
these scars remind me (joining)


03-27-2014, 12:53 PM

Whispers had followed her everywhere she went, sweet tantalizing things that had touched and taunted her the longer she listened. Since the war in the spring and helping her younger sister bury their nephew Zara had retreated within herself, Newt was gone, her children had vanished into thin air and now she was alone in her dark world. Massive paws nave seemed to still or cease their movement, shuffling endlessly across the lands as head hung low like a cane to feel for anything before her that was more then a few inches off the ground. Milky eyes stared straight ahead, only blinking when her orbs began to burn with the need for moisture. But open or closed the wold was always the same. That same smothering darkness. It was odd, she had known since she was a child that she was to go blind, it was in her genetics and her vision had never been the best but to one day have it and the next for it to slip from your grasp was rather devastating. She had never really completely recovered from it. And though she would have preferred to spend her final years living out her life in solitude in the redwood forest where she and newt had spent most of their life together she knew that would be a difficult task. She was blind and old age was starting to settle in after a hard life. She needed a pack. And maybe that was why she had subconsciously pulled herself closer and closer to a packs boarders. It smelt lush and fresh here, beautiful and desirable. A land any ruler would want and it was claimed, fancy that. There was no hesitation as head tipped back and a long low howl slithered from parted jowls requesting an audience with a pack member. She didn't care if they could accept or deny her yet, all she wanted to know was what this pack was that she had stumbled across.


Hermes I


03-29-2014, 12:10 PM

Hermes was reclining on his back in the lush summer grasses of the dancefloor while he still had the opportunity. No doubt when autumn and winter rolled around the scene would be very different indeed. His mind had been restless and filled with doubts as of late, both in his own abilities and also in those of their current leader Virgil. How did she plan to rule and raise the litter at the same time? Wouldn't it be better to turn the pack over to Natalya for awhile while she regained her strength? It was obvious to him how weak Olympus was right now. It consisted of but a smattering of family. Without recruitment and a strong leader to raise moral they could fall before they'd even begun to stand.

The athletic young man flipped on his belly and rose to his feet. Was there anything he could do? A sudden howl caught his attention. It was foreign too him and he knew it could either be a challenger or a potential member. Would one of his aunts or uncles or his cousin Virgil answer first? Would they even hear? Well what was stopping him? A warrior in training such as he should not give into fear so easily. After all when the leaves stained themselves in crimson and saffron shades like blood on the battlefield then he would be two years old. A man.

Hermes trotted off in the direction of the call and soon came upon a massive female, larger even than his brother Apollo. She bore a dark coat that was littered with scars. A warrior, excellent! He prayed she was seeking a pack to join and not one to take for Virgil was in poor shape to defend her throne with newborns to care for and milk to provide. He approached boldly, muscular limbs moving with confidence, tail held high before he dipped his head in greeting. "I am Hermes Olympus, Heir to the Olympus Clan whose lands you see before you. Who are you and what do you require of my prescence?"

talk, think


03-29-2014, 01:42 PM

Waiting... It was always her least favourite part of this whole process. Torn and frayed ears would swivel atop massive crown in an attempt to listen for anyone who might approach her after her howl both from outside and inside the packlands she had approached. She had experienced battles between packs before and know that it was possible that a rival pack member might chase her off if this pack had enemies. She was tired and did not wish to fight... To live out the rest of her days as a healer would be what she would wish for herself but she fully expected to die in battle one day. She knew what she looked like, could feel the tension of her scars whenever a breeze blew by even on the older healed over ones that had turned silver with age and trauma. She looked like a warrior and though she was not old she felt it, her 6 years of life having wighed heavily on the woman.

The sound of paw falls reached her long before the male's scent did or the sound of the air parting to make way for his form. She stood easily, head lowered as always and tail as low as possible though it was held at a right angle near the middle from a break that had never quite healed properly. He smelt young, strong but young. A yearling perhaps? Head lifted the smallest bit, maw turning to point directly at the male so milky white gaze would fixate on him as though she might actually be able to see. She head a rush of air marking a dip of the head and hers would incline slightly in return. Olympus Clan? His words were strong and sure but a frown would furrow the woman's brow. Who? She had never even heard of them before.

Who was she and what did she require? Head would lift further so it was held almost parallel with her spine, nose pointing slightly to her left so marred face would be directed at him, muscles pulled and contorted into a permanent grin that exposed a few teeth when she did not force lips to close. "Zara Sovari at your service dear Hermes. I have come to learn more about your pack. Could you tell me of your leader, ideals and pack in general? " She rumbled, voice scratchy and harsh to the ears. She had never had a lovely voice like some, born with a deeper gruffer voice that had only grown harsher as the years wore on.


Virgil I


4 Years
04-04-2014, 01:58 PM

She comes across Hermes doing as he is supposed to. Virgil smiles; her time spent with her children robs her of time to run her back, and she appreciates her cousin taking the initiative. ?Greetings, Tribune Hermes,? she affords, turning her gaze to the dark stranger. The scent of motherhood clings to Virgil?s pelt, milky and obvious to all. The Olympian heirs are born and safe, and she is contented, although heartbroken at having to have left Raisa far behind.
?Virgil Olympus, Empress of Olympus, matriarch of its ruling family, and descendent of the gods,? she describes. ?We are a pack run around a family, and although we have a ruling family, we are more than fair. When our numbers bolster, however, we will be more in the business of an empire,? she explains, lips quirking up into a promising smile.

Table by Lu - Image by Poison - Code for Ala Only
[Image: 2u8dyte.jpg]

Hermes I


04-05-2014, 08:36 AM (This post was last modified: 04-11-2014, 09:29 PM by Hermes I.)
ooc: edited to add Hermes exit. Sorry!

As Hermes looked her over it suddenly occurred to him that she was blind. One ear flicked back curiously but a soft smile spread across his face. In a small way she reminded him of his mother who was also blind but a fierce warrior and the one responsible for training him. The female introduced herself as Zara Sovari. Zara, a strong yet elegant name.

Hermes nodded as she asked more about the pack but before he could answer the Queen herself appeared. He smiled and dipped his head in greeting. "Empress Virgil, this is Zara Sovari. She wishes to know more of our pack. I'll let you take it from here Empress so I can get back to patrol." He stepped back slightly so that she could speak to their visitor directly before turning to head back on his route. He was confident in his Queens abilities and the stranger did not cause his stomach to tighten with unproven suspicions.


talk, think