
Just a Little Confused



04-06-2014, 09:18 AM (This post was last modified: 04-06-2014, 05:07 PM by Dayton.)

The boy was wandering lately. His steps had carried him across many of these lands. Today he had ended up here. His feet halted for a moment as he took in the scenery. The grasses in this place grew tall, so tall they soared a good foot above his head. To any passerby, all that would be visible of the small brute would be his two brown ears. He smiled lightly. This was his kind of scenery. Dayton couldn't remember the last time he felt so safe and hidden. These terribly long grasses were wonderful to him, as was the constant sound of fluttering that came from the tiny birds overhead. These sounds masked the whispering of his movement. He made his way through the maze of foliage, dodging a few large bushes as he went.

The air was still today, but the temperature was merciful. At last the heat was retreating from the land. Summer was coming to a close. Dayton sighed happily. More hiding was to be expected from him as autumn approached and the leaves took on the hues of his pelt. It was no wonder autumn was his favorite time of year.

Just then, Dayton came to a strange sort of clearing. The grassland seemed to be littered in areas like this, spots where herds of prey animals had worn the grass to its feet. He stepped cautiously out of the cover, shaking dust from the dry grasses away from his fur. The grass barely past the boy's ankles here. But was he in any danger, really? After all, he was still surrounded by walls of tall foliage. No, he decided. He could still relax. And so he did. The delicate earthen made his way to the center of the clearing and settled onto his haunches. Later he even let himself sink to his stomach, sprawled across the shorter grasses in the comfortable air. Maybe today would be something special for him.




04-06-2014, 10:46 AM

Its been far to long, and Vaughan was due to venture away from Ebony. He loved it there, but he made sure he had enough time alone, to relax and not accept multiple of wolves. He would take a sigh of relief, before exploring the land he knew very little of. His legs where rather cranky, and he would waste no time in keeping them that way. He would stretch them before bounding across the tall grasses, only his neck up visible. The breeze would push against his large frame, and in that moment in time he felt free, as if nothing else mattered. He wished he kept it that way of course. But little did he know that another was in the way, vaughan wasnt looking properly and...


He would crash into the mans side, falling face first into the ground before skidding a meter. His large frame would spread across the floor. A groan would escape his mouth before turning over onto his back, his two front legs crossed over and for a few seconds [perhaps a minute] his sight was out of it. He would groan once more before getting up; walking towards the other who remained victim to his hit. He was flat out to, and vaughan couldnt help but feel guilty. He would lower his cranium towards his face, his eyes still slightly crosseyed. Though, Vaughans only thought was his nose. " Is it broken!?!?! does my nose look broken, miss.... sir, i meant sir!" After time went by, he realised his rudeness. Gosh, how will he be taken seriously as a lord now. " Are you alright? Do you need any help?... um" his awkwardness would show before falling into silence.
It was his first time he had thought about another male wolf as... Good looking? Of course he'd never admit it. Not after this incident. he would wait for the man to raise, before speaking on wards.

image by Luisiana



04-06-2014, 05:06 PM (This post was last modified: 04-06-2014, 05:09 PM by Dayton.)

The air began to stir in a sudden breeze. The grasses rustled with its movement, but somehow Dayton couldn't feel it. His fur was as still as it had been before. But the grasses were still moving... what was that... In a burst of noise, a dark brute crashed through the wall of foliage and came barreling toward him. The delicate male flinched, his muscles taut like wires in their sudden, tremendous fright. Before he could flee, the other brute rammed into his side and went over him, splaying into the dirt with a blur of limbs and fur. He landed face first and moaned loudly with pain as Dayton rolled to the side and struggled to catch his breath.

The quiet that followed was stressful. The young boy scrambled to his belly again, staring warily at the male. He should run now, shouldn't he? But as terse breaths moved through his body, he smelled the brute and realized that this would be a mistake. His scent was strongly saturated in these lands. He must have belonged to a pack nearby. This male would have backup, and he would easily track him through these thick grasses. He had no chance for escape.

So instead he lay frozen, his muscles so tight they started to ache, as the male moaned again and rose. Dayton felt a whine rolling in his throat as the large wolf approached him. He looked friendly enough, but looks could be deceiving. He was handsome too, he noted blankly, with a patches of white over his face and ear. His eyes were multicolored and shone with concern. But the concern wasn't exactly for the boy he had tripped over. It was for himself, Dayton realized, as he began fretting about a broken nose.

To his surprise, the earthen male felt a laugh beginning to rise in his throat. Was this brute serious? He contained the small noise, though, choking it back as he stared at the other male. Their faces were quite close. He felt his throat tighten as the darker male continued to speak.

Miss? His jaw parted in shock. Miss?! He stood in a rush, nearly crashing his face into the brute's injured nose. How dare he call him a female? It was like his father all over again! He immediately tried to correct himself, but the damage had been done. "No thank you, sir." he murmured satirically. "You've done enough."
