
all hail the king!


10-26-2014, 01:56 PM
ooc;; strong language is a given with this gal

Precious babe would move slowly though the pack lands, shoulders rolling in an oddly feline manner as massive teal and green tail trailed behind her. She had shown up to the pack claiming, had met the massive slate blue male who had called them together and had listened to his proposition without agreeing to anything. She had followed him when he had lead this new little pack to their new home lands. She had taken a bit scoping out the lands before she would move to seek out the newly crowned king. Tiny she demon would slither and slip through the knolls before use would come to a bit of a hill. Head tipped back and languid howl would slip from her lips, calling for the king. Would he greet her an audience? Would he care that she was being a crazy stalker bitch and making her way through his lands without permission? Guess all she could do was find out...

"Talk here."



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
10-26-2014, 06:12 PM

A call rang out for the alpha's presence and for a moment Valentine almost ignored it until he remembered that he was the ruler in question. A wide grin tugged at his lips. His first summons. It made him giddy just thinking about it. Was he being silly? Yeah. Did he care? Hell no he was a fucking ALPHA!

With a spring in his step, the brute set off to meet the caller. The voice was vaguely familiar; he was fairly certain it belonged to the green she-wolf. How could he possibly forget her when she stood out like a freaking sore toe?

His guess was right. The little fae was waiting for him. Valentine stopped before her, his massive crown tilted down to meet her crimson gaze. His browspots lifted in a question. "You called?" He was half tempted to crack a joke, maybe ask her how he could grow his fur like hers, but decided against it at the last second. His first official act as alpha should be serious business, right?

"Speaking" -- "Thinking"

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


10-26-2014, 07:19 PM
She was not left waiting waiting long before his scent would drift towards her and the massive brute would appear in the distance. She would stand easily on her little hill top as she watched him make his way towards her. He looked excited and slowly her tail would begin to twitch, a smile spreading across her inky lips as ruby red gaze watched him. Soon enough he was standing before her and she almost had to break her neck too look up at him from her position. Well obviously that wasn't going to work. He asked if she had summoned him and she would grin, flopping back onto her haunches and curling her tail around her hips to use it to balance more. Slowly she would continue to lean back, forepaws scooting back until she was on her toes and then from there her forepaws would lift and she would balance precariously on her haunches in a begging position. But it brought her further away from him and a bit higher up so she wasn't getting a crink in her neck looking up at him. "Yes good king, I appreciate your haste. I'd like to talk about these specialty ranks you mentioned??" Words were a languid purr, eyes narrowing as if the idea of these ranks were so enticing she just couldn't handle it. But already her mind was onto different things, for the first time studying him and taking note of the odd markings that adorned his face. "These are soooo pretty!!" She would murmur, a strange sense of wonder crossing over her features are one forepaw would unfurl from where she had folded it into her chest and reaching forward to attempt to touch his cheek with the pad of her paw.

"Talk here."



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
10-27-2014, 07:59 PM

His question was met with a grin and a weird sitting/scooting/shuffling thing that ended with the little fae sitting up on her back legs like a groundhog. It added an all new level of odd to the creature. Valentine tried not to stare at her like horns had just sprouted out of the top of her green shaggy head. "...about these specialty ranks you mentioned..." Ah, yes. Really, he shouldn't be surprised that one so special would want a special rank.

Before he could reply she spoke again, cooing over the marks on his face. One sooty ear tipped back, the opposing brow lifting in a wordless question. In the end he decided to take a chance. She was odd, there was no doubt in his mind, but perhaps she had a skill to make up for her peculiarities?

Keeping his gaze locked on hers, Valentine leaned down slowly until her paw grazed his cheek. His voice soft, he rumbled, "Tell me, are you as skilled in your...calling as you are unique?"

