
Adoption: Amelia


03-09-2024, 02:20 PM
Rules for adoption:
-you MUST be active
-betraying or severely hurting Alaric is not in their plot or her character.
-Be willing to have future litters with Alaric.
-should you go inactive or lose interest, you will give her back to me.

Amelia is Alaric's first and only love. They will be in a serious monogamous relationship. This relationship is filled with character growth on both ends. Alaric will grow to hate the world less, let his guards down, and heal from trauma in his past. Amelia will grow a better backbone, learn to speak up for herself, and take her fate into her own hands.

Amelia will start off as a impatient, stubborn, woman who has trouble making hard decisions, sticking up for herself, and is a people pleaser. She believes her life revolves around helping others and healing. She is very optimistic and even naive in how the world works. Her skills will be fighting and healing. The rest is up to you and we can work out plots to go in the direction you want to go. You can add character traits as long as they are not contradictory or too out of character.

Alaric will be helping train Amelia in fighting, so expect a of skills together. He wants her to be a strong queen in her own right.

Her design is below.


Full out form:
OOC name:
Reason for adoption:
Roleplay example:
Personality edits, if any: