
Follow My Paw Steps



03-28-2014, 10:03 PM
Amia Tulip

The way things worked here reminded the dull brown girl much of home. It was a surprise to her, but she shouldn't be if Erani had been with the Nomads for some time in her life. Surely her new Alpha had carried with her the experiences she had come across then. And it showed in the way she ran the pack. It was a relief yet at the same time it hurt. She couldn't help but keep thinking of her old mentor. She wasn't sure if she would ever get over him, or even be able to ask someone to mentor her here. It was just far too painful, those memories haunted her yet held a bitter sweetness to them.

She had wondered into the moor and paused to look around. Her pale blue eyes stood out against her body and surroundings. The air was slightly damp, humid, crickets chirped and frogs croaked on the distance. It was an eerie calm feeling in the late summer evening. She glanced down at her paws, wiggling her toes. When was the last time she took time to condition her body? The pack would expect her to keep up with them and be able to fight if needed. She sighed heavily. She hated the idea of fighting, even sparring. Something about it unnerved her. But training with someone would be hard. Not only would it not be her deceased mentor but three different wolves. She had the idea of learning from the black female with blue eyes, the Theta Primary. She just needed to speak with the woman first about it. But who would help her to better her hunting and fighting? She groaned softly and rolled her shoulders.

She could always train herself right? Would she get in trouble for that? For now at least she could try that right? Eyes scanned the moor, noting the uneven land. This would make a good place to run, as the soil did not support you and there were many obstacles. With a shake of her fur she bolted through the moor, her legs pumping, splashing up mud. Jumping over logs and large patches of water she ran. But it was obvious she needed work. Often times she was slipping and sliding more than running and was quickly winded out. She came to a sliding halt that had her stumble down and into the mud face first. Front legs were under her where as her rear had gone forwards and stopped with it being in the air. Head twisted and she laid there not moving but grumbled with a frown.



04-01-2014, 12:34 AM

Cormalin slid through the moor, paws silent on the ground as he traveled. His head was low, tail raised slightly to avoid catching the fur on the twigs of heather. Anything to avoid making a noise. It was part of his training regime now. Passing through Druids Moor until he made no sound going through whatsoever. However? He paused, head canting to the right as his ears cocked. It sounded as though someone else wasn?t trying for silent passage, or they were very bad at running silently.

Splashing and paws thrashing through heather came closer, sweeping past him, the figure just shrouded enough by the mist to mask defining features, other than the wolf was part of Valhalla. He padded quietly after the female, hearing a heavy impact mixed with the splatter of loose mud hitting the ground every which way.

He circled around, and to the other wolf, it might seem as though he?d materialized out of the fog, vapor swirling about his form. He was a larger wolf, standing at thirty-eight inches at the withers, and with his full, longer ruff of neck fur and the longer fur on his tail, and the regal head and strong narrow muzzle, he cut an impressive figure, shrouded in mist. Mismatched blue and gold gaze rested on the female?s muddy face, one brow point lifting slightly. ?Get up and try again.? Baritone voice rolled like soft thunder, mild Irish inflections riding an educated British accent.



04-01-2014, 09:12 PM
Amia Tulip

She laid there for no more than a few minutes when he came. He seemed to emerge from the fog, as if he was made from the air substance itself. Het blue eyes blinked several times as if making sure he was really there. Slowly her rear went back down and her front legs scrambled to get themselves corrected and having her sitting up normally. Her ears twitched while mud slowly dripped off her face but she made no move to wipe it away. Was this male real? He was larger, very large. But not in a scary dominating way, no it was like a comforting presences, a guardian.

Her pale blue eyes could not, would not stop their roaming over his body. He held an air of regal disposition, an air of silent power. His eyes held her there like a deer in headlights, unable to move. To make matters worse, when he spoke all train of thought left her mind. His voice was captivity, soothing, and sent goose bumps all over her skin. If her jaws were parted she might have literally been drooling over him. Never had a male just taken the breath right out of her by appearance alone. She instantly wanted to trust him, to snuggle into his side.

