
wherever you’re going, can i come too?




3 Years

Pride - Pansexual
12-20-2023, 11:49 PM (This post was last modified: 01-18-2024, 04:35 AM by Medulla. Edited 1 time in total.)

he’d ruined her. in the weeks since their meeting, it was the only thing she could think with any real clarity, the only sentiment she felt with absolute certainty. a single night spent with that damningly handsome man, and he’d ruined her for anyone else. that night swam before her eyes everytime she slipped into sleep, his face filling the forefront of her mind so often she was now sure she could draw him with her eyes closed. and yet, his features also seemed to blur over time, a dream-like quality to his memory that only served to increase her desperation. it couldn’t have been her only ever encounter with him, not after the night she’d spent in his arms. she was a woman m with a craving, waking in the middle of the night longing for him to soothe the itch inside her, to douse the fire he’d lit within the pit of her stomach. sometimes she wasn’t sure if she desired or resented him for it. she’d been fine before she’d met him, hadn’t she? exploring as much unclaimed territory as she could, meeting the occasional new face here and there, hunting for her dinner and sleeping beneath the stars. it’d been an unqssuming existence, but it’d been hers. now, though, she couldn’t seem to settle back into that routine without a dull hollowness opening up inside her, a gaping chasm she couldn’t fill no matter how feverishly she tried. the things that had satisfied her no longer seemed to, the life she’d led appeared a small, dismal one. so in all the ways that counted he’d ruined her.

still, she hadn’t quite been looking for him, per say. it was more an aimless drifting, an exploration void of any real purpose beyond shaking the restlessness from her pelt. of course, she’d be lying if she said she hadn’t been keeping an eye out for him - a vigilance that is rewarded as she enters the colder territories. his scent was unmistakable, the heady masculinity of him stoking that fire within her as she followed its trail. it was fresh here, and mingled with a variety of strange new scents, the very idea of which had her hackles rising with jealousy. who had he been time with while she’d been traipsing about like a lost puppy without its master? was she really so expendable? by now she was a mess of anger and desire and longing and envy, all bundled up in one lone woman, eating her up from the inside out as she sought him. he wouldn’t get away with just ignoring her, not like this - not without a final confrontation. all of this was his fault, after all, and the least he could do was take responsibility.





The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
12-22-2023, 06:17 PM

Trailing along the borders of the Polar Sound, reinforcing the scent of the heathens who claimed it as their own. Rhazien found himself lost in thought. Contemplating the future of their band, and the feats they would need to overcome to transform it into a kingdom. Yes, the brood was growing stronger. Each member honing their skills, both alone and together. Rhazien had even stepped in and held lessons for them, accepting his mentorship role. But there was still a lot of preparation to be done, if Sephiran was going to be successful.

And with his role, Rhazien found little time to himself… which left him depraved. Longing for a lustful night with a beautiful woman who would stroke his arrogant flame, and tend to his every desire. The itch was all-consuming- needing to be scratched. He even found it hard to contain himself around his nieces- Yarra and Kaino had a way of enticing him, given their youth and vigor. Admittedly, if either of them ever approached him for a… venereal tutorial, he would oblige. But given they were his nieces, he wasn’t going to propose it first. Out of respect for his brothers.

Sighing, and shaking the thoughts from his mind. Rhazien sauntered in and out of the towering pines, scanning the borders. Raising his head, and sniffing the air, testing it for anything of interest. He caught wind of something abnormal, yet oddly familiar. Perhaps he was going to be satiated after all?

It took a few moments to register the scent, but once he pinpointed it, there was no denying what it belonged to. Who it belonged to. The girl he fucked on the beach. Admittedly, he didn’t think about her often. But when he did, it was only perversities that filled his mind. Her panting, moaning, and groaning, through breathless words. The sweet smell of her sweat, rolling off her body. The fluttering of her eyes. The rocking of her hips, clashing against his. Only carnal erotica. If he never saw her again, it wouldn’t have mattered. But now that she was in the area, crossing into the threshold of monstrosities. Rhazien couldn’t help himself.

He’d allow her to enter the Polar Sound, and he’d follow her scent trail. Staying close enough to keep her walking in circles, but far enough to be undetected. Here and there, he would see a flash of chocolate fur in the distance. Easily picking her out against the backdrop of snow and forestry. Slowly, he closed in on her. Waiting until she had thoroughly spun circles in the Polar Sound, as he was enjoying toying with her, and hunting her down like prey.

