
Where Do I Belong? (joining)


03-27-2014, 08:01 PM

What could she do now? Where could she go? Her dreams were falling around her, and everything she had planned for was turning to dust. This was unacceptable. The female she had spoken to had said there was no need for healers like her in Ludicael. The positions had been filled. She was unwanted there. And now she was lost.

The white maiden wandered the eastern territories without cause. Her pretty face took on a twisted mask of confusion and grief. Her steps were heavy, and her paws ached from hours of meaningless walking. There was a crushing weight on her heart.

With a sigh, Adelaide lifted her blue gaze to the sky. It was a clear and promising day. Some part of her mind was trying to stay positive, apparently. She allowed a smile to cross her face, however briefly. This place really was quite lovely. It had a stark, empty beauty in it, the kind that captured your attention and held it there. The kind that could serve as a perfect distraction.

The wind had stirred up angrily in the last few minutes, pressing a small cluster of clouds across the heavens. The sun was blocked out, casting a lovely gothic shade on the land around her. The stark beauty was more pronounced now. She didn't even mind that her sunshine had been taken away. Adelaide's crystalline eyes moved across the landscape, taking in the dry hills that rolled into the distance. The grass was short and dull, but the sharp gusts of wind were beginning to toss the tiny blades around. The maiden felt her fur being tugged at by cold wintry fingers. Her smile grew. Now this was an atmosphere she could deal with. An atmosphere that suited her mood.

Before she could stop herself, the white female began sprinting across the open land. Her graceful legs carried her over the hills, only pausing when she reached the incline of a large slab of stone. Her pace slowed, bringing her to the edge of the massive rock. For a moment she held herself high, looking across the distant lands with a sense of pride. Her life was still ahead of her. Something was about to change. She could feel it.




8 Years
03-29-2014, 01:20 PM (This post was last modified: 04-03-2014, 12:53 PM by Maximous.)

The man had been on his way out of Ebony to find more herbs to hide under his tree when he saw the woman on one of the larger rocks in the garden. He knew she wasn't apart of Ebony, and he knew she shouldn't be there. His ears lay against his head as he approached her.

He knew he wouldn't attack her but she didn't know that. To most wolves he looked kind of evil, but to those who know him know better. Icy eyes grew cold and his ears perked back up. She was smaller than him but that meant nothing as he was a healer not a warrior.

"What are you doing on Ebony lands?" His deep voice rang out. Everything in the way he stood staring at her left out all emotion except for the small hint that she was where she didn't belong.

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)


03-30-2014, 06:19 PM

Adelaide smiled lightly, feeling her tension melt away as she stood atop the massive stone. Her ear had finally begun to heal, a fresh layer of tender skin covering the missing piece. She quickly pushed away all thoughts of her injured ear, however. Thinking of the rude female from Ludicael only made her angrier. Perhaps joining a pack wasn't her destiny after all.

As if on cue, a demanding masculine voice struck her ears. "What are you doing on Ebony lands?"

The white maiden flinched, whirling and stumbling away from the stranger. How had he snuck up on her like that? She gasped as her heels began to slip off the edge of the boulder. Some pebbles trickled down as she scrambled to stay on the stone, tearing her gaze away for a moment to be sure she was safe. As soon as she was standing again, she let out a sigh and looked at the male.

But her mind was still spinning, grasping for support like her slipping paws. "You... Eb-Ebony?" What did that mean? Ebony? She was on Ebony lands? Her voice cracked and her eyes began to flutter as she pulled her thoughts together. "This territory belongs to a pack?"

That was when the wind changed, finally revealing the strong scent of dominance that laced the area. Fear settled into her heart. How could she have been so foolish? "I am terribly sorry, sir. I didn't mean to trespass... I just..." she sighed miserably. What was happening to her life? "I don't know where I am, honestly. These lands are new to me. But you say there is a pack here? Ebony, was it?"

This was the change she'd been waiting for. Now all she needed to do was recognize it.




8 Years
04-01-2014, 07:33 AM (This post was last modified: 04-03-2014, 12:54 PM by Maximous.)

The man stood silently and watched her as she regained her balance on the rock. Normally he would have moved quickly to help her, but he did not know this woman so he forced himself to stay where he was. The wolves here already seemed to dislike him the last thing he needed was for them to be mad at him for that as well.

Even as he stood there watching her he debated upon leaving. With the way the wolves here acted toward him it would be better for Ebony and it's queen if he left. A sigh would escape her maw and Max's ears would perk upward.

She would stumble through her words as if she still thought he would launch himself at her. To her question of this land belonging to a pack he would nod. She began an apology and then with another sigh moved on to telling him she actually didn't even know where she was. "Yes Ebony owns this land, I am one of its Sola Knights. If your next question has anything to do with joining Ebony, your talking to the wrong wolf. For that you need to speak to my Queen or one of her high lords or ladies...I am simply a healer who is not very highly ranked."

