, sometimes not being able to be understood by others. Often times he has to be told to slow down and then this can make him angry. He thinks everyone should be listening to him close enough to know what he was saying.

Anxious - Ichabod is a little ball of anxiety. He does not like crowds, things that he's unfamiliar with, or strangers. He most likely won't leave the groups lands unless he absolutely has too. It's not uncommon to find him away from everyone and on his own when he has to participate in group activities.

Socially Inept - The boy has no idea what is appropriate and what isn't when it comes to society. Must like his mother, he laughs at inappropriate times and even makes jokes that are incredibly inappropriate to try to "lighten" the mood since he is so anxious. The older he gets, the worse this becomes and some might even have to tell him that he needs to back off on it.

Malicious - Hurting someone is a thought that often crosses the boys mind. Inflicting pain on others, especially those whom he does not know gives him a sort of high. It starts off with small animals and gradually grows to bigger creatures twice his size the older he gets. He is not afraid of anything it seems like.

Impulsive - Ichabod is known for making rash and impulsive decisions without taking a moment to think it through. He is not any form of leader material, nor is he a follower. If anything, he does whatever he wants whenever he wants and however he wants.

Family-oriented - While he may not like other people, his family is everything to him, especially his mother whom he idolizes. He will do anything for his siblings and mother, no matter what that may entail. He may not be close to them, but he loves them regardless and feels as if they deserve the world.

Skills: Hunting and Navigation

Potential plots?: I'm open for literally any plots! This boy is going to be fun to play ^^ I do however, want to develop his personality a lot more, make it a bit more in depth IC wise.



Toys for Tots
10-30-2023, 01:53 AM (This post was last modified: 10-30-2023, 03:33 AM by Jackal. Edited 2 times in total.)
--> i'll actually draw Kebak if I win her, and neaten up the design!

OOC Name: Jackal
Litter Choice:Ignis x Mystery
Character name: Kebak Praetor - > derived from the Malay word for fire.
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Design/Appearance: Gestures above. But to elaborate: Kebak has a dark coat, illuminated by gold and red tones that emulate flame in their placement and direction. Her tail, in particular, looks like a firestorm; the orange-red stripes along the length of her tail create quite the visual illusion when she runs. Redcapped front paws are strong, sturdy; her neck bears an interesting series of marks, and the lines across her face resemble a war-mask.
Mutations/disabilities: Kebak is born with an inability to feel pain. By the time that Kebak reaches a year of life, she will have rendered herself only able to speak in a stammering slur, because she will have chewed off much of her tongue on accident; she will be heavily scared due to a lack of sensation, and will be incredibly sensitive to heat. In addition to this, however, Kebak will have The Beast in her blood, a lingering, hungry presence that presents itself as a reasonable mind. As she grows, Kebak's manifestation of the family 'demon' will be a well-spoken and easy-going one; The Beast (will be named properly ICly as it manifests) simply sees Kebak holding herself back and murmurs that it would feel so much better to just let loose.
adventurous. -> Kebak likes to journey. She knows the world is a wide one, and she pushes boundaries -- not with her father, mind, because she respects Ignis-- but in the world around her, Kebak's a bull set loose. There's a wide, wild world out there, and she wants to experience as much of it as she can.
destructive. -> The Beast is an impulse that Kebak will not ever truly be able to entirely resist. Even as a child, she'll revel in causing pain to other things, or picking fights with those who can fight back .Because she cannot feel pain, however, Kebak is not going to be ... unhampered by her own destructive whims. She'll quite literally be hurting both herself and those around her when she loses herself to the Beast.
syncophantic. -> Kebak is not above flattery or bowing to get what she wants. She learns this primarily through Ignis, because Ignis is a bit unpredictable, and Kebak will quickly learn to navigate his particular... condition. This trait may or may not change as she grows. Possible changes include: backstabbing, sadistic, and socially brutal.
obedient. -> orders are orders. Kebak follows them. she especially follows them when she can get something she wants out of doing so. Kebak may not care for the one who gives the order, but if they're higher in the chain of command or she's been told to listen, she will -- unless, of course, the Beast wriggles loose.
socially uncomfortable. -> despite her veneer of confidence, Kebak is aware that she is not like other wolves in many ways-- and so she actually feels deeply uncomfortable in many social situations. She prefers to be alone, simple as. If she's alone, Kebak isn't being subjected to the views and whims of others. She'll socialize with her packmates, of course, but... outsiders are not so lucky. As she grows, this trait is likely going to change, depending on how those around her react to her social discomfort.
Skills: Healing + Navigation -> field medic + speedy
Potential plots?: Encouraged, but not required

Height & Build: 39" ; light build
if i win Kebak, I will purchase small horns for her, which will come out from her brow.


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Toys for TotsEaster 2022Rapid Poster - Gold
11-02-2023, 05:05 PM (This post was last modified: 11-07-2023, 07:38 PM by Hermes. Edited 4 times in total.)
DONE!!! <3

OOC Name:Hermes
Litter Choice: Mystery litter
Character name: Wade Wilson Praetor
Nicknames: Wilson, Dead, Death, Merc

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Coat: The base color of Wade’s coat is dark russet that helps to lays the prefect groundwork for which all his hues will build upon. The bright, vibrant red of his father can be found on his face, cloaking his shoulders and running down his front legs, down the back of back of hind legs, and along the underside of his tail. Finally, the last color in this tri-colored man is a deep, jet black that masks his face, gloves his front legs, swathes his sides, and trails a thin line down the side of his tail.

Eyes: Wade’s eyes are a stark white that seem almost eerie set against the black mask of his face.