Suddenly, he would emerge from the shadows. Slipping into her direct field of view, stopping and portraying the facade of astonishment. “Oh my,” He began, jaw hanging open. "The heavens have opened." His lips started to contort into a sly smile. “I’ve finally found you, my little sapphire.” There was an emphasis on the word my- giving the impression of possessiveness. Of course, Rhazien was making it seem as if he had been looking for her. Trying to play the encounter in his favor, right off the bat. “Or perhaps, you've found me?” Flirtatious and suave, he waited for her to respond. Both physically, and emotionally. Would she be mad at him for vanishing into the night? Had she been longing for him? Or was this a mere coincidence? He needed to know the conditions of her appearance- so he could manipulate it in his favor.

Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.



3 Years

Pride - Pansexual
12-25-2023, 11:07 PM

his scent gained a sudden clarity, sharpening in the air until she felt she was practically tripping over him. and yet, his presence was elusive, remaining just out of her reach so that she was constantly teetering on the edge of apprehension and thrill. it felt as though he was teasing her, his dark shape whisking just out of sight when she turned her head, hovering at her edges. it was maddening. she was about ready to cry out in frustration when he stepped out suddenly from the shadows, causing her to almost go careening against his broad chest as she spun around to face him. despite her irritation, her stomach gave a low swoop and her heart kicked into overdrive, that heavy gaze heating her veins and turning her knees to jelly. oh gods, he was merely looking at her and she already felt faint. what was wrong with her? she should be giving him a piece of her mind, not standing here gaping like some empty-headed moron with sheep’s wool for brains. determinedly, she snapped her jaws shut and lifted her chin, ready to place her grievances at his feet -

but then he opened his mouth, and she melted. the surprise on his face, the delight at her presence…it made her heart flutter and soar, brought a pleased, albeit bashful colour to her cheeks. he’d been looking for her? all this time, she’d thought herself abandoned! used and tossed aside, a convenient little toy he’d grown bored of. but no, he’d been searching for her! she wanted to swoon at the thought of this broad handsome man scouring the territories for her, as desperate for a second encounter as she’d been. it was just so…so…romantic came to mind. “i might’ve been looking for you,” she admitted, gaze downcast as a sudden bashfulness overtook her. now that she knew she hadn’t been abandoned, her anger had melted away, leaving her naked and vulnerable beneath his intense stare. she was intensely aware of her vaguely dishevelled appearance, and began to worry he found her lacking now that they were away from that dreamy day on the beach. it’d felt almost surreal, that encounter, and perhaps he’d been remembering her as such. unreal, ethereal. it was certainly not dissimilar to her own memory of him. was she unimpressive in the unyielding light of reality? did he still desire her so? “i…i’ve missed you,” she blurted suddenly. “and i wanted to find you, and…” she trailed off, cringing internally. she was a clingy, jealous girl, and now he’d know it. still, she can’t help but ask, “where have you been?” where did you go when you left my side? why didn’t you find me sooner?





The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
01-03-2024, 04:09 PM

The warmth in her cheeks, the bashfulness on her face. The way she averted those rosy eyes, melting beneath the intensity of his gaze. Appearing so vulnerable and malleable- dissolving in his paws, morphing into something he could mold and manipulate. Damn, it turned him on to see her squirm so helplessly. Taking a step forward, he wanted to close the gap between them- wanting to draw more of these… reactions out of her. Attempting to press his chest against her cheek, neck craning downward to caress one of her ears with his nose. Eyes looking beyond her shoulders, trailing along the supple curvature of her hips, admiring the youthful appearance of her body. Recalling how soft they felt beneath him. “In the north, forging a kingdom,”  He said, cryptically, simply. Not wanting to reveal too much to her, but wanting to give her an answer to keep her engaged. “... and enduring these cold nights without your warmth.” Hot breath seeped from his nostrils, tickling the fine hairs along her ear, before he pulled his head away. Teasing her. “So many sleepless nights,”  Moving past her, and brushing his shoulder against hers. Rhazien would start to encircle her with his massive frame- pressing the length of his body along hers, mingling the heat of their bodies, wanting to feel her quiver in the wake of the musculature dancing with her curvature. “When I could have had you wrapped up in my arms.” And once he was standing beside her, his gaze would align with hers- pools of amethyst and emerald, clashing with rosy hues. Electrifying, intense, lustful. “How will you make it up to me?” It was a bold play on the encounter- she could easily try to turn it around on him, and try to place the fault on him. He'd abandoned her, after all. And truthfully, he hadn't planned on seeking her out. But, being the womanizer he is, well… he was willing to take a chance, if it meant keeping her for himself. All he had to do was manipulate her.  

Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.



3 Years

Pride - Pansexual
01-08-2024, 03:41 AM

setting up a kingdom… for the first time since meeting him, Dulla observed the finely sculpted lines of his face and wondered at the origin of his heritage. surely only the truly noble could produce such beauty, such raw power. was he royal? did he intend to become it? it wasn’t hard to imagine him as some dark, roguish prince draped across a throne, gazing out at his siblings with those brilliant eyes. her dark prince. Dulla flushed at her thoughts. he wasn’t her anything; he’d abandoned her after their night together - no matter how hard he’d claimed to have been searching. but this fact was becoming increasingly harder to remember in the face of his charm offensive. the words dripping off his tongue was like honey pouring directly into her ears, stripping her bare and leaving her utterly defensive. oh, why was she even bothering to put up a fight? they both knew she was his, had been his the moment he’d taken her into his arms. she felt silly for even bothering, like a child throwing a strop. she half suspected he was simply indulging her. “i’ve felt the cold, too,” she sighed, a hint of reproach in her voice. “i longed for you then, and you never came.” she had to keep up at least a pretence of irritation, otherwise the last vestiges of her dignity were sure yo be dislodged. but she could feel herself crumbling by the second; a little while more and she was sure to be putty in his hands. “perhaps you should be making it up to me,” she murmured, but the words were teasing, and a telling shudder ran through her at his close proximity. a hint of daring propelled her forward, aiming to press herself against his chest, her nose buried in the crook of his neck. “don’t leave again,” she whispered, the words a faint plea. she felt terribly vulnerable, shaking unsteadily like a newly born babe. he had such power in this moment, to shatter her completely if he chose. a word from him would send her away and crack her heart wide open. “i’ll make it up to you in anyone you want. just…let me stay.” let me stay by your side.





The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
01-15-2024, 05:48 PM
This little facade of irritation; the child-like tantrum that dribbled from her tongue, danced across her face in waves, before morphing into something akin to a plea. He knew it was all for show. After all, what self-respecting woman would crumble at the feet of a puppeteer- knowing they had been exploited and abandoned? But alas, Rhazien wasn’t the type to pursue women who held such values; especially if he wanted them in his bed, every night, tending to his libidinous perversions. And this girl, well, she teetered on the border of independence and subservience. Which made her all the more desirable, because she was already eating out of the palm of his hand. All he had to do now, was seal the deal.

And my, was she making it easy for him. Even with her reproach, she simply couldn’t resist him- propelling herself forward, burying her small, thin face into his chest. Trailing the curvature of his muscles, noting every twist and turn, every peak and valley, before finding her way up to his neck. He was trying to formulate a response- figuring he would need to be quite deceptive, and ask for her forgiveness. But then, she did the unexpected. She melted in his hands, begging for reprieve. Stating she would make it up to him, in any way that he wanted. His lips started to twitch, his facade almost cracking right then and there. It took everything he had, not to smirk in her face.

Raising a powerful forelimb, he wrapped it over her shoulder- pulling her closer to him, encompassing her with the heat that rolled off his body. The rugged tinge of his cologne washed over her, swathing her in his scent, as this was the start of him marking her as his. He held her there for several moments- wanting her head against his chest, so she could hear the rhythmic, powerful beating of his heart. And once he felt her shaking start to subside, he would rumble out a single command. “Follow me.” And before she could verbally respond, he would peel himself away from her- reaping her body of his warmth, wanting her to feel naked and defenseless in the absence of his proximity. He would lead her through the territory then. Searching for a den suitable enough for him to feast upon her.

And once he found one, he would hastily nudge her inside. Guiding her to the back, where they were hidden from peering eyes. He would motion towards a soft bed of straw that had been put down by a previous inhabitant; staring at her with predatory eyes, thrill rolling down his spine at the thought of having his depravity satiated. “Sweet girl,” He crooned, moving towards the bed in sync with her, reclining down onto his haunches and then his side. “Show me, what you are willing to do, to keep me...satiated. How will you make it up to me? This was both a test and a ceremony. If she wanted to remain by his side, she would need to impress him. After all, it was easy to stand beneath him, bearing his weight, while he fucked her for all to see. But, to gain affection and security from Rhazien Saxe... well, he needed to be enthralled.

"Rhazien Saxe"
Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.