He had said something, what had he said? She panicked slightly on the inside. She blinked and stared dumbfounded at him while she tried to remember what he said. When it hit her did she look away if only for a moment to her paws before looking back up."Try what again? Falling in the mud? Im horrible at running, im out of shape, and a disgrace and embarrassed.." She replied softly, her cheeks blushing red but her was brave enough to keep holding eye contact. Plus she didn't want to ever look away from this sexy beast.



04-02-2014, 01:45 AM

She seemed startled at his abrupt, silent appearance, staring at him as though she was afraid she was seeing things. Her hind end slowly lowered while she scrambled to sit up as a regular wolf would. His tail swished slightly as her eyes roved over him as though she couldn?t stop staring. One brow point quirked slightly as she stared at him for the longest moment before seemingly remembering he?d spoken to her, before looking away to her paws, before her eyes jumped back to his face again.

One ear cocked slightly as he listened to her speak. His brow smoothed, the four point star on his forehead unfolding. ?Start slowly. Build up speed once you?re passing through here without noise at that pace; before long, you?ll be running without falling in the mud. A Valhallan, let alone a Nomad, doesn?t give up.? He turned with a flick of his heavy tail, paws landing lightly, almost as though magnetized to the places that would bring the least noise. ?Follow. Watch where you step; one eye on the ground, the other on where you?re going. Let the sounds flow around you, and let yourself flow with the land.? It was the same lesson Arro had taught him when he was a youngling. The silvery voice of the dark timber male had been soothing, almost song-like, and very easy to memorize.

He took a few steps forward, letting her see the placement of his paws, before pausing to watch her with a motion to follow.



04-05-2014, 02:56 PM
Amia Tulip

She could smack herself in the face right now with her embarrassment at staring at him. But yet he seemed to let it pass as if the weird silence of her staring had never happened. As she questioned on what he mention of trying again, his voice would rumble out. But in scary or intimidating. It was soothing, deep and calm. A voice she could trust. Her pale blue eyes looked into his, ears cocked as far forward as they could to the point of hurting. But the pain was barely noticed as she took in each word he said. As he turned away she took two steps forward, hesitant. Her eyes flicked down to his paws, concentrating on how they were placed before taking in his whole, watching his body movements.

He paused to look back at him, silently asking her to follow. She swallowed the lump in her throat before nodding. Slowly she flowed at a walk, placing her paws in his steps the best she could. Which was hard to do due the their size differences. Every few steps she was good till her left hind leg would slide out from under her. She grumbled softly, her brows creasing with intense focus and slight frustration. She didn't want to let him down, didn't want to look like a fool infront of him.

But of course she would again be clumsy and bump right into his rear. She gasped before shuffling backwards. Ears laid down and she gave a sheepish grin to him. Movement to her right had her head snap to look over at what it was. There not too far away was a hare. Her stomach ached, reminding her of the missing breakfast she had had. She didn't think, didn't cast a glance at her new adoration. She went right into hunting mode. Slowly her body moved through the moor in silence, circling the hare to be downwind. In a flash the scene unfolded. Amia seemed to only be able to move like the black male when she hunted. A short chase was giving as she lunged at the brown hare, mud and water flew. It was like a dance, grace on both the prey and predator as they navigated the marsh. But Amia was swift and able to predict the next move. Jaws snapped down on the hare. But the momentum had her sliding. Claws dragged to find something to stop herself. But the only thing would be a tree she her side crashed into it. She dropped to the ground, the wind knocked out of her, ribs screaming. But she held her head up to keep the dead hare out of the mud.

Her mind clicked back to the lesson the male was trying to give her. Eyes went wide in alarm. Would he be mad at her? Her eyes finally found him, full of worry. It wasn't often Amia ever got lessons anymore. She had had only one mentor. The others couldn't put up with her, or she couldn't stand to her around them because she always had to pretend to be someone else. Her ribs throbbed making her grunt and mentally she assessed the damage. Nothing broken but there was sure to e a good bruising with the impact she had took.



