


03-31-2014, 09:50 PM
So the very last Cataur baby is up for adoption, Senka. She is need of an active player that can develop her and get her involved with her family again.

Her profile can be found here.

Her looks/heigh/weight will all stay the same as she is too old to change it. But her personality is up for change. She's been missing from her family for awhile now, so feel free to fill in the gap with anything you want. Her name can also be changed.

I would like for her possibly join her mama's pack, and if not, at least be active in spending time with her brother and sister.

A little background on her: Cat raised Senka along side her siblings, Sora and Zaria. Sora went to live with his daddy, Taurig, but when he disappeared Sora returned to his mother and joined her pack. Zaria never strayed too far from her mother and is now Heir to the pack. Senka has been missing for most of her child hood, leaving a lot of open potential for her.

Please fill out the application below:

Name: Your name please
Description: In about 150+ words, I want you to describe how she looks in your own words.
Personality: In about 150+ words I want you to describe her personality and how she has changed, if she has changed.
RP Sample: A 200+ word sample so I know you will be dedicated to playing her.


04-01-2014, 05:25 PM
Name: Paine

Description: Standing at 35" upon adulthood, Paine will grow into a lean warrior. Having disappeared to do explorations on her own, the fae has used the time to train and tone her own body through rigorous means. She has hunted the most dangerous game possible, thus her muscular tones. Her pelt ripples in shades of greys, silvers, and the occasional stray white hairs intermixed throughout her pelt. Grey overtones the top half of her body, starting as softer ashen grey tones before hardening into a a darker cloak of ash and silver greys. Partially enveloping the lower half of her muzzle, chest, and undersides is a silky silvery white cloak of colorless fur that is always perfected to look its best, no matter how bloody the situation. She has inherited her families color traits, for she also claims darker grey and silver tones upon her legs, cloaking them within the shadows of the fog so she appears as a wraith and reaper who will eventually claim your soul. One aspect of this beautiful beast, is the swath of white dots that contrast against the darker hues of her perfect features, lining from her nose, up the side of her muzzle, and travels elegantly up to the base of her ears. Her eyes are a dark violet, often hiding her emotions and intentions...if she had any emotion, that is. Though even if she did, one would not be able to tell for she hides everything behind soulless windows.

personality: -wip-

RP Sample:


04-07-2014, 06:50 AM
Name: Senka
At 35" of height, the fae has grown into a dangerous beauty, lean and muscular from hunting prey alone. The embodiment of the stars themselves, the dame is cloaked from her topside in a barren gray tone masking a faint black underpelt. Below this cloak of darkness, lies a pearlescent white underfur, lush and soft from many hours of grooming herself. Inherited from her elegant mother, Cataleya, is a striking facial marking, white starry dots from her dark nose, weaving underneath her eyes, and ending at the base of her ears. Clear, hard, and intelligent purple eyes lay in their sockets, glistening like amethyst crystals. Her right ear has a tear at the top from an encounter with a bear, barely surviving without a wound. Her legs are dipped in a light gray, and are long and graceful, making up most of her height. She appears to be slim and fragile, but that is only a trick. She is a dangerous force to be reckoned with, lean and mean.

Since her disappearance to an unknown place, Senka has become rather cold-hearted and even duller, not enjoying much fun anymore. It is unknown what her definition of fun and happiness is for the dame, as she rarely smiles anymore, and is serious about every action committed by another wolf. She is easily disgusted, as she only believes in being the best, not the worst, and strives to be better than every one else. The dame is tough and fierce in battle, and is not to be trifled with once angered, often breaking out into a flurry of cussing and anger. Senka does have a soft spot for her family, but only her family, and her mother, Cataleya, especially close to her. Before Senka disappeared for reasons that she will not speak of, Cat and Senka were as close as they could be, and Senka dreams of being able to live alongside her family once more, and to be truly happy and satisfied with life.

( Her theme song could be When Can I See You Again? by Owl City. )

RP Sample:
The river water crashed against the rocks, a nearby tree limb caught in the wake groaning under the strain of the current. At the sandbar, a figure stood, muted violet irises quietly observing the riverbank, searching for any movement beneath the waters. A flash of red gave sign of a catch, as the dame's active reflexes snapped into action as her jaws snapped closed on the prey. Her paws skimmed the ground as she retreated toward the dark, tangled forest, stopping on the outskirts of it, and depositing the salmon's body. She lay down on her haunches, then her front paws, the salmon lying in front of her. The dame's muted violet gaze was silenced as she closed her eyes and bit into the flesh of the fish.