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)



8 Years
04-01-2014, 07:51 AM
The man stood silently and watched her as she regained her balance on the rock. Normally he would have moved quickly to help her, but he did not know this woman so he forced himself to stay where he was. The wolves here already seemed to dislike him the last thing he needed was for them to be mad at him for that as well.

Even as he stood there watching her he debated upon leaving. With the way the wolves here acted toward him it would be better for Ebony and it's queen if he left. A sigh would escape her maw and Max's ears would perk upward.

She would stumble through her words as if she still thought he would launch himself at her. To her question of this land belonging to a pack he would nod. She began an apology and then with another sigh moved on to telling him she actually didn't even know where she was. "Yes Ebony owns this land, I am one of its Sola Knights. If your next question has anything to do with joining Ebony, your talking to the wrong wolf. For that you need to speak to my Queen or one of her high lords or ladies...I am simply a healer who is not very highly ranked."
My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)


04-01-2014, 08:48 AM

The strange male did not offer any assistance as the maiden regained her balance, but for this she was glad. She didn't know him, and while he didn't look like the aggressive type, it still made her feel more comfortable when he kept his distance. She let her crystalline blue gaze trail over his large body, slightly fascinated by the night sky that covered it. His pelt was remarkably dark, the kind of black that almost looked blue when hit by the light. He looked like a raven. Adelaide examined his sizable stature for a while, also reading his body language before deciding that she was safe. This male seemed to have no intentions of harming her.

Her tail twitched a bit with interest as his voice came again, distorted slightly by the wind. She stepped a little closer in order to make speaking easier. "Ebony really is a lovely name for a pack. You say you are a Sola Knight... is that what they call their healers around here?" Yes, Adelaide was genuinely interested now. Only a moment ago she was thinking that life in a pack wasn't meant for her. And maybe this was only partly true. Maybe she wasn't meant for life in that pack. Ludicael... she grimaced. But life in this pack could be different. It could be everything she had hoped for.

"I may be interested..." Her husky voice trailed away for a moment. "I would probably seek a rank like yours if I were to join. I'm a healer too. Is there any need for skills like mine in Ebony?"

The young female would not allow herself to go through what she'd gone through in Ludicael. She only had one good ear left. No more punishments from power-hungry warriors. She wanted a home. She wanted a family. But how could she know if that was the nature of this pack without speaking to one of its leaders?

"Your Queen, sir. What is her name? May I speak with her on this matter?" Hope was beginning to swell in the maiden's chest, but she suppressed it. At least for now.




8 Years
04-01-2014, 09:15 AM (This post was last modified: 04-03-2014, 12:56 PM by Maximous.)

Max would stand silently as the woman looked him over. When she stepped closer he did not move, he simply watched her and waited for a response to his previous words. She would compliment Ebony's name and then ask of sola knights. To her question he would give a small nod.

To her next question he would speak up once more. "As far as I know My queen and her high lords and ladies haven't turned away a healer yet. I am only one of two healers. Her next questions were about Lady Raisa. The ivory woman wished to know her name and wanted to speak with her on the mater. "Raisa Xanilov is my lady's name. And you may speak to whomever you choose. If you wish I will call her myself, but first I must ask you to place yourself on the correct side of the boarder."

He needed to get her back on the other side of the boarder before she spoke to Raisa. Calling the queen or even one of the high lords or ladies to speak with an intruder probably wasn't the best of ideas. The woman looked as though she had already been through hell once and from where he stood it looked as though her ear had taken the worst of it. He wasn't willing to put her there again.

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)


04-01-2014, 10:04 AM

The violent wind continued to push clouds across the sky above them. Things were looking darker by the second, but in Adelaide's mind the sun was finally beginning to resurface. Light was glowing inside her. This could be the change she was waiting for.

"Queen Raisa..." As Adelaide felt the name of the noble mistress on her tongue, something just felt right. She nodded as another slight smile began to form. Things really were looking up. "And what may I call you, sir?"

He said he was one of only two healers. The leader was not known to turn them away. Ebony could be the place where I truly belong, she thought. Why didn't I see this sooner? If she hadn't gone to that cursed Ludicael pack, she wouldn't have wounded her ear. Everything could have been avoided. But the past was in the past. She had to let it go now.

Adelaide stepped even closer to the dark male and gave him an open, friendly smile. "I think I started off on the wrong foot, she admitted. But hopefully I can change my life around here in Ebony. I would like to take up your offer and be allowed the opportunity to speak with Queen Raisa. Lead me where you must."

With that, the white maiden bowed her small head and gestured for the male to walk ahead of her. Her tail swayed behind her as they maneuvered around the large rocks. The stark beauty of the rock garden hovered behind them, making her want to stay in these territories even more. She finally felt like she was home.