04-08-2014, 01:39 PM

The female, Amia, as he recalled her name in Erani?s introduction at the meeting, concentrated on her paw placement so hard, that she would end up bumping into his hindquarters. She jumped back with a small gasp, but all he did was lift a brow point. ?One eye on your paws, the other on where you?re going.? There was a hint of amusement in his voice. And then Amia caught sight of the hare. He?d known it was there by scent, and from his knowledge of the land after living on it since the Summer. However, it triggered the natural grace Amia had hidden.

He settled down on his haunches to watch as she slipped away, taking in the chase. Erani had said she was a healer? This female was a natural born hunter. She did very well until the end, when she had snapped the hare up. Her traction was lost, and she smashed into a tree. Cormalin rose, trotting over to the female, gentle concern in the mismatched gold and blue gaze. ?Are you alright, Amia?? He looked her over, while she seemed to click back into the clumsy shy female of before her hunt. ?You?re a natural at hunting. I think that one way you can improve when not hunting, is to pretend you?re hunting a very tricky hare.?

His eyes finished assessing her side. ?You should probably get those bruises tended to.?



04-13-2014, 09:13 PM
Amia Tulip

She laid there silently as the male trotted over. His bio-colored eyes filled with concern. Slowly she laid the hare down upon her forelegs as he asked if she was alright. She looked up at him with a sheepish smile."Im...alright" She said with a grunt. She listened to him carefully, surprised she wasn't being reprimanded for taking off after the hare."I had to hunt all the time. I hunted for my old mentor since he had a twisted bad leg. I had to learn quickly to fed us both." She explained. She had never thought about using her hunting skills to walk like he did. "I'll be fine, just some bruising. I've had worse. I'd like to try it again, walking silently like you." Anything to stay near him.

Amia was no one to give up easily if someone guided her. She wanted to make them proud, show her improvement. Plus this male made her think of her old mentor a lot, if was painful to remember him but at the same time it was nice. To see that some others were similar to her old mentor. Picking up the hare she slowly stood up, eyes looking up at the tree. There was a low branch she could reach up to on her hind legs to put the hare. She glanced at Cormalin before standing up on her hindlegs, front paws on the tree trunk. The stretch made her ribs hurt but also gave her a better judgment on the bruising. She probably wouldn't be running today again. Carefully draping the hare on the branch she slid down. "Now it'll be safe till I can come back to get it." She smiled shyly up at the larger male.

"Ah...your Cormalin right? Thank you for helping me." She said softly with a small bow of her head. And she meant it too. Already she admired him. He seemed compassionate enough to make sure she was ok and to even take time to help train her. She couldn't remember exactly what rank he held, there were so many wolves in the pack it was hard to keep up. But maybe he could mentor her. She liked that idea, it meant spending more time with the large, dark sexy male.



04-16-2014, 01:23 PM

Cormalin was glad to see Amia was alright. Despite no longer being a Beta, he still held a feeling of responsibility for her fellow pack mates. As she explained her natural hunting ability he listened, nodding. In response to her assurances of her ribs only being bruised, he nodded. ?Even still, no running for a day or so.? Mismatched eyes teased gently, before he nodded again, turning away, and again, showed her the movements.

Paws found silent landings that left no clearly defined tracks in his wake due to the plants his paws landed on. Areas of springy moss among the mud and heather. Tail was held slightly above his hocks in height, trailing behind him in a graceful swaying manner, longer tail fur catching breezes in a rippling effect. After going a ways, he turned, watching and waiting for her to mimic his passage. ?Now pretend I?m a rabbit, and you?re trying to slip up to me without my being aware.? Voice was low, mist becoming a backdrop as the weather turned slightly, fog rolling in.

It made it seem as though they were the only two wolves in the world, and would likely help her concentration. Once she had made it to him, hopefully without too much difficulty, he added ?Yes, I am Cormalin. Brother to Erani. And it?s my pleasure. I haven?t had anyone to teach in a little bit, except my niece, Surreal. And Obsidian, my equine friend. It?s surprising how well a horse can sneak through a forest once you teach her.? The underlying message was: If a horse can do it, you can, too.