
What Luns is up too



4 Years
04-06-2014, 09:13 AM (This post was last modified: 04-06-2014, 09:07 PM by Baldur.)
This is more a thread of what I'm up to and what I'm planning so I can keep everyone in the loop but there are a few things I'm looking for help with in red.

Anywho, here's what's up. Letting a few charries go. I will be looking for a third job over the summer and working to actually get back to being a professional artist (revisiting my senior thesis). Also dealing with some health issues. Anyway, onto zee plots!

AKSEL: D?gmar x Loki pup. Not born yet. A little trouble maker who will eventually gain a white raven companion named Branwen. A gentle yet stern soul who will help keep him out of serious trouble. She is also a healer and scientist. Ravens be smart, yo!

AU?RA: Once I finish my current threads with her I'm setting her inactive until Tiff returns. Would still love for her to be friends with Des but avoiding joining a pack for the moment. <3

BALDUR: Oh, boy he's got a lot going on. Will work at training in Valhalla, would love him to spar Odette some time. Probably some time in May will be going with Sk?ll and Thor and any other Hroovy's that want to attend to go on a rescue mission back to their homeland to save Baldur's twin Hodr. And possibly a few pups. I have an NPC named Ullr so there will be at least one but we'd looooove for folks to join our happy Hroovy family with some permanent chars. Click!

Anywho, Baldur's memories will return. He'll have a spaz attack on Tyr and also start hallucinating that his dead girlfriend is watching over him and he'll become smitten with her spirit, removing his crush on Odette (which is apparently creeping people out, lol) and ensure he won't have any more pups. (I have an awful time refusing pups from my own charries and ALA has way too many babies and charries looking for homes.) So yay giving necrophilia a whole new meaning. xD

D?GMAR: Popping out the pups on April 15th. Will promptly drop them off on Loki for the Valhallans to help care for. Either holding warrior training or training herself depending on how the matches go. Going to have a run in with Drashiel that will help start turning him to his darker alignment. She'll feed his ambition by training him but I'm still working on a price. D?gmar sure as heck isn't doing it out of the goodness of her heart. Force claim is tempting but not sure D?gmar's dumb enough to incur Glaciem's wrath on Elysium while it's still so small. Will kill Kaliska sometime in the late fall, early winter.

Up for force claiming, recruiting, etc. to Elysium once the pups are born.

DRASHIEL: Will plan a visit to Tortuga. Also have a run in with D?gmar and begin training under her for a price (kills maybe and something else).
EDIT: Killing Aranya with permission of Fox. Probably in May sometime.

Basically there's a difference between learning to fight and learning to kill and D?gmar is goal is to teach him both. Has his eyes set on becoming a high ranking wolf in Glaciem, maybe Sentinel but we'll see.

GOSSAMIR: In need of a healing instructor! Has extensive knowledge of poisons and the dangerous side effects of herbs but no clue how to use them to help or how to determine dosage. She's a Tortuga wolf and has a bit of an attitude so someone patient would be great.

Will be barren! No pups. As said earlier there are so many adoptables right now I don't want to add to the population too much. Sorry, Keno! But I'd love for her to still be a couple with Ritsuka if you were game and if you needed a pup from him they could always find one and adopt it or something.

HERMES: Just chilling? haha, not a whole lot going on with him. Pestering Weth, patrolling borders, going to help raise his little cousins? or try to xD

KALISKA: Going to bond a bit with Sigmarr. Will be killed by D?gmar defending her packlands. This? is hard for me so I won't rail on about it. Death will probably occur late autumn, early winter after the tournament so if you want to thread with her let me know before then.

SHILAH: Will be set inactive probably some time in June. Realize he prefers the nomadic lifestyle to pack life and will request to leave. Was thinking of having him wander off with Ullr but plots happening now with Den for Ullr soooo.... we'll see what's happening haha xD

When Baldur and fam return with my NPC Ullr the two will grow close and Shilah will adopt him and train him in healing though his interests will be hunting. Then when I have time/space/gems I plan to bring both back to ALA. :3 Old man Shilah with his spirited, bold son amuses me very much!

SIGMARR: Will get his fox companion Jynette eventually. Seeks to become a beta. Just born.

SK?LINGR: Threading with all the cats in Ala right now haha. xD