"Speaking" -- "Thinking"

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


10-27-2014, 09:21 PM

He seemed a little weirded out by her, but honestly who wasn't. She was green for god sakes and she didn't help by acting all creepy, though Nova always told her that it was part of her charm. Yeah whatever. This male, Valentine, seemed to be content to take it thought, even leaning forward to let her paw pad brush his cheek just before his eye dots. How perfect would it be to have those... Oh maybe she could have Mr.Red draw them on her face! Ideas... His voice would break her from her thoughts as she stared at the paw pressed to his cheek. Slowly it would withdraw and head would tip curiously. Massive ears would swivel and cone towards him as a sly smirk slithered across her lips. Something dark flashed across her eyes. "Depends... What needs to get done dear king? I do a great many things and yet am master of none..." A languid sigh as she plopped herself back down on her paws so she was sitting before lifting herself and shaking out her vibrant coat. Head would tip as if considering him, red eyes blinking before jaw would unhinge as if you speak again. "I am a healer of sorts though I specialize in poisons. I can fight though I can't say I fight fair. I am fast so I can hunt. But my passion lies with slaves. The whole concept interest me you see. Tell me dear king, do you need one to collect and tend to slaves for you?" Brow would quirk as she turned her attention back to him. Novaro had been the first she had met that had put up with her oddities, accepted her for what she was. She knew not to drop the whole 'I eat wolves' bomb on the first date. But maybe he would be cool with it... As long as she didn't eat him or pack members.


Table by Namaste



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
10-29-2014, 05:30 PM

Ah, so she was a jack of all trades, then? How perfect. Currently there were no slaves to manage, but that would change soon enough. The way she worded her reply stood out to him. Specialize in poisons, can fight...passion lies with slaves. Why 'passion'? Was she like him, did she find enjoyment in the dependency of others? Did the possession of another fill a dark craving, a need to be in control? Perhaps.

Regardless, he could use someone with a passion. She was odd, but Valentine was willing to tolerate her eccentricity so long as she was useful and able to provide him with the means to overlook her shortcomings. What he got in return had to outweigh what the negative. ?As a matter of fact I do. But should I need the quiet skills of a poisoner or a honorless fighter, I trust you would be able to discreetly rise beyond your title?? His statement ended with the slight upward curl of a question. Pack knowledge would be that she was the keeper of the slaves. What she did beyond that would be off the record and for his knowledge only.

"Speaking" -- "Thinking"

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


11-02-2014, 08:19 PM

Her brow would raise, curious as she allowed massive ears to curl and turn towards Valentine as he spoke. He needed someone of specific skills? He would carry on, telling her that he would give her a title she so desired but asking if she could lend her other abilities if needed. Grin would fade into a sly smirk, eyes narrowing dangerously as her ears folded back and tail twitched at her ankles. Could her be discreet? She had never been one for sliding along in the shadows and yet? The idea of it made her heart race. ?If you call my king you can count on me to answer.? She would tip her skull to the side slightly and nod, movements easy and slow. Could she do this? Of course! Could she do it without causing a scene? Well that would have to be decided on later on there would be no doubt about that. But this was the first pack she had come to that seemed willing to utilize her skills and in that sense she appreciated it. ?I will not waste your time further good king. I wish to return to Mr.Red, I shall start collecting herbs immediately and start a search for members and slaves tomorrow. Do you have any other orders?? She would ask languidly, words rolling off her tongue with practiced ease.


Table by Namaste



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
11-06-2014, 10:11 PM

Her words pleased him. He needed someone he could rely on. Of course, before he placed too much trust in her, the little green nymph would have to prove herself; something he wouldn't mention as it was a thing that was understood. At least, he hoped it was understood.

"Your title will be that of Dominus. As the Dominus, the slaves will be yours to manage," 'Manage' was the keyword here. Dione was the manager in their little workforce and Valentine, the owner. "Collect and train, although I reserve the right to do what I see fit with them. You may test potential members and claim by force as you see fit, but it will ultimately be my decision who becomes full fledged members of Imperium." His ears flicked in thought, sifting through the hierarchy he was constructing for the exact placement of his new Dominus.

As their meeting came to an end, Valentine backed up a couple of steps in preparation to leave. "Do you have any other orders?" How about that test? If her passion was in slaves then she should have no trouble finding him some, would she? "I would very much like to add a healer to our ranks," he rumbled, "The sooner the better." It wasn't an order per se, more like a suggestion.

-exit Valentine unless stopped-

"Speaking" -- "Thinking"

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.