
the sky is falling!


03-31-2014, 07:57 PM
what are you made of?

[flesh and bone]

The western lands weren't Altavro's favorites, to say the least. His mind again circled back to getting lost in the desert, and that was enough to keep the golden male far from the edges of the desert and wandering a little bit too close to Valhallan territory for comfort. However, his paws seemed to carry him there unerringly when he wandered, circling back to the newfangled pack's territory time and time again. The day had seemed like any other when it began - another day of wandering along. The kind of day that Altavro was slowly growing bored of, but the kind of day he appreciated anyways. He had chosen this day to explore a mysterious area filled with stones - some of which looked rather dangerous. His steps were careful as he moved along, avoiding placing his paws on any of those dangerous looking shards littering the ground.

And then the ground had started shaking, bucking and trembling beneath his feet. Altavro stood frozen for just a moment too long, his brain trying to process what atrocity was happening in these strange lands. He had chosen possibly the worst place to be exploring right then, Altavro thought dryly, as the first rocks started trembling. It was only then that he noticed just how sharp those rocks looked and - "Shit!" the healer wolf swore violently as something hit his back, slicing skin to ribbons with ease. "Move, Alt!" He growled to himself, the shock enough to get him talking to himself.

His delicate pace was abandoned for an all out sprint, one that had Altavro leaping unhappily as what seemed like every step was slicing his paws open as he placed them on the rocks littering the ground - but it was the falling rocks that were tearing his back open that made the male most eager to get out of there. There were starbursts of pain every few seconds as the precariously balanced rocks tumbled to the earth - and sliced into his skin in the process.

By the time he had escaped that fucking death trap, Altavro's paws were bleeding and painful, and his back was more crimson than golden when he craned his neck back to look at it. "Great," Altavro growled as he tried to swipe his tongue at the wounds. They were just out of his reach, which meant keeping them clean was going to be difficult, and combating infection even more so. This was just his luck, wasn't it? On the one day he tried to explore a dangerous place, the earth started shaking and threw rocks down at him! It was if the gods of the earth were telling him to avoid that place at all costs. Well, they could rest assured that Altavro was never coming back there.

The male limped a few steps onwards, but the pain proved to be too great with the panicked adrenaline rush wearing off, and almost as soon as he had bypassed the edge of the Tsingy, Altavro collapsed on his side, chest heaving and a low whine of pain escaping him as he discovered that there were quite a few cuts on the side that he had slammed into the ground. He could just imagine the dirt getting into those wounds, but Altavro just couldn't bring himself to care. He needed a few minutes to collect himself - maybe more like a few days. The shaking and shuddering had slowed to a stop, but for the moment the Healer was content to just lay there, despite the protests of his wounds. He'd deal with what bleeding he could reach later.

& i'm running out of timeA L T A V R O