
These insanities.



04-01-2014, 12:49 AM

The peace of Wolfpaw lake was an essential requirement to the alabaster brute in the aftermath of the changing of the world. He could barely comprehend the changes to the land and earth he had grown to love and know. He could barely understand how it could fall away beneath his paws, as precarious as eggshells to the crushing wave of moving earth. Worst of all had been watching the fate of the young wolf he had come to care for, to vow to protect and yes, even grown an affectionate respect despite his younger age. He had seen the cave crashing in around them and the sight of the younger wolf bleeding and injured, the pain on his face out glowed by his own worry and love for Alpine. It had broken something in his heart that he was still struggling to mend days after the incident.

A single paw skimmed across the cool surface of the lake, breaking its perfection with tiny ripples that broke out against his paw and flowed along its surface. It was a cruel irony, that now when he had finally found the time to teach the pup as he had promised him, now that he had gained the acceptance from their Alpha the pups injuries had put him out of commission for a while. The built up frustration inside of him cried out and he whacked his paw heavily at the water, a spray of liquid shooting up around him as he tried to cool his breathing. The feeling of frustration and helplessness burned to be answered inside of him. He breathed, calming himself, and looked down into his reflection. The ugly cut that ran along his forehead was shadowed by the deep colours of bruising. He looked at for a long moment, transfixed with his new injury. He knew it would heal in time, and be nothing but a faded pink scar, but for the moment it was ugly and real and stood out against his pale coat. He shivered and looked away, his head still felt woozy and he had odd, surreal flashes that did not align with reality. They would fade with the injury, they had to.

He didn't waste any more time by the cool golden glow of the water, for once he did not find his peace there, but he knew where he would find it. He raised his head and howled, howled for a wolf he barely knew, but one he had a feeling could help him. If Alpine ever felt that sense of helplessness again he knew it would kill him or drive him truly to insanity. He would correct that, and he was counting on the generosity of a stranger to save him. He howled, and his cry called for this wolf, for Friction.



04-01-2014, 01:24 AM

He was still shaking, legs trembling like they had only two days ago when the world had split apart to try and swallow up his only son. He still remembered the panic, the fear and the pain that had arched through him when it had felt the found begin to vibrate beneath him. His son had left an hour or so before and it had all hit. The sixth natural disaster in his life. But his first earthquake. He had felt useless, unsure of what he could do to keep his family safe, torn between staying with his wife and daughter and running after his son. In the end he had stayed with Eria and Isis, waiting until the tremors had fully subsided before more panic had set in. His son, where was his son? He still remembered that panic, still remembered the crippling fear he had felt as it had settled in on Eria as well. Even now as he sat before his den he was shaking, one paw lifted and curled into his chest as eyes stared blankly down at the ground. He had almost lost his little boy. Erion had always been such a free spirit and Friction had finally allowed him to start exploring and this had happened. This? This was because of him. He hadn't kept his family close and this was what had happened. It was probably pure luck that his son's new mentor had found him as well as their beta Surreal but whatever the reason was he was thankful.

Now Erion slept in a drug induced sleep, almost in a coma while his legs went through the worst part of the healing process. Friction struggled to even go in there, the scream of his son when he had reset his leg still echoing in his skull. Eria was staying with him now. Isis also unwilling to leave his side but Frition just couldn't bring himself to join them. So when the howl came he took the out. Grey ears flitted forward, blue eyes turning towards the lake as the howl echoed his name. He had been busy helping tend the wounded and hand out herbs so it wasn't uncommon for him to hear a howl. He would duck his head into the den quickly to tell Eria what was happening and snatch up some basic pain killer herbs. His three that he always brought with him when he could. Turmeric, valerian, yarrow were gripped loosely in his jaws as he launched himself off at a lope towards the lake.

No blood or gore awaited him, instead it was a familiar and welcome face. The face of the man who had saved his son. He looked stressed and tense so the older male would slow, head lowering into a low bow of respect. Though Friction's rank was above him there was nothing but respect there. Herbs would drop at his paws as he came to a help before the white male. "Alpine right? Is everything alright? What can I do for you?" There was obvious concern in his tone as he studied the male, looking for any wounds he might have that needed tending too. Eyes would dart to the treelike, trying to spot any other herbs or objects that might help in the meantime as well. If Alpine was in fact hurt he would give him the best possible care he could. After all it was the least he could do.



04-01-2014, 02:03 AM

He stood, almost rigged a few paces from the lake after his call. He could still feel the tension racing up his legs locking them in place as he looked out across the plane and waited for the wolf he had called for. He hadn't even thought of the duties a healer might still need to face a couple days after a traumatic event, and if he had he would never have wasted this wolfs time with his burning desire and need, it was emotional after all and a healers work was physical. He was surprised when the older wolf bowed his head in respect to Alpine, shocked even that he, who had failed Erion through his own lack of knowledge would receive a sign of respect from the father. His eyes wanted to downcast now, but he refused to allow them, instead locking them onto Friction who came before him.

Alpine's own head would lower, unable to see this higher ranking wolf lower his head to him and Alpine not return it in kind. Herbs would drop from his jaw and Alpine would wonder if he had intruded upon this man well he was busy, a sigh would lower his stomach at the thought. It would seem Alpine would always get it wrong when it came to healers and healing. How he desperately wished to find this knowledge that he had never held but always seemed to need, how he wished he could finally get it right.

