
wherever i may roam



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-26-2014, 07:04 AM (This post was last modified: 03-26-2014, 07:07 AM by Epiphron.)
anyone in Ebony post please <3

Ebony. It was her new home -- though she was not entirely certain it would be a permanent one -- and she knew she ought to become acquainted with the wolves here. Epiphron Adravendi-Mathias had quickly been offered the spot of High Lady, alongside her husband, and she was unwilling to let Raisa believe she would not prove useful in that position. She knew she would be a useful adviser to her. Both she and Maverick were level-headed and strong, and would be honest but not rash with her if their opinions were requested.

The lands here were not too bad, either, though she still longed to return to her birthplace. It no longer existed; it had been obliterated along with everything else that surrounded it. A sigh escaped her lips as she tried to remember. Not typically one for nostalgia, but there was something about today that made her want to try to picture her mother's face. Life was simpler then, though their family was smaller; she missed Preston and even Neo, though she missed the child he had been, not the bitter man he had grown into. Paws slowly carried her across the earth, her gaze watching as morning made its presence known, the sun's rays spilling over the horizon in a cascade of orange and yellow and pink. It was an incredible, even for the steadfast woman; her expression betrayed her awe as she continued to walk, paws carrying her to nowhere in particular.


03-26-2014, 09:05 AM

Isi felt quite certain that this would be her home for a while yet. Of course she hadn't anticipated leaving Old Ebony, though now here in a far friendlier environment, the girl couldn't help but wander why she hadn't left the pack sooner. There were some people that she missed of course, though she wasn't sure she'd find her way back and in the event that she managed to, she wasn't sure that she would be welcomed back with open arms. New Ebony, this was all good.

Of course she had yet to meet the wolves of her new pack just yet, beyond what she had seen of some of them in the meeting. Now many of them were occupied in getting ready for the Tourney at the start of Autumn, something that she couldn't say she was all that excited for really. No it was the pups that had her attention, even if they weren't born yet. She knew many would probably be in line to see the litter once they arrived, being children of the Queen it was only to be expected really but she could wait her turn. They'd be more fun when they'd grown a bit and weren't so delicate anyway.

Wandering around that morning she soon came across a wolf she didn't know nor had she seen at the meeting. Altering her path slightly, Isi headed for this stranger soon realising that she was in fact a member of the pack, her scent suggested that anyway. "Hello. I'm Isi." She declared with a friendly smile as she neared the older and certainly far more mature female.

by azzy



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-28-2014, 07:19 AM (This post was last modified: 03-28-2014, 07:19 AM by Epiphron.)

Her attention was taken captive by the brilliant sunrise. Epiphron had always been an appreciator of beauty, and a scene so flawless begged to be listened to. The morning would reflect its color into her blue eyes. It was only when she was spoken to that she slipped back into reality -- painfully aware of how vacant her gaze might've appeared, though it was anything but empty.

Slowly she turned to face the woman that had spoken to her. Her movements were graceful and fluid, despite her surprise at the stranger's sudden presence. Her head dipped to the earth in a meager greeting, before her nose analyzed the woman's scent. She was a pack member, not an intruder, though she had yet to speak to her. "Good morning, Isi," she greeted her with the faintest ghost of a smile. "I'm Epiphron Adravendi-Mathias. High Lady." It was strange to introduce herself to members that had likely been in Ebony longer than her, and probably lower ranked, too -- but Raisa had recognized royalty and experience, and had ranked her and her husband accordingly. She was deeply grateful. "What brings you awake at such an hour?" Most wolves were likely still sleeping, perhaps even slowly being roused awake, but many were not about when dawn slowly turned to day.


03-28-2014, 01:08 PM

Isi wasn't typically one to spend time admiring beauty. Sure the thoughts would cross her mind, she wasn't ignorant to the wonders of the world, her mind just typically couldn't focus upon the topic for too long, a rather short attention span it wasn't difficult for something else to grip her thoughts. Right now that something was Epiphron and wolves thankfully could hold her attention for a little longer. Well, it was thankful in some cases perhaps simply annoying in others.

"Good morning, Isi, I'm Epiphron Adravendi-Mathias. High Lady. What brings you awake at such an hour?" Isi wasn't typically one for formalities, evident primarily in the short introduction, seeming rather pitiful in comparison to Ephiphron's rather long name. Some might redeem themselves, point out that Isi was short for Isidora but not this girl. "High lady huh? Cool. I'm a Commoner. I've not really met many members of the pack properly yet. I saw them at that meeting, you weren't there though were you?" It didn't bother her at all that Epiphron was of a higher rank than her, Isi wasn't really particularly ambitious after all.

"I don't know, just woke up and thought I might as well get up." Isi said with a slight shrug. She hadn't really thought about it, had just acted and now here she was talking to Epiphron. And then it suddenly occurred to her that maybe the other woman was up for a reason. "Did you get up for a reason then? Are you busy right now?"

by azzy



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-19-2014, 09:14 AM

This girl seemed rather bubbly -- much more outwardly enthusiastic than herself. Epiphron had trained herself to be composed and regal at all times. She was not a queen any longer, but she still had an air of royalty about her that she would never shake. Still, she found herself drawn to the girl's open nature, finding her quite genuine regardless.

Isi said she was simply a commoner, and Epiphron smiled. No harm in that, she figured. Truthfully, staying out of politics and titles often made life much more enjoyable. "I wasn't there," she told her, her tail curling around her and settling near her front paws. "My husband and I are new here, as well." She knew it was important that they begin to branch out, and meet new wolves; but admittedly, it was a big change for them to be in a new pack, and she was not yet fully accustomed to being here.

"No, I'm not busy," she said with a gentle laugh. "Sometimes it's nice to be up before most. Easier to think then, I suppose." She paused for a moment, letting her gaze fall to the horizon. The colors that appeared as the sun rose slowly bled across the sky, slowly shifting to a clear blue as the world became more illuminated.
"Do you have family, Isi?" Her question was gentle, but sudden, as her mind strayed.