Her teeth were well bloodied once she had finished, leaving the carcass of fish to rot on the sandbar, leaving it for the other animals to eat. Some other creature would have the opportunity to eat it, if they were starving. Next to the Rio Grande, there was no hunger. The dame could not help but to give a snicker. Hah. She then heard a rustle in the thickets of the Soulless Forest, her head snapping toward it as a wolf emerged from the bushes, smelling of a familiar wolf she knew. "Mother?!" The dame almost gaped at the sight of her mother, frozen in place. How? How is she here?


04-24-2014, 11:16 AM



4 Years
05-02-2014, 06:58 PM
Name: fawn
Description: Standing easily at 35 inches in height, Senka is a fairly impressive figure. She's large for a female, though she's not the largest around by a long shot. Wiry muscles wrap around her skeleton, giving her definite strength without making her particularly bulky. She may not look particularly powerful, but Senka is deceptively strong. Her legs are slightly longer than they perhaps ought to be, giving her a boost when it comes to matters of speed and making her movements rather graceful.

Still, the most distinctive thing about Senka is not her elegantly elongated build or anything like that - no, it is her coat that truly draws the eye. The upper half of Senka's body is dominated by a dark, almost charcoal gray, from her nose to the tip of her tail. Her underside is a pure white, a pristine shade that holds no hints of any other color. All four legs are a light gray that blends seamlessly into the darker gray of her upper body. The only true marking that Senka bears is a line of white dots in her gray fur that stretches from her nose to the bottom of her ears. The contrast is sharp, and rather eyecatching to say the least, and there's no doubt that she is Cataleya's daughter.

Senka's eyes are a more dusky violet, muted and nothing particularly brilliant, but they contrast with the dark gray fur around them.

constantly changing, intuitive, uninterested, cautious, low empathy
-- her alignment will be lawful evil

Senka is first and foremost whatever you desire of her. She is a chameleon at its finest, having mastered the art of reading other wolves and discerning what they want her to be. Her intuitive nature stands her in good stead in this, allowing her to detect nonverbal cues and hunt for the clues that will point her in the proper direction for her behavior, and whatever behavior will get her what she wants with the least amount of effort is exactly what she's going to go for. Senka is capable of seamlessly adapting to almost any situation; for some wolves, she is happy and cheerful, and for others she is harsh and cold. It all depends on what will serve her best in that situation, and on what the other wolf desires of her. This tendency of changing to fit the situation means that Senka is excellent at hiding her emotions, and is in total control of her body at all times. The unconscious body language that wolves display is exquisitely controlled by this female, and she uses her body without qualms to support her ever changing exterior.

Emotions are a fairly rare thing in Senka, as she is quite simply not interested in the world. It's hard to get upset over something that you simply could not care less about, and there's not much that Senka truly cares about. She is vaguely curious about her father, but there's not much love there. There's only a little more emotion attached to thoughts of her sibling and brothers, but there's definitely a little ember of something there. It's difficult to stir up Senka's anger, and she usually gets over it pretty quickly. It's less a question of 'forgive and forget,' however, than it is simply the fact that Senka can't be bothered to hold a grudge. This lack of emotion makes it easy for Senka to portray whatever emotion she desires, but even when Senka is angry or upset, she hardly shows it. The way Senka sees it, why should she bother with her emotions when it won't matter in a little while, anyways? A dead wolf is dead, in her eyes, and there's no point mourning them if they can't see or hear you.

Never one to leap into things without thinking every alternative through, Senka is definitely cautious. She will explore all of her options before deciding on any one thing, and will always try to keep an escape route open until the last second. Senka has never been known to make split second decisions, which means she's not the most useful when it comes to fights, but it also means that she can be relied upon to make careful, unbiased decisions. Her lack of emotions certainly helps in that case; Senka is not going to be one to make snap decisions out of anger or anything remotely similar to that. She will typically only go through with a plan or course of action if it will definitely benefit her in some way, such as her chameleon-like nature, which helps her avoid unwanted attention and gets her what she wants with minimal effort.