3 Years

Pride - Pansexual
01-18-2024, 04:34 AM

he commanded her to follow him, and she did. he led her into the den, and she was hot on his heels. and now he lay sprawled across a bed of hay, beckoning her closer, and she…she was a drowning girl and he her only salvation, a sole island buoyed above tumultuous waves. those final steps to his side felt much she imagined swimming through a storm might: heavy and shaking and desperate, just one more foot in front of the other, almost there, just keep going. his eyes pinned her in place, impossibly bright in the dimness of the den and intently assessing.  he was weighing her up, she knew, against a set of predetermined conditions, whose details she couldn’t hope to guess. the whole thing was terribly unnerving, and in a sudden bout of self-consciousness she had to fight to keep her eyes trained on his, to resist ducking her head and watching her paws. in this room, she had to be brave. she had to take what she wanted.

crossing the final inch between them, Dulla stood over his large form, carnation eyes burning like twin flames, and bent forward to press her mouth to kiss. it wasn’t a hard reach given his size; she barely had to crane her neck and there he was, that perfectly carved chin poised as though daring her to kiss him. and kiss him she did. she kissed him like a woman possessed, tongue seeking out the warmth of his with pure, carnal want. at the same time she attempted to straddle him, to clamber up on his large body and manoeuvre him onto his back so she could sit firmly atop his chest. she’d need help, of course - she could never hope to position him without his assistance - but she hoped he’d humour her, would allow her to lead in a dance he seemed startlingly well-versed when she herself was still learning the steps.





The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
01-29-2024, 11:45 PM
Those rosy eyes of hers aligned with his- unyielding and surveying, determination flickering in the hues- though she couldn’t completely mask the uneasiness that simmered behind her gaze. Truly, it was expected. Rhazien was a hard man to please, well versed in the pleasantries of tangled bodies and rough, carnal sex. If she didn’t feel uneasy, that would defeat the purpose of this game. Rhazien had full intentions of testing her and pushing her beyond her comfort zone. The beast wasn’t looking for someone who knew it all- yes, those nights were certainly ones to remember - but lately, he craved a girl who would continually work to please him. One who was enchanted by his suave, manipulated by his charm, addicted to his praise. Addicts made passionate lovers, after all. And a passionate, love-struck lover, was something he had been lacking since leaving Saffron.

These thoughts vanished from his mind as quickly as they came. His attention had shifted to Medulla, who broke their intense eye contact, moving to stand over him-as if he was already hers to ravage. He watched her with a keen eye- gauging her expression, reading into the whirlwind of thoughts swarming behind those sparkling eyes. There wasn’t much forethought it seemed. Her lips came towards his, and he didn’t pull away. Her advance was almost possessive- lips crashing against his, tongue worming past his serrated fangs, dancing with his own. He met her fervor with ferocity- biting at her bottom lip, leaving behind welts, wanting to draw droplets of blood to the surface, so he could really taste her.

In sync, he felt her trying to push him down. He disobeyed at first- wanting to intensify her lust, needing that carnal desire to increase to the point of losing control. He left her one last bite before reclining down onto his back, allowing her to straddle him, sitting on his broad chest, causing her to sway slightly with each breath he took. Their lips disconnected now, Rhazien’s tongue slid across his mouth- savoring the taste of her saliva and the traces of blood from his bites. A paw rose to rest on her hip, toes flexing, claws digging into the supple curvature with ease. Trying to slowly edge her lower, his anticipation and excitement obvious, if she hadn’t seen it already. The expression on his face read, what now as he stared up at her.  

"Rhazien Saxe"
Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.



3 Years

Pride - Pansexual
02-04-2024, 03:59 AM

pain bloomed across her face as his teeth sunk into the plump flesh of her bottom lip, and a gasp tore itself, unbidden, from her throat. as he drew his mouth from hers, Dulla raised a shaky paw and dabbed at her mouth, examining the drops of crimson flecked across the rough surface of her palm. it didn’t surprise her that a man like him was partial to such things; no, her surprise came from how much she’d enjoyed it, how parts of her throbbed as the pain dissipated. she hadn’t known pain could do that, could amplify her carnal urges in such a way. lowering her paw, her gaze slid back to his, noting the expectant look on his handsome features. he was splayed out on his back, letting her lead just as she’d wanted, and her stomach gave a violent swoop as she gathered her courage.

working slowly to maintain her balance, she shimmied down his large frame, moving lower until certain parts were positioned against his manhood. the press of him was terrifying and exhilarating, her blood racing like she’d run a mile. lifting her gaze, she locked eyes with him and began to rut against him, moving methodically back and forth. pleasure sparked through her, liquid heat gathering in the pit of her stomach, and Dulla threw her head back in bliss, eyes falling closed while she lost herself in his body.