?Everything's fine, I'm sorry if I interrupted anything, I suppose what I ask isn't essential but its something that feels very important to me. I want to learn your art, to understand some of it if even just the rudimentary parts. I want to be able to.. to help.? he looked at the other with raw, silver eyes, begging him to see and understand his need and helplessness. If he didn't feel so terrible he could almost laugh at the situation, as Alpine taught his son, the father might in turn teach him.



04-03-2014, 10:21 PM

The male seemed tense and uneasy and Friction couldn't help but frown in worry for him. It was hard not to notice the wound still fresh on his skull and no doubt he had sustained other injuries in the cave in and earthquake. He had jumped into an underground tunnel system for his son after all. He lowered his head almost to the ground in an attempt to keep his skull lower then Frictions and he couldn't help but smile as he lifted his head and left the gesture go. Apparently he didn't think that he deserved Friction's respect but maybe he would one day understand just what he had done. So Friction simply smiled, lowering his haunches to the ground to seat himself before the male and await the reason he had been summoned. Words came easily, respectfully and almost hesitantly.

He would shake his head along with Alpine's first statement, letting the male know immediately that he had not interrupted anything. He had been busy yes and even more so because of his son but this was a welcome break from it all. But then he would pause, his head ceasing it's shaking as he heard Alpine's request and for a moment he would pause and study Alpine quizzically. "Of course, I only have one other apprentice at the moment? But what brought this on?" He asked softly, though he knew the answer to the question he wanted to hear Alpine say it. He was holding onto a lot of guilt, a lot of stress it seemed from the earthquake when even Friction wouldn't have been able to do anything more of his son then Alpine had at the time.

Easily he would bend, lifting each of the plants one at a time and nosing them apart so the three were laying side by side. They were the three he always resorted to when he had to go somewhere. Between them and cobwebs pretty much any wound could be dealt with. Cayenne peppers too but they were harder to come by. "Here, we can start now with the plants I brought with me. This green leafy one is Turmeric and it's used to help people with pain. It is chewed and it helps dull the pain as well as helps keep inflammation down. This one with the white flowers is Valerian and it needs to be dug up because eating the root can pretty much tranquillize someone. It helps if I need to fix broken bones or dislocated joints. This one with the fluffy leaves is called Yarrow. It can be chewed and then made into a past to put onto wounds to stop bleeding." He said, listing all of them with practiced ease, pointing to each one as he spoke.



04-04-2014, 11:25 PM

He would be met with the face of Compassion and sweetness, the essence, he thought, of a healer. He looked at Friction, and knew that he would be hard pressed to find a better wolf to teach him. He swished his tail cautiously behind him, a little sign of hope as the older wolf began to speak. His words where the opening of a damn, as Alpine let loose his worries. ?I'm so tired of seeing terrible things happen and knowing no way to aid another, to watch someone die and agony and know that if I had had just a little more knowledge that wolf might still be here now. To have been stuck with an in juried pup for an entire night and know no way to ease their agony? his voice started out in fire and passion and ended with a whisper.

He almost couldn't believe it would be that easy, and a bout of shame would boil in his chest as he thought of lives lost for his mistakes, for the knowledge he had not known but so easily could have gained. He sat on his rump and lowered his a little to the ground to better see and scent what was layed out before him, watching with true interest as Friction nosed apart the herbs that he had brought with him. Turmeric ? aid with pain and inflammation he repeated each herb in his mind and took in a scent as he did so, to remember every aspect of these herbs even through he knew it would take more then this to memorise them. Valerian ? tranquilliser he added to his list Yarrow ? stops bleeding he would complete, for the moment keeping them to the finer points. ?I can see how these would be a good basic group to carry around. Thank you, Friction, for agreeing to teach me?


04-12-2014, 03:48 PM

Ooc;; this is an old thread now. I'll start a new official training thread that alpine and Odette can both be in :)

He would listen easily to the males worries and fears, ears pricked and eyes soft as he refrained from interrupting even when his heart pushed him to do so. This male had not had an easy life, that much was painfully obvious and it made Frictions heart ache as he thought about all the things that must have happened to him. Not everyone had had a good life like him. He had lost two mates but compared to some he knew he was lucky. He was happy, married, loved his wife and had two healthy children. "You have to know even I couldn't have done much for him. Resetting the bone without herbs could be dangerous and you were underground. I doubt there would have been any of the plants down there that grow up here." His words were soft, urging the male to understand and let go of the guilt he was carrying over not being able to do more for his son. "You did everything right. Without you I wouldn't have my son. Thank you." He said, head tipping as he studied Alpine, eyes once more drifting to the male's wound. But his words broke Friction from his trance once more, looking down at the herbs as Alpine thanked him for agreeing to help. "My children have no real interest in learning the craft and I enjoy teaching so it'll be a nice change to have a willing strudent," he said with a chuckle. Even Erani had tried to get his children interested in the craft to no avail. Maybe one day they would like to learn a bit like Alpine but for now he would have to settle with teaching the other wolves of Valhalla. "If you don't mind I have to get back though in case I'm required elsewhere. I plan on taking Odette to the moor to collect some herbs, your welcome to join us. Just listen for the call." He said, flashing Alpine another smile before lowering his head to scoop up his herbs. Once more he would nodd to Alpine before turning and setting off towards home. Hopefully tomorrow would be easier and he could start training apprentices...

-exit Friction-