
Touch these stars with me



03-28-2014, 09:27 PM
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Excitement was the dominant emotion that filled the alabaster creature as he made his way across the Valhalla territory. Barely hours ago he had finished his meeting with his queen, and it taken him from then to now to find the perfect set of flowers, he clutched them ever so gently now in his maw, the golden shades of the sunflower was just once bunch he held tenderly there. They had been the easy bunch to find, the brilliant shines of their petals had told they where right. The other bunch that he held mingled with them, the Blue iris's had been a harder lot to find and the main reason it had taken him until now before he made his way across the territory with his prizes held out proudly before him.

Excitement was dominant, but the buzzing of his nerves was the underlining emotion that fluttered against his stomach. He had known Lyric for a little while now, they had even shared a few adventures together at this point. Despite it all, he had wanted to do this right. He had wanted to ask her mother for her blessing, he wanted to leave little tokens by her den and take her to beautiful waterfalls and the brilliance of sunsets. He wanted her to enjoy their time together, to remember this and for it to be special.

He had arrived at her den now, and with his jaw full, he instead scratched at the wall of her den to announce himself, a muffled bark emitting from his maw. It was growing late, but the sun still held dominance against the sky. He was sure her scent seemed strong enough for her to be, and hoped he was not wrong.


Lyric I


4 Years
03-28-2014, 10:57 PM (This post was last modified: 04-03-2014, 05:23 AM by Lyric I.)
It would seem that here lately her mind was quite the flurry. She wanted to further her training and make sure that her relationship with her sister was alright. There was a lot for her to focus on that she had goals in mind about - but among it all there sat the biggest most loving distraction that she had ever had to try and conquer. Thoughts of the ivory brute were always with her, especially after he had saved her from the tar pits. She had yet to tell anyone how much of a hero that he truly was - she wasn't sure how to start! Or who to start with even... she wanted her mother to know, definitely. As Alpha she should know about something like this happening and that she could trust Alpine to help someone that was in any sort of danger. As her mother... well, she wanted to tell her how much she liked this male, but she wasn't sure whether it was something that she should really be wasting an alpha's time with.

She and Alpine had to be something serious first, right?

The thought of getting married to the brute would then make her heart unintentionally flutter - because that was what Erani would eventually want them to do, right? That was what Lyric herself would want, of course her mother would want the same. And Alpine seemed like the traditional sort, and she could imagine him with a family easily but it all felt like she was getting ten steps ahead of herself - so she would stop the thoughts there and shake her head, hoping that she could shake the various warm fuzzy feelings she got when she thought about the other lupine and calm down.

She would sigh in her den, only to jump when she heard his bark - signalling his presence. Her visage would blossom into a smile, and immediately she would peek out of her den, her tail wagging quickly as she met his eyes. "Alpine! I'm afraid my den isn't big enough for two." But she would definitely be changing that - sleeping beside him beneath the Willows had been comforting to say the least. "I..." She had so much to ask him about, to talk to him about - but with so much to say she was stuck a bit tongue tied when it came to picking a proper subject to start with.

"Those are for me?" She would ask, her muzzle pointing toward the bouquet in his maw - before moving to climb out of her den. The sun was setting behind him, in hues of orange and red - it looked so lovely against his white coat she nearly forgot how to breathe for a moment.

ooc: sorry for the mixup! i guess i got excited to respond lmao



04-15-2014, 05:02 PM

Upon his bark a lithe head would poke out of the hole in her den and his features would form in a ridiculously happy smile at her presence. Despite how much time had passed since he had been in the territory, the people he had met and all the things that had happened, despite it all that everything between them was fresh, like the day on the cliff when first he had laid sights on her had been but two days ago, that he panicked for her life at the tar pits but yesterday, he looked at the warm and brilliant smile upon her lips and felt like time stood still for them.

She would speak, her gentle voice humming from her throat in beautiful tones, and he could swear there was an underlining of teasing within them, for he would find himself blushing at her words. her den? his thoughts stuck on, before her muzzle would point towards the gift he held gently grasped between his lips. He would make room for her as she slipped out of her den, and her full presence stood before. If only she didn't so easily scramble his wits, he felt the fool before her. He would clear his throat before moving his head to lay the Sunflowers and Blue iris's before her. ?They are, I liked how they matched your eyes? He would admit, smiling impishly up at her as his tail took to swinging gently behind him. ?How do you feel about a stroll?? he implement now, wanting nothing more then to spend more time in her company.


Lyric I


4 Years
04-19-2014, 01:53 PM (This post was last modified: 04-19-2014, 01:54 PM by Lyric I.)
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He had picked them while thinking about her - not just getting something for her but they had reminded him of her, she blushed at his admittance, but her tail wagged somewhat rapidly at the thought. As much as she flustered the poor man, he made her just as excited - they were a couple of fools in love in a way, or rather, they made each other much too happy for words to completely convey. "Thank you - they're beautiful!" She would finally say, holding back a bit of laughter because there was so much that she wanted to tell him along with the thanks - but for now, it would have to do. Lyric didn't want to leave the sunflowers out in the sun while they went on a walk, and so she would nod - quickly agreeing to go on a stroll with him. Gently she would pick up the precious gift, meeting the ivory brute's eyes for a moment before slipping back into her den to gently place the flowers there.

The girl didn't know what to do with the flips her stomach was doing, but she figured that a walk would ebb at her nerves and relax her - or rather, being beside Alpine would do just that. Even if they didn't do anything at all he simply had that effect on her. Taking a deep breath, the eta would slink out of the den, a hole half in the ground and half peeking from the side of a small hill in the plains. "Are we staying in Valhalla? I might know a place or two to explore in the west if you want to go out a bit further." She wasn't sure whether Alpine had explored the entire pack yet - it felt like he had just gotten here, but it wouldn't be too hard to cover a bit of extra ground in his spare time. Wanting to start a bit of conversation she would continue, honestly curious about the question. "Have you met many others in Valhalla yet?" He had come here due to her explanation and perhaps even because of her - but she hoped that this place was home to him and that he loved it as much as she and her family did.



04-20-2014, 12:21 AM

His tail would give a content wag behind him as this girl would thank him for the gift. He still felt a little embarrassed, but she seemed completely happy at the idea that the flowers where for her. She would pick them up in her maw ever so gently, and meet him eye to eye. In that moment he would get a full view of the golden glow glistening in reflection ever so gently against her check, the yellow light a perfect contrast to the one in her orb and he would let out his breath at the sight of it. The moment would pass, for she would turn and slip back into her den and place the flowers somewhere inside.

She was exit the den again, minus the flowers, and he would grin at her form poking out of her den before she joined him again. ?Well, with the meeting being called the first day I entered the lands it was hard not to.? he said with a laugh, thinking of the good timing that had followed his acceptance into the land. ?Sure, if you know a good places to explore in the West I would be happy to follow? he agreed, content just to spend time with her.