8 Years
04-03-2014, 06:26 AM (This post was last modified: 04-03-2014, 12:58 PM by Maximous.)

He stood silently as the woman tested his queens name. She had pronounced it correctly and a smile formed upon her maw only moments before asking what it was she could call him. Though he still did not know what her name was he gave his with no fuss. "Maximous."

When she stepped closer to him he became more alert and his shoulder muscles twitched. Aside from that he did not move. As she smiled again he offered a small smile of his own. She spoke of getting off on the wrong foot and of taking him up on his offer to speak with lady Raisa. It wasn't until she told him to lead her where he must and then gestured for him to lead the way that he moved.

With that he moved to the boarder. As soon as he was sure she was on the correct side of the boarder Max lifted his nose to the sky and sent out a call for his queen, though if one of the high lords or ladies would arrive in her place it would not hurt his feelings any.

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)



04-03-2014, 12:03 PM

Raisa was due to give birth any day now, and for all he knew they could have very well arrived while he was on duty. Though, that was no excuse to slack. Vaughan would be sure to keep his activity and standards high, as he believes that it may influence the pack to do the same. His huge mass would pull away from the shadows, and be greeted with the dim light; and the gently breeze brushing against his ebony locks. Luckily for the woman, Vaughan had not seen her step into the border. He would lick his lips before venturing over, seeing Maximous close by. He didnt know much about this man, only that he had attended every meeting, and that vaughan has given him someone to mentor. He would need to have a conversation later, to know how that was going- was the girl happy with his choice? His focus would turn towards the woman, a smile forming upon thin lips. " The Queen is currently not available Ma'am, She's heavily pregnant and stuggles to walk. But i suppose ill have to do? Im vaughan, High lord of Ebony. Im assuming you seek entry, if so for what duty." He would give a warm chuckle, but the ebony man made sure to get straight to the point. Afterall, he was the one in power amongst them.

image by Luisiana


04-04-2014, 01:32 PM

Adelaide saw the dark male approach, and her steps were halted. She examined his white markings and regal figure as he came from the shadows, smiling slightly. Something about her liked this male already. His voice was kind as he addressed the maiden, explaining that Raisa was heavily pregnant and unable to speak to prospective members. She nodded with understanding as the picture in her mind began to shift. The beautiful silhouette that she had envisioned began to warp, its abdomen swelling with the blessings of new life. Then the picture changed once more, its belly returning to normal while a litter of adorable pups played nearby.

The white female grinned at the thought. The queen would give birth to heirs? How wonderful... Adelaide could only imagine the excitement the pack would be feeling as her pregnancy reached its peak. But now she continued to look friendly as she spoke. "Congratulations, I hadn't heard the news. I am happy for Queen Raisa." Then she lifted her head and acknowledged the real topic at hand.

"To answer your question, sir, I do seek entry. However, could you tell me a bit about your pack? I have already heard good things, but is there anything else you could provide for me?" She wanted to know all she could before dedicating herself to this new family.

"If you would allow me to join your ranks, I would wish to do so as a Sola Knight. I've been training as a healer all of my life, and I'm sure you will find my skills to be useful." Adelaide tipped her snowy crown to the High Lord of Ebony and waited for his response, hoping this time everything would work out.




8 Years
04-07-2014, 07:50 AM (This post was last modified: 04-07-2014, 09:06 AM by Maximous.)

Max couldn't believe that he had forgotten the queen was so close to her due date. Silently he chastised himself. He'd been so busy teaching the young Callisto that Lady Raisa's pregnancy hadn't been on his mind as offten as it had been before Lord Vaughan had assigned her teachings to him.

He still didn't know the alabaster fae's name but at the time he wasn't worried about it as he was sure he would see her again. He would wait only lone enough for her to answer the high lord before Max himself bowed and spoke. "I apologize Lord Vaughan, but I should be going. I was on my way out of the pack lands to find some of the more difficult herbs to find so I could continue young Callisto's training, when I ran into...our guest"

With then he would turn to leave and in doing so, he would have to walk by the black and white woman.

(OOC):Exit Max unless stopped

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)



04-10-2014, 09:01 AM

He would look upon her and he couldnt help but smile at her kindness, Vaughan would hold his self with pride; before speaking to her. He would watch as Maximous would leave, and would give a single nod in appreciation. " Were all happy about the news, its been a while since we've seen children in Ebony." He would think back to old ebony, feeling as though it was extremely long ago; and soon Vaughan could only hope to have children of his own. Though, he was quite content on being a guardian towards Raisa's " Our pack is a close knit family and we only strive for the best, Those who put in hard work will have a high chance of promotion, those who slack will risk Demotion." He didnt really have much more to say, Ebony was a thriving family and he could only hope that it'd be enough to show their success. " If you wish to be a Sola knight, Then that is what you shall be, we have plenty and it'll be good for some healthy competition... They all seem eager to become the Master." He would give a single nod before moving to the side so that she could set foot into Ebony lands. This would be her beginning.

image by Luisiana