Physique: Muscles. From the time the boy is young, he will be more muscle than fat and, as he grows, it will solidify into an athletic build. Some might even say he was made to be fighter

Voice: Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool (duh).

Scent: Honey, candy, and death.

Unique Attributes: Wade will often break the fourth wall and talk to the reader as well as have different voices in his head that he interacts with. They will all be denoted with different colors.

Scars/Injuries: None yet

Height: 36” – 42” (might have the gems for a few extra inches. Would love him to be extra-large)
Size: Large – Extra-Large
Build: Medium

Mutations/disabilities: I wish I could get a mutation but I am unable to afford it at this time. <3

Personality: Annoying ~ Brave ~ Comedic ~ Impulsive ~ Loyal ~ Morally Gray ~ Not A Team Player ~ Obsessive ~ Prone to Violence ~ Sarcastic ~ Talker

Will suffer from bipolar disorder, and hear voices, from a young age

Wade will be your basic, happy-go-lucky pup, talking everyone’s ear off until they either play dead, or walk away. It isn’t that he is trying to rub everyone the wrong way, the boy just seems physically incapable of shutting off his mouth. This will lead him to be the ‘class clown’ type of kid and he will have a difficult time taking anything or anyone seriously.

Hey, you remember all that talking I mentioned? Well, that obsessive impulse that breeds the annoying trait will also bleed over into other areas and he will often repeat words that he finds funny and do certain actions over and over again simply because he finds them hilarious. Oh, and don’t be worried if it suddenly seems like he is talking you, yes you behind the computer, because he will definitely be breaking the fourth wall as much as I… er, he can.

Because of his eccentricities, it will be difficult for Wade to make friends and his ‘demon’s' won't make that matter any easier. However, once he trusts you, he will be loyal to you until the end!... or until he doesn’t like you anymore. Everything about him is abrasive, bizarre, annoying, and overall wacky and the boy will never attempt to dull any of it just to please others. Being raised by Ignis will give Wade a strong sense of what is morally gray and that is where he will happily work for all his life.

Skills: Fighting & Hunting

Potential plots?: I would love for Wade to eventually become a mercenary for hire, pimping out his skillz to other packs for money. Until then, lots of skills threads, family interactions, and pack stuff to help him find his moral compass… or lack of one.



Easter Egg Hunt 2023
11-05-2023, 03:44 PM
OOC Name: Kingpedle
Litter Choice: Medusa x Ignis
Character name: Nimue
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
1st choice - > [Image: 2.png]

36" light build

Nimue is beauty and she is grace. Her base coat smothered in eerie green fur like wisps of a poison cloud. Nestling perfectly within the fur that covers most of her body. While this green can seem lighter and darker in area it truly is a sight to see during the moonlight hours that she prefers. Her chest is dipped in white this same white on the backs of her limbs and around her rump pulling away from the green fur she holds so dear.

Lastly is her mothers marks. A black skull like marking sitting upon her brow the milky white and green fur poking out from around the eyes. This same black mark covers her mid body on either side, like the rubs of bones stretching across her pelt. It completes her as a whole and she will always be proud of how she looks. Her eyes are a dark deep blue, almost appearing lifeless unless light is upon them.

Mutations/disabilities: sorry plain ole baby


Self centered, Vain, independent, blunt, morbid

Most might find their life starting with dreams of big things. We’ll Nimue is no different but in a sense she wants everyone to know her name. She is self centered because of this thinking herself a queen someone who absolutely adorns attention of others whether it’s negative or positive attention and she really doesn’t care if she offends you either. She might not know it yet but all she cares about is herself and nobody else even when it comes to her family at the core.

Despite her vain antics though Nimue enjoys being alone and self sufficient. Constantly trying to find ways to make sure she won’t have to rely on anyone in her future. A free thinker who might be a little chaotic from time to time. She isn’t afraid to get down and dirty especially if it involves killing something. Fascinated by death and injuries if all kinds. Even if those injuries are centered around herself. It’s questionable if she has any empathy what so ever.

One last thing to note is her bluntness. Not afraid to say it how she see’s it. She is no stranger to sharing how she dislikes something or even someone. She even can throw extra morbid comments in and it can turn quiet vulgar even for her young age. Although like ever other young in, she is susceptible to change depending on how her family treats her.

Skills: fighting, navigation

Potential plots?: Nimue is a name from a witch in old folklore.
Really being a spoiled brat Nimue has the potential to royally piss off her mother and siblings. I want her to be a little troublemaker and maybe that snobby attitude can be corrected or she’ll fling some fire at everyone. Perhaps because she wants to be the center of attention she can get easily jealous and might be compulsive on it. So really a lot of drama potential.


OOC Name: Kingpedle
Litter Choice: Ignis mystery litter
Character name: Scrawl Praetor
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Design/Appearance: wip
Mutations/disabilities: Will your char have mutations or disabilities? If not it's fine! Though disabilities may be good plotting for the Ignis mystery litter in particular ;)
Personality: Site minimum
Potential plots?: Encouraged, but not required

Wip for the mystery litter kiddo will finish tomorrow.

Dragon Mod


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowPride - DemisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
11-08-2023, 12:44 AM

Trenranu with Redrum, Jackal with Rawhide & Kebak, Beau with Sawbone & Sulfur, Kaili with Ichabod, and Hermes with Wade!

I loved everyone's apps and am super excited for these guys!

Medusa x Ignis Pups are playable on November 14th! so make sure you have them up in acceptance by then!
Ignis Mystery pups are playable Nov. 20th!

If assistance is needed for purchases, do not hesitate to DM me on discord!