Due largely to Senka's own lack of emotions, she finds it difficult to comprehend emotions in others. This severely limits her empathy, and makes it hard for Senka to truly connect with other wolves, though she can easily pretend to. Senka doesn't really understand things like comforting wolves who are upset, and is mostly inclined to simply state that the other wolf needs to get themselves together rather than try to make them feel better. Senka's definitely not the wolf you want to go to when you're sad or angry. Instead of sympathizing or empathizing, Senka most of the time just ignores displays of emotions, and largely considers them to be signs of weakness.

RP Sample: The multicolored female stood still, framed against the setting sun as she watched her companion. The male was about her size, though much more bulky than Senka, and like her, his body was unmarred by scars. This hinted at his skill more than anything else about him, as Ignis had been a mercenary before he'd stumbled across the weakened and lost Senka. He had taken her in for reasons she still didn't understand, though Senka hardly cared to. She appreciated, in her own way, all that he had done for her, but Senka wasn't exactly getting sentimental. Especially not with Ignis rapping out instructions, as he was at the moment. "Keep your breathing deep and even." Ignis commanded, "And don't flinch, no matter what I do." That should be easy enough, Senka figured.

She nodded simply in the orange male's direction to show that she'd heard, then let her muscles relax. Her ears pricked backwards just slightly, and her tail extended behind her as her eyes narrowed, waiting for Ignis to make his move. The muscular male circled her for a moment, allowing the suspense to build, before rushing in, teeth snapping shut mere centimeters from Senka's cheek. A soft breath of air stirred the fur around her, but Senka remained stock still, body as relaxed as ever.

The next few motions that Ignis made were predictable; he ran at her, pretending to ram her, then swiped his claws towards her face and blew hot air in her fur. All the while, Senka stood still, muscles relaxed, entirely unperturbed by her companion's actions. She would let him do this until he got bored, and then go back to her business. And Senka was sure she could benefit from this a little. She would draw on this experience to remain cool under pressure, if she should ever need to. Better to be prepared for an alternative that might never come than to be caught unawares.

And speaking of being caught unawares... A sharp gasp escaped Senka, her lungs sucking in air as pain exploded in her shoulder. Senka leaped back, swinging her head to gaze balefully at Ignis. The male met her gaze unabashedly, head cocked slightly as he examined Senka. "When I said don't flinch, I didn't mean for you to ignore me." Ignis spoke sharply, "I shouldn't have been able to do that. You need to pay more attention to your opponents." But with that admonishment, Ignis was done scolding, and circled closer to the yearling. "Will you want herbs for that?" The question was slightly gentler, but not by much.

Senka eyed Ignis for a moment, eyes narrowing for a long second, but before long, she simply shrugged. "It will heal on its own." Senka addressed Ignis calmly. Even he could not tell if she was angry in that moment, something that he had always admired about the younger wolf, but Senka was in truth not even remotely upset. She was almost pleased by this development, though she didn't enjoy the pain. This was just another lesson that Senka would consider invaluable, she knew, and at any rate, it really would heal up just fine. The bite had not been deep and Senka could already feel the blood lessening. Soon enough, this would just be a memory. Already, Senka was pushing past the pain, turning her attention elsewhere. There was nothing she could do to stop the pain, and so, there was no point in caring about it.

notes: As for why Senka vanished (which I figure will have to be explained somehow!), I'm planning on saying that she went exploring and became disoriented and lost during a storm. The rain washed away her trail when she tried to get back, and even though she took care of herself pretty well, she still wasn't doing so hot when a loner male stumbled across her. He took her under his wing, and she was raised by him, for the most part. They never settled in any one place for long, and Senka never formed much of an attachment to him, though she found him very useful. The male, Ignis, had been trained as a mercenary in his old pack, and taught her some of the things he'd learned in his day - how to hide in plain sight, how to avoid unwanted attention, that kind of thing. He taught her the basic things too, of course, like hunting and sparring, but most of Ignis' teachings were more specialized, and Senka took to it like a duck to water.

He helped her look for Cataleya as much as possible, and when they eventually ran into a wolf who recognized the very vague descriptions that Senka gave, Senka promptly abandoned the male without saying goodbye, following the other wolf's directions. The stranger pointed her towards the southern lands of Alacritia, though he wasn't very specific about where her mother would be found, and she doesn't yet realize that Cataleya is the current Monarch of Arcanum.


05-18-2014, 06:20 PM
Fawn is the winner!! I've contacted Shelby to get her account info and I'll send it to you as soon as I get it.